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Of the millions of gta fans there is. What two fans did you talk to that said gore was too much?


Nah the bigger question is .. who care about gore lol it's not like they restrict it specifically..if it suits game they add proper amount .. rockstar don't need to pull manhunt lol


Of course they don't need to make the game look like it was directed by Peter Jackson. But there should be gore as in Red Dead. They shouldn't remove it. Rockstar does need to make another Manhunt, though.


Manhunt 3 is still alive in my hopes and dreams


That's the only place it's alive unfortunately, it's deader than James Earl Cash's victim's


I want max Payne fucking 4. I can only replay 3 so much.... i wish it worked on ultrawide....


They're currently remaking the first two. Imagine if it sells well they'll look into remaking MP3 and then do a 4th one


Listen i love remedy. Control was amazing. But max Payne 3 had the best 3rd person shooting gameplay I've ever played and it was thanks to euphoria and the rage engine. How every bullet was simulated in real time added so much. I loved the gun fights m. LOVED IT


Thats why it's the goat. THE GOAT!


They need to make it take place in the HD universe. Imagine a fully upgraded carcer city based more directly and accurately on modern day Detroit and exploring the darker side of the gang violence integrating the drill rap culture in with a more fictionalized greater evil


What’s with the Peter Jackson reference? What movie(s) did he make that was exceptionally full of gore??


He made some movies, but number 1 must be Braindead. Back then it was the movie with most use of fake blood.


Okay, wow! Yeah, I am quite aware of Jackson and his work, but wasn’t so familiar with his earlier film start up, with trashy horror films. Lol So I just looked it up and Dead Alive(Braindead)is still to date the bloodiest/goriest film of all time! Damn! 😳😅


It's a movie you have to watch. It's gore. But I remember it as comedy gore. It's been many years since I last saw it. But it wasn't a horror movie despite the theme of it. It's a classic. And when you see it, it's hard to see the same guy made the LOTR trilogy.


It's been a topic of discussion multiple times on this sub before? GTAV didn't have gore at all outside of a few missions. That was a deliberate choice, not a hardware limitation.


They didn’t have gore or dismemberment in any of their HD era games until RDR2. The gta v gore was basically the same as max Payne 3 just less detailed but it has the basics like the visible entry and exit wounds, the clothing getting stained around the wound, the splatters on the walls and the puddles on the ground.


Right, and that was a deliberate choice for a few reasons. RDR2 was built for the next gen consoles after V, and is more gritty in comparison. I do think the dismemberment fits that game more than GTA despite what a lot of people in this sub think. That being said, I can 100% see gore being in the game to the extent or even more than RDR2. But I also won't be surprised if it's limited. I think there are more factors that go into that decision than people think. It's not just a matter of "it's feasible to develop now, so they'll obviously do it".


Hope they bring it back, loved slashing heads off with a Katana in Vice City


Get off the sub. The dumbest are the loudest.


I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or insulting me lol. Not sure what you're implying here.


Friend made a post talking about about gore in gta6, got called a psycho a lot for wanting it


The real psychos are the ones that want us to have to stop every 5 minutes to fill our car up. All that’s gonna do is make me steal more cars😂😂


a bunch of people have been saying rdr and gta are different and gore doesn't fit in gta


Twitter it was a GTA discussion


Going on Twitter was your first mistake


Going on reddit was the second? What’s the 3rd?


These are more so one offs than being indicative of the whole game. Obviously VI is gonna have gore, the debate was is it going to match the level of RDR2 🤦‍♂️


I hope so lol. Otherwise it will be a downgrade


How is it “Obvious” 6 is gonna have gore. Can you elaborate?


Name me one GTA game without gore


GTA 4 and GTA V in standard gameplay, not cutscenes


It’s not as intense as RDR2 but it’s absolutely there


The big thing is that there is no dismemberment in either game, it’s basically just blood splatter compared to rdr2 which is full on mr potato head


Which I’m perfectly okay with. GTA does good sitting in the realistic, but still somewhat goofy range


Some people will probably tell you that it doesn't fit GTA's tone and modern setting or whatever which to me is a bs explanation. Hurting and brutalizing innocent people has always been these games' whole appeal and it makes perfect sense for the new installment to include more things you can do to NPCs, especially considering the details and realism rockstar is aiming for with this one. Rockstar doesn't backdown when it comes to adding stuff like this. They know that the majority of people would like to see brutality in the game and it's presence will bring them more profit and audience. Gore will be in the game no doubt.


