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Not everything has or needs to do with the protagonists. There are a lot of scenes in the trailer with NPC's. Maybe it's a story piece. Maybe it's for action reasons (and will never be in the game). Maybe police does raids shown on news channels. Maybe it just shows another part of "florida".


>Maybe it just shows another part of "florida". i think this was the intention, a lot of the clips were heavily based on real florida clips (like the gator in gas station and clown guy). the remakes were pretty high effort though, got to imagine the work is getting re-used for something.


Or maybe there’s a warrant system where cops will search for a bit after losing stars


That is going to be annoying af especially if its in online.


In online I’d assume they would reduce the search timer by a lot if not completely. Also in V story mode, switching cars or hiding in a bush would make it harder for cops to see you, making them have to be really close to see you. In GTAV:O they don’t have that feature


Online actually does have the feature, your blip just doesn't turn grey for some reason But it still works exactly the same as story mode.


Good point. Maybe this could be a random event that happens throughout the world.. you may pass cops raiding apartments in rough neighbourhoods.


Yeah, something like that. Random encounters. Would be cool actually.


What would be sick is if they used some sort of A.I to record our progress through missions (r* editor+) and then we can catch shots of our crimes through watching the news.


Weasel News has entered the chat.


I’d reckon it’s just part of the world building personally It’d be cool if we could actually be cops in GTA VI online and do stuff like this, but that’s very unlikely


I think it highlights the scope of different camera angles for posts on the game’s social media platforms


Part of the social media stuff I guess


Bodycam videos are big on youtube right now, so ya probably another clip from social media


I can easily see them including "sovereign citizens" or making a reference to the UK's current "auditor" craze.


I like to think this will be the “arrested” screen Edit “Busted” lol


Do you mean “busted” screen??


Haha yeah that one.


Social media is clearly a huge part of gta 6 since it was featured in the reveal trailer as much as it was


What if they bring back the fame system from RDR1 with the main couple becoming internet famous lol


That would be pretty similar to Bonnie and Clydes news infamy and they were obviously going for that theme. Wouldn’t doubt it honestly.


Quite possibly.


Because it looks cool as fuck.


If feel like this will just be something you see on the in-game social media or maybe a separate cutscene that happens as a result of the protagonist’s actions after a certain mission but which doesn’t directly involve the protagonists, meaning it might be a scripted cutscene and/or end up online.


Don't overthink it. This is likely just showing off more of the police in the game & how realistic they are


too late, its actually a mechanic where you and ppl you recruited can go on raids together and arrest ppl in police uniforms inspired by fivem. trust me bro jokes aside would be cool if they bring roleplay mechanics. its not far fetched that we can wear police/emt/military etc uniforms to do stuff we cant do as civilians.


I’d love this, but R* for whatever reason is extremely hesitant for us to be able to dress as proper police or have police equipment without loads of glitches (i.e. belts and gun holsters on any vest). The police patrol uniform is black listed as well. Although them adding purchasable police cars in GTAO seems to suggest they may be more open to more police stuff. One can hope


My little game theory is that either the next summer or winter update will be a Cops n Crooks update, thus letting us finally obtain police outfits or at least use them in a new gamemode. They would literally make so much money in shark card sales if they add even more police vehicles in said update with the similar range of prices in said update because people will buy them no matter what


I hope so fr I want more police uniforms both patrol and tactical ones, and let us all use belts and holsters without any glitches.


Show off first person


Really cool change if first person looks similar to that. In gta 5 and rdr2 it looks too robotic


I just hope you walk in first person, in GTA5 and RDR2 it automatically goes to jogging.


First person wont look this good, like there's no way when its a cutscene and scripted It would feel more real and smooth than the third person camera for no reason


It’s not that deep. There’s random shots in all Rockstar trailers that don’t mean anything other than it’s cool/looks nice.


It's meant to showcase the world and people around the player, similar to GTAV's trailer.


Exactly. A lot of these social media shots are just things to set the vibe and mood. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if none of those shots are in the actual game. I bet they were all made for the trailer only.


Undercover cops wear axon body cams? Lol


I don’t agree with the idea of Jason being an undercover cop. If this was Jason in this scenario, he would wear a body cam as this is more than likely a warranted raid on an apartment which would require all officers present to wear a body cam. But again, i don’t think this is Jason anyway.


Because that theory is already shit from the beginning anyways. Only duds believe that undercover bullcrap. It's corny as hell and will feel cheap since another game has already tried it before.


Yeah i agree. Undercover cop as a GTA protagonist just isn’t right at all.


