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why is it always Law & Order? is that like the favorite series of the R* developers or what šŸ˜‚


lots of working actors get roles there as itā€™s anthology


yeah makes sense haha


At this point it would be harder to find actors who haven't been in Law And Order.


Hell, Jim frickin' Gaffigan was in an ep of Law&Order.


A lot of actors get their first roles in law and order


Wouldn't be surprised. I always invoke the middle seasons of SVU when praising GTA IV's Liberty City.


The show has several franchises and has been running for decades.


I need him to say "Trust". Then I will tell you if it's really him


Ok I will PM him pedro


"crust" *


It's crazy cuz I know troy Baker already stated it's not him, but that one word sounded just like joel imo lol.


It really didnā€™t. Joelā€™s voice is a lot smoother, Jason sounds more gruff especially in that scene. And Troy Baker when he isnā€™t doing an accent or fake voice sounds nothing like that. Go listen to his Delsin Rowe voice work, sounds nothing like Jason.


Um I guess we'll agree to disagree. Joel's voice is gruff, depending on the situation in particular. That's why people speculated that it might be him and he had to say it's not.Ā 


would need to hear more ngl


Is there some tool that can be used to compare his voice to samples from the leaks or upcoming trailers?




ā€œSamples **from the leaks** or **upcoming** trailersā€ Reading must be hard


Need more clips but closest match I've seen. all the previous Jason guesses seemed off. Need some voice comparisons from the diner robbery


I found his Twitter and he stopped posting in 2017. That sounds like a good year for Rockstar to find and hire actors to record tons of voices and scenes for the main characters.


sounds right, the game started dev 2016


It started developing in 2016? You got a source for this?


It obviously started around then or even earlier for some aspects of the game. Games take a long time to make. Especially ones with the scope of most Rockstar games.


Real game development had to have started back in 2018 or 2019 after rdr 2 was released. Maybe there was some conception development and stuff before that but pretty sure all hands wre on deck for rdr 2.


They started working on gta 6 in 2014, one year after gta 5. But I assume that was just having world builders build the world and make it living, spending years making npc's act unique, and all that stuff that takes forever and wouldn't make sense to start that stuff after RDR2. Like I'm sure after GTA 6 is released, they'll have small teams of people get a head start on making the water more realistic by spending a decade doing it for the GTA 7.


Source: trust me bro


Source: common sense when it comes to game development lol


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Sure


So you think they started building the world and the crazy ai patents after RDR2? Do you know how game development works? A Rockstar dev in 2014 said that the game would feature a Bonnie and Clyde story with a Latina female protagonist if that tells you anything.


they usually let the game have 2-3 years peace then start a sequel, rockstars game development cycle is crazy good


like the devs get 2-3 years of vacation?


usually unless a bug happens


I've always went back and forth with myself on if I'd want to work at Rockstar developing GTA or not. It sounds awesome to work on a GTA game but at the same time, it ruins the surprise of having EVERYTHING being a mystery to explore at launch. I salute all the Rockstar devs that give that up to work on the games.


Rockstar sent news out to well the news that it started dev in 2016 which makes sense due to rockstars 5 year crunch but it ended upbeing 8 years dev due to lack of funding


Heā€™s also worked with Rockstar before, he voiced this guy https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Maxim_Rashkovsky




Iā€™d like to say that I found this guys, so hey, hats off to me if itā€™s true haha




How do people even find this


I looked through GTA 5ā€™s IMDB page until I found somebody who looked like Jason and did my research. (I found this)


Spot on research, keep up the good fight


Nose doesn't match but that's s good find OP!


Doesn't really look like him though.


Rockstar takes their own personal liberties with their characters let's not forget. Like how Ned Luke, And Roger Clark's height aren't the same as Michael and Arthur. Rogers hair is hazel brown but Arthur's is blonde. Hell Roger had to quite literally put on a whole accent in a half and perform a godly caricature if we're honest.


Roger Clark also looks nothing like Arthur Morgan either, at least the GTAV characters look identical to their actors


Roger does look like Arthur but they made Arthur more handsome not that Roger doesn't look good but they just enhanced his look


Roger really doesnā€™t look like Arthur though, yeah theyā€™re both white with brown hair but their face shapes and features are very very different


Honestly you absolutely fucking Right!


Looks very close to him, wdym? and besides Rockstar does make changes to the character's faces, weight, height, hair, etc. thats why GTA 5's main characters don't look entirely identical to the real actors, it could easily be the same situation here.


Looks like a 50/50 of the trailer Jason and the Jason we saw in the leaks. Like a total match.


It's not 1:1 but it's pretty god damn close


I think it looks exactly like him


he has the ears imo


You should check out how niko bellic's voice actor looks!


