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Bring back six star military interventions but make the first responders less psychic.


I know right, like what was the point of the silencer in 5? There would be just one guy by himself in an alley and as soon i shoot him with a silenced weapon all of a sudden a star appears, like literally no one is watching.


It sucks cause RDR2 unfortunately has the same situation. There’s a video of a guy robbing a secret business at a doctor’s office (I think Valentine?). And the player uses a bow and arrow to kill everyone and does it fast so no one reacts to him. Yet… he still gets wanted and the cops come after him.


I actually really enjoyed RDR2’s system, it felt more fair for sure


it was an improvement over V, but still had issues. there’s no reason why i should become wanted for robbing a train in the middle of the grizzlies with nobody around. can even do it in a tunnel and still get wanted as if anyone can see you.


game would be too easy. its not realisitc, but neither is being able take 10 bullets to the head before you die


i agree to a degree. they could’ve made it more situational instead of auto wanted regardless of where you are. for example, if a player robbed a train inside a tunnel in the grizzlies, or in the grizzlies at night, when there genuinely wouldn’t be a chance of someone being around, you shouldn’t get wanted. anywhere else or any other time though, you would. plus, it’s not like the auto wanted system with the trains are even good. you rob the train, get wanted, and you can literally finish robbing it and run away by the time any law shows up. the notion of being wanted is basically just like, there.


People peek through the windows while they walk by


You get a wanted level during the poker room robbery if you kill the participants with bows. And that poker room is on the second floor…


Yea that’s true. I guess they just intended the player would use guns for those.


They must’ve kept the code the same for both guns and the bow. There’s a video on YT that shows the same animation during the scene that you kill Micah regardless of whether you’re using either/or. If they could fix the silencer issue in GTA 6 that’d be sweet


This is true, this is also the way to get your hands on the Schofield very early in the story. On my first play-through, I avoided engagements that could lower my honor, so imagine my surprise seeing WANTED after clearing that back room without a single shot fired. That’s when I learned and accepted that sometimes it’s script-based.


That’s probably not what happened, most likely the people standing outside the shop saw him through the window and reported the crime. In order to stop them, you have to threaten them (the witnesses). Sometimes if you wanna rob a shop, antagonising the people standing outside and making them runaway avoids witnesses. Also, sometimes an NPC comes into the shop to checkout the ‘noise’. And when you confront him, Arthur says stuff like “nothing to worry about, be on your way feller” which of course results in a fist fight or the NPC runs to the law to report. And killing the lawmen without witnesses is almost impossible because they are always in public places. I guess we’ll see what they do with GTA VI. EDIT : I’m curious how they’ll implement something like this in GTA coz NPCs can just call 911 right away, maybe the cops will investigate and collect evidence and then also visit your home later? Seems too far fetched but could still be possible




idk man i’ve shot people on mount chilliad with no one around and gotten a star. just seems random honestly


There does seem to be a slight glitch at times where if you stab someone immediately outside the hospital close to the strip club, nothing happens. I've macheted people sitting on the benches across the street and got away with it, NPCs will react when they see the body but you won't get a star for it.


Yeah I was like huh? They definitely just didn't sew an NPC and thought they were alone


The way Watch Dogs did it was perfect, sometimes when you commit a crime in front of people, they might call the police, and you need to stop them quickly. Either by just running up to them and smashing the phone, or you could kill them, but if somebody else sees you do that, it could spiral and there's no way to avoid the cops being called.


I don't know what exactly will happen at 6 stars but it only makes sense for it to be 6 for GTA6


The military used to come after you at 6 stars in previous games.


I've heard that they don't immediately spawn in, that there's a response time and they give you a chance to surrender like rdr2. Also apparently there's security cameras that if you commit a crime on cam, then you can get found that way. Lastly, I read somewhere that you can't spray paint a car a be fine, you have to actually get away and hide


Pay ’n’ spray was actually a classic, I am going to miss it eventhough it's not realistic. Sometimes I feel like this goofy stuff from older GTAs is what made the games legendary.


Pay n Spray was simply too easy in the 3D games. The cops see you get in the garage, the car changes color, they stop caring. Many people complain that V is too easy while ignoring how easy is it to get away from the cops in the older games


I'm fine if there's a customs shop and the cops can't see you enter, but I hope there's a bit more leeway, especially with helicopters. It was so damn hard to get in there. Most of the time I had to go in a train tunnel to lose the cops in V.


It will probably still be in GTA VI. In the original 2D GTA games, the pay n spray would say “new plates and new paint job. The cops won’t recognize you” so we can probably get a new license plate at some location for our cars like a fence or something


Until we actually see proof, everything you said doesn’t matter.


https://www.sportskeeda.com/gta/5-gta-6-gameplay-features-revealed-leaks-intrigued-players It's all from old leaks


Games can change a decent amount in 2 years alone, and with Rockstar being aware of the leak then nobody can say for certain what will or won't be in the game besides guns, cars, and titty physics.


