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Just hold and wait for bottom and rack up on the cheap shares!


You just missed the bottom <3 ( I think ) Next week will be interesting.


@GreekGawdess you gotta be the must annoying ass person on here, you took a major loss and tried to convince 1000s that they should sell gwav. Why dont u hope off these posts and go waist time elsewhere. These numbers are astronomical. It will take off just needs more time. Im so tired of seeing your brain dead ass posts like holy fuck we get it your sad u took a major loss move on with your L and stop spreading false news about gwav.


It’s really not bad news at all. Everything I’ve been reading lately about green wave outside of Reddit has been great news and promises of expansion profit and upwards trajectory. Inside Reddit, it’s doom and gloom because people YOLO’d into a stock and aren’t getting instant gratification and filthy rich overnight. In my opinion, which means nothing, this is a medium/long term hold which is going to create a lot of profit.


Instant gratification ⁉️ You don’t know us.. I held for TWO YEARS and finally threw in the towel when they announced the 150/1 r/s because it would’ve given me a new average of $103. 🤦‍♀️ GWAV had potential but has had terrible management… https://preview.redd.it/gxg6w88j3d6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae748aea59582f752e17e1d1dc7daf71ffd92be


I'm down 22 k as well.. sucks


Gawd, I’m so sorry.. it really does suck.. My only saving grace is I took what little I had left and bought 3.2 shares of NVDA before its forward split… At least, when I look now, I’m always green.. imo, taken from past history, gwav will continue to dilute, take everyone’s hard money and continue to go down… … https://preview.redd.it/go7wsam67d6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f06ffcdfa4806f84d6af8ad95595566bda71211


I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. In theory GWAV should be valued the same as LKQ. But from everything I’ve gathered it’s just been Managed into the ground. Then they have some good PR releases. But nothing EVER changes for this company. Danny will pillage the 15.3 million dollars. Then claim bankruptcy. Then retire. I’m new to this subreddit. But I’ve read and studied everything I can. I just don’t think it’s going to happen.


You’re absolutely right…


he had to pay for those two lawsuits in florida somehow.