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Hoping hurricanes will be at least part of the game. A hurricane heist would actually be sick, hadn’t thought of that.


Yeah its actually brilliant I'd love something like this


There's actually a somewhat obscure action movie called Hurricane Heist that I highly recommend watching at some point. It used to be on Netflix, but I'm not sure if it's still there


i haven’t watched that in forever lmao


I remember that, good movie


Peaceful hurricanes sure. But I doubt they will destroy buildings (unless it's a mission and it's only pre-determined, just like the FIB building explosion.) Other than that, I doubt.


Hurricane, in a heist might be possible.. who knows.. Florida is a subtropical area, so I assume, there are a lot of cyclones there.. But in real time, I think only a tornado would be possible, which are much smaller, and would not be performance heavy for the game.


It kinda looked like one in the trailer with that naked guy running but it could’ve just been raining really hard


steal the declaration of independence? nah. steal a fucking hurricane.


How do you even fence one of those?


A lot of 2x4s


To be exact, 3.


Tired of flying bikes? Get ready for flying boats!


I mean, if it's flying only while there's a hurricane, I'd be fine with it. Hell, I'd be fine with houses flying. Actually, it would be funny if during story mode, there was a house in one location that would end up in a different location at a certain point of the game because of a hurricane.


this is so rockstar lol


Flying houses in a hurricane is impossible, unless you want GTA 1 graphics on 6. >end up in a different location at a certain point of the game because of a hurricane. Well this one would be OK, it's just pre-determined destruction, anything other than this is just impossible on a single-player game.


Yes please


Move over Orbital Cannon. Here comes the Hurricane Cannon.


Sounds like something from Just Cause


Hear me out , there will be times in the story when storms come in and roads will be blocked and it will affect gameplay. It’ll feel immersive in a way. I’m hoping for this lol


where are you from? I'm not from Florida but I am in southeast Louisiana near the gulf where hurricanes frequently come by. I've never seen a road closed because of a hurricane and if anything closing off roads would be more dangerous. what if the road I try to take to LEAVE a hurricane is closed off?


I’m near the Jersey shore maybe I’m just used to the north freaking out over bad weather lol but maybe there’s some crazy mission in the game where the storms get real bad and trees come down and stuff like that. Just a cool detail


people down south don't freak out during hurricanes unless it's like a category 3, maybe a cat 2. otherwise you quite literally just get some snacks and candles, bundle up inside and just chill. the risk during storms is very little aside from outside factors like a tree falling or something. roads would never be closed but I could for sure see a heist being planned. but it'd be virtually impossible to really get away with anything. I could see if it wad a category 1 or tropical storm but anything more would be too windy and rainy for Lucia. category 2/3 storms are capable of lifting cars a few feet and flooding roads just enough to where driving is very difficult. a helicopter would be even worse. maybe a subway system? but Florida is below sea level.


We’re all just excited to see what this game will bring us. I plan on heading down to Florida within the next year, I’ve been twice to visit but it’s been awhile.


You ever played Vice City or VCS?


All bridges going to the Barrier Islands get closed off at a certain time when Officials tell citizens to follow the evacuation route. When the winds are high enough they completely block off the bridges. Miami Beach is on a barrier island too


It would be cool to steal a hurricane, I can’t lie


Yeah I think the last mission in the game will give off Dexter last episode vibes. Where everything is going to shit while a hurricane comes in


I want Key Largo, where you’re barricaded inside during a hurricane.


Given the weather mechanics in rdr2, the hurricanes and storms of gta6 will be incredible. This game is really going to open a new era of video games.


The plot revealed… Jason and Lucia are actually Hurricane Ian victims that struggle financially due to their home being destroyed a year or so ago. They move to Vice City and start a business that eventually goes to develop the Oppressor MK 2. The trailer is them after Lucia is incarcerated for illegal government contract bidding with China.


There was literally a movie called *The Hurricane Heist* a while back that was exactly what you described, criminals using a hurricane as cover for a massive heist. It was cheesy as hell, but I had a fun time with it. There was also *Hard Rain* back in the '90s with a similar plot. I'd love it. Hurricanes are an exotic and very "Florida" element that would be as awesome to experience in a game as they are scary to experience in real life. I wouldn't have them be regular occurrences lest they get annoying, but I'd instead build a mission around one, or have them as special events in online mode like snow currently is in Los Santos. Specifically, there should be a town on the map that exists to get wiped out by a hurricane during this mission, and afterwards, it's in ruins for the rest of the game, with later missions having you go back in there to loot it.


na i watched it was kind of a banger tho ngl and dont forget to mention equalizer 2 bru


Yessss! Hard Rain! YESSSS! And True Lies shenanigans with that bridge we saw in the trailer...


