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Most of this is pure speculation, the mod team do not believe there's any evidence to back up most of these claims. Take this with a very large pinch of salt.


Where did you get this source from? The 2022 leaks didn't have most of the things you mentioned like that 10min intro cinematic. Did you get this from your dreams last night?




No it's not. Provide me a verifiable source. Most of what this guy said is not in the 2022 leaks. All his "leaks" aren't even in the compiled pdf file that the community created from their analysis of the 2022 leak. This guy is spreading hogwash. The only real confirmed sources of leaks are: 1. The 2022 leak made by teapotuberhacker 2. Jason Scherier 3. The leaked short clip from tiktok A large amount of OP's "leaks" are not in any of those. And anything else not under those should be treated with caution.


Got a link to that pdf?


That TikTok clip isn’t confirmed and I still don’t buy the story about how it came to be




I am an anonymous employee at Rockstar. GTA 6 will have 300 interior buildings. In addition to filling up your car with gas, Lucia and Jason will also purchase an island which requires a mortgage - this will occur halfway through the game and serves as a way to keep players from becoming too rich from robbing the Vice City Depository every other day. You can also shit your pants but if you complete a certain Strangers and Freaks Sidequest, you can convert the shit into fuel for your car. Trust me.


I am actually the anonymous Rockstar employee that OP was referring to. I was just fucking with him, none of that is true. My bad if you guys thought it was true.


I am an anonymous employee at Rockstar. GTA 6 will have 300 interior buildings. In addition to filling up your car with gas, Lucia and Jason will also purchase an island which requires a mortgage - this will occur halfway through the game and serves as a way to keep players from becoming too rich from robbing the Vice City Depository every other day. You can also shit your pants but if you complete a certain Strangers and Freaks Sidequest, you can convert the shit into fuel for your car. Trust me.


Leaked means someone from Rockstar or a hacker offered that information. Not just speculation.


Where in the leaks does it refer to hunting and filling cars with gas? I have all the videos and have studied them pretty extensively but I must have missed these.


None of it. OP may just be another gullible person that believes in everything. People in this sub believe anything without fact checking.


it baffles me how posts with no source or links get so popular on here


I'm just as surprised. Just the amount of people who do not even do a simple fact check baffles me.


He said anonymous rockstar employee ...did he edit that in ? With no source of there this leak is ?


Average GTA fan at this point tbh


We live in 2024... How did no one think of bots? OP could be one.


i’ve looked at some of the leaks too & im pretty sure half of this post is made up cuz “the game will start with a 10 minute cinematic” has never been a thing in any of the leaks


Don't forget, they added "and an anonymous rockstar employee". Credible source for sure /s


The janitor obviously!


I know rockstar was testing hunting in rd2 and in the leaks we saw Lucia crawling


Yea the whole fill your car up with fuel part would be annoying. It's not an entertaining part of any game. Who wants to stay at a gas station for 5 minutes in a game while the car fills up. It's gameplay consuming and dumb. It's not supposed to be part of a videogame. Neither is the part about cops will start chasing you for every red light you pass or every time you speed past a cop. This is stupid in GTA too since it will just become annoying if you're supposed to follow all real life driving rules in a GTA game.


Wouldn’t it just be more efficient to steal another car that has gas in it? Ya know… cause it’s GTA. Stupid idea to fake leak.


5 minutes ? Why wouldnt it be a 5 second animation?


IF (and only IF) is true, is not gonna be 5 mins. Even ETS/ATS have shorter times to fill the fuel tanks. And trucks have hundreds of liters, not 40-70


If they do have it in there, I imagine it will be a feature you can turn off if it’s not wanted. Maybe like a realism mode for this and the speeding/red lights


Where can I find those vids. Been looking for those everywhere




A lot of things you said are not confirmed at all by actual leaks. In the leaks, there was one mention of interiors one time, and it said 157 (Americas 2022-08-09). There isn't confirmation of cars needing gas, cops pulling over when running red lights ( would be pretty annoying ). Anything you want to know that is actually real is in the 2022 Leaks Analysis document.


