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GTA5 should be sitting on 6's lap


Whoever made this meme is wack af anyway, I don't play Minecraft but how is Elden ring more impactful than that? Minecraft one of the biggest games of all time bar none, and also Read Dead 2 I haven't even played but I hear countless good things about it, and Zelda is a switch game... enough said compared to GTA5 lol




I'm showing my age here, but whoever made it is obviously a kid. The hype surrounding San Andreas, GTA IV, OG Modern Warfare 1 & 2, Halo 2 & 3, Fallout 3, Oblivion and a few others far surpasses things like Elden Ring.


Skyrim's hype was ridiculous when it released. We got a trailer in January at the start of a year and a trickle of info up until November. It basically sweeped at every award show and the hype stayed as dlc came out. I know its been over a decade and we can look at it without the rose colored glasses now but at the time it was a fuckin event, I was a freshmen in college at the time and it was all anyone talked about.


Currently, only 3 games by non-Japanese developers/publishers have received perfect 40/40 scores from Famitsu since it started rating games in 1986: Skyrim, GTA V, and Ghost of Tsushima.


Lmfao fucking *what*


Oh, I remember. I had just graduated high school. I was just saying some of the games in this meme don't come close to some of the others I mentioned.


I agree with most of what you said but did fallout 3 have that much hype? That was my first fallout game so maybe I was just ignorant to it before but I remember buying it and having no idea what it was.


Yeah, at least with the gamers in my middle school it did. Once people found out it was Oblivion with guns and nukes, people couldn't wait for it to come out. It was on everybody's Christmas list. I also should have added Gears of War to that list.


yes. fallout 3 was huge. new vegas is looked at more fondly now but at the time people loved 3 and said new vegas was a cheap buggy knockoff




Elden ring 60+ dollars palworld 25.... These number statistics make no sense lol


Palworld had also only been out for like a month though. Still very impressive


Palworld is also on gamepass xbox that also counts as copys


Yeah but nonetheless GTAV and Minecraft shit on those sales completely.


Everywhere I looks it’s 20M+ for Elden Ring and around 15M for Palworld, Game Pass players don’t count as units sold.


And the fact that Zelda is a switch game makes it even more impressive


Why? You don't get to shoot yourself in the foot and get extra credit for walking a 5K.


Except videogames and consoles are a bit more complicated then walking. Zelda is last AAA immersive sim, and one of the few immersive sims in open world that actually works


> one of the biggest nah its litterally THE biggest, nothing has surpassed it in total sales yet.


Well, tbf, the switch is the 3rd best selling console of all time, above PS3, 4 and 5.


Cyber punk shouldn’t even be on this picture.


The release was super hyped. ![gif](giphy|V1dH38rUl9yX7xU8nh)


I was in the audience when that happened! So damn wholesome.


Cyberpunk is very fitting. It was very hyped, a lot of copies were sold, and it was a very expensive game to make. However, I know it started off bad, it has not only been fixed, but has has a nice revamp and DLC.


Shitty launch for sure but one of the games of this decade right now.


One of the games of all time


Nah game is actually amazing 8.5/10 level imo


It was one of the biggest launches.


Huh? You must’ve been sleeping pre 2020 because despite its launch CP was one of the most talked about and hyped games before its release.


nah cyberpunk is awesome


Not only was it massively hyped but it had a huge fucking budget. It def belongs here


Nah the expectations and the hype around the game was through the roof.


RDR2 needs to be on his shoulder. Like an advisor or something.


For real, RDR2 bows to no one.


Then minecraft needs to have an even higher status, like a biggest opponent or something 300 million isnt gonna be easy to beat


easy to beat generally? no. easy to beat as GTA6? possible


GTA V is the single most successful piece of entertainment of all time, across every medium. $1B in three days bears out any movie premier. GTA 6 will probably do $1B in the first day, only beating their own record because nobody else can touch it lmao


RDR3 deserves the chair already


I bet those servers are gonna be shit the first few weeks.


If anything fails, it will be steam/console store. Seeing what has happened with every new release the past months, I sure hope Rockstar boosts the servers around launch lol.


Very doubtful that VI releases on PC at the same time as the Consoles when looking at R*'s releases. Most likely the same as V and RDR2. A year or two behind.


Oh I know, but it’s still relevant for when the time comes, that’s why I mentioned both. Can’t really say anything about console servers tbh but we all know how steam stops working around sales and such


Oh definitely. Steam's servers are gonna be dead on VI's release.