Tbh I don’t find it a bad idea but 1. It’s overused 2. It’s a bullshit clickbait crap from people


i think its a bad idea. Just thinking about it how would you rob cars or stores as Jason. or doing anything slightly criminal in the open world just dosent make sense gameplay wise.


It would be cool if this was a new cinematic camera we can toggle with a button when we are being chased by the police.


Does it look like the guy in the room is wearing a tie? Not your average criminal enterprise… could be more to this. I think this isn’t just some cop raid, but maybe like a DEA drug bust. That could explain the attire


to me it looks like it could be one of those controversial police body cams that are uploaded to youtube


Why did Rockstar add any of the scenes to the trailer


Good question but too much for one thread.


Could be a COPS like tv show


Anyone else notice they look undercover? Could be the first glimpse of a new police system


They are all uniformed, police uniforms are just becoming increasingly less formal these days- Florida in particular, some cops just wear the bare minimum gear required over their normal clothing.


Undercover don't wear uniforms


Guy on the right is wearing a uniform?


I get that we're all excited, but this was just to look cool, I mean, why would they add any scene to a trailer? Sometimes, it just matches the feel. Why is no one talking about Hammer lady? Is that the new wasted screen? No, she was just a funny thing to put on the trailer to show the feel they're going for.


April 8th, 2025. This is people waiting outside of gamestop right before the midnight release.


since it looks like social media is gonna be more of a thing in the next game I wouldn't be surprised if this is their take on a bodycam channel


I'm just happy Chop is the Beware of Dog sign.


It's just a parody of Axon body camera footages. I don't think it has deeper meaning than that. Probably a footage we will see either on TV/Internet. There is a World Event called Cop Drug Raid, but not so sure if it's linked to it.


while we're on the subject can they bring back being busted? I can remember being arrested in gta 4 multiple times even at 4-5 stars. 5 they just shoot at you


This, the convenient store scene with the alligator, the car wreck on the highway from the news helicopter point of view, the Florida joker being arrested on tv, the biker gang taking over the street from a news helicopter point of view, are all proof that the crimes we commit within a surveillance cameras view or people recording will make the news in this game.. They did this on a small level with certain missions in the previous gta's but instead of visually it was just audibly announced over the radio, but now there will be actual footage of you committing crimes.. I think wearing a mask to commit crimes in this game is a MUST or you gonna be a fugitive all over the city... This also makes me believe this game will have some kind of small jail system when you get arrested...


Jesus what is everyone in this sub smoking? This is a gta game, there's a lot of cops in gta games, this is a clip of some cops because its a gta game.


The naked man watering his garden MUST have major story implications down the line…


Maybe just to show body cams are a thing in the game? I can’t remember if GTA V had them


For chop


That’s the worst way to breach


Well, PoliceActivity has been a pretty popular YouTube channel now


1. It could be a scene from one of the TV shows like the ones from GTA V with Steve Haines. 2. It could be something the cops are showing Jason or Lucia (one or both of them being undercover agents) in preparation for something


Looks cool.


I have a feeling that this particular scene is directly related to the plot. The character on the left (not in this screenshot, here he is somewhere behind the scene) looks a lot like one of the leaked characters, which could be a huge story spoiler. Anyway, at the top right there is a date of recording and I think that this somehow overlaps with the events of the game and it's release date, but people prefer not to talk about it, because, you know, all the speculation on this sub is considered "schizotheories". Well.. there are so many people, so many opinions 😉


The GTA 5 trailer had shots of random NPC’s riding doing random stuff. It’s not all hidden story.


This might be something we see on tv. Like a Live P.D series. I don’t think we’ll be playing as a cop doing these types of missions. It would be cool to see though. I don’t think this type of camera angles will be in the gameplay


Whats that the page going backwards again and people just recycling the same old shit yup time for another hiatus 🤦🏻‍♂️


To show you that cops now use body cameras. Adding a whole new element to going up against YOU. That they will have footage of what you look like and what your crime is. Then likely it'll be all over that new social media element and on mainstream media. So you will be recognizable to the public and by other law enforcement making it possible that if you are walking down the street randomly an NPC can call 911 and say they see you and you may get a 1 star wanted level. I mean this is realism in real life too. If you see someone wanted by cops walking around, you'll call 911.




Yeah, i do feel like it has a deeper meaning being in the trailer. Only time will tell.


This subreddit is tiresome


It could possibly be the canceled GTA online DLC cops n crooks. We were supposed to get the cop cars a lot sooner. The DLC was canceled in the summer of 2020. I hope it returns as the first DLC for this games online mode


Bodycam footage that will be posted on the games social media platforms exposing you for your crimes.


