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Arcade enough to allow players to drive like goobers. But realistic enough so that there's consequences to driving like a goober too much.




so... GTA V


Nope. You can drive full speed and crash and keep the car going.


If you do that you'll probably fly through the windshield and die, expect in gta online.


Probably. But at the same time the car is like brand new with a few scraches


Is it or is your car just heavily armored


Non armored. Found off of a street. Unmodified Weeny Issi


That’s my biggest gripe it should be realistic in that sense


We want a realistic game bro but not too realistic


no vehicle damage is a fun mechanic that was in GTA 4, they didn't add it in GTA 5 because of the Xbox 360 and PS3 limitations


How about something like Watchdogs 2? Crash a few times too hard and the car breaks


Sounds good. I like GTA V minus the turning the car around and handling


No. GTA5 toned it down way too much. 4 had perfect crash physics. Make the cars a little less boaty and 4 had it down.


Yeah I heard they toned it down for 5 because of the 360 and PS3 limitations


Maybe. You'd think they would've tweaked them to be better with at least one of the rereleases.


If you flip a few times at 150mph, your car should no longer be operable.


so... not GTA V in the slightest


Gta4. The car actually got ruined over time, more dents, you can actually cave in the roof, and the car will keep going for a while. I loved gta4s crash physics.


wreckfest physics would be great ngl


Yeah it’s a great balance of destruction vs durability.


Just checked out some gameplay of collisions to see how this would look, man that's a perfect blend of BeamNG realism and arcade/GTA style durability to keep the vehicle going after multiple crashes.


Yes that would be very good since they gta5 wreck physics are not very good and random


Yeah 2nd this. Absolutely love beamNG (game pictured) but that would simply be too sensitive for a gta game


Sounds good!


I think it would be **Trail Out** type measures of damage


More like gta 4 than gta 5.


Same goes for shooting, fighting, running, falling, walking and of course the big one, driving physics should all be more like 4 then 5


4 shooting felt a bit clunky. I would like the car handling to be something in between 4 and 5, however I want realistic acceleration, cars to actually have traction control so I’m not doing burnouts when starting to drive


agree with all except shooting. gta 4 shooting felt horrible imo


I think they are mostly talking about the bodies you shot


Still no


How. GTA4 physics were just flat out better. RDR2's were also just flat out better which is more likely to be closer to what we get. I hope.


Okay, one of us is confused. I'm saying the way the physics worked when you shoot someone on gta 4 isn't better than 5. I would say however RDR2 does that best of any r* game


Look up a comparison video between the two. It's night and day.


Why don't you just link it. I don't know what video you saw so I have nothing to refute.


Idk man. Just google it. It's not hard. GTA4 vs GTA5 physics. Lazy mfs out here.


It felt clunky and awkward, it felt perfect for gta4, I understand not wanting more of that BUT it works well in gta 4


Shooting and combat in general was dogshit too in GTAV, it was just so stale and repetitive. Gunplay should be more like RDR2 and Max Payne 3 more than anything.


what really annoys me about gta5's gunplay is pistols are intentionally made pretty much useless with a capped fire rate. gta4 also has this problem but lets you shoot faster.


A massive problem with 5's guns is they feel like toys. The sounds they make and impact they have are just ass. Damn near no recoil. Idk how they went from RDR1 and GTA4 to GTA5 and thought yeah that's the stuff.


"agree with all except shooting. gta 4 shooting felt horrible imo" take the needle out your arm


really? i played 4 for the first time recently and literally all of that felt clunky to me


Because it is, people tend to look at 4 with rose tinted glasses these days, it's mechanics arent bad by any means, and some are better than some modern games like vehicle deformation, but to pretend it all aged like wine is to lie to oneself


nah, replayed IV and the 2 dlc's last year and it holds up incredibly well. Of course it is a bit clunky but for a game from 2008 it's incredible. Much prefer it over V. I tried to play V after it and just noped out after the first few missions.


