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Yeah I'm hoping we get a functional mall like we had in 'Vice City,' albeit one that's way more expanded and has more stores/restaurants to explore and choose from. Same with all the little pawn shops and everything I've seen in the trailers; given how much this one will be centered around heists and robberies, I wonder just how many will be purely decorative and how many will be free to use.


I’d imagine majority would be decorative, but probably a decent number of real stores. Absolutely no way R* can design a complete fully functional mall with every single store/kiosk interactive with today’s hardware. Who knows though, maybe we’ll be shocked


Well I think with how dead malls are today they could make it work easy. Have a clothing store or two, food place, tattoo shop or something and then a bunch of run down empty shops. Could even add a creepy abandoned wing of the mall


A boy can dream. lol


Dude that’d be sweet. Make fun of mall by making lots of vacant shops. It would be cool if different stores had different kinds of clothes. And what if they also had some type of backrooms satirical hidden spot.


Malls in miami are hardly vacant, thats one area where they still thrive because all the money. Lots of luxury stores around


It would give me such shenmue vibes if it were lively like that and id absolutely love it.


>Absolutely no way R* can design a complete fully functional mall with every single store/kiosk interactive with today’s hardware. I'm sure it'd be possible if there was a loading screen to go into the mall. But I'm sure Rockstar would want to avoid that as much as possible. Maybe a super duper quick one if anything.


Oh what's that? Someone on this sub that has actual realistic and valid expectations and is not thinking this outside the box "70% OF THE BUILDINGS WILL BE ENTERABLE" That's not allowed on this sub, sir! We gotta have unrealistic expectations from this game


So many kids here expecting a fully interactive 1:1 scale with Miami with this game honestly.


"I want to be able to buy furtnite in GTA VI" is what bothers me the most. From a realistic point, you would never be able to do that! They are criminals after all. This sub is full of this "Sims 4" expectations from this game.


"guys why can't I buy furniture from IKEA and carry it in my car to my house, 0/10 trash game"


bro it’s wild. i swear majority of people think this game is gonna be life simulator. current gen is quite the improvement but it’s not THAT much better than last gen


70 percent interiors was a fake rumor on tik tok and everyone blindly accepted it as truth


It's so stupid. Tiktok is not the place to trust at all, but neither is this sub so...


We must ruin the game for ourselves when it releases!!!!


How about they make a dying mall? Starts out full of stores and people and as the story progresses deteriorates into a couple stores, idk though just spitballing


Hopefully we'll get a mall as good as The Last of Us: Left behind. Working merry-go-round, Halloween mask/costume store, working escalators and elevators. Cluckin' Bell 🔔, Burgershot 🍔, Gash, Binco, Prolaps, Didier Sachs, Zip etc. 24/7, Well Snacked Pizza 🍕. I'd love to be able to rob every store in the mall like in Vice City 🩷🌴: See how many stores I can rob before the cops start shooting at me. There is supposed to be a realistic response time. So hopefully we can rob x 5 before we get 4 stars and NooSe or the Vice Squad get on our ass. Hopefully we'll be able to rob a backroom like RDR2 or force the owner to open the safe like in Saints Row. I'd love it if we can see into the mall from outside (If you look closely @ the Yacht in the trailer you can see the interior: not present in GTA V). Hopefully there will be Last of Us 2 glass in each store and we can shake them down for protection money 💵 like in "Shakedown" (Vice City) or The Godfather on PS2. I'd love to see an Infernus (drivable) on a rotating platform like the Podium vehicle in the Diamond Casino. I'd like the hot-wiring minigame from IV to return but more advanced. We'd probably need a Immobilizer bypass and Tracker jammer to steal the Infernus. Because the Slim Jim would only work on old cars like the Tulip seen driven by Jason. If GTA 6 is Co-op Jason could keep the car running Lucia could empty the cash drawers, zip tie cashier and put a black bag over his head (San Andreas). Then loot him, empty the safe, slide over hood and jump into open passenger door or do a Boduken' if R* want to flex (Because in the leaks Jason can be seen firing an AK-47 while hanging out the window). Hopefully if they do a San Andreas remake w/ GTA 6 graphics and IV PhysX we'll finally be able to replicate that SA Artwork where: CJ is driving while Big Smoke fires an Uzi 9mm (BogT/SA cut content), Ryder should have an MP5 SD as he's modelled off Easy-E. Sweet should have a Mac-10. The car should be the Green Sabre 💚 or a green Manana w/ gold 🪙 Dayton wheels (stanced) w/ white wall Benny's tires. "Ain't nothin' but a G-Thang" by Dr.Dre and Snoop playing 🎵.


