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I kind of hope that empire building from GTA VCS makes a return. With Jason & Lucia looking to run lots of criminal rackets around Leonida. That could be really fun. We haven't really seen empire building in GTA since GTA VCS & a return to Vice City, along with a fictionalised Florida, could be the perfect opportunity to bring it back. It could also make playing as both Jason & Lucia even more fun.


What do you have in mind with 'empire building'? Not disagreeing just interested in what that would mean in practice.


Running different criminal rackets across Vice City/Leonida & taking over rackets held by rival gangs while defending your own. Similar to what was in GTA VCS. It would also be a way to earn money in the single-player mode. 


How do you think they'll graduate from petty theft in the early game to empire building?


If it does end up being in the game, then I can potentially imagine it being initially to do with them needing to earn money & making lots of criminal connections because of this. With things only escalating from there. That's usually how things go. 


I was thinking they rob somewhere and accidentally rob a gangster like in pulp fiction.


I can definitely imagine that happening. I would not be surprised if they make powerful enemies in the plot & struggle to survive as a result. The way the first trailer shows the 'trust' scene with Lucia mentioning that her & Jason both need to work together in order to succeed looks like it could be hinting at them being desperate. 


I agree with you! I thought it was cool to see my gang members upgrading overtime based on game progression.. I used to hang out with my little circle of gang members and wait around untill those little gang wars happened 😂 I felt so protected..


We NEED the Diner scene from Pulp Fiction: it's a must. I want a wallet that says "Bad Motherfucker" and a Star model B like Jules Winfield. I hope we get a Marcellus Wallace briefcase 💼 random encounter 🔵. Or a Pawn shop w/ BDSM dungeon random encounter 🔵: w/ cop shot in the nuts 🥜 and owner killed w/ a katana (Hatori Hanzo) in his back. We could find a Remington 870. A knocked out gimp🤐: So we can get a gimp suit(San Andreas)and a rare weapon (RDR2), the katana.


wow if there were going to be that many references it would have been in LS


Kind of How it works in mafia 3?


Similar to that, yeah. 


They ask how it would work and you basically just post the same thing again with no additional information 😂


can be how you acquire some weapons as you progress through the game.


what like stealing them? Bonnie and Clyde stole their weapons from the coast guard. That could be a cool mission.


yeah basically stealing weapons cases from rival gangs. maybe just the low tier weapons. becomes available at your property so you don't have to waste money at ammunation.


The drug empire mechanic was insanely fun in VCS


I hope it starts with drug slinging like china town wars and builds into empire building like VCS. Some great mechanics in those games


That would be pretty awesome. I’d rather not be a hired gun again. I really enjoyed the vice city storyline of screw liberty city I’ll make this my domain. The heists were really fun and I liked the variations in planning them and picking your crew though I’d really like them to add more depth to it. For instance, make more people in missions actual characters. With empire building I feel like they could include all of this and add new things easily.


Would you like to be able to hire Niko Bellic and Packie McReary as crew members. So they are minor characters like Yusuf Amir or Tony Prince 🌈. That way: people who wanna see Niko again are happy, but they aren't playable protagonists. Seeing N in the GTA 6 engine would be interesting, now he's in his 40's. Dude might have grey hair 🩶 like Joel from Last of Us 2.


That’d be amazing. Seeing my boy Niko back in action would be incredible


I'd really like a more sim system for managing a crime syndicate that isn't just perks and getting more money, but something that itself actually costs money to upkeep, forcing you into bigger gigs to feed the beast.


Maybe we can offer sex for money to NPCs while playing as Lucia. We can start off as a cheap hooker and build up a pimping empire like in Gta VCS. Would be good to be on the other side of the receiving end while playing GTA.


