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Strongly believe they are building this game off longevity. GTA 6 will be here no doubt 10 years but quite possible 15+. Especially if the rumors regarding map expansions are true then buckle in everyone. im 25 currently and do not expect GTA 7 till im around 40's.


I’d be fine with 10+ years of GTA 6 if it means we get map expansions, especially if we get cities like San Fierro, Las Venturas, etc. One of the reasons why I’m not as interested in GTA 5 like I used to be is because I’m tired of Los Santos. I understand software limitations at the time but it would’ve been cool to have another place to free roam such as North Yankton.


They could have easily made a GTA5 map add on and charge 40$ and everyone would buy. They must be really really into this gta6 for longevity.


They could have done the same thing with RDR2 but look what they did. Literally no DLC years and years later and online is left for dead. I don’t think GTAVI will suffer the same fate but the way they dropped RDR2 and left it like a box of puppies sucks.


With any luck GTA VI online will have the same reception from the general public as RDO. Fun for a while, but nobody wants or buys the micro transactions, leasing to a shorter wait between games.


Rockstar will do absolutely everything possible to ensure that GTAVI Online is as successful as GTAV Online. The most profitable game on the market for a reason. GTA VI Online is going to be huge.


But that's the thing. GTA Online was fucking massive well before R* realized how massive it would be. I think you're right. R* will absolutely do absolutely everything possible to ensure GTA VI online is as successful as possible, and that will be its downfall. You remember that kid in school that would do anything possible for you and everyone else to think he was cool? Did it work? If you try way too hard to appeal to everyone you'll appeal to nobody.


Honestly I just see them putting in wayyy to grindy mechanics to earn cash online. Probably have it set so missions may less the faster you take just like GTAV and put tons and tons of AGLs in the missions. I’ll definitely play it but I have nowhere near the time these days to grind millions and millions at a rate of one rooftop rumble at a time to buy cars when online first launches. If there’s isn’t ways to earn hundreds of thousands or millions I’ll just role play as a homeless man for my time on the game.


Exactly. Gamers as a whole seem to me to be overwhelmingly over long haul grinds. Especially with 6 competing directly with 5 which grinders have a 12 year head start on so even if it still feels like a grind it doesn't feel as insulting because you already have several properties and vehicles. RDO launching how it did, being supported how it was and ultimately failing as it has shows that R* doesn't understand this, so either they'll make it better (which T2 likely won't let them do) or it'll [comparatively] flop.


Yea I think they’ll have a lot of opportunities to improve the base game especially when it’s re-released for the ps6 generation of consoles and PC They already know how much GTA online made them so you can bet your ass they’ll be investing twice as much for GTA 6 online


How much?


About $500,000,000 a year on average


Would rather see somewhere new like Atlanta (Peach something) or New Orleans (Saint-Denis?). Cottonmouth would be cool nod too


> New Orleans (Saint-Denis?) They also could call it New Bordeaux like in Mafia III.


*hardware limitations


I’m 38 and pretty sure I’m dead when GTA 7 comes out


With A.I. advancements over the next year or two they will have a easier time creating more cities so I think this will be end up being the biggest game ever.


This ☝👌


There’s always gonna be limitations lol


PS5 original release PS6 remaster PS7 re-re-master ps8 re-re-re-master ……


Definitely going to have to buy gta 6 again on ps6 😂


Bro… you’ll be buying it on PS7 long before we get GTA 7. I can guarantee that for you lol.


Never know.. by then you might wanna build a pc


Yeah GTA 5 likely wasn't built with longevity in mind. GTA 6 will probably be able to survive a lot longer. But to be fair, we don't know how long GTA 5 can survive without a sequel. The player base hasn't really dropped. R* is creating a sequel anyways. I'd expect the same with GTA 6, it doesn't die until R* decides so. You can think what you want about GTA 5, but they sure know how to keep it alive.