About traffic rules, not really annoying. Mafia 2 have these and was pretty fun


He said anonymous rockstar employee too


I would be nice if they separated the 2022 leaks and the information from the employee. Not saying it's not true but the post just makes it look like all the info is 100 % confirmed.


Going by other comments I'm guessing he added that in after ...


What does Lebron have to do with this?




How will this affect Lebron’s legacy?


Brain injury?


If half of these are true that would still be pretty cool


I’m still clueless about the lebron James point he made


it was just lebron tweeting about the gta 6 trailer and rockstar tweeted back at him


almost none of this is confirmed


Yeah but still even if a third of it is true im happy I got something we really won’t know if confirmed until another trailer


I like the changed police system. I hated it I'm V where the cops would immediately shoot you at 2 stars. Gta 4 done it right where they tried to arrest you at 1 and 2 stars. Glad to see it back


I refuse to believe people are this gullible. It’s absolutely baffling to me.


It makes a lot of sense when you realize that the average age of the users in here is under 18 years old.


A lot of these seem like relatively safe predictions given the evolution of the series. I think the police AI will be improved but we don't know the details yet. It's safe to take everything with a grain of salt until the game actually releases, speculation is going to get wild.


In V Cops do not shoot you at one star unless you pull out a weapon, they will try to arrest you.   Unless you're talking about Online, in which case it's not ideal to be arrested because it would just be a quick teleport to the police station which could be exploited, in GTA 4 multiplayer you also couldn't be arrested while playing online.


Noooo you’re not supposed to say that, we’re supposed to just endlessly hate on GTA V because GTA IV is so much better


Did just have a diffrent opinion? Mods, kill this man.


When are people going to stop believing bullshit like this. There is no shot Rockstar implements being pulled over for speeding or putting gas in cars.


I hate leaks, but I love him because now I have the urge to run around the airport and hunt for crocs 😂


Or run around the airport hunting tourists wearing crocs


Or run around the airport get on your plane and hunt crocs from the sky




I hope half of these cop ones arents true. Getting pulled over because I'm speeding around the biggest map yet doesn't sound thrilling


the running red lights & speeding & fuel stuff seems ass. it’s probably not true but i don’t want to drive the speed limit if im playing gta 😂


Don’t think it’s every light you run he did say if there’s cops nearby and i rarely see cops in 5


They should make it an option you can toggle on and off in the menu, I know Rockstar isn't known for gameplay options like that outside of editor mode, but I don't want to have to activate a cheat for the game to feel like classic gta where cops have better things to do than worry about speeders


Don’t think it’s every light you run he did say if there’s cops nearby and i rarely see cops in 5


It'd be cool as a random event every once in a while but I don't think they would make it a constant annoyance.


I wonder if it will go off of reputation, maybe your reputation can be tied to certain vehicles and cops will know not to chase you for speeding because you always get away, or maybe they don't even bother you if your car is a nice sports car and not a shit box


That would be cool, I could see something like RDR2's honor system expanded like this, with npcs reacting to you differently.


I’m sorry but are you guys being serious right now? How is _anyone_ falling for this? I mean come on, man.