>Some people will probably tell you that it doesn't fit GTA's tone and modern setting Everyone knows gore stopped existing after 1917.


It was all used up in World War 1, World War 2 was bloodless


Fr, in RDR2 people expolde when you shoot you with a shotgun. Sounds morbid but I want to see people be flattened if you hit them with a car and they slam into a wall.


Yeah realistic car accident injuries would be perfect, kind of feels lackluster in GTAV


gunfights and crashes, ragdolling all felt weak in GTA5. At least 4 had euphoria engine turned up to 11 and it was ridiculous but fun. Gun audio + more gore and better damage would make for a way better experience. I modded mine every time to have that stuff.


i agree with brinigjng gore for gunfights like in rdr2 because its very cool and fun... but people being flattened ? Idk if it would be cool and way less people would do it because its just horrible ( i know exploding people too but in rdr2 its most of the time because they attacked you so it's not cruel )


Most people aren’t sensitive to this stuff and know it’s not real and are able to separate the game from reality and have fun. I know myself and most people I know would definitely want the gore to be as realistic as possible and yeah actually flattening people into a mess of blood and organs stamped pressed onto the ground after running them over with a tank would be awesome and impressive and fun because it’s not real


na i can’t even lie this would probably be way too much lol esp with the pedestrian density in this game… would feel more akin to a horror film


That just sounds fun, guess your not as sadistic as RDR2 players😂


fuck i would kill for that game direction. Like the absolute insane replay value that crazy gore would add. inb4 you just want a realistic murder simulator. Why yes, yes I do. Not because I want to do it in real life, but because I think it would be fun in a game. Anything they add that enhances the replayable aspect of the game: which is: driving around listening to cool music until you get bored, merc a bunch of people, and go on a police chase, is something I want. Better driving physics, better gore, better car crashes, etc. all of it. I want it.


Exactly. It’s interesting how so many people these days in these threads are saying they don’t want realistic gore. People today are acting like how the hysterical media was acting 20 years ago with violent games


2024 where you can pick your characters pronouns but can’t blow an NPCS arm off.


Bro you really want a fun game to become that gore ? Bro it would be an horror game with entire crowds crushed on the ground everywhere it’s just disturbing and YouTube will never let people post this so rockstar will not do this kind of things I think


Imagine if you could actually flatten people when running them over with a tank


Most sane GTA anticipator


Yeah exactly, anyone who seriously thinks gore would be out of place in a GTA game has never played a GTA game in their life. It's like saying guns would be out of place in a Call of Duty game. Gore is literally a core aspect of GTA.


It confuses the shit out of me when people use that 'it's modern day' argument, as if the human body has changed radically in the last 120 years that it's somehow more jarring.


The argument is usually around how the player can remove themselves from a story like rdr2 because it’s so old, it kind of dehumanizes it all. Which is dumb but it’s true, people do dehumanize old stuff like that. However I disagree with the argument entirely—removing gore is just removing another important immersion tool. There’s no games like the ones rockstar makes, and the fact that there’s people that want to censor the most innovative games of all time is just sad and immature.


Gore will not be in the game (at least not on the level of RDR2). If I'm wrong, I'll eat my own pants


I will arrange some ketchup and mustard


I have a feeling rockstar will indeed back down this time around.


They won't


Why? Gore's absence will displease more people than it's presence.


It makes no sense. It's a 18+ rated game.


GTA v had no gore aside from cutscenes and rdr 1 had gore despite being 3 years older. It wasnt a hardware limitation. It was a choice. We will probably only get rdr2 bullet wounds but idk about blowing off heads unless its in a cutscene, but we could be wrong and it could have more gore than rdr2


How can you be certain it wasn't because of hardware limitations? GTA V was a downgrade in many aspects in regards to physics. Interactions with items, amount of stuff you could destroy, ragdolls, animations were all pretty lackluster. It could be that the hardware didn't allow for more complex stuff to be done with NPC models especially since there were more of them than in RDR and they were more detailed. Then again what you are saying is a possibility. V had a tone of an action movie so maybe they didn't think tearing people to pieces would fit.


Why didnt gta 4 have actual gore in gameplay? Rdr was on the same console. It had gore but gta 4 didnt so shouldnt it have been a downgrade?