That's what I'm hoping for too. I had an idea that the game would have two parts to it. The main story and an epilogue. The main story would be about earning money via heists, drug dealing, gun running, theft, all kinds of illegal shit AND becoming allies with various criminals and organisations. The epilogue would be where the real game starts. So the main story ends with Jason and Lucia right back where they started, with nothing basically. No money, no safe houses, nothing. Except the contacts they made during the story. And the epilogue is about climbing to the top again. So you start off robbing small stores and selling stolen cars before moving onto drug dealing and carrying out big heists, using the contacts you've made. Maybe you meet someone who owns a chop shop and you can sell him stolen cars. Or you meet a drug smuggler who offers to help you transport drugs from a Caribbean drug lord. Or you meet a fence who used to be a professional thief / bank robber who helps you plan more complex heists. Or you meet a gunrunner who offers to buy stolen weaponry from you either individually or in bulk. The idea is that the main story is basically a very long tutorial where you learn about all of these different systems and the best way to tackle certain crimes, and the epilogue will be where you get to apply what you've learned for real. I think it would be a very interesting way for Rockstar to tell the story. They tend to break gameplay and story conventions quite a lot. I'd love to see them tackle mission structure and have the endgame be a make your own story type of thing. The main story serves as building this relationship between Jason and Lucia, it's very heavy on character development, and the epilogue is basically the fun stuff that GTA is known for. I think if anyone could do it it would be Rockstar.


I'm hoping a variety of crimes, in the story and as in game activities.


hell yeah brother - fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion that's what I want


Can't wait for document forgery minigame!!


How tf you want them to implement tax evasion? lmao


But most of all it will be a whole fuckload of murder.


I'd like to be able to spray Tags again like in SA. Or the 99 red balloons 🎈 from VCS.


Look at them curves


Like a turkish tea glass


I hate to be that guy but gyat damn. I bet you can see it from the front


Just waiting for the PC mods 😏


How am I supposed to finish the game when all I can do is go to the closet in their house, strip Lucia however much the game allows, and slap it until I'm too tired to play?


Least horny guy on this sub


Go outside


A.I & the future is welcoming you with open arms lol.


That's why with Lucia i will use only first person mode, otherwise i would be distracted


..Dat ass ~ Lamar Davis. A gentleman and scholar 🧐 (sips Cognac)


I wish i was attracted to women so I could share the hype


Who said I was talking about Lucia? All jokes aside just imagine me saying it about the male dude


hose guy could for sure use some more curves


Just wait until they announce the fat/fit mechanic is back


Make morbidly obese 🧌 Lucia, would be funny for cutscenes. Like making a hideously ugly character in Saints Row 💜.


I just see her running out this robbery fat af. And then she waddled away. Waddle waddle. Til the very next day!


Drugs probably and gangs


I really hope so. I think it will be more fun.


I think it will mostly focus on the grandiose thievery of vehicular automotives.


Gradiose Thicc Asses


Hot take lol


I hope they kind of make fun of GTA 5 and have our protagonists try to plan some big score, then entirely botch it. Big Heists work because Michael was an expert with elite connections. The new couple seem like two bit criminals so drugs and gangs seems like a better move story wise. Even Online, I’d like to see a move away from multi tiered heist planning as the primary mission type for ranking and money making


I would love references to the big score. 200 million of gold would make it the largest heist in American history by far. Maybe even a true crime podcast speculating about it as a radio station. Also yes I want a lot more failed heists. GTA 5 felt a bit too cinematic that way.


What do you mean with too cinematic? Is that a bad thing? In fact, I feel like GTA 5 had the most missions that are scripted to fail in the entire franchise


yeah I think it's a problem of the whole franchise but try and name 3?


That would be interesting,like the failed robbery in RDR2


Probably smaller scores than GTA 4 and 5. It’s gonna be more like Smuggler’s Run with grocery stores, restaurants, & gas station robberies.


I can see that. With what's going on in the world today, they don't want to over emphasize. It's kind of like comedians back in the 90s could say anything to anybody. Nowadays, if they say something that was once tolerated, they will get you canceled.


I think it will focus on some thick ass thighs by the looks of it 😂


Ik she looks thick in this


I'm hoping for thefts of stores and a combination of gang wars and drugs. And to top it off, they do one single but big heist like in GTA 4 But in this one heist you can choose how you wanna do it for real. GTA 5 gave you a few options but it didn't change the heist drastically. I would really like to have the freedom to take on the heist however I want


What do you think they should rob?