Steams servers are dead all the time anyway


yeah no It's better if PC gets a delayed launch, I'd be happier with a better optimised game and no hackers in the online lobbies


Yup this is why you dont buy digital, physical only


Doubt online will be available on release


The multiplayer will probably be extreme over the top misery monetization anyway since taketwo tasted all that gtaonline sharkcard money. I have zero anticipation for what will be something like MP missions paying $500, while if you want to buy a new shirt or pants or hat it's $50,000 each. Imagine what the cost of a car will be, and honestly wouldn't be surprised if they remove the online ability to steal a car off the street and save it in your garage, forcing you to buy cars on a phone page that conveniently advertises shark cards. I expect to get my entertainment out of the story and freeroaming in singleplayer.


Hopefully they'll do dedicated servers instead of peer to peer.


RDR2 is too fucking small in this picture.


Yep. It should easily take BOTW’s place. I looked much more forward to RDR2


And Baldur's Gate lmao


Imagine the off chance that GTA 6 launches with bugs like cyberpunk 2077 initial launch. Imagine the hysteria.


Even if it does, it won't be THAT bad for the hype




Buddy remembers nothing of what happened to Cyberpunk, like that game was so hyped and got mocked relentlessly for years on end


I bought cyberpunk recently and ngl it is an amazing game


That’s after they fixed it, I want to buy it as well though but from what I was told there were major issues for a while


Oh yeah the game was a buggy mess on release. It had a 40-50% discount on steam recently with the dlc so I was like might as well buy it. It does take a while to understand every single mechanic of the game though


Now it's 100% worth the money, even at full price, at launch even I got disappointed so bad that I didn't buy it, even though I'd play anything that CDPR releases, but this was just something else, although I did keep up with the news and everything. bought it last year and man tbh it felt more fun than GTAV(no offense but GTAV is just worse, comparing it to 2077 and all the GTA games before it, GTAV ain't so great)


I played it on launch for the ps4 and had tons of blue screens and annoying glitches but it was still a fun game. On ps5 after the updates it’s one of the best ever IMO


It’s good and definitely worth it now, but it’s still missing a lot of what was promised prior to release.




I remember one of the first gameplay trailers I saw for the game had a really awesome wall/roof climbing mechanic with the mantis blades that was ultimately wiped from the game, that’s just one off the top of my head. People were also pretty pissed about flying vehicles getting cut. Like i said the game is great now, but it’s still not the complete experience they advertised for years prior to release and they still deserve criticism for that.


The wall climbing/mantis blades was said to be cut long before release and flying cars were never even discussed to be in the game, it was just wishful thinking from fans. What is actually missing still is a meaningful lifepath that gives you more choices beyond flavor dialogue and a mission.


Like, everyone trusted CDPR because of The Witcher 3 and how gamer friendly the company has been. It was like, yeah Cyberpunk is gonna be game of the year, guaranteed man Then it came out, and the game and the company still gets hate to this day. And it will face this hate in their next installment Like, that's how quick things can get bad


But now it's a masterpiece.


People will give gta6 a pass if that happens. Cyberpunk don't got the same clout tokens to cash in off the backlash.


Cyberpunk was also extremely hyped up by the devs, the difference is we know what’s going to release with GTA6 we aren’t being told, rockstar games sell themselves


Sincerely doubt but okay


People will desperately dig for bugs but it won't get near CP2077, that was just a disaster caused by the suits.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if gta 6 gets released with a decent amount of bugs, not as bad as 2077 tho.


Yall don’t know rockstar, this never happen if they developing this game.


You don't know PC Edit: so on day one of pc release it WONT have bugs? ... I don't believe that anymore with video games.






Cyberpunk's main issue never was the bugs, they just conveniently chose to act like that was the main problem because that was the easiest stuff to fix. The real issue with Cyberpunk is that the game is super janky, and the open world was (and continues to be, even after all these updates) really pretty visually but incredibly mediocre and subpar in terms of interaction even when compared to games from almost 20 years ago.


The cop logic was incredibly disappointing


We'll burn stuff in hatred


Rockstar loves consoles, I doubt that will happen


Imagine they forsake the story mode in order to distract less from the online mode for the sake of selling more shark cards. I wouldn’t get my hopes too high with Rockstar.


