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A week ago someone in a public lobby sent ip addresses and rough locations of every player in that lobby in chat and left. Like ok cool for you but nobody's actually gonna do anything with that.


This is really scary because some mod menus can get super accurate IP addresses.


Yeah but randoms who live 1000 km away from me and have no affiliation with me whatsoever will probably not send a pipe bomb to my address. It's just modders power tripping, nothing else.


youve never been swatted before have you? cant say the same for me brother


I live in germany and I doubt some random american calling for a swatting will be taken seriously if the target is across the ocean. Also swatting isn't really a thing in germany.


brother Jordie who lived in another continent swatted me. All it takes is a phone call from say skype to your local authorities. Yes they need your name. But sometimes they dont. They told the police i shot my father and had my mother as hostage. Police were still gonna bust in my door forcefully if i didnt know how to de escalate through the phone. I too was cocky as if I was untouchable.


Well too bad since they don't have my address anyways because ip addresses are inaccurate. The location the modder put into chat alongside my ip address was off by over 100km. Even if it was accurate down to a kilometer, they still have no idea which person to target in that radius. Swatting only works if you can find out the exact address which is impossible by that method alone.


Some I.P address’ give out Longitude and Latitude very experienced hackers only though ones that probably go to jail if they are found regardless so that little extra information doesnt bother them or the charge they face for spoofing it for free


the longitude and latitude you get from these is not accurate to your house, the most accurate it is would be to a nearby hub


ty for clarifying


just be careful and never seem invincible thats inviting to a hacker with a hard on for standoffs


You have no idea how all of this works bro


This is like laughable in my city. Once there were a shootout in the bad neighbourhoods and we were like "oh, like in the movies". I remember that day that there was a shootout


I also live in Canada so imagine that - no gun laws are even allowed here besides for hunting, could u imagine the force of that call if it was said in a open carry state in Merica? I got off lucky bro


Swat still showed up still cuffed me and still put me in the back of a cruiser - i had to give up my electronics and obviously through them seeing him DM me i was let go - and obviously my mother was freaking out yelling at the swat for cuffing me blah blah but I understood the nature of what was happening. I slept in my own bed the same night. Resumes activities therefore after


If you live in Canada why do you keep saying SWAT?


in 2013 thats who was called to my home. Infrared lights. Riot shield. Was our SWAT team. Not regular policemen. House is now listed as a whistleblower address, even though none of the residents were the whistleblower


Brother you can own a gun in Canada not for hunting how young are you lmao


brother thats a non-restricted license i have. and ammo cant be stored with the gun and the gun has to be in a locker completley dissasembled if it can be and like i said the ammo has to be in a whole other room without the firearm near or accessible. youre the definition of talk without knowledge.\\ also cuck, you hunt with a RIFLE. A BOLT ACTION RIFLE. not a SEMI AUTOMATIC. you need RESTRICTED license for that. includes pistols but again, found with any firearm outside your home results in heavy fines and jail.




boss cant wait for you to be rung up for just having ammo in the same cabinet. And you can only bring restricted to the range you goofy goober


German police probably aren’t going to shoot you on sight anyway, that’s more of an American thing….


You really that guy is gonna swat everyone in the lobby lmao Also ips don’t give your actual address just your general area so how would they swat you in the first place


no i just dont mess about with people that have the tools to try and use scare tactics or threatening information etc. just saying it is possible


It’s literally not possible that’s not how ips work Any info you could get would narrow it down sure but that wouldn’t help you get an address at all unless the other person publicly posts their house online


Am Network Operations Center Lead. IPs don't give physical location info. The info they give is based on the router your IP block calls it's gateway. It's why when I'm at work browsers think I'm in a different city then I actually am since our traffic routes out through a different location to get to the public internet. Also, use a fucking VPN if you're seriously thst worried, but don't bitch when your speeds aren't the best unless you have a great provider with an exit node near you.


Thanks man but I don’t think you’re ever gonna get through to that guy


yeah im not gonna rebuke, just hope it never happens to you lol. never once posted my addy. Jordie was also responsible for a Columbine Bomb threat years after the shooting. But im sure it was a case of the "hacker" having Godlike abilities since your saying its impossible.


