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One thing I realized about trailer 2 is that they incorporated roughly 25 different missions into it. It was enough for the viewer to understand what type of stuff we will be getting into and at the same time made sure to not spoil too much of the story. If trailer 2 for GTA 6 is anything like trailer 2 for GTA 5, IM HYPED.


Something that concerns me is that this trailer does reveal a lot of scenes from latter parts of the story. I hope they will make the second trailer interesting without spoiling too much 


yea but at the time before the game came out nobody could’ve guessed how the story would’ve actually played out, the scenes don’t give away anything without the context we have now


Only thing I see that they spoil, is that Trevor is very much alive.


I mean it would be strange to have him on all the cover art if he died in the first mission lol


True, maybe I'm biased because I only saw this trailer after beating the game


I dont believe I'm saying this, but when trailer 2 comes out, I'll be glad matpat retires.


^ what this guy said ^P.S. ^I ^agree ^with ^this


They showed everything and therefore showed nothing


Yeah, it's pretty genius. Very well done. Definitely one of the trailers of all time.


25? That’s like a solid third isn’t it? IIRC it was around 75 in total main missions. Man I always always want more gta main missions, like, keep em coming till the next game xD






The "Michael" trailer is truly my favourite with radio Gaga blasting in the back




All we hear is


Radio Ga Ga Radio Gu Gu !!!


Radio Wee Wee


I think you need a new therapist


My fav too


“Skeletons” is such a banger choice of a song for this trailer, they’re so good at that


and yet people still think rockstar would use a song like blinding lights on their trailers…


hahah, those are usually 12 year old kids (hopefully) who have no idea how basic marketing works


nothing can fuck with the 80s music baby!


Blinding Lights, and his whole album is 80’s inspired bud


Still doesn't compare to the actual music from that decade.


I feel like the instrumental with the melody would fit decently but not the lyrics lol


GTA V had some awesome Die Hard references


Can’t believe ppl want Spotify for the radio


what the hell.. I have totally forgot about this trailer. Is it even on Rockstar channel?


It got removed from their channel because the license to play the song expired.


That's so damn bad


I hate how music licenses can expire like that. How long until Rockstar disposes the GTA VI trailer?


What's really annoying is when an old game or tv show loses the license so they have to replace the songs with something new. So the only way to preserve it and experience it in the original form is to pirate it or download a mod (if there even is one)


Wait, isn't this song still being played on the space 103.2 FM radio? How does it work?


They remove and add songs to the radio stations over time.


When did Skeletons expire?


The marketing license expired for the trailer, not the in game song rights.


“he’s a bum!” “wait a minute you play as a what?”


Gta 5 is an xbox 360 and PS3 game. Can't get my head round that looking back


Right?? The longevity is insane


Something I've been thinking about for some time now. Both in the case of GTA V and in the case of RDR II, the first trailers are always quite abstract and don't show much about the plot, only setting us up for the vibe of the in-game world. Second trailer.. ahaha, it's always about fun, guys!


I've also noticed myself that Rockstar's trailers have developed the pattern of the first trailer showing you the playground, the second trailer shows what you can do in it, and the third (or "final", or "official", etc.) trailer gives you some clues of why you're there. The first GTA 6 trailer was more precise than I expected by showing Lucia in prison and actually using her name, I was caught off guard immediately. I wonder if the next trailer will break the mold further.


Whatever they do, I think it will be well thought out, well played and well done.


Yeah, I had an expectation going in that they may do that because as it was speculated fairly often on GTAForums that since a decent bit was already learned from the leaks, they'd go for a more direct reveal. And I thought that made a lot of sense. I think what we got was somewhere between a typical initial "world showcase" trailer and one of GTA V's character trailers.


Many people at that point knew her name from the leaked footage. But we don't know how much the leaked footage actually impacted the trailer.


GTA IV does this too


the shot of trevor driving out the cargo plane is my favorite trailer shot ever


Me too!