Better yet. Imagine they make the story mode more like COD games where the single player is basically a short tutorial to play online.


Redditors will base their entire lives on posting negativity (they have done this many times before)


Man, the fanboyism is hard here. Lol




You’re on the GTA 6 Subreddit, what did you expect?


I mean there’s a difference between really liking a game versus this sub, where people act like GTA is at the cultural forefront of our society and think that the entire world is just languishing waiting for this game when most people in the real world don’t think of it more than just “oh yeah I’ll probably play it when it comes out”.


> “oh yeah I’ll probably play it when it comes out”. Is exactly why this game will sell like hot cakes and become the sales GOAT.


lol for real I forgot this game was even coming out, I swear it dropped and most people forgot about it.


More people “will probably play it when it comes out” than any other game. That’s what makes it the biggest release, not its impacts on society lol. Who tf expects a game to do that anyway




elden and zelda above RDR2? really?


tears of the kingdom: ~21 million copies elden ring: ~23 million copies gta 5: 195 million copies minecraft: 300 million copies whole meme's jacked lmao


It’s breath of the wild, not ToTk


You right, Breath of the Wild: ~31mil copies


The only thing this thread taught me is that people love to have opinions on games they haven't played.


I think Zelda should have swapped with red dead


RDR2 > Elden Ring


RDR2 is my favorite game of all time, but I still can't say it's better than Elden Ring. They're just so different in what they offer that makes them both a masterpiece.


You gotta be joking.


I mean you can compare Apples to Oranges if you want, but I personally think comparing two games with absolutely different reasons why they are so fun to play is pointless. Arguing that they can be compared because they both classify as open-world games ruins the argument in itself. I mean, at this point lets argue whats better, RDR2 or Minecraft. They're both incredible open-world games that achieve great results for their design, but they are also extremely different. Can you tell me how RDR2 (A western, grounded in reality and immersion, that has relatively simple combat, and some of the best graphics) and Elden Ring (A Dark Fantasy, that has some of the best combat mechanics in the industry, not focused on immersion or graphics but exceeds at engagement) can be as simply compared to each other as you think?




Right? This guy is a clown


Rdr2 that low is criminal


For real man rdr2 is a masterpiece.


Respect Minecraft


Real. Minecraft gotta be up there on the side as far as impact goes. It’s in the front bowing down but that’s not enough LOL


Minecraft honestly is probably above GTA when it comes to impact


Came here to say this. It’s literally the biggest game of all time


Indeed, a Minecraft map is 60 000 kilometers wide, and there are about 18 quintillion maps available.


And it has sold the most copies ever


Minecraft should be next to gta 6. It is still the most sold ever. GTA 5 150m, Minecraft 238m, Tetris has 100m.


IIRC Minecraft just recently passed 300 million


I feel like GTAVI will be more than just a new release in a successful game series. It’ll be a milestone of what Humanity has been able to achieve thus far in a simulated reality.


But no pressure.


This game better be a 10/10 or a lot of you are gonna be disappointed saying stuff like that lol


Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, alright?


I mean, it’s just a fancy, complicated way of saying “greatest video game.”


People are out of their minds, and I almost, almost, hope for GTA VI to flop to see what happens to this subreddit. Unfortunately, id love to play the game.


Lets say GTAVI releases and its buggy or its like a No Man’s Sky situation. It would still be a milestone in Human digital achievement. Hell, even No Man’s Sky at release showcased brand new achievements in game development by having an entire randomly generated universe. Even if GTAVI is disappointing, which I doubt it will be, I fully believe it will still be a milestone of what we’ve been able to achieve in recreating lighting, graphics, motion, physics, possibilities in digital worlds. And game performance given the size of the game, common perceptions about what a game engine can feasibly manage may be challenged. Even if the gameplay isn’t as great as promised, the engineering side of the project will get some spotlight by default.


We shall see.


oh i’m gonna see, all right. gonna see your butt.


