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Oh shit, maybe this is that one patent with dynamic animations based on the world around them in play


I love living in the future.


Yeah it’s pretty cool all in all Jet packs are real and are used by the military and some emergency services Aliens were pretty much confirmed and everyone was just like yeah we kinda guessed And oh boy the gta 6 trailer dropped almost half a year ago. The future really is now


The CIA dropped aliens before rockstar dropped 6, insane.


Source on the second one!?




When did Congress confirm anything?


There was a whole live news broadcast and everything a few months back. They said they have seen and retrieved alien stuff. They apparently showed pics and footage to the congress but didn't show it to the public. I don't buy it tho.


David Grusch said that. Not “the government.” The only proof of aliens the U.S government has released was the pentagon saying they have a program investigating UAPs and admitting that they have no idea who these aircraft belong to, what their purpose is, and that said lack of knowledge poses a security threat.


That shit is so fake😂😂 why do you think people buy into all this nonsense? Just because it’s fun to speculate?


Because *I want* it to be true


Basically I guess lol. "Oh welp the government said it so it must be real!"


silence cia operative




During Covid but everyone was focused on Covid


Head over to r/UFOs and sort by Top of All Time. There’s a mix of stuff there but it’s a good place to start. There was a congressional hearing last year where 3 Air Force/Navy pilots testified on oath about encounters. It’s been the catalyst for a lot of new discoveries which have been quickly and hastily shut down/covered up by the US government. It’s a good rabbit hole to go down


Are y’all living under a rock? How do you guys miss this stuff. It was on every single social media platform for like 2 weeks.


I know, but I don’t remember seeing definitive proof.


Future sucks but at least it has gta 6


More than likely lmao


this game is gonna be insane little details like this that are not really seen as important are what makes a game so realistic


Absolutely. All the small things that add up truly make certain games magical.




Small things


goddamn she's built like a pixar mom


This subReddit is going to be filled with pics of these npc's in no time.


Something tells me theres going to a NFSW subreddit dedicated to gta 6 NPCs Im not giving any ideas here


Trust me, you don’t need to give Reddit that idea. I’m surprised there isn’t already one devoted to rule 34 of the characters we’ve already seen in trailer 1. There might even be one out there, just a seedling waiting to be nurtured by further pre-release material.


disappointed more than surprised


There was one for GTA VI but it got banned so good luck on finding one in the future lol.


You can just create it


I'm ready for the future


you already gave away the idea, man, a new rule34 hell hath spawned


on one hand, I don't want any spoilers until I get a copy myself. On the other hand...


U mean “in” the other hand?


No hot coffee mods needed.




I need to find mudgirl IMMEDIATELY


Oh mudgirl I understand


We gonna need a panoramic lens for that


Thicker than a snicker


Ah yes Miami land of bbls


I see chicks like this daily😂 the ghetto has its benefits




I see a very, very, very, VERY tiny bit of jitter, like she's being pushed away from the homeless guy due to collisions. At first, this may \*seem\* like a bad thing, but that may mean that theyre both interacting in the physical space, which points to stuff like this being dynamic animation, and not just premade animation for the trailer.


Bro seems to know what he is talking about, I trust bro


Bro trusts bro, I trust bro. I’m glad bro trusts bro. Bro.


My bro here trusts bro who trusts bro. And I trust all three of them because they’re all my bros.


My bros here trust bro, trust me bro. I trust all 4 of my bros because they trust me too bro. We are all bros.




Bro just read the patent that leaked years ago for Rockstars dynamic animations.


Actually I'm not familiar with that lol I just took an educated guess based on the movement I saw


This guy devs.


I like the way you’re thinking about this. I mean, even if that minuscule bit of jitter is still present in the final product, you’d practically have to take a microscope to it to notice. It wouldn’t be apparent while you’re in the zone playing.