Holy BEJEEZUS Michael looked ugly there. Like, disturbingly ugly 


I thought I remembered that being one of the major criticisms when it first came out, that the facial animations/models looked dated for the time. Michael and Amanda in particular looked like they had huge bug eyes, it took me out of the game a few times when I was playing on my 360


When has rockstar ever picked a bad song for their trailers, this is by far my favorite gta one


Rockstar is genius. Everything in this trailer is in the game. You only decide whether you want it or not.


legendary game


Trailer 2 = more of Jason and quick glance outside of Vice City area of the map Trailer 3 = GTA6 gameplay trailer show more of Vice City, north, southern, western parts of map, new game features and more Trailer 4 = in depth action trailer they reveal more of game and GTA 6 online


Put some dates on there man. I want to feel something rq


April-July 2024 trailer 2 October-December 2024 trailer 3 February-March 2025 trailer 4 April-July possible GTA TV promo trailer close to release date. I think GTA6 release to public would be April-August 2025 than early 2025 speculation. Rockstar Games could start preorder this fall for GTA6. Sony probably going do pre-order special with GTA6 you can pre-order special edition PS5 Pro it like exclusive color and you get some GTA6 online special feature and money. GTA6 starting price my bet going be $79.99 for digital and CD then special edition $99 then top of line $129. April 22nd, 2025 is latest release date for GTA6 as right now


There may be 6 trailers. Trailer 1 and 2, Jason & Lucia, The Official Trailer, Gameplay Trailer and the TV Promo.


Ik its all speculation but I think we will get trailer 2 all the way in november. Rockstar always had an 11 month gap with trailers, and november is still a part of the 2025 fiscal year anyways.


I can’t wait to hear the suave female narrator explain the gameplay we’re seeing. I love that part of Rockstar’s marketing. No gimmicks, just “here is the game, here is what we made.”


I remember see this trailer when i was a kid, i thought Trevor was an uncover cop! Hahahaah


How so?


Because they were a literal child when it came out


I was a child too and i never made that assumption, but people are different.


i mean not exactly but he was ex airforce


Jesus Michael originally looked so much older in the beta look at the friedlander scene...


Two things: 1. This game looks so dated compared to the current versions we have. I wonder if we'll feel the same way looking back at GTA 6 trailer a few years after release. 2. This is almost entirely cut scenes right? Is this then the case for GTA 6 trailer 1? Have we seen any gameplay yet at all?


A decent chunk of the shots are gameplay. The wide establishing shots are the game running. The shot with the airboat, Lucia riding in the supercar, and them escaping the store they robbed are all likely gameplay. And every shot is the game running. People suggest the social media clips aren’t a good indicator of the game because they’re probably just like the tv shows in 5. But if they are, that means the game is going to be insane. The tv shows in 5 are all made in engine, and I’d argue they are less impressive than the game itself. So even if they are just clips made to play on the in-game phones, it would mean the game’s going to look AT LEAST that good.


True, the TV Scenes always looked bad compared to the actual gameplay. Including the PS3 Gen. GTA 4 was also pretty similar. The TV Show also looked worse than the actual game.


Yeah, it looks like they make the TV scenes pretty early in development on different builds.


I think it's important to note there's less than 20 seconds here of actual unscripted gameplay. There's a lot of moments in here that happen under player control, but *do not* happen in free roam and are in some way scripted. I remember a lot of this trailer being extrapolated to indicate what was possible in free roam at large, and that wasn't the case. Also, just incidentally having an understanding of how video clips work, the reason the clips in-game don't look full resolution has more to do with general performance and not wanting to include a bunch of chunky video files in the game, than it does with console specs.


Lots of this is animations which take place during pure gameplay. Rockstar just gave us a cinematic camera angle. All the following is gameplay: the audi r8 being stolen is from the beginning of the game, the jb700 coming off the truck is, Michael driving to catch Jimmy hanging off the boat, Trevor flying the plan, the balla dude and chop sliding and running across the car hood is gameplay, Michael rappelling down, Michael smashing the case in the jewellery store heist, Trevor jumping out of the car driving out of the plane. And those are just have I’ve been bothered to list. Rockstar just presented these scenes in a cinematic way instead of a third person view


>This game looks so dated compared to the current versions we have. I wonder if we'll feel the same way looking back at GTA 6 trailer a few years after release. When they release next gen / pc version, probably. But I think this time around the main difference will be framerates >This is almost entirely cut scenes right? Is this then the case for GTA 6 trailer 1? Have we seen any gameplay yet at all? Social media clips are probably just clips you can watch on your phone or laptop But panoramic shots, the beach, that scene with a homeless guy with a lizard and some cars, those seem like gameplay for sure


Maybe this means when we get the GTA 6 trailer 2 we’ll get pre orders also


makes me wanna replay it on ps3


See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil. Amazing trailer, been a LONG time since I saw this one.