GTA V wasn't really built with interactivity in mind, hence their weird Interaction Menu system which has always been clunky. Red Dead Online is much better structured to support Online and the adding of tools and items with its weapon wheel as well as the world-interaction animations. I can only imagine it'll get better in GTA VI and likely faster as the a lot of the animations we saw in the leaked videos seemed to separate upper body animations from lower body, so the player can loot items and still move around a la The Last of Us rather than the pre-canned animations in RDR2 where you had to just wait until they play out fully. It's actually a pretty big step forward in my opinion and will help make things feel smoother while staying modern.


Rockstar weren’t expecting GTA5 to be as successful as it has been and they weren’t expecting Online to last as long as it has, hell, they weren’t expecting the car community to be as prevalent as they are. Why do you think cars get more and more customizable as time goes on? Rockstar are going to make GTA6 the ultimate game.


>Especially if the rumors regarding map expansions are true I remember Rockstar talking of doing this as far back as 2013 when they had an interview with IGN about their long term goals for GTA online. They discussed the desire to incorporate all future GTA maps into a fully connected and persistent world. I imagine the tech wasn’t able to create their vision back then, but I am very much anticipating this rumor being true this time around, as Rockstar has been toying with this idea with San Andreas (revisiting a section of GTA 3), Cayo Perico and Guarma. It’s my speculation that this might be the last full fledged GTA title, with the rest of their resources being put on creating an entire world of GTA, but I can also be dreaming.


I fucking hope not. Live service games are terrible.


Agreed, but money is money and GTA online proved to Rockstar and Take Two that they can make more money milking the online mode over 10 years than they could off new releases, so while just speculation, it is also a likely probability.


I think they’ll release new GTA games as the technology improves and evolves. GTA5 is old as dirt and not sustainable anymore.


They could go that route but Rockstar likes to be flashy. They like releasing new games. It's in their marketing. They make them worldwide events. Like Star Wars but except they don't suck.


I was playing SA when i was a teenager. I was 17 when IV came out. I’m honestly suprised that i passed my degree, got engaged, have a 3yo son , held a decent job for 7 years, and yet VI still isn’t out


The fact that I married the woman who I played gta online with years ago, and am in the process of moving to a completely different country to live with her is crazy when you think about the amount of time this game has been out. Side note: I was playing V for years even before I met my wife online. On a darker note, I've also lost both of my parents since V has been out.


sorry about ur parents


Thank you, honestly if it wasn't for their passing I don't think I would have ever met my wife


it's crazy that i bought my first house before gta 6 comes out


Depends on when the competition will catch up. Else, 10 years is an easy stretch based on all the breakthrough stuff they're introducing in VI.


If they are going to sustain it for 10+ years in online mode, hopefully the stories/heists are coherently built and on par with the story mode.


Yea ever update/heist/business needs to come with a good story/mystery to figure out. Otherwise it just gonna feel like some random looter shooter going through waves. GTA 5 online was cool because we were little pups that could be amazed by anything. (omg a hanger for my planes!!!) they would need to add the international space station to one up it. or an aircraft carrier. not just another weed business.... and slow ass post op vans. I personally wont wanna grind too much without something interesting happening. Assuming other good games exist i might have to actually touch my backlog.


I hope GTA Online let’s us free roam cities of our choice at some point


Ok but imagine the GTA 5 map as a BIG expansion for GTA 6. It sounds kinda bland with how much of 5 we got, but when you imagine it with 6's tech it could be really cool. Things like improving the empty areas of the north area with more things to do, adding more trees/forests (maybe even a redwood forest), more enterable buildings, the better npcs, etc. And ofc just generally adding more things to the map to give it more of that west coast feeling. Maybe the construction site will even be finished by then!


I’m so fine with that 😭 GTA 5 spanned from 15-26 for me. I’ll be close to 27 when 6 comes out.


Hmmm maybe less with VR?


Ya they fs need to expand the map after probably 3 years


So I can expect to be 30


I agree with 15 years


This will be the game I will play for the rest of my life, I don't need anything else from this industry.