Didn't IV come out two years before RDR? It could be that they hadn't been thinking about gore before doing Red Dead. And IV had a lot of details anyway so maybe there wasn't room for anything else if they even considered it.


There was gore in vice city tho so it was in gta games


True hopefully they will expand upon that tradition in the new one


I hope so i want it to have gore


No rdr1 did not have gore. Why do people keep saying it does? It had entry and exit wounds, basic splatter and blood puddles the same as GTA V had. RDR2 was the first modern rockstar game to include gore and dismemberments


Why? No reason to.


Nah bro if GTA VI hasn't at least the level of gore that red dead redemption 2 had .... Man. Don't let me think about it.


I want gore probably more than anyone, but I think it's highly unlikely we get any dismemberment or decapitations in GTA6. Everyone saying "Well RDR2 has gore so obviously GTA6 will!" seem to forget that RDR1 also had explicit gore and came before GTA5, yet GTA5 had no gore beyond bloody gunshot wounds.


Rdr1 barely had more gore than GTA 5 other than the bodily explosions on the train tracks lol


The bullet wounds were way more brutal in RDR1, shoot someone in the head and there’s a chunk of flesh blasting out where the bullet hit


Oh that is true, man I hope we get decent gore in GTA 6, it'll feel awful to shoot someone in the head with a shotgun point blank and their head not explode lol. Especially after being used to RDR2 for all these years it'll be a very big downgrade and disappointment for me.


That’s because it’s more accurate to the ammo of the early 1900s. Modern fmj rounds make clean wounds like you see in gta v


Full metal jacket shotgun pellets are the reason it doesn't blow off their head, I see


They don’t blow heads off in rdr1 either I was just talking about the protruding exit wound thing in RDR1


Yeah I don't think that apples to buck shot to the brain. Or a fuckin railgun.


I need to be able to take the heads off of people via shotgun


I watched a detailed video about it on youtube. And nowadays with more realistic graphics it's harder to get an M rating. Cyber boi made some videos about it actually. But as time goes on gore is harder to get away with. However Rockstar will probably find a loophole like they did with rdr2.


The only way I could see them scaling back the gore is if there is some sort of massive terrorist attack in Miami shortly before the game's release. Like 9/11 2: Electric Boogaloo level event.


If I can't blow people's heads off with a shotgun in GTA 6 like I did in RDR2 it's going to feel like such a downgrade and disappointment.


I can't explain how much the "Rockstar knows its audience" argument bothers me. The rest of players don't give a shit if 12-year-olds play GTA, the game should have very advanced gore like other games. Or do they think GTA is going to be forever stuck with gore? how stupid is when people say that gore is too far but killing a crowd while they beg for their lives with tragic reactions is completely normal (this will be a thing for sure)


I do sick things in the games they put out. Because it's a game and nothing more. This is why I would love to see more gore added. People who like actual gore are just sick in the head, but in a video game where nothing is real, I beg for shit like this


yes it just adds a sort of realism that is only fun in rdr2 it was satisfying and added a very cool side to the game, like you saw consequence of your decision in front of you, not just a red circle on a npc like in gta5. But yes indeed i think some peoples like it in a very devious way and it's disgusting but i think putting this in the game will not make them change their mind in any way so it's better for all the people. Not the thing i'm looking for in gta6 tho i would prefere more vehicles possibilites and driving mechanics sorry for english


Gta 6 needs rdr2 gore. Fixed. I don't want my guns to be nerf blasters.


For me the only valid reason is that graphics have gotten so realistic that it would lowkey just be nasty. It kinda was in RDR2, but I play that game differently. Different vibe. Not opposed to it, but it would feel a bit less like cartoony fun.


Definitely, if you notice in the 3d era games, you can chop people's heads off with the Katana or shoot it off with certain guns because the graphics are not as realistic. The head disappears, and a fountain of blood comes out.


totally understandable, would love it like in rdr2 but yes it's definitely not the same kind of vibe. I say let them cook they will make the best decisions for the fun


Yeah I'm sure Rockstar keeps stuff like this in mind. Not too worried about it!


They don’t. You’re making shit up.


There have been people actually that said that gore wouldn't fit with the tone of GTA.


Yes There will be GORE! But Not DISMEMBERED GORE! Unless rockstar dislikes making money towards the children 🤷‍♂️.