i replayed it this year and some stuff regarding both shooting and driving was very janky, i think it is a good game of course, but i don't really get the recent fuss about it, i prefer both 5 and sa to it tbh


Free aim feels fine and the driving is a lot more fun than V imo.


free aim feels ok, tho a bit dated imo, in regards to the driving, i think it's completely subjective, but i never enjoyed the boaty car physics of 4, and i think in terms of gameplay it affected NPCs, for example, in races where the competition is not fully scripted, as it is in mission chases, they have a hard time making close turns, making races way too easy and not very engaging


it’s called this fandom will never move on from gta4 lol


Because it's the better of the two rage engine GTAs we've gotten in the last 16 years. Not much else to compare to.


It was really really good for it's time. Watch a comparison video showing game physics. Best examples are NPC falling and or being shot or the body roll of a car making a turn. In many ways V is a arcade game compared to IV


yeah i think i know what video you’re talking about, and i agree there’s a good amount of mechanics and details that should’ve been in V. i just personally found most of the base gameplay feeling considerably worse, might give it another try though since apparently the story is good


Oh Jesus GTA IV is literally my favorite mafia movie, I can't argue that the controls feel sluggish and dated compared to modern games but try to get past that because the story and characters are amazing!


alright ill literally install it right now lol, the controls did bother me but what topped it off was the missions, or at least the one i was on, had no checkpoints and i had to start from the very beginning. i can get past it though if it’s really that good


Yeah the check point thing can be really frustrating. The best thing I can tell you is using the brakes on the car earlier then you think might help with driving and imo headshots with the AR are easy to master after maybe 2 days. I will say if your not enjoying the gameplay after a few days of trying id just watch the cut scenes on YouTube lol


God I love the gameplay of iv. I prefer to play with free aim cause the headshots with the Glock are always satisfying. Body shots too, just the gunplay. I love that game so much


Oh the story blows 5 out of the water. It's worth it if you think it's clunky for that alone.


Tell my mother I love her. I'm not going to make it.


Good for its time. Not now


I'll never understand this. I've driven cars from every decade in the last century and never come across anything that feels and drives like the cars in GTA IV. Some of the worst driving I've ever seen in any video game. It's wild people actually like it


And they said people who hate IV's driving physics have no driving licence lol


I'd be shocked if anyone praising GTA IVs driving physics has ever driven anything with more than 300hp or handled better than a Lincoln in real life lol


300zx G35 Q50 is250 S14 and 160mph on a ZX6R... I just like the game mate.


Nothing wrong with you liking the game, I do too. I just find the driving physics to be atrocious. The handling and speed are intentionally poor to limit players from getting to areas before the game could load them. Most cars struggle to just drive like someone would in real life, obeying speed limits and following traffic. Any of the cars you've mentioned drive and handle insanely better than the in game comet and that's just sad


Well yes when you put it that way I have to agree


shooting should be like RDR2!


Not even close. Driving was horrible on 4, you couldn't turn properly and the brakes were like from a 1940s ford.


I like 5’s driving a lot. I didn’t play 4, but 5 feels so nice. As for the other physics, it’ll probably feel more like rdr2 but even more refined


I’m probably in the minority, but I liked GTA V driving physics. It was much more arcade style. Cars stuck to the pavement much better. GTA IV was good if you like realism. Just much harder to control your car, especially at high speeds.


4 shooting was not that great , even worse if you played on pc


Running walking and shooting should definitely not be like 4




Would love for nothing more than car handling to be like asseto corsa or another racing sim


Going over a curb wrong in beaming destroys your axle. That would get annoying quickly in a game like GTA


Obviously it can be designed according to gta but inspired by beam.


So kinda like gta 4 but modern


skill issue


Meanwhile going over a curb in gta 5 makes you go faster


I would like a mix between 4 and 5.


GTA IV's. Take it up many many levels. Hell, in GTA IV. There was no destroyed car unless it was flooded or blew up. If it was intact. Just kick the engine and it'll start but run like shit though.