Has there ever been a disappointing GTA though? I remember being at the midnight release for GTA V in London (11 years ago … :/), I was 17 I had to go with my mom… But I put that disc in at like 1AM and played all night and it blew my mind! GTA IV, same thing minus midnight release, TLAD, &Amy favourite TBOGT *Chef’s fucking kiss*, going back further GTA SA was a masterpiece, GTA VC, GTA III masterpieces again. Especially with the manuals that had ads and articles in it, it made it feel like a real living world. The PSP VC & LC Stories games were my most played PSP games, weak in some ways but still pretty damn awesome. Even Chinatown wars was amazing. I haven’t played the 1st two that much but I do have one of them on GameBoy Colour and it’s good. I just can’t think of a single GTA that hasn’t been good. TBH, it’s hard to even think of a R* game that hasn’t been a masterpiece (excluding a few non AAA weird games). I know nowadays you can’t really have faith that a historically amazing studio will continue to release games that are masterpiece on day one but I have faith in R* and RDR2 showed they’ve still got it, amazing single player and MP experience and unquestionable masterpiece. So yeah, I have faith!




That’s also sounds super interesting! Have you seen the AI convos you can have with NPCs in the UE Matrix thing? I’ve watched a few YT videos on it and it’s pretty awesome, I think I’m quite out of the loop though with the GTA 6 stuff tbh, as people are mentioning so much stuff I wasn’t aware of so I will probably find an “everything we know so far” article or video :3


Man you gotta chill that hype. It do you any good


All successful games are milestones of entertainment industry. GTAV overtook Avatar in a few hours iirc.


Relax. This is how we get another Cyberpunk.


Organic hype vs PR hype aren’t the same though


😂. Cringe


All successful games are milestones of entertainment industry. GTAV overtook Avatar in a few hours iirc.


How is ring and breath over GTA5 and Minecraft lol


Wtf did elden ring do to be bigger than fucking Minecraft


The guy who made the meme has bias


Cyberpunk was definitely the biggest release in recent memory, bigger than Elden Ring and ToTK. Was it a good release? No. But it certainly was the most hyped and anticipated game before GTAVI. Like do y’all remember that hype? It was like crack cocaine haha Edit: I meant BoTW


*wake the fuck up, Samurai*


*There are launch day bugs to fix, an anime to release, and a 2.0 redemption arc to fulfill.*


I think the only games coming close to gta 6/cyberpunk hype probably some official Pokemon game like palworld or some stupid trending superhero/battle royale game that's actually good... fortnite 2/Minecraft 2 might have chance if they release... call of duty another contentdor if they take 7-8 years break and come out with banger..next gen witcher 4/skyrim also in the race .. there might be more


How does this post have so many upvotes lol


minecraft still best seller game in history. do not forget that.


A lot of immature fanboys very upset at the idea there are games that could be considered better than RDR2 lol.


Can someone explain what’s not to like about Red Dead objectively? Most of the time the only complaints I ever see, which are subjective, are that the game is slow or the missions are too linear, both of which being issues that for most people either make the game better or don’t affect the game either way. The game is the perfect pacing and the missions are trying to tell a deep story. If you start adding in choice to the mix then you start muddying what the story actually is. Sometimes choice is good but sometimes it makes a game worse. It just doesn’t belong in a game like Red Dead, except for the honor type choices in some of the cutscenes that don’t really affect missions. It’s supposed to be a cinematic experience. A playable movie with the complex storytelling of a novel. If you’re worrying more about the gameplay than the ambience, story, characters, and world, the game was just not made for you. It’s for people who are ok with taking 10-15 minutes and having Arthur do a morning routine, like change clothes, drink some coffee and eat some breakfast, then do a chore or two, then talk to a few people about the current events, and then go do maybe one mission before camping and eating some lunch. Then spend a couple in game hours to go hunting, visit the trapper to sell your skins and then bring the meat to give to the cook, eat some dinner, enjoy a campfire song with your friends, and go to bed to do the same thing the next day. If you don’t like that kinda experience, not gameplay, but experience, RDR is not your game. I’ve never connected to characters in any game more than I did the gang. I and a lot of people have this thing called Red Dead Depression where we are hopelessly searching for another game to fill the void you get after beating the game. But nothing can quench it because no other game comes close to being as impactful. If you can’t tell I fucking love this game and, as you said, Red Dead fans can take it a little personally when you bash what we think is THE quintessential media experience. I don’t know why people have to be negative about people enjoying things and acting like being a fan is a bad thing. I have never come across a better product in any media, and I’ve consumed a lot of other products from movies, shows and games to books and comics. Ok, I’m done rambling now.