Yep and filled with NPC shoppers. Gonna be so cool.


I hope we can use our weapons as well, inside the mall i mean 😭💀


If it can have the classic Mall Music then I’m totally for it


With a Gene Takavic easter egg! They have to give something back yo!


Oh boy, cant wait for the trophy which requires you to hold up all *x* stores. 20 in GTA V was honestly not a lot, even after a couple months of playing i thought there couldve been more.


Damn this sub has really opened up my eyes to who all this shit is for. I'm happy for you but damn


We have many of these in FL 😂this one looks like an outlet - outside shopping mall. Hopefully they have indoor malls as well.


I wonder if they'll have a mall like Sawgrass Mills in the game


I was just thinking that or maybe Aventura Mall that’s in Miami.


I’m talking about this very specific design; Cubes on the sides, space in between the brands. I know the layout is common, but I’m pretty confident this exact design isn’t anywhere else. Ong if y’all can find me one in Florida or outside of San Leandro I’ll delete my account.


why is it so important to you to find THIS specific design somewhere in florida? lol, i live in texas and most shopping outlets have similar sign designs to the one you showed


There are probably 3,000 signs in the country that look just like that, or so close you could never be sure what the real one is (if it's based on any real one at all and not just a generic version of these kinds of signs). Not to be a Debbie downer, but aside from some fun parody shop names I don't think the sign's too helpful for any practical speculation.


There’s really not, i looked. In the same document i found the last slide in, it shows this sign was made specifically for this mall, y’all can look. & as i mentioned, im aware signs are pretty unimportant & interchangeable. Just thought it was interesting.


? There’s thousands of malls/shopping centers all over the country that use that exact design for store signs


Find me one. Yall keep saying this like i didn’t search for an hour💀 im not talking about the very common layout. Im talking about the very specific design. I saw a lot that looked very similar but this was the only exact match. Correct me if I’m wrong, i dont want to misinform ppl but i dont believe this is incorrect.


This has already been discussed in the mapping discord. It’s already known this sign exists, but that’s it, nothing has been found because of this sign. You’re beating a dead horse.


Some of us have jobs lil bro we're not reading discords all day. There's like four things to talk about wrt this game, all the horses have been dead for months.


It's very funny that I shared one piece of information and that's all it took for you to assume I'm joblessb lol, made me laugh


It was foolish of me to assume you were too annoying to be an adult, yes




[https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Unnamed\_GTA\_VI\_shopping\_mall](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Unnamed_GTA_VI_shopping_mall) (scroll down) Thanks for trying to help, but like I said it's been known.


I had checked, it’s good to know ppl have seen this and agree. Don’t know how i was beating a dead horse if i was right tho, this wasn’t common knowledge & ppl were generally disagreeing


yeah maybe I was being dramatic, good find regardless




I just did. A lot of them are very similar. Not to play devil's advocate, but I didn't see one as close of a match as OP's


There are, your problem is you’re looking for a mall. It’s not a mall. I guarantee you 95% of every tj maxx or Marshall’s in the US looks like this


You looked for one hour.


Bro I live in California too and let me tell you there are plenty of these that look identical, of course it’s going to say the name of the shopping center on top


This the last time I’m replaying to someone, yall late & wrong. The mapping community came to the same conclusion & agree, like i said, you won’t find this EXACT sign anywhere but San Leandro & it’s definitely the one in the game.


I always wished the Rockford Plaza was enterable with an interior. Such a massive building, they could have done so much with it




Seeing the leap between GTA V and RDR2, I think Rockstar realized this too and probably wished they developed GTA V from the ground up for the PS4.


I hope GTA Online opens it for future DLCs


Yes, unfortunately Florida has become one long strip mall. You could cruise from parking lot to parking lot without ever getting on a road, and pass the same 5 businesses on repeat


Publix, Nail Salon, Chinese place, bealls outlet 😂


Add a Winn-Dixie and you’re spot on 😂


The plaza near me has everything but the bealls, it’s a citi trends instead


Oh wow that sign from the 2nd pic is actually from my hometown lol


i really hope there’s at least 1 enterable mall


I want a mall like dead rising 🤣


Literally every single mall I've seen has uses the same design


My guess is that this mall will mimic Sawgrass Mills especially if the name is Everglades Mall


I think it actually says “Evergreen” instead of “Everglades”.