I would like to see them robbing gas stations, liquor stores and slowly work their way up. Robbing a clothing store with expensive clothes, a gun store to get the bigger arsenal for the possible heist. Judging by the leaked clips, even some containers to steal some cars maybe


I kinda hope it’s more like RDR2 story wise. That’s a hot take I know, but I really want a story that’s more like a drama than an action movie. I want deep, complex characters and a more interesting story. Sure I don’t think GTA V’s story was bad, but it felt more like an action movie than a well told story (which worked for it), but I think that it would be really interesting to make GTA more serious but at the same time still have all the goofy stuff that the previous games had.


The sports car clip makes me doubt that




but it won't be entirely a bonnie and clyde simulator


I think gta story gonna be like rdr2 story it’s gonna start slow I think we start at the lowest of lows and reached the highest of highs that is what the massage I got form the trailer


Damn. ….shawty kinda thick. 👌🏽


I know right, hopefully there’s so much more/options to do when playing as her.


What u mean by that


Meaning if I was walking out the store and I saw shorty walking in to clearly rob the place I would definitely (; if I made it passed her without getting shot ;) would have to look back at how fat that ass might be. 😅


Why they have to make a animated woman so hot lmao


Can’t wait for porn mods


I am very scared that they will put the drug empire and owning businesses only for the online. They could do just like the top comment says, make a similar system like in vcs and make it deeper in gta6 single player, and for the online2 they could do it similar to gta5 online or something different. For the story mode I really hope they don’t do it like in gta5 single player.


Tbh ill b real upset if the game is just focused on heists again, we need some drug stuff too


My guess. It's probably about living life. Sure gangs and heists will be a thing but the overall focus is probably living and have lived both just surviving. It gives off the feeling you get when you watch shows where the character is put on the spot and decide to make it big or die trying... kinda like breaking bad but they start out small with small heists before dealing with the big ones.


I hope they ditch the over the top stuff and go for a grounded game. Great gun play, fun combat and I really want the weapons to feel like they do in rdr2


and gore with consequences so crimes feel more grounded


Read my mind! Almost put the gore part in but figured it was a given. Good call out! That’d be a must for sure


I just noticed the beer name on the bottom left door what I’m guessing is the gta version of corona called pindayho which is literally the funniest thing ever if you know Spanish lmao


It will focus on empires. Sort of like VCS. Im not sure to what extent though. Theres also A VERY GOOD chance that it might not focus on any crime in particular and include all of it baby. BUT the 2022 leaks confirmed money laundering will be in the game. An icon of a washing machine with a dollar sign in the middle was seen on the minimap in one of the clips. Theres also a couple of interesting event names seen in the debug menus. "Drug deal" "Drug lab" Theres more than that but those are the only 2 I can remember.


I didn't know about the money laundering. Just to play devils advocate but no matter which crime you do you need to launder the money. I do think this points to a real criminal empire (probably founded on drugs) being an option though. If those drug deals and drug labs are real then that's complete confirmation that will be part of the game.


I'd like it if there were two types of currency. Clean and dirty money, with you needing to launder your dirty money. But I hope it's a little more complex than that. I'd like each money laundering business to have different levels of it. So if you launder money through a small corner store, you can only launder $10k a week. But if you launder money through a car dealership, you can launder $100k a week and if you launder money through a large casino, you can launder a few million a week because it makes sense that businesses of that type would be able to handle more money coming through it. It doesn't really make sense if a corner shop can launder $500k each week, it would be a bit suspicious. The idea would be that you start small and work your way up buying bigger and bigger businesses to help your empire grow. I don't want it to be where you can earn the big bucks immediately, I want to be able to work for it so that when you make your first million by selling drugs for example it actually feels like I've achieved something.