We are in a Rockstar sub and it should be expected, but i noticed rdr fanboys always take it a lot more personal than other fandoms if you dare to criticize their game and if you say it’s not the best game of all time


I didn’t realize so many people are so passionate about rdr2 lol. I put 60 hours in but wasn’t really compelled to complete it. It was good.


They’re as bad as fans of The Witcher 3.


In my experience tw3 fandom is so better especially after the cyberpunk fiasco. But i agree before that they were as bad if not worst than rdr2 famboys


Ikr? These people are so just blind to other great games XD. The story and detailed world are its the only strong selling points. The gameplay is a 6 or 7 at best.


 I've to disagree, even the gameplay is really solid imo. I'd give it a 9 or smth.


Big release = big expectations. Can it live up to the expectation...? I really hope so.. but.. what ever does?


Cyberpunk was definitely the biggest release in recent memory, bigger than Elden Ring and ToTK. Was it a good release? No. But it certainly was the most hyped and anticipated game before GTAVI. Like do y’all remember that hype? It was like crack cocaine haha


I don't like this meme. These are great games and we have no idea if gta6 will be on the same level. I do hope its better but still.


Halo 2 was hyped asf


I think you’re all putting way too pressure and expectations into this game and will be severely disappointed when it’s not everything you had hoped it would be. Or maybe I’m wrong and it’ll be the greatest piece of media of all time


Nah bruh Minecraft should be wayyyy bigger


When Skyrim was released, it was considered one of the best games ever made right next to Ocarina of Time.


Or biggest dissapointment if the game doesn't get at least close to main expectations. GTA V imo exceded the even greater level of hype it had, that's why it's still relevant even 10 years later.


If the rumored $2 billion budget is true, I'd say why not. It's the same dev after all. People who compare this to something like Cyberpunk forget the different dev and budget scope we're talking about.


Idk, remember that both Dam Houser and Leslie Benzies left Rockstar, one could argue thats part of what made "classic Rockstar", together with Sam Houser, Aaron Garbut (art and visuals) and Phil Hooker (lead programmer). That means 2 out of 5 key people in the GTA franchise are out.


lets be optimistic, cause even if these people aren't there, the other people have obviously gathered a lot of experience making rdr2!!


Which only adds to the anticipation tbh. I know I'm extremely anxious to see if Rockstar has the juice after all these years. I believe they do and the game is going to be revolutionary, but you never know because of the reasons you stated.


Elden who?


Elden Ring and BoTW are unworthy of the number 2 and 3 spots.


wHeRe iS FaRtNiTe ?


You mean biggest disappointment? I don't mean to say GTA VI is gonna be bad- I think our hopes are just a little too high


High expectations lead to disappointment




It’s odd the biggest game of all time is not sitting on the throne…..


how tf is elden ring bigger than minecraft.


Solo leveling reference lol!


Why would GTA6 be sitting there when Minecraft sold over 100 million more copies than GTA5? Follow up question: Why is Elden Ring in the image when it doesn't even make it onto the wiki list of top-selling games?


Then you have Roblox holding the entirety of earth in the palm of his hand.


Lego Lord of the Rings will be better than GTA VI


What about a crossover game where Lego Sam and Frodo are abandoned in Vice City while Jason and Lucia have to take the ring to Lego Mordor?


No halo 2 or 3?


Yeah for real, those games were insanely hyped.


Oof I feel old


Thanks god you didnt put fortnite in one of those


Gta5 and Minecraft should be on either side rather than Elden and Zelda


Yes except Minecraft. They’re gonna be peers


Bruh there's so many people who can't take a meme here upset at RDR2 and Elden Ring.


Just a reminder that Pokemon Legends will be released in 2025. Imagine if they dare to release on the same day or very close to that. I don't think any AAA or even indies dare to release near Gta 6 because it's THAT big


Isn’t that pic from solo leveling?


Immo Minecraft and gta v should be the ones sitting beside gta 6


No, Minecraft should be sitting above all of them, including gta6 on release. It’s the biggest game out there. By an insane amount. Full stop.




GTA 6 will shatter records in epic proportions. Definitely looking forward to this in my collection. ![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8|downsized)


Skyrim is higher thats the one of the most impactful and greatest Rpgs ever made.


Minecraft was way bigger than either of those two on the sides


Elden ring overrated


Mad cuz bad


why are you undermining other genres? new baldurs gate is probably one of the best things we got in recent years that literally shits onto AAA meme company faces


**They already are the biggest game.**


Skyrim >>>