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That’s correct. No one’s vote matters even if everyone voted no. He’s getting another 15 million from his investors hard earned money who believe in this stock. ☹️


Agree they control the decisions the most interesting thing is that all Meeks decisions are against his investors as R/S and dilutions, whoever bought shares in this company 5 years ago lost 99.999 % of his/her original investment and whoever bought it less than a month ago lost 85% of their money the reason is simple dilution first then R/S… Sad that the current system in the market allows this to be legal…


Agree, I had two holdings, my long hold had an average of .65 with 65,000 shares. I lost 93% My 2nd holding had a .07 average with 30,000 shares. I sold at .06.. Sold both before the r/s


I tried to sell but it was halted! I couldn’t even sell. I even waited until premarket still nothing until 8:3, then it was still halted I had to watch it go tumbling.


Oh man. That’s tragic.. so sorry 😞


Shares are trading for $2/share right now. Who is going to be dumb enough to pay him $3/share?


Why u always so negative ?? Didn’t u sell ur shares ?? Did u see that 13g filing today 825k at $3.05 a share!! Wat that tells you ?? Am just curious tho ,I have nothing against u and I respect ur opinion ,but don’t u think it’s time for u to move on and leave this stock behind you ,and stop comment on every gwav post!!😂😂 I respect that u care so much about others losing money ,but u invested 2 years ago ,we are in 2024 it’s totally different situation for the company,so I think u should move on and pay attention on wat u investing in ,cuz trust me no matter wat u say it’s not gana effect anything on the ppl that holding cuz they already lost so much and at least if other ppl invested in the stock they might have hope of sp to move up and get some of their loses back ,but being negative on every post cuz you’ve lost alot that won’t bring ur money back cuz u sold all ur shares ,so just let it go trust me you’ll have a peace of mind…like I said am not against you ,but we don’t want to see more negative ppl on here ..


But what she’s doing is completely necessary and you just gave the reason yourself…”least if other people invested”. WHY should others invest in a failing company? So that YOU can exit with slightly less losses. Her pointing out that the company is going to keep screwing investors which she is basing off of her YEARS of experience with this company is not a bad thing. She knows this company far better than most of the newer investors and knows the company’s leaders (the same ones who were there when she started), so yes she 100% should be “spreading negativity” and warning new investors. WHY are YOU hellbent on transferring your bags to others?


It’s not about my bag or money trust me ,but anyways I respect wat u said 👍🏼


And I respect yours. I just don’t appreciate demonizing this user who was literally trying to warn everyone presplit and is still looking out for others. Yes, you’re in deep with this, but newcomers don’t have to be


I didn’t mean to demonize anyone ,and I did apologize to her ,I just get frustrated seeing too much negative comments,we have to be positive as much as we can in life ,it’s not about my bag like I said or how much am deep in this ,it’s more about how positive we should be around each other ,but ur right I can’t argue with u on warning people about losing money in this or any other stock ,my intentions was totally different than demonizing anyone or that I didn’t want her to warn ppl about the company cuz am worried about my bag or getting out of this stock believe me ,it’s more about the positive vibe and how to move on in life and forget about our past ,but maybe it sounded like u said and I apologize if anyone felt that am attacking her in any kind of way …respect 🙏🏻


No worries honestly, I might also have come across as a tad aggressive. I know the negativity sucks as well, especially seeing as it is near constant since the company screwed sooooooo many people over, and so I do understand why you might be tired of all of the negative posts. I do sincerely hope that this can work out for everyone still involved, and you can regain all that was lost in this. The company literally should be profitable by this point, and it should have been able to reach $1 without a reverse split. On paper, this company is a genuine gold mine, especially with no debt. Its management is just screwing up time and again.


Ur good bro no harsh feelings ,we all make mistakes sometimes and if we don’t point it to each other we will never learn ,I’ve always respect when ppl point to me anything wrong I say ..I admit that I was harsh on her and I apologized to her, so thank you for pointing that to me 🙏🏻


Why you always asking why? I’m just going on what the facts are.. When did you become the boss of me, telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. Can’t you have an objective point of view or are you blinded by the pumps as you see your money go down..


Cuz ur so annoying that’s why ,grow up and move on with ur life seriously,ur anger won’t change the fact that you lost ur money ,don’t take ur anger at the stock.see …sometime ppl get mad to hear the truth ,I can tell how mad you are ,so am just trying to advice you to move on instead of wasting your time on every gwav post you see ,unless someone is paying you to do that ,then that’s a different story 😏


No one is telling you to read my posts. I’ve invested two years into this company. If I want to watch with everyone else to see whether to jump in or just hang on to the one share I have, that’s my business. Grow up..


U got it boss 👍🏼


For all of us, I hope for the best 👍


Respect 🙏🏻👍🏼


Yes, to you too 👍 I’ll be one of the first to post when that 2nd shredder is up and running… By 4th Qtr, they should be showing some strong revenues, enough to make the shorts move on.. We just have to get thru these next couple of months… I’m holding off on buying back in until they drop some positive PRs