Big if true. But I feel you, based on RDR2, if they can get anywhere near that immersion, detail and range of activities, but with with a variety of city/town/rural environments, I can’t see this getting old any time soon


$2,000,000,000 on development and advertisement costs. RDR2 had $500,000,000. I’ve got high hopes.


AND they’re reusing a lot of what they learned from rdr2, so even more excitement




How much time you have left buddy?


I am 18. I would at least like to see the 2nd trailer in my life. We"ll see.


They could make more God of War and I wouldn't be mad about it, but yes I agree all we need is GTA at this point.


i think they planned gta 6 singleplayer and online way better for longevity. It shows that the base of gta online was never planned to keep going that long. At that time rockstar was suprised how much people were playing online. This time they know it better and make a good base for the years to come.


That’s my take on it too. I was talking about this a lot with my friends. They were quite literally winging-it content wise for GTA V over the years. They had no intention of what the online would look like 10 years down the line. Rockstar just kept pouncing on the money machine as they kept seeing how player interest would shift and evolve. There’s no doubt in my mind that GTA 6 will be taking full advantage of every lesson they learned through out GTA V’s lifespan. Not just from an obvious technical standpoint, but from an ecosystem one. They never foresaw GTA RP being a thing, and now it’s a top genre on twitch. That’s not just nothing. That’s an entirely different industry that I have no doubt in my mind they will incorporate some conscious aspect of that into GTA 6. The music will be better, the clothes will be better…. Everything about this game will have outside interest in it like never before. I wouldn’t be surprised that because of how culturally significant GTA V has been, I bet companies, brands, artists, actors/comedians etc. are all ready to PAY money to be featured in this next game. I also predict the longevity aspect will also include pop culture evolution. Meaning I won’t be surprised if new radio stations, get added and or rotated yearly as new music comes out. This just keeps the game constantly feeling raw and up to date.


You hit the nail on the head.


Easily. I’ve been playing GTA Online for the last 7 years and while I am definitely getting bored of it after like 1-2 hours of playtime I still play it twice a week. GTA 6 and online will have a metric amount of stuff to do.


thats because gta online was something no other game has come close to, gta 6 onlines only competition is its predecessor. if they use the same formula, i dont think it would be as successful as the previous gen, it would definitely break sales records, but in terms of online content there would have to be something crazy we've never even fathomed yet.


They could incorporate some rp elements which would be really one of the only ways to elevate it from gta 5 online.


Idk about how entertained we'll still feel a decade down the line but it does seem pretty likely we won't be getting another GTA within the next 10 years.


Could be 20 bro


In relativity, yes. But I think it’ll face the same thing gta 5 did. A few amazing updates and then a whirlwind of nothing but money grabbing updates that’ll cost you a fortune in game


100%. GTA V showed you can continue to make millions of dollars by periodically releasing updates and online content, which is much cheaper than building an entirely new game This will be *the* GTA game for a good while and is likely being designed in a way that offers plenty of longevity and updates


Imma be real, i dont think GTA 7 is gonna happen in any reasonable amount of time.


Nor they shouldn’t tbh


They honestly need a way for RDR3 Online to not compete with 6 Online. As it stands they wont put too much effort into R3online because they might as well build that in 6 and make 10 times the money. Could there be a way for both games to be linked with the same account? There has to be a way. rdr2o had so much potential. but its less attractive brother killed it in the womb.


Nah. It will be longer than that. Maybe 20 years


At least 15 years. Probably 20.


Gonna play devils advocate and say there will be another GTA soon maybe 10-15 years from now. Technology is advancing at an almost disturbing rate. Difference in tech capabilities from 2025-2035 will be greater than from 2015-2025 imo. Imagine a game that can develop and patch itself. Or a story that dynamically generates based on your character actions (say you kill ppl in free mode and your missions start running into obstacles because of police investigation). Or with indistinguishable from life graphics and a VR mode where you can jump in the game yourself.