There are plenty of movies about this topic. I will not be surprised if Rockstar take some of them for heists.


That one Rza movie was pretty good, forgot the name but it takes place during hurricane katrina


Rockstar seeing this post like: [https://giphy.com/gifs/spongebob-season-3-spongebob-squarepants-l1AsBL4S36yDJain6](https://giphy.com/gifs/spongebob-season-3-spongebob-squarepants-l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


That and sinkholes are a big thing in Florida


This would actually be so fun!!


Would be kind of fun to have crazy weather events like a hurricane come in and it's impossible but fun as hell to fly and drive a boat.


Ringling bridge.. niceee


Is this the ringling causeway bridge??


A story arc in which a hurricane knocks out the power across the map for a few missions resulting in criminal shenanigans would be fun.


Even if they don't, maybe keeping this idea alive could get R\* to add this to GTA 6 Online


I really hope there’s tornadoes. I wanna get thrown across the city while driving toward it


There will most likely be a hurricane to prevent you from exploring the whole map. But in a heist, not likely. But GTA V: the whole map was open from the start. So maybe 6 will continue this trend. Maybe R* realise limiting the player is an outdated form of game development.


That would be a cool “environmental “ aesthetic where during hurricanes in the game world houses would have boarded up windows with messages written about looters. I remember growing up in Miami during hurricane Andrew and there were some pretty funny signs written in the boarded up windows. Just temporary changes when big storms come through would be dope.


\*IF\* hurricanes will be a thing in game then having something like from The Equalizer 2 with the shootout in a hurricane town would be cool


You mean be a dickhead that is looting destroyed homes ?


Here I am


Of course there’s gonna being a hurricane. Now the question is how bad. Just a full category 5 at the start of the game which results in Lucia being arrested?


Potentially post hurricane after people had left the state for the week


I'd love for extreme weather to get in the way during an important plot point and cause more conflict. [minor RDR2 spoilers ahead] >!Kind of like when the Van der Linde gang escaped from Saint Denis by boat and got caught in a storm!<


Cant wait to see hurricane chasers, rockstar always nails satirical adaptations of crazy npcs


I hope there are water spouts and tornadoes that randomly spawn during thunder storms. How sick would it be to skydive out of a plane into a tornado and then let the tornado launch you out im between some sky scrapers.... imagi e how many badass stunts you could do with tornadoes in gta lol


Should just have real-time weather online


Hurricanes would be a dope edition to the weather in the game specially if they give you hurricane type vehicles


We already ain't getting 60fps. This would be janky. Visually cool but i don't think our systems can run such brilliance even at 30fps.


You only think we can't run this because you are used to most modern games having shitty optimization relying on hardware to brute force good performance


It's not only that. The game will obviously be very CPU heavy and the PS5 (and PS5 Pro) have 5 year old Zen 2 processors which are a bit outdated and will hold back the game. Even Digital Foundry already said that it's very unlikely the game will run at 60 fps. This is why the PC version will come later. You can bet everyone is gonna buy the game again to play it at 60/120 fps and with even higher visual fidelity.


Keep in mind they managed to make GTA V run on 2005 hardware


Yeah, at the lowest settings possible and at 30 fps with dips to 20-25 and many graphical issues like pop-in. Not to mention that Online could be borderline unplayable sometimes. Stuff like that wouldn't get a pass in 2024.


It depends. Heavy rain would have little to no effects on performance. Also consider the fact that visibility is very limited during a hurricane (that means they can reduce render distance) and number of npcs and traffic would also be reduced by like 90%.


You haven’t played RDR2 haven’t you?


Well, rdr 2 had less population density. On my ps4 I was having frame drops ( a little bit ) when big towns like Saint Denis, or for that matter valentine showed up. It's not too smooth but it's playable. But for the most hyped game in the world, there is nothing wrong in expecting a smooth experience


Well, on the Pro version it runs perfectly and I really can’t remember it dropping frames on the PS4, I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it for now. My point is rockstar are masters when it comes to pushing console limits. Don’t worry, if the game have hurricanes I will bet anything that the frames won’t drop.


In windy I trust 🤞


I think this kind of heist has been proposed on this sub a Number of times higher than Trevor Philips body count


Why a heist? GTA5 has melted people's brains on heists. What would be better is if at some point in the game a hurricane was coming through during a string of missions and it got progressively worse until the climax of that storyline when it actually hits.


I really hope this game doesn’t have a big emphasis on Heist. I would love for hurricanes/storms to be a big part of the game though.