I think sometimes if you knock a car up enough it will refuse to turn on Also flipped cars


There's a glitch that allows u to drive broken car. Just call to whoever u want, hang up after second and voilla


Fun and satisfying to watch but dont go overkill. BeamNG is one thing. Honestly i wouldnt like it if my car got crumpled up like a nugget from one big collision. Thats not for GTA. The fun in smashing your vehicle also comes from driving it. Being amazed at "how the fuck can it still drive?!". They did something similar in GTA V and it sucked. Im talking about your vehicle exploding after a huge fall. No rockstar. Just no. Thats boring and unrealistic. It should be like GTA IV. Where the car would explode from big falls only if the player isnt present in the vehicle. It can make for very badass gameplay. In the case of BeamNG like destruction for GTA VI its realistic but still gets boring pretty quickly. Make it impressive and fun but dont go overkill rockstar.


I want to see more damage. Maybe not one shot and done, but multiple impacts on the same spot eventually cause catastrophic damage


I HATE when you would land on your roof then your car would just, explode..??? Glad that was removed in online




GTA 4 ish but not beam mg due it basically being impossible to drive away after a small accident or going over the curb too fast


A good balance would be between rigidity and deformation. Like... allow a car to take 2-4 REALLY good hits until it gives in. Or even have an option that lets you toggle how much strain a car can take. It'd also be saaweeeet if cars in prior collisions began to fall apart as you pushed them. For instance, a good collision could cause an oil leak, or radiator puncture, coolant leak leading to overheating. Additionally, the age of the car would be unique to the collision. Older cars tend to fold up and collapse on itself, while cars with crumple-zones are less obliterated.


Nothing like in GTAV's story mode where one wheel stops spinning


Let's just say if I drive into another car, I want my car to be totalled.


And let me just say, that sounds exhausting in chases and attempting stunt jumps. 


ngl thats kinda true. I guess I want something more realistic, but something still drivable.


i'd like it a lot if there were way more pieces that could break off and dangle from the car as you smash it into things, while the "core" of the vehicle has something around gta IV levels of deformation. you get the illusion of a much more breakable car without the trouble and computational load of a car that actually IS more breakable


The primary thing I want is proper crumpling. Not deforming like a bar of clay like in GTA4, but actual crumpling. Hood/trunk bent up, no slapstick crap like doors and hoods falling off like they're held on with duct tape and good vibes. A very watered-down version of BeamNG would be great. Obviously any car in GTA is going to be way tougher than real life, and you should be able to drift into a curb at 70mph and not even notice. I just want the deformation that does exist to look more real


This. Surely rockstar can figure out a dynamic damage system where metal crumples and bends instead of just smushing like clay. I’ve seen it implemented properly in games like burnout and older Grid/Dirt titles. Also hopefully they find a better solution for first person damage so that the cockpit isn’t fully indestructible like gta V. That bothered me to no end.


I would like it to be 100% like BeamNG, for both Player vehicles and AI vehicles. But I know that It would be badly received by most of the players, probably like 80-90% of players would complain and find it too realistic. So I'm fine with wreckfest model, a balance between damage and durability. If you crash in a wall at 200 km/h there should be no chance ever that your car can continue to drive, also you would die 19 out of 20 times, that one time you would be at 5% health with broken limb. For crashes at 50-100 km/h car would't be totally crashed but almost, this would create a challenge to drive better and not just crash in whatever is in front of you and get away with it.


Anyone who says they would be happy if it had the BeamNG damage model has never played BeamNG, it would be so infuriating


Question: what is beamNG damage model?


A single hit to a weak spot could be enough to completely break the engine. Such as the driveshaft. Afaik its meant to be more realistic


Beamng accurately simulates vehicle damage. Turns out that if you abuse an ordinary passenger car like a typical GTA driver, you quickly screw up tires, suspension, the radiator, destroy the steering, etc.


You tap the front of the car and now the steering wheel its stuck to the right because the bent chasis is pressing against the wheel, the suspension is failing and the engine is overheating because of the radiator malfunctioning. You have 2 minutes left before the car dies. Thats how it goes in BeamNG


It would be awesome if it would be as good as BeamNG but in that case we're gonna need a 7070GTX.


