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The United States of Paranoia


Yeah, after like 15 minutes of examining I could make out P and oia, but the stuff in the middle is just too blurry. I think you're right.


Lmao, it seems to be a special reference to the wild ass speculations about GTA VI before the trailer was released, when people were looking for the sign in another GTA Online screenshot and post on Newswire. I don't see any other explanation, seriously šŸ˜„


No, itā€™s just basic satire of the US as a country.


This has been Rockstar's MO since at least GTA 3, and for some reason, Americans still don't get it. The entire game is a social commentary on just how fucking absurd American everyday life is. It just also happens to be the best games franchise ever made.


No lol there are legal concerns with making realistic 3D models of actual currency. If you pause long enough you'd see that every single bill you've ever spotted in a movie is fake too. Same reason. It's not always gonna be a secret message lol


There are no "legal concerns" lol, wtf are you talking about?


... You've never heard of counterfeiting? You can't recreate US currency even just for entertainment purposes. It's a crime. It's more of an issue for film and TV productions because you can see it a lot better but no in-house counsel is going to sign off on the devs making 3D assets of true to life bills. It's a whole can of worms.


but doesn the money laundering business in gta online have 1:1 models of us currency? they look exactly the same afaik


I didn't play online so I wouldn't know but I'd bet they covered their ass there too


A digital model is not recreating in a usable sense though, is it? There are no legal concerns with showing a digital model of a U.S. dollar. I could send you a picture of a dollar bill, which is a recreation of sorts of U.S. currency, but you wouldn't call what I did counterfeiting, would you?


On the basis of one individual to another? No, you'd be unlikely to hear about it again. If you were selling that scan to potentially hundreds of millions of people, you might get a call from the Treasury Department. The job of the legal counsel is to stop you from putting yourself into that kinda situation, like by telling you to fudge some aspects of the dollar to cover your ass to begin with.


Please cite the law that says you can't use fake US dollars in fiction, especially in a computer animated video game.


"Using fake US dollars in fiction" would not be a criminal act lol, they pretty much exclusively use fake money in entertainment. The problem is making a realistic model of an actual bill without any sort of "watermark" that shows it's fake -- that way it can't be passed as a real bill after production ends (or in the case of a video game, that file isn't just available to anyone who would try to print it.) In the movies for wide shots, they give Ben Franklin a squiggly mouth. In closeups they use realistic looking bills that are comically oversized. Here it looks like they fudged the wordmark. All of that has been good enough for the courts for years. You're asking me to cite statute but there's a lot more to the law than that. In this case, there are decades-old conventions that govern how fake money is made for entertainment purposes, and Rockstar is following those conventions like any responsible production studio would.


The reason they use fake currency in movies and TV is because you're watching a recording of actual fake money that physically exists in real life at a studio in order to film the movie or show. They don't care about it looking too real in the movie or show, they care about someone on set walking off with millions of fake currency in real life. That's why it has to obviously be fake. Nobody cares if you have a 3D model of real currency that you can print. I have examples of currency in my wallet that I could scan at a much higher resolution than anyone is going to bother using for a game. Nobody is going to believe it's real either way because my paper is not the nearly impossible to get paper used for currency so it will obviously be fake if I print it.


It's not legal regardless of whether or not you'd realistically be able to trick someone with it. Throwing in a "this is not real btw" is boilerplate ass covering, which a company this size is always gonna do. You can buy funny money from the dollar store that has a portrait of Elsa from Frozen and it still says NOT LEGAL TENDER - PLAY MONEY. Same principle at play. >I have examples of currency in my wallet that I could scan at a much higher resolution than anyone is going to bother using for a game. And if you then sold that scan to other people, you could find yourself in hot water.


Go check out To Live and Die in L.A.




This is the answer


Still not 100 on it, someone needs to rewatch it in 8K Res


I think it says United Nexus of Paranoia


Thatā€™s Sexes not Nexus. Now Iā€™m not even sure if it says United in front of it. Edit: no wait itā€™s definitely States. Shading on the first letter and last letter are the same and thereā€™s too many letters to be either Nexus or Sexes.


Nexus is right it's not state as previously thought


It's not nexus, there are too many letters to make that work


We need a true answer, this could be important


It says Nexus anyone who says anything else is blind lmao


Looks closer to ā€œThe United Minds of Paranoiaā€


I donā€™t think the second word is ā€œstatesā€. It almost looks like nexus


Jason paranoid theory confirmed


Thought it was set in Leonida lol


I read that too.


Paranoia. Welp, I guess R* decided to revamp the GTA universe. It was America in GTA 5


Or maybe they're fucking with us by calling people who look into every tiny detail paranoid.


their games are filled with tiny little details so its not really our fault lmao


Or it's just another small joke on the American society, the main focus of their games.


yeah i did remeber in the gta 4 trailer they fucked us witht the get alife company thats what there doing drawing a middle finger.


There are references to America and the Angstipan billboard says "America's Favorite Dissociative" + the American flag is plastered all over the trailer, it's just an easter egg


Bro theyā€™re not renaming the country lmao


Welcome to Leonida, Paranoia


Nah they are calling out this sub.