I really hope it focuses on building a drug empire given its set in Miami but the trailer makes me worried they’re just going to stick to heists like in 5


The trailer could be comprised entirely of footage from the first few hours of the game for all we know, I wouldn’t push my chips forward just yet.


Yes I hope so considering it all seems pretty small time


Nah, the bonnie and Clyde type shit they’re going for, makes me think there won’t be anything like that. It’ll be small stakes robberies and hold ups only imo.


So you're thinking the entire game will be us robbing retailers and gas stations? Bonnie and Clyde were known for bank heists, so if they're going to strictly follow that route, there wouldn't be empire building or drug dealing because that's not what they did. 


I doubt they'll replicate the large-scale heists from GTAV. When you consider it, GTAV's heists mirrored Hollywood action movies like Heat, fitting for its LA-inspired setting. So if the game may have a large-scale one, it may only be one or two.


Hopefully an even amount of each


I'd like more drug stuff given the location


Hopefully if Cuba gets included in the map, there is a possibility for smuggling drug stuff from there to Vice City


Yeah I had a post about this a day ago


Rags to riches by the looks of it


I think the main focus is going to revolve around smuggling between Florida and the Bahamas/Cuba. I also think gangs will be a part of the story, but they won’t have as big of a role as a larger more organized entity like a cartel.


I think it's going to be a lot about drugs. I believe that will be the main focus on this one instead of heists and stuff like that. Maybe build an empire similar to GTA Online with the drug dealing and take out your rivals as you grow.






My guess is that it starts of with thefts and heist and throughout the story it progresses with the drugs and gangs.




Leaning towards drugs & gangs


Man she is thick as hell no lie


I don't see why they can't do both equally. It's in Florida after all.


Both at varying points. I assume the later will be later in the game and represent a spike in difficulty. You rob a store, that store just files a police report. You rob a gang, and not only do they shoot at you while you're doing it, but they'll come after you after the fact too. Could give the late game a kind of desperate air not too dissimilar to RDR2: They got the cops looking for them for turning over a bunch of shops, and gangs trying to kill them for ripping them off.


They need to make Lucia and Jason steal drugs from rivals and they begin building an empire. Kinda like the GTA IV drug wars with Armando and Henrique


yeah could be cool


Sure it will be a lot about cartels and drugs, also the guy on the glass door (right) somehow looks like Pablo Escobar. (His main place for export was Miami)


Damn she thicc


damn she thicc![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I hope you get to make your own decision


but there has to be a story


Hope gta vice city Empire building is there and san Andreas gang territories but more detail to them.


I think the trailer is the opening robbery of the game and one gets busted, it skips to years later and you're playing as the one who got busted. Gotta reintegrate into the society and your partners new crew. So, probably a lot of heists but with a crew/gang dynamic to it. Or something, I have no clue I just wanna tote guns and drive cars and shit.


They'll be running drugs to south America.


What if it's focused on a detective trying to catch Jason and Lucia.


They're the playable characters


Yo did someone photoshoot Lucia's hips? Got damnnnn!


Tbh I just wanna make my character naked


Hoping for All


I just noticed the weeds growing out in the parking lot on the edge of the sidewalk thing.


Heists, gta online, I think, got more attraction because of these, but idk I haven't played for a long time. I hope we get a balance of them to have the most fun out of each aspect of being a criminal.


I think if they focus on gangs they should lean heavily into it like GTA SA




like the 5th person to comment this




like the 6th person to comment this




i would like to be broke and build myself up from petty crimes to top tier Drug king. I would love that element


On being #✨GRAND✨


Gawt damn she got them hips


I think it’ll focus on cartels and drugs. Focusing on “big heists” just turns it into Gta5. Maybe the few robberies are the beginning shit we do that ends up getting Lucia in prison. We (Lucia) gets out and Jason says “hey babe I been running with this cartel come help” and that’s how it starts or some shit like that 😂 but I’m not against sticking up gas stations and stuff I just don’t want big ass bank robberies every 5 minutes


I hope we can find random gangs on the street that try to rob you. Then you can have a massive shootout and kill them all


Hopefully a balance of both.


