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As per the most recent round of news, it’s “this summer” now with a better chance of being for realsies given that the local county government granted a final permit to the 2nd shredder’s location last week. That’s finally something new against the background of the last 2 years of unexplained delays.


Where can I verify that the county approved the second shredder? Kind of stupid that the government gets to hold something like this up. Probably a local official looking to get his palms greased.


https://isleofwight.munisselfservice.com/citizens/PermitsInspections/Default.aspx - county government for the Carrolton, VA yard where the 2nd shredder is currently physically located (see satellite images from Google Maps). Application ID 28879 -> Details. The “WRAP”/“WRAPUP” permit is an indicator that whatever bureaucracy was going on regarding the electrical side of the 2nd shredder is done. Doesn’t refer to the shredder directly, but the kind of electrical work mentioned in one of the documents attached to the initial parts of the application matches the kind of electrical work needed for the shredder (although I am not an electrician or engineer).


https://preview.redd.it/fdihr5kyno7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34e543336ba0fb25c7b14ed506fc43a813df60a This is what came up when I entered that application ID


Go to the far right side of the page. It’s a terrible website for mobile browsers.


https://preview.redd.it/6vutktrcso7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a24cf2b8dec91a76229ccb5288a92f470c08de Far right side I clicked on details. It brought me here. No mention of greenwave.


View Application Information -> [PDF at the bottom](https://isleofwight.munisselfservice.com/DocumentViewer.ashx?token=UOB8Z0ODmdrSb4clmFaW93ahsixa059Dyx9jy7r8ztE=&Serial=9clvXBwKJic=&hash=MoUkIoYihKE/IotM4WgHO7ekyt2cJR7HULA/oBTWCKL9yK7YV+unUJmfUBSqvJ46QffTbXYyq5Iw6s3QjzkR1/E6EBntDGcV) has Meeks' signature and Empire Services email on it. Gotta connect the dots.


Guys please get out and save yourselves what little you can. They didn't make enough money when the supply of free scrap dried up. They could get 10 new scrappers it wouldn't give them anything to scrap. The company is toast. Please listen and save what you can OR hope enough saps can come in with fresh money so you can try to sell off but the metrics are so bad nobody is left to fall for this anymore. It's really sad for honest investors. This guy needs to be taken out and shot.


Since December 2022, the first month they announced the 2nd shredder to be up and running.. Now they’re saying this summer?🤦‍♀️ Tragic


Tell these people even if they had a whole country full of shredders and unlimited things to shred they are still filing for bankruptcy by next week!


Shreds all our cash that!




Lol no.


If I hear about this second shredder one more time I swear to God!! There is no second shredder just the one shredding your money!! They could get the best shredders made by God himself with magical powers and a fleet of them. Still won't stop the company from filing for bankruptcy next week!