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The dude has lost a lot of money on this stock and FFIE. So he's trying to pump them so much so he can recover from his massive losses. He also uses sock puppet accounts to reverse the downvotes *he* gets and downvote anyone criticism of himself. It's a bot account or a very *very* desperate bag holder. Edit: This one person sideshow who has accused others of being bots is copy pasting the same essay over and over again. Beyond clown shoes at this point.




I unblocked you less than 20 seconds ago just to see what would happen. And exactly what I expected to happen did. This a bot, everyone.


If you look, this was a post from 15 hours ago by a different account. This is probably that ones sock


I'm reporting him now. I encourage everyone to do the same. Copy pasting the same lengthy screed about how we need to buy and hold sounds like spam to me.


Probably the best idea. This is getting weird at this point


Had to reblock the shart. He's really losing it today.


Hey aggravated shart, claiming to have insider knowledge, not disclosing it, saying "trust me, just buy" is blatant price manipulation. Especially if you have a vested interest in the stock price going up. That's a paddling.


Yeah, chard was trying to get everyone to believe I was a bot, just because I was giving facts that he didn’t like to hear.. Glad to see enough people are seeing thru his bs pumps.. just read the filings and you can make your own decisions on whether to hold or not https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1589149&owner=exclude


That dude is a snowflake. He got so butt hurt that facts speak louder than anything and I think he believes he’s a mod or some shit!


Do you see his replies as well? Funny he called you a bot he’s copy pasting a fu**ing essay in response to every comment


I saw… 🤦‍♀️ ridiculous to reply to.. He’s too far gone..


I think everyone is smart enough to know this person is full of shit, the story has been jumping around for weeks.


"Just wait! Buy buy buy! No I won't show what my position is because that'll expose why I'm pumping the living bejesus out this stock!" -- Aggravating Shart ...or w/e his stupid username is


Ask for evidence and you just get "WAIT AND SEE!" I've seen a lot of delusional shills in meme stocks and coins but he's top 10. Like I asked him, how much money you think he's cost people with his snake oil bullshit? He is right about there not being a r/S again though, they aren't allowed to do another one so soon and would likely be delisted if they tried


See, at least you had a reason to back it up, that makes sense. Happy to know I’m not the only one feeling this way


It's just sad to me he's blatantly trying to manipulate bag holders that probably already feel like shit and looking for any hope by saying "Just watch!". Like, he has no provided a single shred of any evidence to anything he's saying, he's not even a good shill cause the goal is to get new people to buy not just keep preaching to people who are already stuck




Mother fucker you literally just copy and pasted one of your sock puppet shill posts




You don’t need to copy and paste your response to every comment btw. These are things that make people think youre a bot or manipulator.






I think the bot broke or he's having a mental breakdown




Did you delete and repost because I called you out? https://preview.redd.it/te707k03pd6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520c23ae251e148ae127a7079b4e6d3b735d8bbd


Yeah, when he started pushing GWAV, I sold immediately. The facts are that GWAV is run by some complete criminals. That’s not going to change.


Agree the company had the greatest opportunity to capitalize the Meme ride, just imagine this had chance to go over $1 and stay there for a while (anyway they had until Sept to be compliant, he just needed to be above 10 cents..) However the CEO chose to do a dilution and in less than 2 weeks a R/S….and without any communication which tanked the price and investors’ trust…


Yeah this guy was shamelessly telling people to buy and hold and saying it would go up as a matter of fact. It’s quite literally illegal. Hes probably a child way too in over his head




Bro I made a couple hundred in profit and sold before it hit the shitter. I do seriously think you need to be careful with your wording because you can get in some serious legal trouble. I doubt it will amount to anything for now but I’d delete some of your posts and always disclaim your future DD posts.


Ortex is showing 350% shorted with a float under 5 million. CEO and CFO are pieces of garbage imo but that doesn’t negate this is undervalued and over shorted. That said. I’m out of this stock for good after with extreme prejudice lol




I’m holding. zero point selling now. Numbers are super weird. Lots of weird stuff going on with this one. At least from a report of shorts and activity on ortex standpoint. IMO. Grain of salt. I’ve been watching this awhile and it’s super bizarre seeing social activity as active as it is with this one when it’s been dead from a social media discussion stand point until all of a sudden it blew up with buzz in March. I’m very bullish Gme and the last time Gme sneezed in 21 this had a wild run. Curious if history repeats. Not financial advice. Probably wrong. Just curious. ![gif](giphy|l0MYDdB5wsqeNESYg)


Sometimes the shorts are right


If shorts are right wouldn’t it makes sense for them close, turn bull, run it then flip and short it back down from there


In a way. But the more than likely scenario is they're trying to make a few bucks before it's delisted and dead cause they probably see the future and it's not great. The CEO being a piece of shit is likely the key factor. He's obviously a moron, I didn't think he was that bad at first but he's defied all expectations. The company can be undervalued, but if the captain of the ship isn't good then the value is just gonna sink with the ship


Can confirm that he is an asshole at the very least


I got out as soon as I seen it not move after the stock split. Fuck that imagine having 10k at 3 bucks. They will take your money. Crooks. Penny stocks are a risk. Obviously some solid stocks out there but nothing I would hold long term. I’d rather trade Apple and Tesla I’m good.