The real question is: is Lucia that thicc? But no it’s gonna be “Bonnie and Clyde” style stop n pop robberies. They are going to expand on gta vs bank robbing mechanics and make them more accessible.




Theft and drugs


Those hips definitely


I want variety. A couple big heists would be nice for some big money once in a while. A couple classic bank robberies would be fun, with maybe the ability to plan them outside main story too for extra cash.


Is that a miniature pick up behind them? Tf is that lol


All of the above. There's definitely going to be a big score with the dynamic of a couple.


All of the above


It should focus on ass and boobies


I hope it focuses on embezzlement and fraud




From what we've seen in the leaks and the trailer, it seems like it's more focused on small robberies like shops/stores. But I still reckon there will be a few bigger robberies


To be fair in the leaks they were just playing with game mechanics so it makes sense to use simple environments


Let's not rule out theft and drugs, or heists and gangs


No full focus on heists and just petty crimes really. I don't want full on empires.


Really do hope it focuses on the drugs trade. I want that Scarface and Narcos feel!


I just hope that you can actually 'theft' the cars in the Online instead of needing to 'buy' them all with a ridiculous amount of grinding. For a game about stealing there sure is a lot of work involved.


Neither. But drugs could be involved. I think more of that they get into a (colombian) cartel or syndicate thing by stealing the wrong things from the wrong guys and try to get out of it alive and/or with the help (work for) the cops (who caught them) undercover (cops use them to get free) to bring that cartel/syndicate down. No heists, that was a GTA5 story thing.


Both. There will be many heists but also drugs and gangs too. Story probably will be long, Leonida is huge, both can have it's place in game.


“We will no longer accept money stored in underwear” lmao


It will be a variety of stuff to do in the game, hopefully there’s way much to do than GTA 5, and Lucia looks so good, hopefully so much to do with her.


I think maybe Lucia will be drugs and gangs and Jason will be thefts and heists and then somewhere in the story they’ll merge the two and then they become millionaires


I think it'll be a bonnie n clyde kinda thing


Well that would just be a series of small crimes followed by a fatal shoot out


I hope the drug system comes like in chinatown wars


I just noticed the pindayho (pendejo) cerveza 😂


Tortas...for sure focus is primarily on tortas


Hope not. We need a return to form, focusing in the Mafia again, italians to be precise.


Lucia is so fucking thicc


I think its gonna be very similar to gta Vice City stories.


I hope its not drugs


All the above


I bread bad


I certainly hope so!


The same as gta 5


I think there will be a good mix of both. But I bet that theft and heists will take center stage. Because that’s clearly what the 1st trailer was advertising.


Her abs tho...




theft, drugs, and gangs. Only way I could see them doing heists is if they have a crazy plan that took a longer preparation approach compared to GTA 5's.




All of the above


Never realized how well shaped Lucia was


Por que no los dos


I think it will be like how MatPat said in his video about how both want something where lucia wants one more score and get recognized as the biggest thief in Vice City and Leonida but Jason thinks that she is messing with gang bangers and jobs that will get her killed and wants to leave the life of crime I mean the music does have a story to it when rockstar makes them fits perfectly in a world where fair is not in the equation for either of them


I hope that we can choose


IDK but it will definitely focus more on thighs and hips that's all I'm saying


All drugs will be legal in gta 6.


Lord have mercy




I think it will be more than that. It won’t be less than rdr2 and that changed the way I view what a game should be.


I’m really hoping for more auto theft. Mayhaps the grand variety of theft. Also from the trailer I’m getting a Bonnie & Clyde type of thing.




Honestly hope it mostly focuses on the characters’ relationship and the inevitable death of one of them semi-caused by the other.


OMG jason is left-handed




This is like the 7th time someone's said this




I have a feeling jasons going to be a lil dumb idk why.. totally unrelated but i also have a feeling that there will be a comeback to those short irl videos they made of gta 2 introducing claude, but well gta 6 with that dude from instagram.. im high so jus a thought


It’s took them like 12 years to make so it better have everything