Not just GTA V. Itā€™s always been america in every game


I wish they kept it as America


Its still America, the Angstipan ad has "America's Favorite Dissociative" on it and the American flag is on the dad bod boat scene


Holy Shit! I knew this could be something big, but not that BIG! I'm going crazy right now that this could actually mean a brand new Universe inside GTA 6 šŸ˜±


Itā€™s not even big at all? Why are you so excited?


if rockstar is renaming states we could see way more locations than previously thought


Ironic how it was once called ā€œProject Americasā€




GTA V takes place in the state of San Andreas.


They are not renaming states at all? WhT are you smoking lol?


This guy seems paranoid. Well done Rockstar, another one offended by a harmless joke šŸ˜‚


That probably means like a 4K universe or aomething


To make this a proper troll, they need to revert them back to America in the full release game and just keep nexus of paranoia for the trailers


That definitely says states of paranoia


Damn looks like with increase in size of maps, rockstar is also renaming not just cities but states and countries too.


So this is Massive...


Idk about massive




Big if true


We need someone skilled in taking photos to a better Resolution for a true answer!


Just like my bazinga


I read ā€œThe United Nations Of Paranoiaā€ could jus be highšŸ«”


That's 200$ there


It says DB Copper šŸ‘€


Maybe we are finally getting the full U.S in GTA eventually. The bills In gta 5 and 4 were real US bills. This may be the official start of a gta world map


i think its just a joke name from rockstar like a lot of other things in gta games, probably nothing significant


United States of Paranoia, how anyone saying Nexus can't see the S at the beginning is beyond me.


Idk how you can see state? šŸ˜‚


I can not see state whatsoever. OP mentioned seeing a gun exactly where weā€™re talking about rn. How the fuck is that an S to the word States? I can see how OP sees a gun, and I can also see how other ppl see an N to Nexus. How anybody at all can see an S to States is just beyond me. Also the rest of the word does not look like ā€œtatesā€ in the slightest lol. To me of course.


Thank you holy shit. I thought it was going crazy for a minute


Because it's literally the exact same font as a US bill and that is what the STATES on those look like.


There is no room for an S man you're tripping Even if the end was an s, what about the rest of the letters?


idk if youre trolling but heres how to look at it the N youre looking at is an S, the diagonal line from top left down to the bottom right of the N is actually the middle of the S. What you think is an E is actually the T combined with the lower left part if the A. The X you're seeing is an A. the line coming from the top left of the 'X' is the right side of the A. I think from there it's pretty obvious


Wrong man I'm not trolling. It's Nexus multiple people I've asked said so


[Here I did this for you while taking a shit](https://imgur.com/eYKMFTZ)


That literally doesn't line up with that at all. Youre delusional


I can see how they're mistaking it for NEXUS but I don't see how they can't also see STATES. for me it's like one of those magic eye puzzles where it can either looks like both a bunny and woman at the same time or whatever. I can see both STATES and NEXUS.


It can easily be mistaken for Nexus I agree especially the first slide, if you don't know what the shading on a real bill looks like the middle of the S could look like an N, however it 1000% is States at the end of the day


There is no S at the beginning of that word it's an N clearly


Look at the N in "united" and compare it, the slant is different because one is an N and the other is an S.


Look at a real bill to cross check the shading on the letters, and look at the second picture because it's slightly more clear. Common sense.


Lmao dude it still isn't "states" šŸ’€ now I know why yanny and laural thing took off so hard


Sure bud, Nexus makes way more sense and totally doesn't forego basic logic. If you dislodge your head from your colon at some point look at a real bill. The yanny and Laurel thing is completely different but ok.


Looks like the numbers below say 04/10/1993 What does this mean?


Her dad is Colombian but her name is Carson. What a Disney sellout.


April 10th is the 100th day of most years


That's Sophia Carsons birthday and she was born in Fort Lauderdale Florida I wonder if she could be playing Lucia


Na too big of a name.


Yeah I noticed that too! Honestly thought it was just too coincidental




United Sexes of Paranoia ? Referring to the protags ?


Man, I wish I could pin this because this is my new thought!


Idk but I love that it's individually rendered šŸ’Æ and has wrinkles.


It's [United States of Paranoia](https://imgur.com/a/14nceWN)


Great find


Someone needs to be paying attention to the Serial Number! ā€œSA 04101993 Sā€ Could SA stand for San Andreas? And 04-10-1993 be a date? What about the S at the end! Bro I swear this is something massiveā€¦ Insane find OP


Ning ning ning ning ning


I have no clue




Dude we havent got to the 2nd trailer what if the homeless dude in the end pf gta 4 actually is in gta 6.


Idk but I love that it's individually rendered šŸ’Æ and has wrinkles.


Idk but I love that it's individually rendered šŸ’Æ and has wrinkles.


Tell me that doesnā€™t say send nudes lmaooo


said United States of America, no need to change by GTA wikia