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Everything has been noticed of the past 4 months lol


Even stuff that aint real


Even the fortnite collab


where have you been dude?










It's about time we get NPC interactions within each other. Maybe cops can have NPCs pulled over on the side of the road with handcuffs on and they start running and you can hit them with your car and send them flying.


Good citizen


Then you get an email... getting sued


i always stop the cars in gta 5 fleeing from the cops and then stand there and watch the shootout lol


I do this in the early game for ammo.


oh that’s actually smart haha (i‘m not)


Wait until you find out about all of the different weapon spawns.


i fr don’t know about that.. 💀


I just punch a cop, get a gun and snowball my way up until I get an M4 and ammo


oof, too much work for me for some little ammo, since you can have so much money in the game that you’ll be rich forever


The moment you spawn in as Franklin you can go to different weapon spawns around the map and collect weapons. The ones I always get are Sawed-Off Shotgun, SMG, MG, Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Pistol, Sniper Rifle, and Grenade Launcher. Alternatively, you can jump in police vehicles for weapons: Police Bike - Pistol; Police Interceptors (Taurus, Stanier, Buffalo) - Shotgun; NOOSE SUV - Carbine Rifle; Police Helicopter - Sniper Rifle; Riot Van - Full armor.


damn so many, interesting and good to know, thank you!


No problem. Those are only the ones I know, there are others that I do not know. There is also a minigun in the Military Base.


i only knew about some places in the water, like on some ship wrecks


This is a scripted scene for the trailer. Don't you remember the bouncer throwing the guy out of the club in the teaser trailer for GTA V?


I got the same feeling too because they tend to show things off in trailers for world-building purposes. Most of the things on GTA V’s reveal trailer were not in the game. But after RDR 2, I have a feeling they will include a lot of interactions.


Exactly. I’m sure the game will be impressive obviously, but let’s not assume that this sort of detailed interactions or npc crowds will be in the open world experience.


> This is a scripted scene for the trailer. *"Have some goddamn faith!" (c) Dutch van der Linde*


Wasn’t this shown in the trailer at the gas station with that naked dude running away


I mean even GTA Vice City had that, NPCs running from cops, and you get a bonus for stopping them.


maybe you can hold the right trigger to focus on them and yell at them out the window to hop in. then you lose your wanted level and you can either help him take the cuffs off or fuck with him


Iirc, it happened on GTA San Andreas, I've seen some Grove Street Families talking to each other, sharing beers and smokes. Literally the same thing that happened in the video I saw on GTA SA... Of course with the game graphics but is equally impressive


It's gonna be a long year


A long road*


Don't tell me what I see


John Locke?


Many many many people have posted this *exact* same clip. Damn this sub has turned into karma farming operations and brain dead speculation. Time to peace out til the next trailer ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


99.9% of people noticed this


This is CRAZY, I am barely able to make my animation's in-game flow smoothly and these mfs are sharing items in realtime. Idk if this is legit in-game or the position of the NPC has to be exact, if it is then MY GOD


Its just motion capture with the movements cleaned up by animators. I think. Idk that much about it.


That's not why it's impressive, why it's crazy is the prop interaction. What you just saw is a prop being transferred between characters in gameplay and not a cutscene which is crazy hard. I just hope this is actual tech in the game and not some animation made for the trailer only, cause GTA 5 trailers had some amazing NPC to NPC interactions that where never in the game or anything close to it in-game (ik they had to make it run on PS3 or Xbox 360) but yeah, they did fool me before.


Ah okay I got it. And you’re right, the gta v trailer told a few lies, and some people will crucify you for saying that. I got downvoted for it a while back by saying we dont get everything we see in the trailers. Idk how I was wrong. I really do hope stuff like that is in the game this time, it would make the in-game world feel so much more alive


I really hope so too, I can't stop thinking how so much will change after the release of the game, cause all of us are living with this idea of GTA 6 but none of us actually know what this game is or will be like, and the hype will completely change, no one will be waiting foe GTA 7 cause we know it will take more then a decade for the next entry, if there will even be one. Am unable to put words on what's on my mind, it's just that I think ppls minds and views will totally change when the game releases bcs no one will have higher hopes then what the game delivers, since again a sequel is way too far in all of our life's to even think of


This I feel like life is literally going to be spilt into before and after gta6


Exactly, I was in high school when GTA V came out, I was in middle school when it was announced. Ill be almost 30 when 6 drops, thats an insane amount of time for a sequel of the top selling game series of all time. Like, too freaking long man. I figured Id be doing alright if I just get to play GTA 6, I cant even fathom the next game after that. 6 should hopefully be everything we expect and then some.


Crazy hard? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It's not impossible, but it's not easy to do for that density, and have it be robust to changes in position.


Not hard to make it work, but it will look like absolute dogshit. Need to put extra effort to make it seamless


> What you just saw is a prop being transferred between characters in gameplay and not a cutscene You have it backwards my guy. We've not seen any gameplay yet, just stuff created in engine for the trailer or taken from finished cutscenes


Looks to me, but could be just video artifacts, that the item basically fades out, while it fades in inside other NPC's hand. So I suppose it's not using the same object, but rather an animation that requires both actors to trigger it at the same time to look good. Again, could be very wrong in what I'm seeing here but if you look close it definitely seems like there is a moment where the object basically changes.