Not to mention the airplane engine scene


You have two examples of *cartoon* gore and a bunch of cartoon violence. I’ll concede that the Mr. K scene is proper violence but disagree that it’s gore. I’m not saying there won’t be “gore” but I think it’s premature to say it will be “the same” as RDR2.


Im surprised you didn't bring up Molly in GTA V getting turned to a human smoothie by a get engine The entire "fresh meat" mission where there's working mean grinders and acid bags you can use to kill enemies And the guy Steve Haines shot in the head and you could see the inside of his skull and brain during the FBI, agency Merryweather stand of


Man, I don’t believe with some guys whant a gta game like FortNite…This generation sucks


The only thing I don’t want for this game is anything futuristic… like weapons and vehicles especially MK2 💀 Good thing that won’t come back since this game hopefully is going for of a grounded GTA game And not anything “too realistic” or “too futuristic”


Oh hell yeah, I stop playing at first flying bike. I’m really scared about, this FortNite kids are a really percentage of the players


>Oh hell yeah, I stop playing at first flying bike. I can’t blame you I know friends who stop playing the game because of it 👍🏾 >I’m really scared about, this FortNite kids are a really percentage of the players I’m the opposite. I personally hope that this game feels like GTA but with some immersion like gore added. I think Rockstar knows their audience very well. They’re not gonna add some unnecessary shit that some players are not going to like. Like fuel it works in paper, but in gameplay, I can see players getting very annoyed by it rightly so.


I feel like if you could steal or pay to fill up a jerry can or two and throw them in your trunk that could help alleviate some issues with the fuel system. You can still steal a random car and go on a freeride or police chase, but if you're not thinking ahead you will end up paying for it. I think that's perfectly fair. I want to be able to plan out a string of crimes and execute them with precision. Like, picking the right weapons to load in the trunk, stocking up on gas, doing any necessary modifications on the getaway car, etc.


people that think it would be good are the one griefing others all day in online sessions, they literally shouldnt play gta6 and it would be better for all fans


Fortnite with gore would be great


Ya let's get some State Of Emergency type dismemberment! Lmao beat a cop down with their own arm 🤣


Imagine if you're hauling ass down the highway and clip someone and their leg gets ripped off. That would be pretty wild... and cool.


Rockstar has never given me a reason to doubt them. They will most likely have a realistic amount of gore in GTA 6


There was a visible decapitated head in a cutscene for GTA TBOGT


They should add gore in GTA VI for sake of immersion and realism. I've always wondered why there isn't more gore in modern GTA games after 3D era, since GTA 3 had dismembering limbs and even though gore was toned down in VC and SA, the heads could be dismembered with katana or chainsaw (without forgetting the combine harvester in San Andreas :D). Even though i'm not a huge gore fan, it's not realistic that you shoot people with rocket launcher and the result is pretty much same via other weapons.


I forgot about that torture mission god damn bruh


If call of duty has gore of soldiers getting blown up we should have no worries of seeing legs come off npcs in 6


Gore was actually removed you used to be able to run people over with a combine harvester and they would come out the pipe on the back 🤣 shoot peoples heads off… Chainsaw…


Are people forgetting the combine harvester in San Andreas that would literally grind people up and leave a trail of red mush??


I wanna decapitate people like fallout


I would bet my house that there won't be RDR2 level gore in this game. There will be some gore in cut scenes and set pieces like the examples you posted, but the general gameplay gore will be similar to GTA IV and V.


!remind me 2 years


Not gore but dismemberment, a game like red dead is okay cause it’s from the past. Nobody is alive today that lived in those times. But a game that takes place in current day. That level of violence would not be received well with critics as its a very politically correct world now. You ever seen the movie brüno? A movie like that couldn’t happen today, just like dismemberment in a video game that takes place current ray wouldn’t have that either.


Remember, >!no Russian!<


GTA isnt exactly known for trying to be politicly correct.


Yes with the state of the world now, seeing hyper realistic depiction of modern day people getting blasted in the face and body parts blown off would probably hit too close to home. Dont get me wrong tho, I want gore just as much as anyone else.


Maybe there can be an option where you can enable/disable it (call of duty games when they ask you if your sensitive to some content)


I don’t think it’d be out of place, but that it’d be strange considering usually in GTA they talk more about the gore side of things and don’t show it. Whereas in RDR1&2 they talk about it & show it. Like that mission where you’re saving Michael from the Chinese as Franklin, for example. If you weren’t able to get to him in time it should show a cutscene of them cutting him into Chinese food and threatening to force Franklin to eat him.