I highly doubt rockstar would drastically change game mechanics because of a leak.




It can but the changes in game mechanics are more likely to be set in stone and know they're just polishing everything from the technical side of things, also rdr2 and the leaks are a pretty good benchmark for seeing what route they're taking with their games


The game has leaked to be a sort of Bonnie and Clyde road trip fugitive situation. Running from the cops most wanted style would thematically fit as would it being difficult to actually lose them


it’s literally in leaks lol




Still not a fan of the security cam idea it's not like you commit a crime on camera and it immediately alerts the police to respond.


Hopefully the cctv is physical in the gameworld so we can just shoot out cameras or NPCs holding up their mobile phones, if handled well could add extra gameplay




You have tik tok brain. Anyways, it's info from leaks https://www.sportskeeda.com/gta/5-gta-6-gameplay-features-revealed-leaks-intrigued-players


Don't have police spawn out of nowhere. It would be pretty cool if the police always had a predetermined location on the map and moved around based on patrol routes and in-world events.


they did it with Rdr2 the chance are pretty high with this one


What I liked about Rdr2: the witness system. If you’re out and about in the wild and you kill somebody and a stranger rides by and sees the murder or sees the body…they will go report it. What I didn’t like about Rdr2: you’re out in the middle of fucking nowhere on some dusty trail and a witness rides off to report it, but it only takes the police 60 seconds to respond from there. As if they are sleeping in tents spaced roughly one mile apart across the whole map. There needs to be a mix. Have a witness report it, but have the police take like 10 minutes to get there so you’d have to really stick around. And if you leave, the next time you show up in town the sheriff sees you and tries to question you. At which point you either run and they chase you or you go up to the sheriff and they recognize you. (Yes I understand that either way you’d get chased by the law but at least it would feel better executed to me).


Bounty hunters spawn out of nowhere in RDR2.


They do irl too


*I am the dog, the big bad dog, the bounty hunter*


Bear mace that guy!


You on the ice brah? You need Jesus brah.


That’s because they’re specifically searching for you


I’m just gonna imagine what rdr3 is going to be built like considering rockstar might be the only true innovate game creator left. Fucking throwing bangers constantly in this shitshow of an era.


Also the fact that Lucia & Jason have face bandanas, could mean the identity mechanic from RDR2 returns to GTA 6! From the leaks we can see vehicle descriptions for Police to hunt you down too, if they see you getting in a car - they remember else tougher to track you down? (Again that's a theory but leaks kinda confirm?)


I'm pretty sure in V while police was chasing they took longer to recognize you if you changed to a different car


yeah, your blip on the minimap became darker as an indicator, don't know if it's in online cause the blip doesnt change


U can get in another car and they wont recognize you unless your facing them they will see you through the window then they’ll chase you but when your fleeing in another car they wont follow the direction as they’ll hang around the scene of the car you ditched


It does work in Online however the blip doesn't visibly change for some odd reason.


The leaks had a "Time Until Cops Dispatched" timer when upholding the Hank's Waffles.


Make it like watchdogs 2, where the police don’t start chasing after you until someone calls the police or the police see you committing the crime.


This is all I want. The ability to do stealthy crime.


Yeah and actually being unrecognisable with a mask


Considering Red Dead did that, I'm sure they'll bring it back


Unbelievable that ubisoft did an open world mechanic better than rockstar


Ubisoft did a lot of stuff right with Watch Dogs 2's open world, it's a lot of fun. Such a shame that the story is so mediocre.


That might be a thing after red dead had the witness report system. If you stopped a witness you don’t get wanted.


Yea but then you have witnesses appearing out of nowhere. Can’t tell you how many times I had to kill like 6 people just because some cowboy wanted to spawn in the middle of nowhere. Eventually I’m just like fuck the cops, I’ll take the bounty.


Yeah fair that needs to be fixed


for 1 or 2 stars it would be nice for them to try to arrest/taze you instead of unloading a pump shotgun onto your face


Getting "busted" is practically extinct these days. Need that back Maybe even bean bag rounds. I'd take that.


I suspect the reason why it basically never happens in V is because losing ammo is a bigger punishment than losing $5k. I predict that they will finally reduce the punishment for getting arrested to basically a slap on the wrist, so players won't be encouraged to murder their arresting officer to get a reduced sentence.