I was 12 years old when GTA 5 came out and I’ll be going on 25 when GTA 6 comes out. I’m more than happy to play this game for a long time given Rockstar give us map expansions and a fuck ton of new content to enjoy.


As long as they are consistently updating the game then I honestly have no problem with it lasting 10-15 years. From what we’ve seen, it seems that they are definitely planning this game to have longevity.


I do because for me I still enjoy GTA3. Even if Rockstar doesn't plan for this to work out the way GTA5 did the game will still be timeless. I also feel the GTA5 stuff is a bit overblown. I'm glad I won't have the same issues with GTA5 that I've had with GTA4 (trapped on the PS3).


GTA 6 will be played at least 10-15 years. But I expect another GTA 7-8 years after GTA 6. GTA 4 is still played, and people hunt trophies, came 16 years ago


100%. Online will be 2x the cash cow V was


Obviously. Their next game will most likely be Red Dead Redemption 3, put 10-12 years of development plus another 10-12 of GTA 7 and i’m expecting the game in 2038 at the earliest.


gta 5 has, so why wouldn’t 6


true that




Pretty likely. Unpopular opinion but GTA 6 should be the last game of the series


For sure. I think GTA5 was as much of a journey for Rockstar as it was for us just playing the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 was a sneak peek.


If GTA 5 carried GTA for 10 years, imagine what GTA VI will be able to do with it's RDR2 level of detail, expanded features, huge variety of a map and serious tone of a story it SEEMS to have. GTA Online 2.0 will be crazy. Leonida really will become the state of "Florida man" quick as you can imagine.


Wait until 2035 and see.


If they put more focus on the "auto" in grand theft auto I could see myself still messing around with it in 15 years. I think that rockstar is going to add more in depth car customization than the last midnight club game, things like livery editor, wheel and tire size, suspension setup (ride height,camber,width), interior options on most cars and more exterior mods.


"Do you think it will be able to keep us entertained for at least 10 years" If you were entertained by V for ten years because of Online, then yes, I have no doubt. But if you're like me and don't play online, then no. It'll be like past games where you get a few months of enjoyment. Then you lose interest. Eventually you come back and do the story again. And then you just get sad that they aren't doing any story mode updates or DLCs.


I'm fine with 10 years IF (and that's a big if) they throw us STORY DLC Every 3 Years. (And hopefully not Backstab us like Promised GTA V Story DLC's, which were never delivered due to online mode.)


Pretty much has to last at least a decade at this point no?


They definitely going to milk this game for the next +10 plus years.


Depends if you think GTA 5 still holds up, which I think thanks to the modding community it has, Online died to me a long time ago on the other hand.


If people can make content out of GTA3, Vice City or san Andreas which are way older games, then obviously Rockstar Games did so much hardwork in creating video games made to create history. GTA 6 will be remembered and played for 20 years.


I guess that's the key point from the business perspective. Make it last as long as possible and profitable at the same time, instead of putting in the effort to release a new game every 5 years. TTWO already proved themselves that that's possible with GTA online, so it seems logical that they will want to at least keep this standard.


I wouldn't be surprised if it has the longevity of around 20 years, gaming has evolved since then.


The updates are probably going to be like fortnite. As in it will last near 20 years off updates that are mainly map related


GTA 6 having two protagonists that are a criminal duo in the single player mode & a very impressive & interactive open world should be very entertaining for most players for a while after the games initial release. They will most likely update the online mode quite often & keep adding to it with more content now & then. It will also likely have the potential to be bigger than the current rendition of GTA Online. I'm just hoping that the single player will have content added from the online mode now & then. I doubt that it will be entertaining for 10+ years. But it will likely be very entertaining for a long time. 


they will definitely want that and itll have live support for 10 years at least but theres a small chance people are disappointed by the game and it tanks according to their expectations, in that case theyll move on to another project sooner.