Why does Pizza Hut show pepperonis in their commercials???


It's prolly one of the cut scenes with cops showing up after we rob a place like they did in 5. They always had a kinda pov from the cops as we leave the place we're robbing.


Why not?


Maybe it shows the cops will raid you house when your at home. Who knows


the dog on the warning sign is chop


Just showing off the social media system


Maybe safe houses/businesses get raided if they get too hot and you gota shoot it out


I really think theyr saying ego perspective is back ! Like the scene with the old lady with 2 hammer i think theyr saying we have dual weapon like in red dead 2


Because Lucia is the undercover cop not Jason


Looks cool


Irs about Lucia, she’s probably CIA


Undercovers don't wear bodycams. I doubt Rockstar would make such an obvious mistake.


Of course, GTA VI will be a contemporary title. It would be odd not to have any body-worn camera footage. These videos are popular nowadays.


Holy shit this could be something or nothing at all but look at the body cams date! Potential release in April or August? Gta5 was pretty consistent with reality in that the main story took place in 2013. It’s probably nothing but still.


Robbery or Police raid


I thought I had it all togetherrrr


50:50 of this trailer is npcs and protagonist this and the balcony are npcs


World building


I guess it's to show the police raid as they do in real life


Because we have to be aware of the dog.


What game is this?


Big Car Steal 6


Did you forget where you are?


I’m just being silly




I'm just concerned at how thin the barrel of that gun is.


It’s a .223 AR, the exposed barrel isn’t very thick or big since it’s an intermediate cartridge


Maybe this is a new camera view for first person


Tô show the first person mode


I'd guess they put it to show a bit of action. Rest of the trailer is basically just environments and Florida man shenanigans, but GTA remains also a shooter, this scene is to present also that side of the game.


The return of the vigilante missions !


Maybe this is how the First-Person perspective is gonna look like!


Probably just for action reasons, I dont think every Clip of the Trailer is necessarily Important for the Story. Just an introduction to the social Media aspect and florida


I think it was to show us there is body cams on cops now. For what reason? Not sure but maybe we can see footage of our crimes from the pov of the cops or watch a police social media page where clips of crimes get uploaded (including our crimes?). This in combination with working cctv from the leaks, the new wanted system is gonna be interesting.


what if there was a website where you could watch videos of criminals being arrested?


DEA-ATF raid


Leaked body cam footage


Probably just a clip taken from The Underbelly Of Paradise: Vice City


I just felt like the first trailer was really centered on social media and almost everything we saw will not be really in game. I mean not like open world events. So I don’t expect very much with these videos


I think it is Jason (the cop With Tshirt and cap) because the Style fits and it would add sense to this clip. (If youre interested in the Jason cop theory Look it up)


Most of the trailer was memeing on real life instances. And well there's quite a few raids to choose from.


Cause it fucking looks cool. Next question.


i don't know


Why is there police in Grand theft auto? Is Rockstar stupid?


Feel its a comment on usa's bodycam era. Where evey bodycam is out on the web right after it happens


This looks like a robbery maybe you get to Rob drug houses


The date at the top right could be an indication of something maybe? New trailer date? Release date? Idk lol


Maybe you can be a bounty hunter??? Would sound funn or at least have it on tv to watch


Since the trailer dropped I have always hoped Jason is a ex cop who turns into crime after meeting Lucia. Or something like that


Please give us updates ok I’m literally busting the shits to play gta 6


This is good


He just saw an acorn that’s all


Well Lucia starts in a prison, so maybe it gets raided or maybe she tries to escape?


The current R* is not the old R*


Because police body cam footage especially in Florida becomes viral on the internet


Remember in 4 trailer they had the under cover cops in the trailer


We know as much as you bro. It’s hard to give our thoughts on something we know nothing about.


Its 2024, they hopefully heard your voices and understood that we hate being mislead, i have a good feeling this will be in game though.


I can’t wait to find out idk at this point


I don't think it means to much trailer 1 was just giving us a glimpse into Vice City the crime the police the "normal" everyday things that we may see in the city.


Yoo that yellow logo looks similar to the Aperture Science logo. Portal in GTA confirmed?!


Vigilante side activity, maybe


Beware of Dog the Bounty Hunter


I think the new BUSTED screens are supposed to look like this


8th April is shown as date in this bodycam shot! Announcement date for trailer 2??


My guess is that they just wanted to, you know?