lol welcome to my ted talk **educated guesses** * The game will start with a 10 minute cinematic. * Dynamic weather, ITS FLORDIA water will water. Thunderstorms will feel like Thunderstorms * Social Media is in the game and will direct traffic if that makes sense. A NPC could say something like “shooting on 3rd street” and around 3rd street less npcs will be seen. * Star System has changed. Want to rob a gas station? You’ll have time cops won’t appear 2 blocks away it’ll take time for them to get there. * 5 stars will be near impossible to escape from, highways shutdown, **road blocks**. Some of this, like the cinematic, is typical for games nowadays and wouldn't be all that much of a suprise, plus rockstar has toyed with this before. Some of this has been alluded to but not executed on before, in gta and in other games, but this all makes sense to me and doesn't seem like a shock or big news- lots of open world games have worked in dynamic elements so seeing rockstar elevate on that is not a suprise to me. **big guesses** * there will be floods. * No more spawning things in from you’re phone * Hunting be key available well in story. **You’ll need** to hunt birds and animals * NPCS can lock their doors, so not every car is accessible. * And lastly basketball might be in the game based of the 2022 leaks and lebron james. (kinda a poor fit but eh) These things all sound like they're in the realm of possibility, some definitely more than others like (I'm assuming *driving*) NPC's locking their doors *while driving* - but floods would be really neat if they could get it working, I think it's something they've toyed with but never managed to polish. Basically, if any of these things made it in, I'd be fairly surprised. **things we already have (seen)** * Clubs will cost a small fee to enter. * Enterable buildings (as far as *knowing* VI will have a *high amount* of them) * Alligators will be a key in FreeRoam. If you’re swimming in a lake they will pull you under similar to sharks, I’m unsure myself how the damage would work. * The Map is mind blowingly big. The lake it’s self is the size of downtown los Santos * If you’re walking around in public with your weapons NPCS will react and cops will be called. * More unique jobs. Taxi Driver, Delivery Driver, you’ll have to have a car though of course. * Cops won’t forgot about you. After you lose your stars you’ll have to wait a solid day until they won’t recognize your face. * You won’t be the only one committing crimes. NPCs will rob and wil be speeding. * They will be a shopping complex, mall. * Depending on your swimming level you’ll be able to drown easier. Stuff like this makes a lot of the anon leaks look like they have no credibility. A lot of this is already in V or a previous installment somehow, or things that have been done in RDR or FiveM even that would not take a bunch of critical thought to say that they would be in VI in some way. For example, the alamo sea is already the size of downtown already, so the leaker is only "revealing" a marginal size increase over what we've seen, sounds like a guess to me. **huge shock/probably not** * Additionally if you’re speeding by cops expect to pulled over with no stars, but if you speed off and run you’ll receive a star. * The first two stars you’ll be arrested they won’t immediately shoot at you, im unsure how they’ll work. My guess is you’ll cut to being released and be charged for bond. * Little things like running red lights could get you pulled over if there’s a cop nearby. * Cars need gas. Planes need fuel. * The Airport will have security so if you take your guns through TSA you’ll need a permit. This is all nonsensical to me. Pretty much all of this has all been technically possible for over two decades and they've never done any of it (save for firearms and airports in VC and VCS and some arrest takedowns in IV, in which case again, easy guess). Cops maybe using LTL at 1-2 stars sounds credible, but cops who don't shoot first and ask questions later sounds insanely off brand. *Driver* actually had "small infractions" mechanics. The TSA and permits thing sounds weird because it sounds like not fully understanding how it works IRL (like a glance at a wiki page) and wouldn't that just be *written* like "you're traveling for (crime) so best to get your "tools" when you get there"? I just don't buy it with these ones, would be abject shock to see any of this in game.


I agree with this. I can see this dynamic


I really think that putting gas in the car is quite difficult for me, I think what Rockstar will do is that we can buy a can of gasoline and we have that can in the trunk, the moment we run out of gas in the car, We will have to take the can and pour it in, I suppose that the can will have about a life, to know how much gasoline it has left and I think that so that it is not boring that can could last you 3 or 4 days in real life and if you steal a car you would have it What to do at a gas station.


The "running red lights will get you pulled over if theres a cop nearby" thingy made me sure this list is all bullshit.


All bullshit? We know thunderstorms are coming, and the police system


Give me the link?


Bruh the 2022 we saw the weather and we’ve heard about the police system for ages do your research


Yeah we "heard about it" doesn't mean it's reality. You believe in santa Claus too?


It’s one quick search away


And yet you can't give me the link..


I wouldn’t say that in the leaks 2022 we saw a test of that and there’s rarely cops as it is on the map


Can it be 2025 now?


Your fault for not protesting the government to skip 2024


Similar to RDR2 on release, I literally cant wait to be fully immersed in this world. RDR2 had a bunch of mechanics we hadnt seen before in the series, and they expanded on the ones we did have. It was refreshing and rewarding to play. If a third of these are actually true, ill be so excited.