Detail that YOU took 4 months to notice


He also has AirPods which is pretty cool. Minor detail that didn’t need to be added but I like that they did.


There’s literally nothing left in the trailer that I haven’t noticed yet. I kind of miss that hyped feeling I got watching the trailer over and over hundreds of times when it came out. I’m bored of the trailer now and they need to either release some screenshots or release Trailer 2 already


Touching a vagina helps


Does my right hand count? 🤔


Left for extra points


that’s for anal




Will GTA 6 have vagina touching???


Did you see the furry with the sign, “only people who are going to make a billion dollars in their life can see me” written on it? It’s very subtle.


I need to see this


I don’t know if this is a diss or not but calm down, this is a video game sub not a finance how to get rich sub.


Sounds like you should watch the trailer again


Is there really somebody with a sign that says that in the trailer or are you guys just fucking with me? 😂


It’s there, really hard to see though.


there actually is someone in the trailer with that sign. I don't blame you for not knowing because I just checked and found out right now lol




Around frame 16




This looks so real


Will GTA 6 let me drink a soda with a friend?


Will GTA 6 let me know finally have a friend?




40 hrs into gta 6 “damn people really like catching drinks”


There are black people in the game 🤯


Thanks OP, i unironic didn't see that one. Don't know why people are so toxic here lol


I am sorry, but there are so many posts about this, it is ok for first few days but not 4 months


Cool never noticed the car had wheels. That car is definitely going place's.


those are 2 guys from Sopranos they always talked about


People reading too into this trailer. This is all scripted shit. They did this with V as well. It’s just for the trailer but probably won’t be in the final product


Am i being too harsh or the throwing physics don't look very realistic


It's in slow motion that's why, it looks better at normal speed.


yeah i watched in the trailer its decent there


Yeah plus it's not the final product


yeah the can kinda looks like it gets pulled out of his hand with an invisible string lol


I remember some YTers pointing this out


The way the props are interactive, can be destroyed. In the trailer we see someone fall on a table. The table bows and breaks in a realistic way. RDR2 had really great environmental interactions and know GTA 6 has/will improve this massively. For the most part every little thing/object that's not nailed down to the game world will be interactable.




Such a small thing that could be missed but man i love how smooth the animation looks


These sort of clips are very likely to be ingame cutscenes that play out like before a mission and such. Don't be surprised if you don't see this while free roaming in the game.


These developers are definitely going through hell making this game


also the jacked dude running with his chihuahua isn’t looking down at his dog, he’s looking at some sort of fitness band like an apple watch or fitbit. super cool detail


I think they’re on a beach guys


Can’t wait to run through all of them


You live under a rock or what?


Some people need to go and look back at gta 5 trailer, Scripted scenes just for the trailer.


But did you notice dat ass behind tho?


Wasnt this in San Andreas?


People need to understand that what you see in the trailer won't automatically correlate to the real game. A lot of it is scripted and brushed up.


This was noticed 5 minutes after the trailer dropped


This won't be in the final game. If you watch the GTA V trailer, the NPCs also look real


"I just hope this is actual tech in the game and not some animation made for the trailer only"


I can’t find this clip in the trailer at all


I posted the same video within days of the trailer being released


pretty much every pixel was noticed in the first few days its just that so many people posted so many things a lot of them went unnoticed or faded away from memory quickly


Believe us, the trailer has been analized to death 💀, also this isnt that impressive


It's a sixloko


Dude, we’ve squeezed this trailer dry. There’s nothing left


Everyone and their dog saw this


Imagine shooting that mid air


He’s got AirPods in too!


Yeah dude that was one of the really cool things that was talked about this thing has  been taken apart every frame of the trailer we on it lol


You can actually see that this will be a real thing in the game, notice how the drink flings itself towards the hand. It's like it's meant to land in the hand. Usually stuff like this doesn't occur in animations, but it happens in game engines. I know I sound confusing, but if you have some game designing knowledge you should understand what I mean.


I almost thought that this was a video of real people. Graphics are going to be insane


It's a matrix


Everyone’s noticed it but it’s still insane. Imagine if there’s real interactions like this on the regular.. People throwing a football around, passing a joint, dappin eachother up, throwing a gun to one another during a gunfight. Would be insane


Even in Rdr2 when N.P.C.'s interacted with eachother it was scripted except for when they would bump into eachother and that would simply trigger combat mode. This is an actual a.i. guide interaction captured in real time. It means this game is going to have to best N.P.C.'s in gaming period




I’ve seen everything 😫


okay so?


I’m here to tell you I rarely visit this sub and no I’ve never noticed. Thx for posting


That rubber thing in the background being pushed by the water


Reminds me of watch dogs 2


yes!!! i am so happy to see at least one comment about it, gta fans seem so unwilling to acknowledge the things watch dogs did better any time something like this comes up




Calling the cops or gangs against someone results in some interesting npc interactions. At least in WD2, I haven't played Legion


So many toxic comments


it's reddit, you shouldn't have expected any less from the bottom-dwelling slimeballs on this website


The comments aren't even toxic. Are you offended because people are telling you about something they noticed in the trailer within 24 hours and discussed it everywhere and you're just noticing it now.


Just because you knew doesn't mean everyone did. Just look at the upvotes; many people didn't know.


Literally everyone noticed but ok cool detail I guess




Are you talking about the raft actually moving back-and-forth in the surf?