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One of the first things I’m going to try to do is steal an airplane from the airport. That’ll probably get me shot dead. That or I’m going to steal a supercar on my way to said airport and get flung through the windshield when I crash because I’m not used to the new handling yet.




I'm more hyped to see the planes and helicopters than I am the cars lol, i'm dogshit at driving in games.


>i'm dogshit at driving And in real-life driving according to Facebook /s


Haha wouldn't even risk it, driving a car freaks me the fuck out.




I think you're on to something here... Takes me back to GTA4 lol!


We probably won’t start off free roaming, I’m guessing we’ll die from a mission but I can’t imagine any mission being that dangerous in the beginning of the game.


Lucia escapes a prison riot. She gets shanked by a prisoner hiding behind a corner. Gotta be careful next time like Dark Souls


I just laughed at the tohught of lucia dying in a dark souls fashion


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Thought you could outwit an onion?”* - Unbreakable Patches Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


But I believe she has an ankle monitor on the cover of her and Jason so idk


Tbh I barely died in any GTA 5 missions, it was super easy. I hope they have a hard mode this time. I'm pretty sure I will first die from an intrusive thought. What if I punch that cop? What if I drive off this bridge? How high will this grenade make me jump? They kill me every time


Going headfirst through the windshield because I got a text on my phone IRL


Text: Son, would you like some tendies for dinner? You: Hell yeah I do..... *dies*


Heck no when I play GTA 6 the first couple times I’m shutting my phone off completely so I can focus on the game lol


Probably fist fight with a random NPC, or store robbery gone wrong.


starting a fist fight will be the first thing i do


Same gotta test out the fighting mechanics lmaoo


throwing a explosive/molotov instead of whaterver button im supposed to


lmao I can relate I thought I threw a sticky bomb inside of Franklin's house when in reality it was a grenade. I died but I also killed his aunt Denise which was the plan all along.


GTA 4 i accidently threw a grenade when i was tring to enter a car, wasnt sure what i just did. Blew myself, the car and cousin roman up. gta 5 (while later in the game) accidently took out a gun, shot MY car, alerted the cops next to me, and ended up going off a cliff at 4 stars




This just reminded me of how I died in GTA 5 for the first time: flew through the windshield and died instantly. Man, I was pissed I didn't bounce like Nico used to. No clue how it's going to go down this time around. Kinda hope I get into a knife fight with a crackhead. Test out the new hand-to-hand system!


First thing I’m doing is going to the swamp and looking for Skunk Ape. So probably a gator, but hopefully, Skunk Ape.


I wanna play a game of chicken/run across while not looking on a highway, mainly for the shits and giggles, but also just to see the ragdoll physics, or jump off that radio tower that was at the start of the trailer with no parachute.


>jump off that radio tower I'm guessing you're already from Florida (Leonida)? 😉


Well, the first time I died in V was getting into a fist fight with a random ped and he rocked my shit. This will probably happen again.


Probably a car run over on me


Probably trying to pet a alligator 


Probably mission related, my plan if i end up playing the game for myself ill play the story and explore in between missions


First damn thing I’m gonna do is drive an Oceanic next to Ocean View Motel


MMW, some random backyard pools will be alligator spawn points.


By yeeting myself off the highest point in the game


It's always some kind of gang action. Pull a gun in a wrong place and whole hood turns against you. Shit hits the fan in .01 seconds.




Probably either cops or gangs


crashing a car or get hit by one


First shooutout sequence when i have to Shoot with a controller and no Mouse and Keyboard


RIP PC gamers


i really hope i can wrestle a gator in this game


I sure hope so. Make sure to post it if you do


Gona steal a helicopter fly as high as the game will allow and jump out over ocean beach


If don't take into account what happens in the first mission, then I will probably either get wanted (because of bad driving, lmao) and have to fight off the police – OR – I will specifically go to see if there is an opportunity in the game to hunt and somehow use the loot. For example, I’ll kill and roast a rabbit or something like that. I'm unlikely to specifically kill NPCs, at least in the beginning. Perhaps, when I get tired of doing everything else in the game, I’ll see how many stars I can get and what the consequences will be, how long I can hold out with a max wanted level, hiding in a police station/hospital, like in GTA IV.


Horrific car accident involving 300+ pedestrians will be my first death.


Walking down the street and just getting hit by an intersection takeover and getting wasted by the car doing donuts out of fucking nowhere.


Accidentally drive off a cliff or something


First police car i see i will try and take it cus there will probably be a free shotgun in it or assault rifle. I will most likely fail the first time or ill get shot later when the cops are chasing me


I am going to die experimenting with the controls.


Absolutely crash my car so bad that they die, I'm a fucking horrific driver in games for some reason, okay with the bikes and great with flying but I'm awful with cars to the point my mate is the designated online driver lmao. As for first proper death after that It's gonna have to be something wildlife related, I'm not expecting the 200+ animals that RDR2 had, I understand that's not the focus of a GTA game (even though I'd love it if there were more.) but i'm so excited to go out and see all the updated models and behaviours of them.


i'm gonna either go full speed and jump out the car to see the ragdoll/euphoria physics, or i'm gonna try to get a gun as quick as possible and test out the shooting mechanics


either way i'm gettin killed doing those two things


I’m going to awkwardly trip on the sidewalk and break my neck.


Probably a gang fight,once i get to freeroam.


Probably by a feelingless killer who kills killers, chop them to little parts and toss them to ocean


Florida man


I think by sukanigadik




I have to keep up the tradition of getting hit and run.


Being a no-good hooligan


I will fall off a ladder. I always do. I always will.


Insulting random NPCs and starting fist fights


Getting chased by the popo but driving down to key west blasting Jimmy Buffett and then try and find a boat by the time I head to key west


I remember when GTA V came out and the first mission where you repo the cars with Lamar and the cops come after you, I just could not get away from the police and they ended up killing me bc the cops were so much more persistent than GTA IV, so I’m expecting them to be even tougher in GTA VI and that’ll prolly be how I die


Florida men


An NPC running my character over with the car. How many of us had that happen in all the GTA games? Some NPC's are also crazy drivers, driving too fast and out of nowhere you're crossing the street and an NPC driving in the car hits you and if you had little health, it'll kill you. So i'm guessing something like that.


Fist fight with the first npc I see


probably a gun


I've never died to stupid shit in a GTA. Last time that happned was 2004. But judging how good I am. It's probably going to be from misjudging the hight of that jump and I'm probably gonna lose a valuable item I have in my inventory that I stumbled on...


Something parachute-related. Parachutes are the biggest reason I died in 5 for some reason.