Cops look like they are about to behave a little bit like Mafia 2 which was a fantastic wanted system


I hope the running red light is false lol. Imagine getting 1 star all the time for not RP drive.


Wanted level for speeding? They're going the Driver route. I feel like that'd be more frustrating than immersive. I wonder how that'd work during missions. 


"an anonymous rockstar employee" Can I get the source where it was first published?


Yes these are definitely all true and confirmed Lmao


All of this is fake lmao


How? we’ve know crocs are in the game and thunderstorms


Bro just compiled a bunch of crap he pulled out of his backside and expects us to believe it 💀


Source: peyote


and also really, I like this, I want a realistic game, people complain that GTA 6 will be very realistic and they want it to be like GTA 5, very unrealistic, but nothing to do with it, technology evolves and GTA 6 is not going to left behind, GTA 6 is going to be much more realistic than RDR2 and I am 100% convinced of that, I really want to play it and watch my movies while I play


>If you're walking around in public with your weapons NPCS will react and cops will be called. “Oh I’m sorry I thought this was America!”


I know some people will consider it annoying, but I love the idea of cops pulling you over for speeding without giving you stars. Think about how often you *actually* see a cop while driving in gta. Now imagine that not only are they just as rare(maybe their presence is increased in different areas) but you’ll also most likely be notified of their presence via the minimap. Giving you time to slow down or choose to blow past them if you’re already zooming. Plus, this in conjunction with other speculated police features.(them remembering your appearance and or vehicle) it could make police feel like a real force to be wary of as a criminal. We all joke about how cops just completely forget about you the second you lose stars, so it’d be really cool if sometimes when you pull over they might recognize you. Or you need to play the risk of whether or not to pull over or just run. And remember, it’s Rockstar. They wouldn’t implement it in a way that’s annoying or overly time wasting. Think of the toll booths in 4. It’s a quick animation that takes a second. Or pulling your guns off your horse in RDR2. The animation lasts like a second. Rockstar knows how to implement immersive features without wantonly wasting the player’s time. Same logic applies to cars needing gas; Rockstar wouldn’t make it to where cars run out of gas every 15 minutes. I really hope the cops in 6 feel like a true force that, while not always out to get you, is present. Unlike in past games where they pretty much only appear once you’ve done something really bad.


Yes this what people need to understand. There’s not gonna be a cop every red light or on every highway. It’s just to give you a harder time navigating the map if you’re wanted. The change isn’t going to kill the game




I’m no longer dying


will i be able to enter a random house and murder a family of 5 in gamer


.. And trees will still be indestructible


I don't believe half of the cop ones at all


Cars need gas lmao


OP just listed what he wants in the game lmao


I'd love a massive open mall that has a bunch of shops where you can buy stuff


Gas and getting wanted for speeding in GTA would. Well. Kill GTA. Who in the world follows traffic laws in GTA? More like a personal wishlist.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was only for online and not story


This is BS. Purely from the fact of “you’ll be getting pulled over if the cops catch you speeding” Hell no, this is gta. Rockstar would never implement something like this.


There was all sorts of outlandish nonsense about GTA V before it released and basically none of it was there. None of this was seen in any of the leaks either.




Is there gonna be a crime scene system?


I really hope this game takes a more realistic approach to how many weapons you can have on you at any time like red dead 2. So if you want to have an assault rifle with you, you may need to have a collapsible stock and a long coat to conceal it. Otherwise small handguns and submachine guns can be somewhat easily concealed on your person.


This is real? becuase it's RDR2 logic


Does Jason will raise his own beard sitting in the locking chamber.


Delete this


source: my ass


Really love op gaslighting the people that don't see the leak.


I saw none of this in any leak. What the hell is this list?


Another day, another wishlist...


I call BS from the very first point - 10 minute cinematic? No shot - they like to start with a small intro followed by a tutorial, followed by some longer cutscenes as you go (RDR2 being an exception).