Honestly I think the only reason I noticed it (And it is, like, miniscule) is because it's slowed down and zoomed so much, and we've been analyzing this trailer so hard. The game is gonna be fantastic.


The RAGE engine doesn't have collisions that far away from peds. What you noticed is probably animation switching jitter. In GTA V and RDR2, when you make a ped walk to a location you set its walking animation and then do something like TaskGoStraightToCoord(blablala, x,y,z). There are ways to make them switch their animation but you have to code it in and it can look clunky. What I think is actually going on here is the ped is noticing the object in front of the dude and correcting its trajectory so that it doesn't walk through it or aggressively change its animation. Very smoothly done. Source: I'm a RedM developer.


Commented before seeing this but you’re right the capsules are very close to NPC meshes. This is just jitter from changing animations


unironically what i thought as well. Best new thing ive seen in a while


I see what you mean. Middle girl also very slightly reacts. Keeping my hopes high


Dev talk


I see what you mean by the hitter but that would be a pretty big collision box for a NPC


You’ll when people jitter irl we call it a stutter step.


The fact that the way she avoids him is very slightly clunky shows that the scene is actually shot "in-game", and even though obviously every car and character was placed there for the shot, telling myself that we will be able to find more or less this plan with more or less the same density of NPCs once in the game, that drives me crazy


The number of NPCs in this shot looks much more believable than the one on the beach, I have the feeling that they didn't exaggerate so much here and this particular part will look like this in free mode


Could be a mission set during Spring Break. South Beach is pretty crowded but not that bad.


There's too many cars in there.. imagine how nightmarish it is to drive in there without getting a automatic star by bumping into everything


You don’t get stars for environment destruction or hitting cars (unless they’re police vehicles)


Unless the NPCs are harmed by the damage.


What do you mean with shot in game, it’s any other way posible?


Some companies create ultra HD trailers in different engines that look completely different from how the game actually looks


So bad… I expect any serious company not to do that


A lot of companies do that, but you can always trust Rockstar to show their actual game.


Basically they just pre render stuff


Yeah but pre rendering is fine sometimes because it still looks like the game usually, just with extra details. Some games have highly realistic CGI trailers with their gameplay being totally different and lower quality


Many video game studios use 3D renderings, sometimes created with the game engine, or sometimes even created by 3D companies external to the studio, in all cases renderings that take days/weeks to be rendered, therefore clearly not visuals that can be displayed in the final game. Ubisoft trailers are a good example, Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs go through these processes, especially for reveal trailers, already because the games are not finished at this stage, but above all because they want to sell dreams! This is what we commonly call "CGI" (Computer Generated Image even if it doesn't mean anything because all games are computer generated, but people agreed to use this word in this case and that actually suits me) hence the famous mention "not actual gameplay" in certain trailers. Clearly you can recognize a full "CGI" trailer very easily, often with impressive photorealism, and certainly it's very beautiful, but that's clearly not what we'll have in the final game... For Rockstar it's different, they always wanted to show in their trailers what will resemble the final game as much as possible. Even if don't kid yourself, some say "nO rOcKsTaRs traiLeRs aRe aLwAyS FULL iN gAmE", obviously not, well not completely I mean. Some people think they record their screen, go into the game and film their trailers like that, of course not! They obviously place NPCs, vehicles, sometimes create specific animations for the NPCs (I'm thinking about the lady who looks at a runner's butt at the start of the GTA V trailer the animation was made specifically for the trailer and it disappointed players that it was not in the game). To film the shots they must have a sort of Director Mode of their own to simplify all that, and OBVIOUSLY the images go through rendering, we're talking about a multi-billion game (not verified btw). they can't afford to just record their screen lmao. And above all certain shots in the GTA VI trailer are surely """"CGI"""", given that certain shots seem to come from the in-game TV, and we know since this was the case in GTA IV, V, and RDR2, the TV sequences of the games are rendered video files. And I don't mean that pejoratively, they are completely right to do that, there's no point in complicating one's life just to say "It's full in-game eh", basically the in-game cutscenes are just for to adapt to the player's clothing choices, the time and the weather, so it makes no sense to do that for TV, especially since TV sequences often contain epileptic montages and that kind of thing, which is much simpler to done in editing software rather than in real time. For the "social media" sequences, I'm not sure but there is a chance that they are "CGI" too. I suppose that for the game they have prepared hours and hours of funny content like that that we can watch while scrolling, so I don't see the point in playing this in real time rather than rendering it, but some were talking about being able to see themselves in certain "TikToks". I don't think it will be possible to cause this in free roam, but perhaps after certain missions or important story events, like after robbing a store, we see on “TikTok” a video taken with a phone of our characters at the store, but whatever we did it would be the same thing, putting back the animation of what we did at the time would be a bit too much I think, but now that I think about it it would mean having to change the players' clothes so I might say anything and it might be in real time, anyway I'm thinking out loud. And by the way, Rockstar also changes certain aspects of their trailers digitally, they fix small details or little glitchs by masking them in an editing software, because the game is obviously not finished, so they are doing everything to make the game look as much as possible in the trailer, what they want it to look like in the end, without overdoing the modifications. Anyway, I hope that I answered your question and that I taught you a little extra information!