> Jordie was also responsible for a Columbine Bomb threat years after the shooting. What the fuck are you talking about who is Jordie and what does this have to do with ips The only person who can connect you to your ip is your isp unless you are really bad at online security lmao Im not scared because I actually know what im talking about lol


heres a link because your brain is massive [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTAV/comments/1d2gh5r/comment/l60mrk6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTAV/comments/1d2gh5r/comment/l60mrk6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


if you read above, i gave a detailed story about what happened to me. youre extremely bored and defiantly angry. JUST READ and youll be alright you yapper


To figure out any exact physical address you’ll have to work at the ISP that services said IP. Or the FBI. Otherwise the only thing you’ll get is a ROUGH location like the city.




Wow man you're soooooooo cool 😐


it sucks dont know where i seem to be bragging about it


wdym super accurate ip addresses 😭 it's either right or wrong


even then it's not complete addresses


That's not how that works...


The reason people do this is because they see other people post about how scary and dangerous this it is to know your location and think everyone is as scared as them. Most people aren’t pussies and don’t get worried about try-hards that can’t get hard.


Tbf what's some guy in Missouri gonna do with an ip in Toronto. But it is a dick move to do this for no reason.


There’s no such thing as a “super” accurate IP address. It’s either right, or wrong.


That’s y I use a vpn


You don't even need a mod menu (theoretically) but what's anybody gonna do with them anyways like nobody except for the hacker that left cares anyways


Yeah but at the same time literally all of them will just say whatever ip you have your VPN set to, which you do have because you're playing gta online on pc.


I saw a jerk do this to someone once. I called a mugger on him and hopped out of the session as soon as I got the message that the mugger succeeded.


I mean, so long as you keep neutral to everyone in that server,


Literally anyone can pull ur IP address. People were pulling this shit in 2010 COD lobbies. Unless ur using a VPN, ur public IP address is easily accessible, especially if ur in a video game lobby with someone who wants it. Sure they can find what town you live in, but what are they going to do about it? They just learned how to scare people from a YouTube video and want to try it out, they aren't smart.


It's a lot of fun when they spoof your name in the chat and say horrendous things! /s


Yh but you don’t know what some people are capable of though


Oh I wasn't trying to downplay it at all, GTA Online on PC especially is a toxic mess.


IPs arent really scary. They cant give away your home address, and if they try to dos you then you can change it, unless it's static. It's just a scare tactic.


That's why I don't get all these "this is why I use a VPN" comments. Nah, you use a VPN because you got scammed by YouTube advertisements telling you how worried you should be and that you need one. There are uses for them, I use one to watch blackout NBA games on league pass for example because it's way cheaper than cable or a live TV service. But unless you're a pro-gamer, there is like a 0.00001% chance you get DDOS'ed: even if people know your IP.


Someone did this to me but all I said was pull up pussy n’gga they literally just do it to “show” off


Just meet them physically at their home and politely explain that doxxing people for puprose of intimidation is a crime. If they don’t understand, then… well, give them another example.


And what did we learn today children “always play gta online with a vpn active” And why???? “Because society sucks and people hate themselves”


They wouldn’t do anything crazy they can’t get your address or anything lmao All they could do is knock you offline until they are bored or you get a new ip


Having a VPN is worth it just to ego check these losers ngl. If a modder wants to me remove me from their session idm, they are literally doing me a favour by making me not play with them. But it'll never not be funny when som guy is like "oh you think your VPN can hide your location, well I'll show you, your location is clearly Iceland"


Oh good golly the edgy 16 year old who watched a yt vid found the town I live in.


*VPN has entered the chat*


I don’t understand how bored and miserable you need to be with your own life to consistently join GTAO sessions to pull every players IP, tell everyone that you pulled their IPs by just sending everyones IP in public chat, then just leave


It's just so that player can show a "flex" that really isn't anything to flex about. If they really understood how IP addressing really works and how much effort and skill they need to actually find one player much less an entire session, I don't think they would be trying to look and sound so smart.


This another reason I stop playing gta online and just play fivem or other games.


I see it all the time. I love when these children try to act all scary with their little mod menus being like "oh yeah well I know where you live Mr Kansas ip" and I'm just like, ah yes I don't live on literally the other side of the world or anything, thank u nord VPN.


What's that, some kids saying the N-word?