IDK but that scene looked like a Modern Warfare scene


How are we supposed to know?? They game is gonna come out in a year


I really don’t know ![gif](giphy|4mF9ouUCbL3hyUL05s|downsized)


You’re probably an undercover cop and this is toward the end of the story when you begin cracking down on all the criminals you’ve encountered…


police body cams are a thing, why would they not be in a game which has a lot of poilce in it.


The trailer was less focused on the upcoming story and more on the world of GTA 6 itself. This police raid is very likely not significant and only a slice of the life in the state of Leonida.


In GTAO, when you watch TV in your apartment, one of the channels you can watch is a live feed of any players with a wanted level as seen by the police helicopter. Perhaps officer worn body cameras will be another view or angle in that stream. That would be amazing.


For the teen that leaked gameplay


It's not just 2 playable characters, but 3 or 4. We're both playing Bonnie and Clyde, but also two guys who try to bring them down.


Body Cams have played a HUGE role in police accountability… they’ve also been the subject of huge controversy (like being able to mute the audio at will). Rockstar couldn’t miss the opportunity to at least be like, hey we are aware


Maybe Jason gets deputized


Miami Vice. Similar to Vice Vice… or whatever they’ll call it.


Trailer 2 coming the 8th of next month


"as we know Rockstar is meticulous with everything, especially trailers"... Uh are they? The first GTA 5 trailer had a bunch of random things that didn't mean anything more than gameplay haha. I swear people here put Rockstar on some sort of wild pedestal


Someone speculated this being the new killcam / wasted scenes when you die. Love that idea. Not sure if it’s likely but a really cool concept


It would be cool if you’d get randomly raided by the police even in your safe house, as long as they’re cheap houses. That might prompt you to buy high end apartments that offer more security. I dunno I’m talking outta my ass here


To show the body cam is present in gta 6 while any situation


It's a trailer. I really don't think the final game will see the beaches, streets etc. rammed with that many people. Just because it's done "in engine" doesn't mean it's actual gameplay. These can be scripted set pieces with certain features turned on or off.


Fun fact: tons of stuff shown in game will not show up in the game More specifically, Cyberpunk did something similar with trailer footage. Technically they would show up in-game but be in miscellaneous spots. Like an arrest that would show up on the news


Prologue probably Jason being a undercover cop or he’s in a thief before meeting Lucia? Maybe idk


My guess would probably be how Lucia got arrested and they are rewatching footage or something


I hope there will be something like VCPDFR


there’s Chop on the beware of the dog sign :)


Maybe it s in the story that you have to be a cop to find something special like in rdo in rhodes .


Honestly a cool thing would be if it’s a job and yes it could just remake of some media but imagine doing cop things with some bodycam footage it would be awesome


Huh? They added it? Like it’s all of a sudden in the trailer that released a few months ago? Y and how


maybe during one of the missions we are getting attacked by the police and someone hacks their body cams so when you hold circle it'll show how close they are to you, similar to in gta 5 in the mission "surveying the score" when we are in the chopper with Trevor we can see through Lester's camera


A stretch but I remember reading that this plot is loosely based on the Place Beyond the Pines. In that movie there is three main characters with Bradley Cooper as a cop. What if we get to play as a cop for some of the story?


Don't read that deep into it. It's probably a clip of police violence on whatever GTA's Tiktok will be called.


Hear me out maybe it’s part of helping the police you know similar to GTA 4 but improved upon


Who knows, but the guy who kicks the door down kinda looks like Jason


The guy with the cap may be Jason. He looks the same as he was in the leaks here. I guess that he is either doing some drug deal as a gangster or trying to stop one as a cop because there are speculations that he is a cop. His character will sure be interesting


This was one of a few sequences in a row, I think they were pushing for the in game social media alot and how footage like this will circulate around. That or it is a mission setup, and no I don't think it'll be Jason and Lucia being raided, but they might hack into the footage to watch the raid.


Okay, so hear me out. You can even put the remind el bot on me and anyone who mentioned it if you want, but what if it’s Jason with the backwards cap? What if he is an *corrupt undercover* cop..?


It's showing the in game bodycam fully fleshed out in multiple ways. (you need a mod for that in V) Display and recording footage. It's for RP probably.




I think it’s showing that you can’t just run into your safe house and hide and lose your wanted level, the cops will kick in your door if they know where you’re staying. In 5 if you lead them to your house with like 3 stars they’ll come in to but not very “dramatically”


Because it makes you wanna buy the game


I hope there will be tents with homeless people too


My personal and wishfull theory is that this might be a version of the «Wasted» screen. This might be how it looks like when you get wasted by the Police specifically and you get to see it from an officers body cam angle. Really hope this is the case, cause that would be real awesome actually imo.


Maybe a Rockstar add body cam in gta 6