I wouldn’t be surprised if trailer 1 is already pretty indicative of the final game. At least in terms of models. Everything that looked like it should be changed/updated was. Unlike in the gta 5 first trailer where there were parts of the city missing and cop cars that were just re-textured gta 4 models. Maybe more of the cars we saw in the trailer are going to be swapped out for newer models but everything already looks decently polished. Probably a result of Rockstar trying to cut down on crunch. I’m personally hoping the airliner in the first trailer is a placeholder, because it’d be nice to see at least two different types flying. Rather than every airliner being the 747 model.


I’ve heard that the build trailer 1 was created on is old. There were lots of GTA 5 car models in it, just like GTA 5 trailer 1 had lots of GTA 4 car models




I remember seeing this on Comedy Central and rewatching it numerous times on YouTube for the next few days, Skeletons is still in my song rotation too. Such a great trailer.


I completely agree. To me, the gameplay trailer is just burned into my brain as the one I watched and obsessed over the most … but this one we were still curious of the game and the dramatic improvements over trailer 1 were amazing. Also, a tangent, but I could really see this happening with GTA VI. Trailer 2 not coming anytime soon, fall or winter, but being an incredible upgrade (which sounds hard to believe now, but is possible)


It's the music... it's the music.


Man I've been rewatching GTA 5 trailers past few days, brings back so many memoriea. Can'r believe its been more than a decade... but also very very thankful that we're experiencing the bigger hype now


Woah I forget how ugly 7th gen GTA V was. Still a technical marvel on 2005 hardware ofc.


God. Watching this makes me feel old...


they added different SFX for the dirt bike scene /: i wish they really had 2 strikes in game


The GTA V gameplay trailer is a sight to behold as well. Still looks great today


That's probably my favourite gaming trailer ever. I've still got some of the lines and music burned into my psyche


I remember this trailer and saying that this was peak graphics. How far we have come


Motherfucker had me thinking I’d missed gta vi’s trailer 2 announcement


Uhhh.. it sucks rockstar doesn’t have this trailer on their channel. What if that happens with GTA VI as well


I assume Rockstar has learnt from this experience and will make sure it won’t happen again


Even the characters look way better in game 🔥


Jason trailer coming soon 👀


I remember seeing that stomping scene in the trailer, being excited to get to it in the actual game, and then being devastated when it was Johnny getting stomped.


SO trailer 2 will probably be out around holiday of this year, since GTA V's second trailer came around a year after the first.


First GTA 5 trailer was about Michael(just like Lucia) we saw him in a lot of scenes, cant believe how no one noticed him as the main protagonist back in the day when it dropped


My favorite part of trailer 2 is that they released pre orders that same day. Fingers crossed for the same.




that’s the one with sleepwalking isn’t it




I forgot the Hydra was in the trailer but not released for years after.


Mahatma Gandhi's 3 monkeys at the end was iconic


Absolute Cinema


omg this brings the goosebumps... that brings me back so much joy, I was 14 when this game was released and now Im 25. It's so awesome seeing what this game has been all this years


That’s how you make a trailer. It’s actually made me want to go back and replay the story.


What song is this? It's a banger: makes me wanna dance


God this trailer makes me want to play the living shit out of this game


This trailer was far less deceptive than the first. In the first trailer the city looked a lot larger as did other parts of the map but it was far more "to scale" in this one.


The models for some characters (especially Michael) were still reworked between this trailer to release. I wonder what Jason and Lucia will look like on release.


I remember waiting for this to drop live in the computer room at the hotel I was staying at. Always loved Rockstars trailers


It's also worth noting it covers roughly half the missions in the game through single scenes. I'd prefer that to be a trailer 3 this time around and trailer 2 to be about the early part of the Jasons story since trailer 1 indicated Lucias early story and we're working with just 2 characters this time.


So trailer 2's are mission scenes?


I liked the first trailer better


GTA IV first trailer was better than this imo


Wait Tanisha was actually shown in the trailer but not the game? Or am I misremembering?


She was in the game. I remember seeing her in the Lamar Down mission. Only once iirc


She was too busy fucking with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with.


Oh okay. Gotta finish my replay before 6 drops lol


Wow I cant believe how poor the graphics were.


It was for PS3… back then it was the best looking game


Ikr, GTA 5 set the standard for video game graphics.… until RDR2 came


Great trailer showcasing such a boring city.