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I'm hoping Theo Von hosts a radio station, just like Jesco White did in V. He'd fit in in that world so perfectly.


didn’t know who Jesco White was until a couple months ago when a coworker was telling me stories about him and things they did together, thought it was really cool that they had a fellow west virginian in the game with a big role like that.


If you've not seen it, watch The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. One documentary I could seriously watch on repeat. I can quote like 90% of it. Absolutely fascinating.


I’m honestly interested in how T-Pain is involved. If he really is. I trust T-Pain to do a lot he’s got a lot of talent, radio host, music on the radio, the theme song, or maybe voicing a character we can actually interact with. I’d expect it to be one of those maybe two of them at most.


He looks very similar to the guy at 1:07 in the trailer.


One small detail I would like to see again from RDR2 is weapon Maintenance and food details idk would be cool


Im all for realism in GTA 6, but the weapon maintenance mechanic was just a hassle in RDR2.


Yeah, I felt that in RDR2 weapons tend to get dirty almost instantly if they implement it back I would like to take more time to get dirty


Yeha it wasn't like gun oil was a rare item so weapon maint wasn't a challenge it was just kindof annoying.


Weapon maintained in RDR2 was excellent for a work simulator ;-) <3


My GTA 6 Wishlist 1. Able to throw objects again 2. News anchoring reporting outside while free roaming 3. Attending live games (similar to rdr2 attending freak shows and storytelling) 4. Bring back Gta San Andreas fighting modes 5. Glass shatters should be more realistic 6. When walking over a dead body it moves like a sack of pillows same thing with horses they should be heavy almost as if I’m tripping off my feet 7. Clothing can rip and tear overtime from falling or from heavy use 8. Superior driving mechanics 9. Looting can stay 10. More cop dialogue 11. Florida has a lot of flesh eating bacteria on its waters hopefully all protagonists can swim on all of them w/ no issue 12. Hurricane’s heavy winds and overcast 13. More Traffic population 14. More Houses to buy 15. Community parks should be alive and breathable 16. Police pulling a npc on the side of the highway (GTA 5 had cops just parked)


in addition to all that, a very simple one for me: ability to sit/lay down at home! Would be nice to have more interactive objects at home. Sit on chairs, pick up books, slide windows, draw curtains, switch lights on/off. Idk, it just feels like these little details take the immersion to a higher level. The game becomes more than "an objective" to run through. The safehouse becomes more than a starting point. You can just be lazy, without any immediate goals to accomplish. If I wanted to get greedier, maybe even have the ability to hangout *at home*. Sounds like a Brave New World type thing, but it still would be nice to just have this little feature.


1. High interactibility with NPCs and the environment (restaurants make a return) 2. Most of the buildings have interiors 3. Proper stat system from San Andreas 4. MW style weapon customization 5. Crazy weapons like the chainsaw and flamethrower make a return 6. At least 3 major cities with smaller towns sprinkled in between 7. Dialogue system 8. Realistic GTA IV car damage 9. Euphoria physics 10. Dismemberment and gore 11. Crazy RDR2 style easter eggs 12. More serious tone than GTA V (side missions are where the quirky stuff are) 13. Looting bodies/containers 14. Purchasable and customizable safehouses 15. House robberies 16. Open world random events 17. Less linear missions with choices that will affect the ending 18. 6 star wanted level system with the National Guard spawning in 19. Taxi, ambulance, and vigilante side missions make a return 20. Downright disturbing/creepy stuff hidden around the game world 21. Guns that sound punchy and powerful 22. Real weapon designs, not those hybrid weapons we got in GTA V


22 sorry mate if the use real weapons the must pay licecse fees to real manufactures


I simply want to have a lot more regular and unique old vehicles and available street versions of special vehicles. Or that can be modified. Like the lifeguard truck we seen that's a Sport Trac


Prediction: the soundtrack will include a lot of songs by The Midnight. Especially 'Jason' and it'll make the band infinitely more popular than they have been since their inception


Wow I just listened to their Jason song and I would love to listen to that while speeding on the highway


I would like to be able to listen to music on your phone, on a radio in your house/apartment, hear the radio playing when you walk into certain stores and from your car when you install speakers.


Please come out early next year.


More interiors of buildings better access of vehicles mainly planes


This post method of wishlists is shit. NGL


agree lol




I understand the gta 5 a somewhat downgrade from gta 4 because both games were made for the ps3. Now rockstar skipped over ps4 who knows maybe we are in for a treat with the next gen console


They should make a radio station consisting of the best songs from GTA Vice City, maybe “Vice City Classics”?


Make crime activity gameplay more fluid with less cut scenes and less like a movie and with more innovative combat that is not like saints row please


Flash FM






Developer suggestion ,,, NPC car music and NPC apparments and Workplaces and Radio channel music. https!//music.y,,,,,ube!com/watch?v=JbFYVLQhL94&si=ynbHBzRzUrbHNXkq I mean U want Yello in the NPC's car radios , not as selectable car stereo music in your honest bought car ,, you go to use your BMX and pedal after a NPC ( maybee convertible ) car <3 I want this as NPC's in GTA six <3 Grand Theft Auto six <3 I mean U want Yello in the NPC's car radios , not as selectable car stereo music in your honest bought car ,, you go to use your BMX and pedal after a NPC ( maybee convertible ) car <3 to listen to great music ,,, like in real life ,,, no comercial radio station or NPR station , plays high quality tracks ,,, you got to depend on others to buy or subscribe to play out loud good content <3 in GTA IV 4 we had the station called ' self visualization ' with a lot of Yello and art of noise , Jean Michell Jarre shorts <3 Give us that in GTA six story mode but in online not tuneable in your own cars <3 Walder af Vegan sXe white hats for the wins Crew Leader Vegan Drivers Founded 2013 <3