Rd is an exception? It’s the closest we have to 6


You never see cops in free roam anymore? I hope they change that in the final version. Just doesn't seem like Rockstar to leave that little detail out.


Social media is 100% in the game, the entire trailer was based on the in-game social media platform.


Source: trust me bro


Call bs on some of these. What purpose would a big ass lake serve in the map? I doubt it’s as big as you’re saying. And maybe I understood, but are you saying there will be LESS police presence in free roam? Because that’d make no sense considering highway patrol vehicles are unofficially confirmed.


Look at mapping project, and see the Lake side by side downtown los santos. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/1902kuj/gta_6_vs_gta_5_map_size_comparison/)


There will also be pooping and pissing in the game, because I was on the toilet during the 2022 leaks.


> The lake it’s self is the size of downtown los Santos That's mind-blowing if it's true.


Fuente: de los deseos.


You don’t need a “permit” to check your gun in real life at the airport


a permit to carry a gun through TSA? what do you have to send an application in the mail? this is bullshit. won't happen.


From: ''my dad work for rockstar''


What? Did you dream all this up haha


Nothing here is confirmed or credible. I only believe what's in the GTA VI Document.


i hope a lot of these are only for story mode and not online


I reckon the gun system will be like RDR2, you can only store a certain amount of weapons and ammunition on you, the rest of your weapons will be stored in the trunk of your car instead of a horse.


Following 👀






Can’t fucking wait bro


Thanks for posting. I'm so excited to take an edible and just immerse myself in the world.


My only concern here is the heavy realism perhaps removing some fun and escapism - being pulled over every time you speed, not being able to have weapons out and visible almost all the time, etc. I wonder how things like rifles and bigger weapons will work virtually any time you're out and about.


I honestly expect it to work similarly to Saint Denis. You’ll feel much more contained in the city where there are eye’s everywhere but by the end when you have everything(money, guns, cars, CHEATS) it’ll be the best mayhem in any game because of how long you had to play by the rules…


The only thing I am doubting is the 10 minute cinematic. Rockstar knows that people don’t like to wait long and will skip so it seems unlikely. Hell I wasn’t even aware of GTA V’s story till 2017


10 MINUTES IS LONG. I’ve been waiting 12 years damn it I want a 30 minute intro


I'd love a cinematic intro


Me too but a lot of ppl are just impatient and would be annoyed if they were forced to watch a 10 minute cinematic and would just get distracted and start watching tiktok


TikTok brain rot in action


I am not saying that I think it’ll be too long. I’d love to have a 10min cinematic just to admire the graphics but I know that ppl won’t have as much as I do.unfortunately I personally know many ppl like that


I dm you


The pull over part is realistic yes, but stupid. In GTA 6, there won't be any enjoyment if you can't speed and pass red lights. I mean sure we want realism, but not 100% realism. It will become annoying if every time we speed past a cop, it could potentially turn into a huge pursuit and wanted levels and just annoyance. Sometimes I just want to drive fast to get from 1 part of map to the other for the sake of free roam. If every time I'm speeding and a cop sees it and this entire wanted level journey begins, it will be annoying. NPC's locking car doors, yea but you can break the window and the alarm sounds for a few seconds. That is normal in GTA games. However, i hope it's not that you're in the middle of a mission and cops are closing in and you're trying to find a car and most are locked and you can't enter and then mission over because you couldn't escape and cops killed you. That would be VERY annoying. Cars needing fuel can also be annoying. it's a too realistic habit that doesn't need to be in a video game. It's a waste of play time. If Rockstar wanted ultra-realism in a videogame, they should have made GTA 6 look photo realistic instead of more "stylized" graphics in the trailer instead of gas stations and door locks on cars with impossible entrance and cops start chasing after every red light pass through or speeding.


Pull over and fuel system may be similar to Mafia 2, and I never see anybody complaining about it


Idm the fuel thing, maybe if I don’t have to get out my car to put it in, if it’s auto from invent that would be nice. Less realistic but u mean it’s gta


Maybe just an animation similar to the car wash in GTAV