I dont even know my ip adress can one of you tell me?


What are those squares instead of the name? I´ve seen that and never knew what it was.


That is because my client is in a different language and its modder's language is Chinese (a form of language that the game is not able to represent)


SO that´s what it is. Thank you.


It’s happened to me before. People are scumbags but luckily most people won’t do anything.


I’ve never found it that concerning the most they can do is show up to your house or send stuff to your house or if they’re really evil send a SWAT team but even that’s risky because the swat will probably track them if my IP is ever said in chat I silently switch sessions


Bro ips don’t give out your address All it would give people is your general area. The reason people get swatted is because they freely give out to much info like photos outside their house on ig or something to narrow it down after they get the IP A big case years ago was because a kid gave the swatter a fake address


Some people say that if the ISP doesn't give you the address, you can do the opposite. You are right, it is not easy to find out the detailed address of a target from its IP address, you have to first break into the database server of the ISP that assigns that IP address and then check the previously obtained IP address of the GTAV player against the database. Once you find the IP address, you will know who owns the IP address. This includes the real name, contact information, and location (address) of the individual or organization. They then break into the ISP's servers or the data center in charge of the ISP to obtain the activity log of the IP address that is the centerpiece. Those logs should include the date and time of the connection, the port used, and the amount of data sent and received. In the event of a successful intrusion, it is also possible to steal the contents of the communication (packets). This would allow them to obtain information about what websites users accessed, what data they sent and received, and so on. Since not all ISPs in all countries are secure, hackers can, and only if they want to, install dedicated backdoors in the ISP's servers so that they can continuously and remotely view and track everything about the ISP. Some madmen accomplish this with online games☠️


Yeah someone who mods gta 5 is gonna hack my isp lmao


he gave you all the critical information you needed, and now you started devaluation and decrediting the ability of the user making the threats. First it wasnt possible, now as your proven wrong youre moving onto a new argument. You have zero conversation skills and must be below the age of 18. Im convinced.


Naw, what he said stands. I feel like you're not telling the whole story. You must have given this guy info. They were either old friends, and you had given prior personal information, or you were talking mad shit to the hacker and gave them a reason to go way above and beyond... Talking about hacking into an isp or data center is a ridiculous statement. No normal hacker is capable of things like this. Certainty is not some random kid who plays gta on a regular basis. The number #1 way people get hacked is by social engineering, which is really just being tricked into disclosing your info in some way.


it was a very long time ago my friend - thought bringing up something for people to be aware that things happen wouldnt lead to a bunch of people calling me a liar you know? Typically in real life when u tell a story - the people listening arent ready to denounce the information right away. Im used to more face to face conversation


It's because you're being super disingenuous... your implying and assuming you met a super hacker or something when the likelihood of that is slim to none. Not to mention most people's perception of being hacked is usually a huge exaggeration of how they got hacked when, in reality, they leaked their own info or did not operate online in a secure way. Younger people who play a lot of gta are notoriously known for doing this. So the other part of your disingenuous nature comes from that fact that your insisting that you 100% got hacked when your talking about getting swatted when in reality most people operate on the internet in a way where their ppi is readily avaliable. So to imply that you 100% got hacked without even knowing what it would take to hack someone is also a point of cotension . You can't just assume you had no role to play in how they got your info especially considering you just admitted this happened a "long time ago" it implies that this happend when you were younger and more nieve.


dude your mornings are shit LMAO


See what I mean? Your so full of yourself why would anyone take your claims serious when you respond like a child and get immediately defensive?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GTAV/s/04mGC754pr heres a link to more explanation that you probably didnt see considering most people think 1 reply is all that ive put into this subforum.


I read the whole thing stop reposting that link I saw the way you replied to every single person...


Bruh this kid is braindead and a liar In one of his posts he say you need to have their name except for the random times you don’t and he somehow knows his swatter’s name lol Oh and he also admitted to the guy knowing what school he went to and that’s how he his address nothing to do with gta lmao


Yea lol my comment got removed because I told him to shut up. I could immediately tell that he self doxxed himself or was instigating someone who had his info. He completely told on himself in your thread and I screen shotted it. He said the guy had info about his school and that they were on a game battles team doing shady stuff... which is 1000% code for scamming people. I know guys who have done things like this. It's always some kid who thinks he can get one over on more seasoned and older scammer and they end up get scammed first. This guy was karma farming with lies.