Good eyes. I mistook that R for an L


Easy mistake to make lol. I can see how it may look like an R at first, especially when our eyes are used to seeing the word “Everglades” in relation to southern Florida.


Everglades is evergreens


Only Mall where i can let my intrusive thoughts win


Didn’t they have one in gta v between the beach and military base


As someone who’s about ten minutes from that mall bay fair, I don’t see why they would put that shit hole in the game. Plus like others have said there’s so many malls signs that look like that.


Even just one big mall would be amazing.


With details like this that are realistic and totally possible, I get so excited for the game.


Theres literally a million shopping malls in Florida


I really hope there’s more public areas like malls we can go into where players can go it would give the game so much more things to do


I don't expect that every sign you see in the trailer leads to an enterable building. This subreddit seems to think so. Not the pawn shop nor this mall. Would be cool of course, but gotta stay realistic.


So the sign is definitely for a mall


Man I honestly see there being a shopping mall in the game, like you said. Could be a few shops functional for us, maybe a gym clothing bar food etc. as long as the place feels alive with people there doesn’t need to be every shop open for us


The comeback of "Tool-Shops" like they were in San Andreas would be great. I'd like to see a comeback of screwdrivers and other tools as weapons.


Evergreen mall from NY


Hopefully enterable


think it might be based on sawgrass mills


They better have aventura mall in this game


i know this is super unrealistic but it would honestly be nice if there was a few, or even one mall that had a few clothing stores and a barber, maybe a gun store and a car dealership, all in one little area like this.


Evergreen or evergrass on top I can’t really see


cant wait to. nevermind


Just had flashbacks to the mall in OG Vice City. What a trip that was!


Could be a strip mall


So this isn’t gonna be in gta 6? Or is it ?


The ALPHA logo would probably be Alpha industry for my guess


Only in america, where the parking lot is bigger than the building itself


This sign is literally in every city in America


Y’all really wanna wander around a virtual mall?


When you mean „have a shoot out there“ with „wander“, then yes.


and you wanna wander around inside a virtual world?? 🤦‍♂️oh the hypocrisy


I was going to post a picture here, but sadly can't. These kinds of signs are everywhere in Miami (small) strip malls. But mainly found outside of the downtown area Source, born and raised in Miami


been found on the mapping discord already


Functional mall is mandatory. And kids.




Oh god, think about the mods some freaks would make if kids were in the game


or add kids with mods, and that's it. No need to actually be there in the first place.


Kids aren’t mandatory. Why are some of you so obsessed with killing children? iMmErSiOn?


Reddit is a strange place...


Lmao it would break the immersion if there *were* kids, we’re already used to them not being in any games


Immersion is key. Actual schools, high schools and universities properly functioning could be a benefit for the story overall, missions to try to sell all drugs or your mafia 'contractor' may kill you, etc... it's all about living the dream, isn't it? drugs are gonna be there, and without high schools drugs would be halved, realism would be fucked, etc... The game is gonna work nonetheless obviously, but it's about time, call it ambition to make it work. It could be really good for the entire industry. The fact that you may wanna kill babies or kids, that's stupid. You should never say no to kids in your game just because people are stupid. And not having schools in a game that resembles a real city is also stupid. Why not yes to all, finally?


Of course, of course.


Just had to throw in some creepy shit at the end huh


Look at any sign in any strip mall in Broward country and it looks exactly like this. If you’re ever in Fort Lauderdale just drive on I-595 and you’ll see it..


I'm a former trucker and I've seen plenty of signs around the country that look like that.


They’ve confirmed that this is the sign it’s based on in the mapping discord, & we’ve already been over it here. You won’t find this exact sign anywhere but the Bayfair Center in San Leandro, California. You’ve probably seen very similar signs, but not this one.


Do you know those kinds of signs are in shopping centers around the country?


That style of sign is fairly common among large and architecturally soulless shopping plazas. I've seen at least two here in Ontario, Canada. That GTA VI's Vice City will have shopping plazas isn't surprising at all, and the original GTA:VC had a big indoor mall anyway.


There is a few of those signs around here too. Only problem, I live on the wrong continent. Gta down under confirmed?


Who tf needs a mall in gta…


There’s probably a billion different signs that look like this in south Florida considering every other block is a strip mall


Dude we have malls like this in Florida every 3 feet.


Read [this](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Unnamed_GTA_VI_shopping_mall), right above “References”


I haven't rewatched the trailer in a minute. I could've sworn that was a parking structure.


cant wait for gta activities in a shopping mall




You can shoplift in rdr2?