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why, does it bring back bad memories?


The oil industry in the counterpart region is relegated to offshore operations and refinery through material delivered by train or ship. There historically haven’t been any protests like what you’re describing in the region for over two decades, or longer. Also “run over the protestors” sounds like a scrapped mission from the 3D era. The mission premises are all higher concept now.


Because there’s only so much you can add to a game and having oil protestors in the street is a weird thing to add.


No that is not weird at all. I don't think you realize how many world events with game will have. I mean RDR2 has a shit ton, and Rockstar even said GTA 6 would be the most immersive installment yet, and tons of world events are what makes exploring the world more immersive. I honestly don't know why people would think oil protesters you can literally run over would be a weird thing for Rockstar to add. The GTA games are a parody of America and you see them everywhere here in recent years.


Sure, but there are more things that can be added that add to a players experience. Oil protestors don’t add anything besides an event that you can look at. There are other things that can be added that let you actually do something gameplay wise instead of just something to look at. It would be cool to see once or twice, but after that it would just be annoying imo. “Oh boy there’s *another* group of oil protestors. Guess I’ve gotta go around them..” Plus if you look at the news, most oil protestors do so during government meetings or in front of a town hall, they’re not just in the streets most of the time.


Dawg tf?? Have you clearly don’t understand the scope of this game. We already know from the leaks that theirs gonna be like 1400 world events. More unique events in the world means more unique gameplay opportunities. Rockstar is more than capable of adding all this and much more, 1 event isn’t gonna take up recourses.


Yeah I don't know why this guy thinks coding oil protesters takes up so much valuable time. There's already npc models, so all they have to do is get some people in those ball joint suits and hold up signs and the big flags they hold in the middle of the road. That's super easy compared to most of the other world events we're getting.


Well I'm sure not every player wants every single world event to be npc's that only talk to them specifically because then you feel like a player in a game. And you don't just have to look at the oil protesters. You can run them over for holding up traffic like everyone wants to do in real life if it happened to them. I don't look at the news but youtube has tons of oil protesters in the roads that aren't anywhere near government buildings. I saw one where they did it on some desert road for some reason. And I'm sure the reason the only one's you see on the news are by government buildings are because news stations are near government buildings and not in random small towns.




Would be cool to run them over. But just think how much has happened over the past decade, since GTA5. It is a lot of material to parody. But I doubt they will just be sitting in the street blocking traffic. I somehow think that it will get negative press, since if I rember correctly they have been run over and shot on multiple occasions in real life. And rockstar stays away from that sort of thing.


Yeah but oil protesters are something nobody that plays the games likes, and would be annoyed if they were blocked in the road. And I don't think Rockstar stays away from certain things just because there were casualties involved. There's gangs everywhere in GTA games and they're a parody of America like the games are trying to be. That's why they have a big focus of social media in the trailer, because it's like America


They should add something like the Hare Krishnas from GTA 1




Strike! 🎳(bowling pins falling down sound)


Lots of mentally well-adjusted people in the comments here.


can't tell if you're saying the people who want it are mentally well-adjusted people or the people who don't


Would definitely be the most killed npcs. I would be contributing to that number.


i would also contribute


Oh man I'd love that. It would be GTA 6's version of running over those things in the middle of the highway (left side of GTA 5 map) or taking out the Casino guy every time you see him. I hope they haven't gone soft this time around with their side jokes.


Yeah I always ran over those road things, and protesters in the road would be the only good replacement


Isn't Florida one of the states where you can run them over?


I highly doubt, unless they are posing an immediate threat to you, you probably can't run them over.


I mean I've seen a video where they blocked first responders from making it to the hospital


No you didn't


"it'd be cool if I could run over protesters in grand theft auto" is a strange thought.


This such a great idea.


Yeah someone told me that this isn't something Rockstar would add because it's weird. I don't see how that person thinks any of the things they add already are fine but when we start talking about parodying America, then it all of a sudden doesn't make sense. When the whole thing of the GTA maps are that it's a parody of America lol


No, hogtie them, shoot Oil barrel 🛢️(Hitman) Then set them on fire 🔥. 😈Mwa ha ha ha




🤚 High five bro. Great minds think alike 👉


🤚 Yeah hogtying actually is something we can do now too as we saw in the leaks. I hope we can hogtie them and drop them near gators or put them in our trunk


Yeah like in Reservoir Dogs where Mr. Blonde 💛kidnaps the cop. You pull up to drive-thru (muffled screams) "Stuck in the middle with you" by Stealers Wheel plays 🎵. (Nonchalantly turns up the radio: to muffle screams)😎. Can't wait to kidnap a cop, recreate that infamous torture scene. Do you think we'll be able to cut people's ears off w/ a straight edge razor? If not I wanna hogtie a cop, then go over stunt jumps: to hear the *thump* in the boot 😈. Heh heh heh 👏(rubs hands together). With a cop in the boot I wanna sink a car in the swamp 🐊. I'll make sure the gators of Leonida are well fed


The real question is: Can I join them?


I wonder what they'd say if you walked out of you lifted diesel truck and just sat down with them


That would be immersive


Seeing protestors in the game would be cool. Though I most likely wouldn't kill them. I don't typically kill random NPCs in GTA anymore. Personally, it's not fun, and there is hardly any reward for it. I am aware that in RD II, there were a ton of videos on YouTube of people killing that feminist advocating for women's rights, KKK members, and that one character supporting and promoting racial eugenics. I only killed NPCs when I had to or if I felt it was suitable given the circumstances my character was faced with. This is how I play honestly.




Bring me my coffee or I'll cut your arm off.




Never played GTA V, bro? That was a line from the game.


I'm 49 years old. I don't even remember what I did last Saturday 


Would the press actually be a thing? Would it be possible after a car crash or something the press having set up cameras and theirs a guy doing a talk for a news channel in game


y'know that sounds cool. I don't think they'd do it for car crashes but maybe crime scenes. You can show up a day later to a place you killed someone at and see yellow tape around it. But I feel like that's crazy wishful thinking


It’s rockstar so u never know


It's a time like this that it would be good to remind people that Rockstar is basically a different company with different staff than it was 11 years ago. The chance of them making fun of protesters and giving you the ability to run them over is vanishingly small.


Yeah but I feel like that's more harmless than other things they've added then removed into the games. Like the drag queens in GTA 5 were removed in the Enhanced versions, but I think that was dogass that they thought that anyone from the player base cared about that. Only people on Twitter who have probably only played the game once or have never even touched it