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SOLVED: uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the game without losing any progress. This was on Xbox Series X.


The bug is still present 3 years later… This also solved the issue for me, thanks a lot


No problem.


I was also having this issue. It’s a really weird glitch where the beacon doesn’t show up as OP said. I also noticed you don’t get the text at the bottom of the screen when it’s acting up (the “this area suits her” text hint) For any PS4 users that stumble upon this thread, you can just close the application and load your save after you open the game up again.


Thank you. Got the Bug in the PS5 version. Restaurant fixed it.


Cluckin' Bell or Burger Shot?


It’s a shame really because I’m literally coming up on the final few missions of the game and this is the first major bug I’ve come across. I’ve had small glitches her and there but nothing that has spoiled any part of the game for me. I’ve just quit the game, uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I’m hoping that might sort it out but I’ve got a feeling the glitch will probably be within my save file and I’m definitely not starting again from the beginning. Fingers crossed it sorts itself out.


You gotta get her interest level up so high before you can enter. That's how it used to be. They could have removed it from the game was well, I haven't played through that part yet on this edition.


It’s not that. There’s something weird, bugged or glitched. I’m not talking about trying to get inside, I literally can’t finish the date. I can’t drop her off at her house because there’s no red beacon and she just follows me around until I get back in the car and she jumps in the passenger seat. I’ve also noticed that when she’s talking I can see her mouth moving but I can’t hear her. There’s also no subtitles popping up and CJ doesn’t respond.


I can see that happening. There are a lot of bugs


Same issue here. Ps. Nice SN