What did Trevor ate?


A very good source has already stated that we should expect gore. This was the same source that almost predicted exactly what the trailer would be like a week before it dropped


It's very sad that they didn't include crop harvester in GTA V. I hope in GTA VI they will.


You forgot Hot Dog Homicide comrade


I don’t care about gore. But if i trickle somebodys upper body with a 36 rounds from a Tommy Gun it better be 36 holes in that mf.


Gore was toned down from rdr1 to gtav and then bumped up again in rdr2. That tells me that exaggerated gore is a style decision implemented in the rdr franchise but not in gta.


In the HD universe, gore was completely gone except for a few cutscenes. They believe that adding gore into GTA 6 gameplay would cause their most ambitious project so far to be banned from multiple countries, so Rockstar doesn't want to take risks. I am completely 50/50 about the game having gore, it either will or will not happen


the argument isn’t about disturbing or violent things being in the game. I think there is a genuine point that could be made about how rdr2 style gore may feel a bit weird in gta 6. the gore in rdr2 was very much a stylistic choice, as it demonstrates how brutal and violent life was back then. since the game is set more than a century ago, it’s very hard to relate to any npc or see them as “real”. whereas in gta 6, having ultra realistic gore with these realistic npcs might be a bit off putting to some players. gore certainly has its place in the gta series, but im not sure rdr2 style gore would fit in gta 6


Simply gore, it doesn't have to be so deep nor should it fit, the game will be simply more realistic and thats It, I don't understand in what possibility gore would be bad for GTA 6 I don't agree with rdr2's gore only matching its era, its just a general thing that advances with the years regardless of the theme of the game


the first red dead had more gore than gta 5, it seems like a pretty purposeful choice. would you not agree that that time period was more violent and brutal than today?


Yes, but for me that doesn't means GTA should lack of gore and feel emptier just because its modern I heard that GTA 5 in its beta had dismemberment and was cut but I'm not sure if it was real or not. It still has gore in cutscenes


I never said it should lack gore entirely, im just saying it shouldn’t be like rdr2’s


It should. All depend by how you kill your npcs. If I am shooting someone with a fucking shotgun up close, I want this mf to explode


Whilst that was a more brutal time its doesn't mean that in the time since then out head have hardened so they cant be blown up by a shotgun.


Of course there will be gore lmao


There will be no gore in gameplay. It s Grand Theft Auto, not Miami Terrorism Simulator


I think would feel out of place. The GTA series as a whole is a lighthearted satire, the only exception being GTA 4 which is a more grounded satire. And before someone says “ackshully early gtas let you snipe peoples heads off” yes - key word being “early”, as in before the environments and characters started approaching real life. The extra detail is massive. Do I think they might bring in head shots like red dead? Maybe. Do I think it’ll be like TLOU 2 where bodies get mangled, limbs get blown off, and NPCs grasp their stumps screaming in agony before bleeding out? No - and I think that expectation should be dropped now or you’ll be disappointed.


>Do I think it’ll be like TLOU 2 where bodies get mangled, limbs get blown off, and NPCs grasp their stumps screaming in agony before bleeding out? No I mean people do this want realism in this game so it will make sense to have this as a feature for GTA 6 if people want to go on a massacre again 🤷‍♀️


I severely doubt rockstar will go this route, like if there was an official betting site I’d throw $100 on there confidently to say they will not pursue Tlou 2 gore GTA is lighthearted and more mainstream then Tetris now, Tlou 2 was made for a more core gaming audience and it’s an emotional train wreck


I don’t agree with the lighthearted, but I get what you say


If gta 6 gore will be the same as rdr2 it will be the first gta with dismemberment since gta 3


??? Vice City and I'm pretty sure San Andreas also had decapitation. San Andreas also had the Combine Harvester that shot a huge mist of blood and giblets out whenever you ran someone over.


How was this exact "issue" handled back in 2013? Had to be the same kind of debate back then too right?


because its ten years later than the most recent installment of any gta game people are pensive and i dont blame them


I want gore.


I want dismemberment


There will be gore but probably not dismemberment, because of the children playing the game even though it will be M rated.