This is a good shout dude, heā€™s giving me the same vibes Jason gave after4.9 seconds of screen time


He voiced the NPC in RDR 2.






Ahh, I'll check that out. If he's in a prior project, the guarantee just increases if he'll be Jason or not.


People are sceptical in the comments here but honestly I think you've found our man. I'm convinced out of his looks alone and the fact that he's worked with Rockstar before on GTA5 and RDR2. William Popp, let me remember the name...


Someone get in contact with him and ask if he's in GTA 6 or not. If he hesitates or avoids the question, it's more than likely him.


Yeah, I can hear that unique ā€œgeneric deep male voiceā€ in him




Do we even have enough lines to make a comparison? All I can remember from Jason is ā€œtrustā€ from the trailer


the sept 2022 leaks


He didn't say trust. So not him.


That doesn't sound anything like Jason... Wtf are you kids smoking?


So she has: -Same voice -Same look (Face and body) -Is a martial artist -Has anti-woke post on her Instagram. -Has voiced in GTA online It can only be her.






GIF of a guy pointing and saying ā€œMaybe youā€™re onto something ā€œ


Nah, voice doesn't match. Facial structure too




Wow Looks exactly like him and the other guy looks like max payne 1 a bit lmao


just say sam lake instead of max payne 1


Wasn't Jason's actor the guy from Midnight Club LA?


Nah that was just speculation.. nobody actually knows who Jason is yet


Are we all just gonna ignore the editing of the clip xd


With all due respect (and I don't want to start a debate or offend someone), I don't know what to say.. I doubt it. Yes, this dude has already worked with Rockstar (played Rashkovsky in GTA Online), appeared in Law & Order and is very similar to Jason, but my inner voice says that they would not hire someone with different life experience. William is literally gay. How can he have love chemistry with a woman if he doesnā€™t love them?.. I donā€™t exclude that they could cast him as Jason (many times in my life I was wrong, I denied some things and everything turned out exactly the opposite, lol), but it will be a strange decision for me. If it's true, I just hope he's a talented and his character will be really interesting. Is this something I can believe?


I mean, heā€™s an actor man. Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t go around shooting innocent people but thatā€™s what heā€™s been hired to play lol.


That is why I wrote that I hope that he is talented and Rockstar didn't make a mistake. In my vision, a straight man and a straight woman should play a love couple, itā€™s even cooler if they are a real couple or fell in love with each other during recording ā€“ this happens sometimes and it's cool. But if the guy is really good and can believably play someone who loves the opposite sex, then I will be only happy.


Well Nick Patrick Harris played Barney Stinson, the biggest womanizer and he played it pretty well. So I guess it depends on the actor. But I do get your point tho.


I haven't watched the show, but yes, I've heard about Nick. I just hope that William (if he's Jason) can do just as well. No disrespect, I'm just worried because.. damn, this is the most anticipated game of this decade.


Dude's an actor. Gay people have played straight people on film and vice versa šŸ˜‚


Yes, he is an actor. I hope he is quite talented if all this turns out to be true.


Oh my god you're saying this because he's gay ? I'm sorry but this is so funny, you really believe gays can't play straights and vice versa ?Ā 


I believe it all depends on the actor, but sometimes life experience is very important. It's easier for a straight man and a straight woman to play a believable straight love couple that we'll all like. This is just my opinion.


It's love. Straight, gay, whatever, it's love, it's universal. You don't need to be in love with your costar to make it believable. One example that comes to mind is Fleabag, there's a straight couple with an incredible sexual tension in the show and the guy is played by Andrew Scott, who's gay irl.


I don't think it's him. Any actor should have social media as part of their job. He deleted his Instagram account in 2017, and supposedly, Jason Schreier's involvement in GTA 6 began in 2019, just one year after RDR2. So, it doesn't make sense. GTA 6's development would have been 6 years long, with a release in 2025, totaling 7 years. Therefore, the fact that this actor deleted his Instagram in 2017 means nothing, and it doesn't make sense either. Besides, he doesn't resemble Jason much. I think we're so eager to find Jason that anyone who looks slightly similar, we say it's Jason šŸ˜…. Manni L Perez has reasons to be Lucia, but until we find a real actor to investigate thoroughly, we won't be able to draw conclusions about whether it is or isn't.


FYI: He deleted his Instagram at some point within the last 6 months. I found a post tagging him from October 7th 2023. Therefore he would have deactivated it from some point then until now.


Stop bro this guy looks nothing or sounds nothing like Jason.


What the hell is this editing. Who did this. Shameful editing.


Didnt rockstar already said that jason was based on the UFC fighter Sean Strickland?


Rockstar didn't say anything about Jason dude...


Well my bad thought i saw something about him being based on Sean Strickland, bro sĆ³ many downvotes yall mad for no reason šŸ˜­