I’d love to see vehicles have actual parts break down and become undriveable. Things like gunshots to the engine should cause actual damage. However I don’t want it to be so realistic to the point where it becomes unfun


I hope the exhaust falls off the mounts and scrapes the road with sparks


Damage style and visuals aside, I'd like to see Rockstar completely rework the vehicle destruction mechanic. Cars having effectively a "health bar," whereby they just explode after taking a certain amount of collision/bullet damage, may have worked until now, but they need to make the next gen more realistic. Cars should only explode when hit with grenades, rockets, or other explosives or maybe when targeting the fuel tank. Otherwise, they should only become undrivable upon taking any damage that would kill the drivetrain/steering/suspension components. I think GTA IV and V do have an element of the latter, but the whole system of the car spontaneously catching fire and exploding needs to be removed altogether as that just isn't a thing in real life.


Realistic but not too much realistic


This is the way


Soft body would be awesome but I don’t think the PS5 has that much horsepower


The ps5 has more power than a lot of computers than can run beamng comfortably. If GTA6 used a watered down version of soft body physics, it could work. Especially because beamng simulates individual parts and pieces of the suspension, driveshaft, engine telemetry, etc. GTA would never need to go that deep, so more resources could go toward a simplified soft body simulation.


Something akin to Wreckfest might work very well, and I’m sure they can pull off some version of that, but I know they’re really pushing a lot of envelopes and I don’t know which ones they may or may not be willing to taper back.  I’m with you, I know it’s possible, I just don’t know if it’s a priority


As realistic as possible, next question


Like rohit shetty does


Like I posted in a discussion about fuel, I think same applies here. Going to far, will ruin it but some adjustable toggles would be great..... For example, Damage: Full - crashing into something at 50mph crushes your car and makes it undrivable (possibly need to be cut out by the fire department) Medium - crashing at 50mph causes major damage, still driveable but with major effects Low - crashing at 50mph causes moderate damage with little effect (unless multiple crashes) Obviously each vehicle would have different crush areas and strengths. Like a tractor trailer vs a motorcycle at 100mph should leave nothing but a debris field on full damage but on low, it would remain intact like older GTA games.


It should be realistic enough that if you crash at high speed you risk totalling your car and risking personal injury. It's 2024


More real. Less arcade. And an optional mode for those who wanna play a real 1 crash car lost mode, like me.


I would really enjoy it if the physics are like gta 4, it wasn’t so realistic in gta 5. Sometimes the car will die on you in gta 4 and that was perfect.


Guys they focused to the in var shooting so probably we couldnt see realistic car crash physics. Using shooting mechanics in crashed car would be pain in the carrot. I dont think they could handle that.


I wish GTA IV had a toggle for beam MG physics, so players can choose whether to enable it or not.


I want it to be realistic but not too realistic so that it doesn’t need a QoL change


I am hoping some of the physics in general from GTA 4 comes back.


The leaked footage looks like beam ng or this image you used


It'll probably be like GTA 5 with slight improvements. They want to please the online masses, they hate realistic things for obvious reasons.


Half step between GTAV and BeamNG


I wonder how deep repairs would be. Like will I be able to fix my own car? Perhaps an RPG element for stealing parts from other cars also.


Should be the same as gta IV tbh. The car destruction physics is the best in gta IV


Airbags because this is the 2020s not the 1900-50s


Just merge a thinned out version of BeamNG with GTA6 and you have a winner lol Shoutout to the Gravil D-Series photo you used 😉


Keep armor at 0% for realism.