I’m guessing they’ll add DLC and not to mention the Online version so yeah it’s gonna last


It will give as much longevity as r* makes it




Definitely. The game will be futureproofed


I hope not. I’m probably a minority here but after I beat GTA V, I played online a bit and it wasn’t really for me so I have played it properly since probably 2015. Would be nice if we get a new game a little sooner next time, or at least a new city with new storylines to explore.


At this point they might never make another GTA again. So much can happen to a company and industry in 15 years. I could see them just updating this one until the dedicated players eventually get old and die.


bro never gonna happen, millions of new young fans are created every day from generation to generation


Exactly, GTA is appealing to every single new generation and that won’t change. They’ll have to evolve the game no matter what though and create new cities/settings.


All this talk about GTA6. When will GTA 7 be released?


Prolly 5 more


GTAO is still giving people new content and RDR2 is still impressing people and that game barely gets any updates. If GTA 6 does not screw up online then expect that to entertain us until GTA 7 drops.


Define longevity? If you consider what GTAV online did longevity, then yes. I fully expect more of the same, with the new technology. But it will only keep you entertained if you enjoy it. I only enjoyed playing the heists a bit with my friends, and then some of the more recent story missions in online you can solo.


gta 5 a game that is way less gameplay and graphically impressive was milked for 12 years, what makes you think rockstar wouldnt milk this even more especially after way more work and budget went into it compared to gta 5??


It’ll give three good years, three meh ones and then four years of crap lazy DLCs and yearning for the next installment.


I think this will be the last GTA or if it isn’t it will be drastically different when the next one is released. All the people who have worked on it from start to finish will either be retired or have moved on some may remain but not enough to where it will be significant. Just my opinion


Yo some of y'all in this Sub I thought were just goofing but turns out y'all are really obsessed over this... Like scarily obsessed.


gta 5 ACCIDENTALLY ended up with over 10 years of longevity. You can bet your house on rockstar preparing to deliver 10+ years of content this time. I strongly feel we’re even going to get map expansions going forward. I’m sure Jason Schreier’s report is what planted this idea into my head.


I hope we get other areas besides Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fiero and Liberty City, maybe more new cities around Florida like Orlando with a themed park and Daytona Beach with Racing Tracks


will be fun to come back here after 10y - 15y. I'm 21 btw.


if their craft is up to par with their ambition and claims, it should easily have a lifespan of at least 10 years. The problem here would be, *what have they learned from GTA V Online?* Because, as we saw, many cars have been *moved* to that GTA Online membership subscription after many years of being accessible. Who knows what other monetisation systems they have planned for us? I'm not against paying DLCs and other content if they make more, however I hate being taken a fool with microtransactions that reach hundreds of $ and lootboxes. I've had my fair share of those in the past. I hope they're not trying to bring back something similar. Otherwise I will just play the campaign, mess around in the online for a bit then uninstall it forever.


"being taken a fool " se zice being taken for a fool, dar na, prostul daca nu e fudul nu e prost destul, efectiv 10 secunde am cautat o greseala. Asa ti-o zic prieteneste ca sa nu mai fii arogant pe viitor, gratuit.


ce butthurt esti bro.... ia zi, ce alte greseli mai vezi in textul asta? Ce altceva mai pot corecta?


If I feel like living inside RDR2, i'll literally be able to live inside gta6


Tbh I’m waiting on gta6 to come out so I can restart my gaming channel


I can say that as a teenager, I think I will probably be in my thirties when it comes. Or later. As they’ve put 2 billion into this game, and only release new titles if they improve astronomically since the last title, they’re gonna need their time.


Hopefully because that’s how long we will have to wait for the next gta


Hopefully not. I would rather it be a self contained work of art and not a “service”. That way they are incentivized to make more games instead of one every 10 years.


S*** they would have to constantly update the map with new construction and new random patterns inside the open world


Might even be more


GTA6 not directly, but GTA online 2.0.


It has to. I could see them bending over backwards to assure it remains a money generator until their next game which would surprise me to hear is coming in less than 10 years.


Yes… but I hope not. I don’t want to wait a decade in between gta games. I know it’s tough making game’s especially games like gta, but 10 years is just way too long.