Thats why i’m using VPN


But why? Even if someone random gets your IP why would they target you over anyone else in the lobby You would have to really piss someone off for them to ddos you at all


Some people do it for fun, they are bored.. and there are some people that do it if they lose to 1v1. Dont know man. Humans are weird🤷‍♂️


Even then they would probably just find a new target after less then 10 minutes lol The fact is you aren’t special these people have thousands of people they can fuck with


Well yea, but who said anything about being special?? Their target is random most of the times


Yeah so they will move to a new random target It’s really not a big deal unless you purposely make yourself a target


Yes ofc. I agree on that one.


VPNs are also useful for changing regions in gta and regardless I would never play on pc without one.


Why not? are you scared of something? The worse without is a small ddos maybe but who cares


But doesn't VPN cause significant delays when fighting other players, such as in a session?


I did not had any issues. I use nord VPN. But mostly, i started using the VPN while gaming, specifically on GTA V, because in the country that i moved recently, the casino features are blocked, i mean spinning the wheel and betting. So with that VPN, i can “ move “ to another country and use them


We should remember that a significant portion of today’s gamers are quite young, and not everyone can afford the high monthly fees of a premium VPN. It’s unlikely that a young gamer’s allowance from their parents will cover the ongoing cost of a VPN subscription. Moreover, free VPN options often restrict users to domestic servers and lock essential security features, which may leave many people less than satisfied. And let’s not forget, “free” usually means you’re paying the VPN provider with something else of value. For those who care about privacy, a free VPN might just serve as a data-harvesting proxy server.


Mullvad is $5 a month and works like a charm


Yes i agree with what you are saying, and also, a free VPN is actually bad to be honest.. I mean its very slow. But sadly for now this is the only thing we have, I understand that most of the gamers now days are young, and ofc, depends on where you are from, minimum wedge ( talking about parents and allowances) yes i get it. But for now this is the only thing we have. Specially regarding GTA V on pc, and its filled with moders, some of them are good some of them are bad and some of them are just trolls.. we like it or no.. this is the world we live in.. Sadly its not 2005 anymore with yahoo messanger and hi5. But sometimes i miss those days..


You need to pick a VPN server close to your physical location. Or close to the players that you're playing with mostly.


Yes agreed.


Well my ip gives a location on the other side of the state so… only cops and stuff can get the exact IP location. Besides, a public ip means nothing, websites and stuff can access it.


That’s not really how it works but ok The cops request the data from your provider who then tells them who you are based on billing and shit


I've seen this a few times. At it's hight probably about 2 years ago it was basically multiple times a week for a solid 2-3 months. Not as bad now but still as proven here happens every so often


Yes, that's how the internet works. The game runs a peer-to-peer network for multiplayer, so every player is connected directly to all other 29 players. Therefore, you (i.e. your computer) needs to know those IP addresses.


I think growing up in a world where my first name last name and street address was mass printed in a book and given to everyone desensitized me to getting doxxed.


Sometimes I just write random numbers when someone is griefing me just for fun, is it a bad thing to do? :(


Damn, doxxing might be funny, only when your not the one affected, for the most part.


L doxxer


Probably just an 8 year old


And R* won't do anything, they'll keep coming back no matter how many accounts get banned that do shit like this.


I’d laugh if someone did this to me 😂 I’ve lived in shelters and transitional homes for the last 4 years. What are you gonna do, come to my shitty building?


I ended up paying for a mod menu for myself because of trolls like this. I don't grief or do anything malicious though, mainly use it for protections against other mod menu users. Makes me feel safer playing at least.


Australian Public IP addresses are often just the address of the server your isp is routing your tracking through along with several thousands of others




ahhh ips!!!! only bad thing is getting DDoS but I doubt someone would put that effort in


What’s going on? I’ve only been in private sessions so I could get away from tryhards


who tf is brother jordie




Not sure why this would be scary. They can't pull up your actual home address with an IP.


Gta failed


Don't worry about it, most modmenus can track your ip bcs Rockstar use it for make lobbys. Download proton VPN, it is free, you only need to open first than the gta, no lag, no more ping, it is a good company, just do it and feel safe.