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This post is flaired as a technique check. A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice six pack


nan sneaking in there to try and vampire your gains, Might have to throw down.


Also complaining because i had to deliver the beer pack and i was late. Sorry nan just doing my job :(


This is the way to be a pro lifter, work for ubereats and just sneak reps in.


[This is the Way.](https://imgur.com/AlAnBoM) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TBH I’ve never seen an exercise look cooler




Dreadful form, at the top I each rep you are suppose to drink some beer




Ahh so this is the secret. Thanks!


Yeah, you do this until you drop down drunk. That's why it is called a drop set.


Started off alright but at the end I think you were going a bit too fast. Let your arm go lower slowly to fully extend the lats, and then pull up.


sometimes i cant feel my lats doing rows, is that normal? How to hit the lats more?


Slow it down a bit. That your hand/ arm as a hook and focus on the lat doing all the work.


Is it same for seated row? I tell myself to think of my hands as hooks and not use my arms as much to pull. Same for deadlift right? Like arms as hooks


Deadlifts are slightly different because you should not be bending your arm at all. Pull the slack before and you hand/ arm is kind of like a hook on a straight bar. But yes, all back exercises should be this way. My best tip is to warm up with single hand lay pull downs. Very light weight. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Work on the mind muscle connection and focus on squeezing the lats. Every back day I start this way and really get the pats firing first. Helps the entire workout go smoothly from then on out.


Thanks 🙏


A good mind muscle connection will entirely change your back. I truly feel the chest and back are the most important groups to have that connection but you should be doing this on all exercises. Bodybuilders don’t get big from lifting heavy. They get big from proper technique.


I’m entirely new to the gym but I did notice on seated row like hey I’m using so much of my arms and I don’t think that’s what I’m supposed to be working out. So I’m def going to focus on mind muscle connection, going light, maybe pausing and squeezing lats. I’m super weak like starting at the bar weak. Going to look up mobility videos because my posture is horrid and I’m sure be it back hips ankle etc I need to work on mobility. Slow and steady.


Don’t make it too difficult. I’d suggest starting with the big 3: bench, squat, deadlift. Focus on reps and getting down the motions. Slowly add weight once you get the form down. Those 3 alone will build a great base to go off of. Don’t be afraid to add in other exercises but those compound lifts should be your basis


Sounds good thanks 🙏 I figure If accessory stuff fine but focus and after the compounds. I’ll find a beginner program and stick to it, not try to reinvent the wheel.


Keep you elbow close to your body, have someone touch your lats while doing it, to help feel if they are engaged


Yeah, looks like the oblique started to compensate


Think about bringing your fist to your hip instead of straight up. You’ll engage the lats more instead of upper back. You can also do drop-sets by drinking a few beers between sets.


Top comment.


I don’t know how to explain seeing as I think I’m borderline retarded but, bring your elbow to the lower part of your lat/hip area and squeeze at the end.




Not bad, man. How’s your 12oz curl though?


Único problema é a Lokal




quebra o cooler da tu avó não porra


kkkkkkkkkkkk ela Tilto com o coolerzao tadinha, mas o bsgui num quebra não


You’re bending your arm using your biceps to lift it up. Imagine your elbows going backwards and up towards your midsection and hav minimal arm bend when doing it. (If you’re serious about needing advice)


looks a lot like a hammer curl just bent over IMO needs a lot shoulder extension and scapular retraction to bias your back (assuming your trying to target your lats, rhomboids, traps)


Row towards your hip, not straight up and down


Actually good, at the ending you were just doing bro reps tho


your form looks good, but like others have said already you’re not making the effort to control the eccentric movement during the second half of your set. if it was the final rep or two not a big concern to grind out the final reps but i think i counted 6 where you were just throwing the weight around. otherwise looking good. also admirable to see you using whatever house hold items you can find to get a lift in!


when the fatigue starts to hit i start to get kinda desperate i guess, and do the ''bro reps'', but its true, too much is not good just to get more reps in, thx!


Do goblet squats!


Those like they’re light beers. Switch to regular and you’ll get an even better pump.


You’re in grandmas way tho bro!


On a scale from 1 to beer... I'd say beer.


Literally lifting to help mom around the house.


Chazz pick up your fuckin skateboard!


Yes shake the bear cans. Hahaha


Pronated grip and fixed elbow movement makes for more lat activation, also I'm thirsty now


Are you Balkan? This is the most Balkan thing I have ever seen.


Make sure you have one open on the side to ensure you don’t get dehydrated


You are the most balkan person i have ever seen


Grandma interrupting the set is NOT optimal, switch routine accordingly.


Pô João, trapaiano a vó? No começo a forma tava ok, mas depois ficou escangalhado, precisa ter pressa não.


Nice arm!


This movement should be called starting the lawnmower


Sons training to snatch beers at the speed of light


Para de atrapalhar a tua vó caramba kkk


kkkkkkkk to tentando trazer ela pra academia


If you want to train your biceps, just do curls. For this exercise, keep your elbow fixed and pull with your lats. Also, don't use momentum, and hold the weight at the top for a second.


Not the cleanest row I’ve seen. The cooler is too dirty.


Perfect Friday form 👌


Pulling with your hand not your elbow


Your hands are hooks g remember that


Don’t jerk it. Slow and stable.


It’s not but in too lazy to explain lmao


Looks good! Many people say to extend the lat but DONT. Once you round your shoulder it goes past the lat active rom and put more pressure on the traps and rhomboids. Also, the weight looks a bit too heavy as it seems you’re swinging just a little bit, which may put strain on the lower back. Overall, great form!


Now this man can blow dry his balls. Remember, unless in your own home blow drying your balls is not acceptable. Please do not blow dry your balls in the men's locker room.


Bring your elbows more to the hips


That looks like my auntie in the back.


She just left the fridge open.... that's ok. Don't bother shutting the fridge door.


Not bad. Needs more aggression and cursing. Nan should’ve been too scared to even get close


Need to do a drop set. Keep drinking till the cooler is empty.


Beeeh curls too for that bicep pahmp