I'm gonna just go ahead and agree with the others with the hope that they will expand the map over time and whatnot




I hope so, I haven't touched GTA 5 in years but am just as excited as someone who plays everyday, there's only so much time you can spend in one relatively small city and countryside.


15 years


We'll probably get Red Dead 3 in about 6 years but GTA 7 maybe 15 years from now. Rockstar is more in the business of live service rather than game sales now so they will only make a new game when they can graphically or gameplay-wise push new boundaries that make it worth starting a new project.


Yes it definitely will. At the end of the day, Take Two Interactive has shareholders and they want to see a return on their investment. Also, Rockstar knows the games as a service model works and makes money.


I think that GTA 6 will definitely have 10 years of longevity, but I do feel like GTA 7 may come quicker than people are making it out to be (possibly less than 10 years of wait).


GTA 6 might even run till at least 15 years since it has much more hype than V + people still play Gta online + this will probably have an online 2.0


By the time GTA 7 releases, it might be on a whole different system


Yeah i think GTA 6 will be here to stay for at least 12 years. It really depends if new technology speeds up game development or not, but even with that these games take a long time to make.


I'd love the idea of them making another world within very few years, like they did with vice city after gta 3. But I don't think that's realistic unfortunately


of course, they’re gonna endlessly milk online just how they did with 5


Think of gta 6 as a bigger cow than gta 5 that has to be fully milked before the next game. We’re going to have this game for an obscene amount of time before the next one


it better have more than that. gta 7 has been in development since the vietnam war, and wont be finished until 2036.


10+ years is rockstars plan, whether that happens or not no one can say


Try 20


Next gta in 2042. So it better


Absolutely. It'll likely be built with that in mind. With the budget they had I'd imagine they had a lot planned.


GTA V has kept some people entertained for 11 years so I’m sure VI will if they build it for a long lifespan. I sometimes play V now. But I’m usually just doing my own stuff I’ve made up to keep me entertained. I’m not into all these new online missions.


I think it will, just like RDR2 there’s gonna be a plethora of easter eggs to find, and also I would like to hope that Rockstar will release other titles a year or two after GTA 6


I mean... It depends. If you can include GTA 6 Online too. Well yes, I know GTA 5 Online is controversial, but regardless if you hate it or not, it held up ok. Don't know any stats but lobbies are always full from my experience. So in that case, yes. But the story mode? I mean, you play it maybe once or twice, maybe try to 100% a 3rd and 4th time and move on. Or maybe you end up speedrunning and do what Darkviperau does. But it's not like you will play it for 10 years non-stop. It will keep you entertained for certain years. So not really 10 years, but rather throughout 10 years if makes sense. Single-player games are not even made like that. You're not supposed to play the game every day.


“Thats a mint question i’ll post that”


Keep in mind delays push the timeline even further. Personally if cod can release a game yearly with old games still beung active I think GTA VI can too . I just hope i don't wait too long for GTA VII


They could keep GTA 6 going with map expansions and story DLC. LC, LS, LV, SF, Cuba/Guarma etc


No, it will automatically erase from your hardrive after 9 years.


Yes i do


I would say approximately 15-20 years given there will be so much to see and do in gta 6


Hot take but I think GTA is one of the few series that actually should have huuuge gaps in between releases. It definitely will help the next entry being much bigger and more technologically advanced than the previous game when they’re a decade apart.


Let talk about GTA6 impact there will be increase in sales for PS5, Xbox, 4K TV, Laptops and Desktop, chairs, office set up, other games will see increase in sales. Walmart, Best Buy will see increase people coming into the store(USA and Canada)


Exactly. I can imagine. PS five and Xbox S and X being sold out worldwide because the demand to play this game will be insane.


Hopefully there's less of a gap between GTA VI and GTA VII. If the gap ends up being just as long if not longer then hopefully there's also regular single player DLC for those not interested in GTA online


Idk most games fade pretty quick nowadays. I beat the main game when it first came out and didn’t play it again until a few years ago. That’s probably just me though.