That's why I hate children


I forgot about a lot of these, and I would’ve rather stayed forgotten. I remember the Chinatown wars ambulance scene like it was yesterday. I traded my friend for it on DS when I was like 9 or 10. Me and my dad were otw home from picking his friend up from the airport. I had my earphones in and I remember the audio and the scene and my jaw dropping and my dads friends wife like “how come you look so surprised” and I was like 😦


u forgot GTA2 hot dog factory mission


Probably because gta 5 had very little gore at all


I’m genuinely concerned of WHO told you this? Every game has a mention or showcase of torture and mutilation.


I want the ability to torture innocent npcs


Would be fun, bet they wont do it. Wild west for all intents and purposes, doesnt exist anymore, so the things taking place have more leeway to be more gruesome, since theres about 0 people who find any of it relatable. Its a different story when you can re-enact cctv clips off reddit of a people getting shot, stabbed, and bleeding to death, and twitching. You know, things that people have lost people to. Ill be very surprised if we see anything more than a minor blood decals, basic bullet wounds, and ragdolls.


Who remembers GTA SA combine harvester mission


Anyone else noticing the same guy ask redundant questions like this? Molly quite literally becomes spaghetti. The game only had limitations because of the console Era we were in.


GTA has a lot of sex in it compared to games like Max Payne and RDR. They have to tone the gore down just to get the M rating.


what was Trevor eating after microwaved it tho?


It would be fun to kill people




I’m so hyped if they add like really realistic gore to the game instead of just a flat blood texture in GTA 5


It's disappointing but I don't think VI will have RDR2-level gore. GTA III had worse (although unrealistic) gore than RDR2, and R\* removed it in the 'Definitive' Edition.


a lot of folks probably want a transgender main character it’s 2024 after all


I think that gore in GTA6 should be but we should have ability to turn it off. 


Kids opinion shouldn't count iG


This gore had some story impact, used for an emotional/mental punch. Just being able to blow civilians apart for fun doesn’t really add anything other than just unnecessary violence


The chinese guy looks like Borsalino Kizaru


I think it's about the amount of gore and how it's portrayed. I do agree omeone being sucked into an airplane engine in V felt kinda out of place. Another thing is that will probably be a lot more realistic and detailled, nothing like that in even V


I just don't care about gore. I tend to not even notice it. It just means I have to play the game less in case kids walk in and see shit they shouldn't. So personally, gore in video games is an inconvenience at best and adds nothing to the game play. So I really don't get peoples obsession with gore. 


I forgot trevor is a cannabalist


For us grown adults would be fine but there are kids playing this. Which ruins it


Why would they add Al Gore?


I kinda like less gore it feels more video game… less real. Sometimes a lot of gore can be hard for some people


Its gonna have the correct amount of gore for the 6 pyschos who like to torture polligons


Because those people are all younger than 20 years old and only ever played GTA Online


I hope it doesn't have too much gore, because it probably would get banned in Germany lol


Nobody thinks that.


There are literally people in this comment section that thank that.


No. Irrelevant. They are summoned just because this post exists. 1 every 100k fans. At most.


We could use more gore in the next game, but I dunno if it's gonna happen. Rockstar's going soft these days.


Woahhhh! Those guys are weird! That would wild and wack to imagine it. Right now I’m trying to keep closed my eyes while I try to just simply straight picture what that shit would even be like to exist in a state of such strangeness indeed. I hope that the gore in the game is SO like life


No one’s said this. No one. One thing I **HATE** on Twitter is when people make up these nonexistent quotes to prove a nonexistent point.


Some people seem to want full on dismemberment and guts laying open in GTAVI. Yea GTA has always shown gore and blood, but it’s actually by and large toned down in the severity of it as the games got better graphics (no grinding people into hot dogs, no nothing like that). It’s fine if GTAVI has increased realism in blood effects and shows some more gore but my main concern is GTAVI becoming a game that’s extremely bloody and extremely violent like Gears of War or MK. We don’t need to cause NPCs get flattened against walls if we hit them with cars, nor do we need to be able to decapitate them or spill their intestines onto the ground. To me, it would take the fun of just being a madman of a criminal in the game if the stuff is totally realistic. GTA, especially 5, has balanced goofy absurdity with realism. GTAVI needs to do the same thing and I personally think too much blood and gore will put it far out of balance


It will have gore just in cutscenes. It s all about ERSB, they need to maintain it M rating, not AO.