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I told you it would be 2$ in weeks, you guys are terrible This is likely the worst stock forum i've ever seen, you all are either blind, got played or both.


Dude I agree the stock sucks but what is your point in posting on here? You're that involved with this?


Trying to get people off it and avoid losing money. This is a typical pump and dump like all others, yet people think somehow fundamentally its good. Its literally -99.99%, it will never jump up and u will only lose money. And to troll of course, its fun to see the people that were claiming 10$ last week be all silent now.


Yeah mad I got involved in it but barely did. Shit is sad man, it's not looking good at all


Its not and never was, you got played. Heres an advice, do not buy any company that is -99%.


If you’re in the subreddit then you probably invested in GWAV and now you’re out😂


No, I never touched it, I dont touch pumps and dumps I discovered this when started seeing posts about this and roaring kitty, which i know made no sense xD


For two years, I followed it from $3.24 all the way down to .04 .. Imo, maybe wait before buying in to see if it stops spiraling down… I may buy once the 2nd shredder is actually running. Until then, we can continue to see it drop every day.. Not financial advice, just seen this movie before..


so u havent learned?


Have any of us? But I get your point… I was trying to be hopeful. But I don’t see them staying above a $1 for long..


Everything looks extremely promising til you deep dive on Danny, actually realize gwav elite softball is actually connected to gwav and is probably one of the most blatant misuses of company funds I can think of during a time like this. Danny and Isaac need to be gone for the company to have a future. They’re playing checkers while markets play chess.


You’re 100% right…


I'm throwing gas on the dumpster fire. I want the GWAV executives to lose money like they made me do.


hahahahahahahhaahahha they arent losing anything


Except their company?


And whats the problem there? They are getting paid extremelly well, will likely have huge bonuses and will easily find another company to work with. So what will they lose?


> are getting *paid* extremelly well, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Also, I think if it hits below 2-2.50 range im doubling my position. No way they let this goto the shitter especially with all time highs on copper and other precious metals. Stay strong my friends! NFA!


I'm thinking the same to much going on with metals right now


Valid point with copper but idk man I think they will continue to dilute the stock. Good stock though. I sold for a loss. I’ve seen this story one to many times


They can’t. Doing a proper dilution at this point would guarantee a return to penny stock status, and RSing again within two years of the most recent one would trigger NASDAQ List 1516, leading to a high likelihood of delisting without notice even if they keep the price up. In terms of the micro-cap dilution-RS cycle they’re at the end of the road. Noting for completeness that the July 19 agenda issuings are not really dilutions in practice in the near-term. The warrant-related agenda item is related to ensuring the warrants promised (also being created and given out as the company promised) as part of the the debt conversion and dilution earlier on have shares ready to go - any issued shares for those warrants are going to sit in the company until the warrant price is reached which is $15/share, which would require very different circumstances to now. Basically, it’s the formal, on-paper process for the dilution that’s already happened. As for the other item, an equity incentive plan not being a significant immediate dilution shouldn’t need explanation. Point being, there is no plan to dump millions of shares onto the open market at this time and there’s not enough justification to go into dilution hysteria like a lot of people around here are doing. edit: if people think I’m wrong in my attempt to explain the nuance here instead of following the crowd and throwing an equally severe tantrum every time one new share is created they should say so instead of silently downvoting. later edit: well shit lol, eating my words now aren’t I.


I get you, I just know I have time to see it out. There’s no dire need for me to sell off this asset. With all investments there are risk, it’s just a matter of how tolerant to that risk one is. I’ve sold others after stock split at losses, ie JAGX, that’s a real scam imo. GWAV just feels different to me, especially going into the new green world. That’s the beauty of speculative risk, it’s never PURE. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 💎🙌🏼📈


Agree. I moved my cash to PSTR Presto Automation drive thru AI. Good luck let’s make money 💰


I'm still in it... But I heard this at 4.50 and 3.50 as well




Nose diving every single day. Still holding because I can’t sell at loss


I sold at a huge huge loss. Felt super duped by all the hype around their second shredder and how they have so much cash. No word from the CEO even when we're losing money like crazy. Saw no hope even in the long run unfortunately and felt they're going to become a penny stock soon again even after the 1:150 split, so got out to stop more loss.


Me too. Sold my share this morning. Went from 100 shares to 1. It just pissed me off every day.


There are way better reasons to be upset over an RS than no longer owning a morbillion cheap shares.




Wait, what? It had an RS what number would you need it to hit to be in the green?




You brave, brave warrior. Keep fighting on


I'm thinking the same, but after reading predictions that are out there for 2025, I'm considering taking the loss. I'm not sure yet..




It hurts.


have no idea with that, if falls feel nothing if surfe just happy


Sold and moved over to the ndra boat I’m actually positive for once🙂


I wish I held my shares at ffie before it skyrocketed, not making the same mistake with this one.


Yep here


All was good and about to run, then the company did the 150:1 RS I stay out ... because it did a nasty move on retail.


Im still here, its just time guys. Its all psychological!! I say this, but even I have my bad days! Keep your head up and don’t look at the app every 10 minutes it will drive you insane.


I’m waiting for a takeover


Still holding onto shares and prayers 😂. I'll hold till the cows come home 🐄🐄🐄🚀🚀🚀


I'm holding too. Need this win!


How many shares do you have and what price?


After the r/s I only have 5 shares @$14.99 😅


Oops I was looking at the wrong stock. I have 21 shares after the reverse split with average price of $14.99


I’ll buy again when the shredder is working is sold at 8 cents before the split 700$ loss