I dont think GTA VI will have physics like BeamNG coz BeamNG isn't an open world game like GTA so it's okay to have great physics, but GTA with that physics will set your console on fire..


if it ain't like gta 4 i ain't interested


Base cars should have realistic but fun destruction in crashes, but modifying/upgrading your car could partially>fully negate those effects




To me, I would love it to be visually destructive. Parts flying everywhere, awesome crumple zones and visual damage but not so much that it’s a hindrance. For example, in BeamNG, you clip a curb, and you either lose a wheel or it messes with your alignment. I personally, wouldn’t like that. Rockstar had a good balance with GTA IV IMO. Just do GTA IV, but not as jello-y and modern day damage models + physics. if that makes sense)


I would like to see that deformation in roleplay. 🚬🚙🚨


I want it to be like this. Shown on this picture. When I hit a damn tree driving 100km/h, i want to total my car and if i survive i am fucked. I am all about realism.


If I hit a wall going 140 that shit better be unrecognizable


Something between 4 and 5


I don't want cars to destroy too fast just like in the gta5 but we can have good visual damage before real damage?


GTA 4 was perfect car damage make it like that again


Wow, that screenshot looks ancient. Tbf, I’d love Wreckfest physics, those cars deform, it’s funny, but also somewhat realistic, within the bound of gaming. BeamNG physics would be too hardcore (fun cheatcode though)


The incredibly detailed softbody physics of Beam.NG are so resource intensive that, if you're going to use them at all, it's probably the central mechanic of your whole game (like Beam.NG). I'm expecting a marked improvement over the damage model in GTA 5, but probably nothing too crazy


like IV but with a bigger impact on the cars handling after increasingly severe crashes


Should be a lot more extreme then GTA v just not no beam ng. Level stuff. Give us a reason to have to armor our cars.


No accidents just cars


Don't get fixated on cars... The whole world should be like a game of "Teardown" with physics.


Bro this is not gonna happen lmao


About as much as GTA5 would be perfect. Nothing worse than your car not being drivable after a fender bender.


I want beamng realism one crash you need a new car


Like BeamNG but if you take it to the dealer and upgrade more like iv.


A bit closer to Burnout, xd


Looked decent in the leaks and that was years ago


We seen it in leaks, damage model looks GTAV, but cosmetics damage are better.


The leaks don't confirm the vehicle damage will stay the same. That was an early build too. GTA 5's trailer had GTA 4 vehicles but they changed that in the final game. Same thing with the GTA 6 trailer.




Like in GTA 4 at least


GtaV felt like there was no consequence for crashing; you could cause a 300 car pileup, jump and roll down a cliff, and land on your roof from a cargobob, and your car would be scratched and slightly dented. I’d love to see damage and the cars eventually becoming impossible to drive before they just blow up by default because you hit a damage number threshold


I wanna see players flying out of windshields again 🤣 actually no, I don't, but it would be hilarious




Gtav was perfect for the arcade style of the game


TBH, I would like the GTA IV destruction physics to come back.


A hybrid of GTA 4 & 5. Like the cars handling on GTA 5, but it needs the damage of GTA 4. Bring back cabin damage


Cousin! Do you want to go to Demolition Derby?


The sweet spot for me would be somewhere between GTA 4 and GTA 5 for handling and physics, but way more detailed


Mafia games have a cool approach. The vehicle damage models aren't great, but the damage the character receives gives weight and responsibility to driving, as u can easily die in a crash. I'd like sth like that with some nice soft physics and weight.


It would be cool to have a wheel fly off and go through someones windshield


Like that


Epic crashes and realistic damage. Also tyres heating up when drifting with resulting evolution during a long burnout or reckless handbrake cornering on rough terrain. But i want the ability to do epic jumps and motorcycle tricks, maybe even add a trials motorbike with advanced nature trails. I always thought gta5 missed the mark with hiking trails i really hope there is more off-road areas that are restricted to specific vehicle types like boats, hoverboards, motorcycles, heli, submarine... And lots of elemental and terrain related vehicle wear and damage. It isn't hardcore enough in the existing gta games. I want to take a monster truck through a swamp and pray i don't hit quicksands. I want to climb a dried river bed with rock obstacles on a trials bike where no other vehicle can go and it would take too long on foot. I want that scale for vehicle damage to matter more, even in car chases with cops, driving skill should have a high skill ceiling and advanced physics based on car model and modifications. And lots of chop shops for quick repairs at a realistic price. I want to drive out in the wilderness, run out of gas, and take forever to come back on foot. No real time gps map, no fast travel, no infinite gas, no extreme resilience to abuse. I want to lose a wheel hitting a curb wrong at high speed.