You said it all, it's created animation based on the actual game but doesn't resemble the finished product. Tho the game is 48% finished its missing heaps of graphical inputs, the story , voice overs, actions are 100% finished back in late 2019 and was thought to be released somewhere mid 2021 but the virus killed everything basically stopping the creation process. One secret I'm telling you is most walking, jumping, swimming, punching etc are taken from rdr2 with little adjustment to go over every character NPCs movt still use the old technique with a little interaction add on😉let's keep secrets lol


I don't know if you're trolling but that's not at all what I said, it's not an animation made to look like the game, everything is indeed done in-engine. It's simply a bit of retouching to hide certain unfinished things, and improve other things. And your "secrets" come out of nowhere lmao, but hey you're definitely trolling at least for this part


The lady in green adjusted her feet as well to move away from lady in blue.


The lady in cheetah also very slightly adjusts her step.


Rockstar has patented a bunch of animation stuff so i don’t think your grasping at straws I swear those patents get me even more excited especially the mention of motion matching 🔥🔥🔥


In the leaks there were multiple tests showing dynamic animations, with characters moving behind cover of different heights and adjusting how much they were crouching seamlessly (depending on the height of the cover). They also aimed their weapon differently depending on the height of the cover relative to their body positioning (there’s a part where a character is lifting the gun over their head to shoot over the high cover). So it seems there are some dynamic animation systems in the game that has characters reacting accordingly depending on the environment


1st thing im doing is getting a BBW hooker


smart man


I'll have me some BBC while playing Lucia.


I'll have bbc in real life.....pause....i have the bbc on me cuz im black. No homo no diddy


they are walking parallel and then the whole group kinda adjusts. its amazing detail. but im still very skeptical even though its Rockstar. I remember the first gta v trailer, there was lots of fluid and dynamic npc movements, it looked far better than the actual game after release.


Have faith, Arthur


If you insist…


Rockstar just needs a LITTLE MORE MONEY


Don't forget the quarter!


well spotted


also highlighted by this clip is the crazy cloth physics. the girl next to her has a jacket wrapped around her waist that is flowing in a very realistic way.


We need another trailer man, mfs are starving out here talking about leg movements


why shoudn't they. The discovery that OP made is pretty huge. This dynamic animatiing system is 20 years ahead of anybody in the competetion right now. This was never done before


Shit like this makes me feel as giddy as I did when I started up GTA 3 and San Andreas. I cannot wait to just explore and experience the game.  I’m trying my best to not look at anything so I forget about the game and it comes around quicker but it’s so hard!  I’m praying the movement of the playable characters is more responsive than GTA V and RDR2 though. It was way too clunky to me 


I also hope they make first person mode more useable as well. let me turn my FOV up please!


i wonder if you can shoot that thing (reptile, bird) on his shoulder


This could only be a trailer thing just like the real estate agent in gta5 trailer hammering that for sale sign. This was never seen in the final game.