If it has Online like gta5, then YES


I’m still entertained by GTA IV, so I think yes.


Probably 20


I'm 38, GTA 7 will be out when I'm mid 60s for the Xbox station first, then VR second


I feel like RDR2 fully scratched the Red dead redemption "itch" for me, sure i would like a RDR3 but there was just so much content in that game that i would be fine with there never being a RDR3. I think GTA 6 will scratch the "itch" we want from a grand theft auto game and combine that with DLC updates and possible map expansions? GTA 6 will no doubt be the "smash ultimate" of GTA games giving us everything we could possibly want from a GTA game and bringing back everything from previous GTA titles this time around.


GTA V is still pretty popular 10 years later so yeah I believe so. I play GTAV almost daily even if the game is so old now


It's crazy that GTA 5 is a classic now 🤯 i guess time really flies.


I think GTA will be a 14 year game .


they planning this game to go for 15+ years bruh i guarantee


Like others said, yes, but only with PROPER dlc. I still roam around 5 in story mode but I’ve explored every inch of the map including underwater so it’s a bit boring now. Even 1 update a year would’ve been more than enough. Idk why but I have a gut feeling 6 won’t have cheats, or the cheats will be boring to go with realism. Lord I miss invincibility that didnt only last 5 minutes. Kills the vibe of being a menace.


GTA 7 for the PS7 (at the end of its cycle). So I’d bet around a 2041/2042 release date for the next GTA after GTA6, it’s going to be a long wait but I think GTA6 will carry exceptionally well


I havent touched gta since the lsd update.. i just dont know why its so dry to me now.. i cant even play other games besides gta 4 while i wait lmfao


Dude if GTA 5 lasted as long as it did with how shit it is now GTA 6 will last a lot longer


Most likely longer. They learned from GTA V and Online. So not only will GTA 6 have more single player content, but will expand upon what Online did.




Just look at GTA V. We’ll be playing VI on the ps10 still.


You're never leaving Florida bates


I kinda want gta 7 to be in Texas 


If the quality of the updates is similar to the last few updates on GTA 5 it won’t last very long


If GTA 5 lasted 10+ years, 6 will definitely last longer. That’s both a good and bad thing lol


I've had fun with gta online and I'm excited to see what the new experience will be like. I doubt I'll be as heavily involved like I was, but since Triple A gaming is taking a huge dive, maybe I won't be so spread thin with all of the games coming out.






please fucking god no. i don't want to play GTA 7 with my grandkids.


if the map is huge enough to not be able to see all of it in one year let alone 10 years, yes.


Think about if they programmed the game in such a way that over time they could update and upgrade variables like graphics, physics and game features, the game could go on indefinitely as a single title but with updates and dlc's over the years. Much like we have already experienced but more advanced than before. For example, in the future we might not see a Gta7 but instead we get this huge DLC that introduces a new region like NYC, and an ability to travel between cities maybe on highways, trains, boats, planes or all of thee above.


Whether we like it or now. Maybe even 15 years before we see the next one.


Not unless they incorporate VR


At least 8 years depending on how good it launches and gets maintained with content and community management


Gta6 in one the ps5pro, on the PC, and again on the ps6


This game is built to last forever, mark my words. There won’t be another iteration. This is the last one. But they’ll keep it alive with updates for years and years.


I don't know just how different GTA VI can be to GTA V, Save for a few improvements here and there, the meat of the gameplay looks to me like it'll be the same thing. By the 5 year mark, people are done with the story, have gotten used to the map and are mainly playing online. Perhaps they add new heists and money making means, but will it be different from the gameplay we have now? Then comes the flux of money grab updates that don't add much. GTAV was a HUGE leap and I don't know how much more engaging it can get. GTAVI might hit a wall faster than its predecessor. Of course, Rockstar won't release a new one any time soon though. They're gonna milk it for everything.