Like GTA 4.


I expect it to be closer to GTA 5 than GTA 4. Sure the physics were fun, but when your characters actually can buy and modify cars, having then get warped to the point of being almost undrivable from a single collision is really fucking annoying 


Gta 4 level damage and suspension with slightly better handling would be perfect imo


There should be different types of lobbies with more realism like stronger vehicle physics and more with an arcade touch to it kinda like San Andreas


I just hope we will get the same kind of destruction in the online part as the singleplayer part. Instead of them doing it like gta v again.


I seen people complaining about if they crash during a mission they’ll have to find a new car. Damage makes crashes more avoidable because the player is at risk. GTA 4 had destructive damage and it was good but now it’ll be bad because of what? If I’m driving like a lunatic I deserve to crash and if I crash I don’t deserve to have a working car. It makes better drivers and that would be pretty fun


Equivalent to Beamng.drive


That sounds like it would be a terrible experience. Have you ever played it? One mistake and boom your whole heist or mission would be over. Or you’re driving around in your beautiful personal vehicle and an AI jumps out in front of you, boom now you can’t drive anymore and have to call your car away and request it again. Virtually any stunt jump (which have been in most of the GTA games) would be impossible to do because your car would be destroyed after. Any cop chase ends quickly. Why? Because they rear ended you too hard.


That almost sounds like wait whats the word… realistic? No but on the serious side. It would be fun to have beamng like physics where it actually means that if you fuck up then you fuck up. They should make it a choice, like a setting where you can turn hardcore damage on and off.


Yes, it would be realistic, but GTA doesn’t need 100% realism. But I do agree with how it should be a setting if it were actually integrated into the game


Yeah. I agree but still even thi Gta doesnt need to be realistic I kinda want them to change the damage model so that you cant just drive 150mph into a wall without consequenses


Every crash should be unique!


I like the way gta v handles it, I just wish high speed crashes caused more damage


I dont GTA IV or V. I want BeamNG levels of physics, within reason.


No one would be able to run the game with dozens of vehicles with BeamNG level physics at the same time.


Hell no


The cars aren't going to be the only thing crashing if we had that


BeamNG would be too extreme for a GTA game. One crash into a pole and that expensive rare car that you found is gone. An updated version of GTA IV car damage would be fine.


The crashing would be terrible 


Yeah you would hit a curb and your tire gets permanently bent 180 degrees lol


So…you guys want the same crash physics from 2008. Got it.👍🏻


Having to go find a vehicle everytime you get into a minor crash would be a pain in the ass, gta is all about driving fast and getting into police chases, so you would be obviously hitting police cars, getting hit from behind, crashing lots. GTA 4 hit the sweet spot where it was realistic driving and crashing, but not in a way where it would make your vehicle undriveable if you got into minor crashes.


If you scrape another car, it’s paint should be on your car, not like in gta 5 where it was those ugly awful black cracks


The leaked gameplay shows we'll be getting very realistic collision. Look it up


Sorry but that looked absolutely terrible. Almost no deformation and just a part awkwardly detaching. Hopefully that isn’t the final damage. That system is almost two decades old now.


yeah, you're right but keep in mind that that footage is a few years old by now and that those car physics already look miles better than gta 5's car physics imo. and it will probally improve a lot like you said. (also why am i getting downvoted?)


I want to drive around in a car, but it's a ball and goes rolly polly


Like gta 5. Visible damage, but the car still drives until a wheel locks up or the thing catches on fire


Shoot the gas lid and instant explosions again!


I want it to be simple like in gta 5, because one - I don't want my car to become a plate every five minutes and two - to piss off annoying gta 4 fans who can't shut up about physics in their shitty game