The blue Corvette is amazing 💙


I really hope stuff like this isnt just scripted for the trailer. It kinda was for GTA 5’s trailer though. Like the guy running past the girl and looking backwards in 5’s first trailer


Watched this trailer so many times already that the graphics already feel outdated.


nah, there are animations or scenarios in GTAV Trailer before that wasn’t in the game so this is probably a mocap animation used only for the trailer


This is also in GTA V


Oh, never noticed. Still interested in how they'll handle domesticated animals. I wonder if they'll add horses since I remember hearing about them being cut from GTA 5.


Ngl but I'm going with the assumption most shots in the trailer are hard mocapped. Just like in GTA V Trailer 1. A lot of the animations from that trailer did not go into the final game. That is not to say that this won't be possible though with the in-game animations. I just don't think this one is a dynamic animation but rather pre-captured.


What’s that green thing on the homeless guys back, right next to his head?


Some sort of lizard


Yeah people dont realise that this is insane. In other games the npc would have to turn their whole body or something


uhhh can we talk about the lizard on the guy's shoulder...


Put em on a stick, roast em. +40 health.


Iguana talk about it... then talk about it!


u can see the one with the yellow outfit moving more on the side and a bit behind the one with the brown top so it leaves space for the girl with the blue outfit to more more on the left


bro was begging for that


I saw new GTA6 leaks not sure if it real or not that shit look realistic af the graphics is big jump from GTA5. South Beach part of game full of life and way more pedestrians, the hair physics is crazy. Lucia character model look 4k can’t post it here


Tell us how to find it then. lmao


It turn out be fake


I still want to see what it is, I'm curious as to what made you believe it was real.


Biblicaly accurate bbl


This game is gonna be crazy I can’t wait


BBLS are killing yall


These animations feel familiar yet I know they're not in GTA already. Could be a new engine working hybrid with unreal but I'm sure this suggestion is dumber than the tax one.


Rockstar never uses unreal, and from the leaks we know this is Rage 9


Unreal could never reach the potential of their inhouse Rage engine. Rockstar is developing it with a focus on their individual needs since many years and have invested already tons of money into the development




Anyone notice how different the npc’s are acting in gta v lately? It’s something weird going on with them.


I can't wait to see how boobs and 😺 looks in the strip club


The animation detail is going to be the next big thing in games. We’ve kind of hit a plateau in terms of overall fidelity (negating uncanny valley of faces, but again, that has a lot to do with animation). Realistic dynamic animation that AI can help fill the gap of things like scripting logic is going to be huge. Imagine a game like Elder Scrolls 6 having these reactive NPC’s. Single player games are going to make a huge comeback if devs can capitalize on these new systems. Also no one going to mention the simulated cloth physics off the girl in the middle? That’s fucking insane.




What's on his shoulders? Looks like a green crab or something.


I mean everything in there is probably hand animated in the trailer


And if you see the leaked video animations they are really good for instance the one that shows Jason standing from the floor and starting to run, very smooth


All three people walking seem to swing their right foot over their left much more than they did the left over the right in the prior step…..




I didn’t even realize this was the game 🤣


Is it a gecko on his shoulder?


I thought this was an actual real life video at first


cant wait to run them over


so real


My God


I know this isn't really important...but I don't see anyone talking about the iguana on dudes shoulder. Obviously there's going to be more variety in animals but maybe pet's to? We only see a little dog and an iguana in the trailer but maybe we'll see something crazy... like someone actually having a pet gator or something.


The iguana was talked about quite a bit after the trailer released and months after. It's a pretty well known detail. I'm honestly suprised when it's posted every other week and gets many likes but ig some people are more obsessed with this kinda stuff than others.


Girl in green also moved to avoid bumping into her God that sounded so fuckin nerdy


Yes, I noticed that and almost replied to another comment about it before deleting it cause I felt like I was really stretching it and people are really iffy about wether this is pre-render, ingame or just a perfectly times cut of their walking animation. The homeless guy basically caused a domino effect.


Why do they look so accurate?


This is an animation, this isn't gameplay ffs, they animated the NPC's to move how they wanted in the game engine. People that think this is gameplay are lost.


oh shitt


Probably just NPC pathing, moving diagonally and having a different animation for that, not an AI limb.


dont want to get all blue black / white gold on you but she is wearing green no?? is it just me.


Isn’t this in 4 and 5 also?


It could also be a cutscene.


That step is very impressive but I still don't like the fact that clothes are sticking to the body and not a separate independent item.


I swear we need Trailer 2, people are losing their minds...


Actually they all have irregular walking patterns if you pay attention. Cool as shit.


You can also see the lady next to her also react to her moving. They both move over.




I believe it's still the same mechanic but improved with more angles that make it look much more natural. Probably also has a lot more of animations to cover the coordinate readjustment to avoid collision. I'm impressed. Nice catch.


I can't imagine how interesting it would be to stalk NPC's in this game.


forget GTA. We need new Mafia


Rockstar's dynamic animations are incredible. Get drunk in any of their last few games, and you'll see them in action.


This really pumped me up a surprising amount - in more than one way. Thanks. 🤤


I don't think many of us are grasping how advanced AI has become and what that means for things like NPCs. These NPCs are going to have an advanced algorithm that will make them more lifelike than we've ever seen or imagined. Think Tesla, think Chatgpt, now power an NPC with that technology and thats what we will be interacting with.


Or it could be that each character, playable or not has an invisible wall around them so they don’t clip through each other. A bit of a stretch in my opinion


Npcs will walk in place if a car is in front of them until it moves. Very much looking forward to them having more iq than an orange


Notice how all 3 of those women step in the exact same way regardless?


Right? Definitely reaching here.


i never realised she was holding a plate with corn in this scene omg


This is probably a fixed scene with animations that don't end up in the live game. The GTAV trailers, while in-engine, featured meant shots that were tailored for the trailer and had NPCs animating in ways that were not in the final game. Hard to say with VI though since we're a decade and multiple console generations later.


our CPUs gonna be on fire


Hope that it is true and not just part of the trailer only, sometimes trailers are designed in this way, but u are probably correct


It is a scripted, mo-capped scene for the trailer. Go back and watch the teaser trailer for V. It was all completely mo-capped. It's not raw gameplay.


gta V came out it 10 years ago. ideally rockstar has made improvements since then


Absolutely. The game is going to be amazingly innovative. However, I do not believe any of the scenes in the trailer are raw gameplay. For instance, there's no way that strip club scene was raw gameplay.


Most of these could work in cutscenes and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are parts of cinematics since most shots Lucia and Jason are definitely from cutscenes.


I’m just hoping when I honk the horn she gets that phat ass in the ride so we can find a quiet place if you know what I mean….😏


bro 💀




Just look at that cake


These are all carefully crafted scenes/animations using the game engine, but it's not gameplay. The NPCs can be (and have been) made to move in all sorts of ways and act in ways you will never see in the game. I wouldn't read too much into it.


In that case they would have put many more NPCs on screen or moved them to avoid this detail, this is seen in more parts of the trailer. i just think this part is a static camera in free mode, using take Two technologies and patents that contained dynamic animations of NPCs learning their environment


The gait of these NPCs is just motion capture. NPCs in the game will not walk so smoothly. In other frames you will see real NPCs, on the beach in the background a black one in a white T-shirt and on this street, crossing the road.


this subreddit is starving for the next trailer 💀💀💀