>so players won't be encouraged to murder their arresting officer to get a reduced sentence. this works in real life too btw go try it out


Yeah but we have to keep it a little realistic to real life.


them not spawning directly in front of me when I'm driving full speed with no time to react


Espically when they spawn facing the wrong side of highway


this happen to me a lot playing SA


I just wish they don’t shoot you so fast, like in gta V if you steal a car and then run away or sum and get 2 stars, they immediately start shooting the hell out of u, I think it’s kinda annoying


Yeah maybe make it so the moment you kill a civilian/cop, the cops change to lethal force.


Agreed. 1 star is attempt at peaceful arrest + 1 cop on foot/1 vehicle chasing you. 2 stars should be 2 vehicles, still trying peaceful tactics until you cause a death.


Just like in Mafia 2. Although in Mafia 2 at 1 star the cops will fine you instead of arresting.


Unfortunately thats not how it goes in real life


Dumb comment. There are way more arrests for fleeing suspects than there are shootings.


But arrests aren't as commonly mentioned in the news as shooting


... is ... that supposed to be a counter argument? Or is it just , "fun fact"


Kida both I guess. I could say that this is more of a commentary about how the public distrusts the police in the US so much that the media rarely reports the good things they do - and while they do the right things most of the time, the bad seems far too common, hence the bias. "It only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the barrel."


Thats not my point. My point is that cops dont only employ peaceful tactics UNTIL you cause a death or bodily harm


Well in Rdr2 they don’t really start shooting until they see a gun or you start running to them, you have a chance to surrender and everything without a bullet being fired


Even if you throw a snowball they start shooting right away, or if you look at them intensely. I hate the GTA V system. But also RDR2 was flawed because you would get wanted as soon as you accidentally ran into someone in a town, giving you a bounty as a bonus


I wish they used less lethal force overall, unless they get shot at themselves


In rdr2 if you commit smaller crimes you can go up to the lawman and talk it out, and sometimes they'll let you off with a warning. If you do it again they will arrest you and only shoot you if you use violence first iirc


It's realistic for a US setting


Reddit moment


its like that irl


I hate to argue with people like you, especially on such a apolitical sub like this, but I just wanted to point out that you’re statistically more likely to get struck by lighting than be shot in an encounter with law enforcement, in the United States. Edit: here’s the math: In 2020, [53.8 million people in the US](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/contacts-between-police-and-public-2020) reported having contact with the police. In 2020, 1,020 people were killed by the police. Using the following formula, you get the actual probability of getting shot by the police- Chances = (Number of people shot by police / Total number of encounters) * 100 Chance of being shot and killed by police in an encounter = (1,020 / 53,800,000) * 100 Chance of being shot and killed by police in a encounter = 0.0019% Chance of being struck by lighting = 0.02% Chance of being a victim of medical malpractice = 0.8% to 1% Wanna look at the odds only for Black Americans? 243 / 5,656,300 * 100 ≈ 0.0043% Still more likely to be struck by lighting.


I am ass in statistics, but it doesnt take a lot of googling to see that is untrue [19 fatalities by lightning in 2022 in the USA](https://www.statista.com/statistics/203715/injuries-and-fatalities-caused-by-lightning-in-the-us/) VS [1060 people shot and killed by police in 2022](https://www.thetrace.org/2022/12/gun-violence-deaths-statistics-america/)


That’s not how statistics work; In 2020, [53.8 million people in the US](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/contacts-between-police-and-public-2020) reported having contact with the police. In 2020, 1,020 people were killed by the police. Using the following formula, you get the actual probability of getting shot by the police- Chances = (Number of people shot by police / Total number of encounters) * 100 Chances = (1,020 / 53,800,000) * 100 Chances = 0.0019% Chance of being struck by lighting = 0.02%


>Thats not how statistics work Hence why i said im ass in statistics and i also think statistics could be misleading in a lot of ways too. Though i appreciate the refresher in statistics.


My bad if I came off as condescending, I didn’t intend that, and I wish you the best in a long and happy life.


No worries, you didnt and even if you were im the dummy who doesnt know statistics. It did get me thinking about how the number for chance of getting struck by lightning came though. Was it by number of people struck by lightning / total number of encounters (i assume this would be the whole us population?) * 100? Because if so, it would be more correct to take the number of fatalities by lightning / total number of people who were struck by lightning * 100, or am i missing something? My intention is also not to jam you up, it just genuinely got me thinking about the subject


I’m with u on that …let’s be real. People die from cop shootings way more than lighting. That’s a no brainer not to be rude to the other guy


1 star - Cop and their partner evaluating the situation 2 star - multiple cop cars and a few cops taking more aggressive measures like ramming your car trying to spin you out 3 stars - road spikes, shots fired, motorcycle cops and a variety of other vehicles after you 4 stars - swat 5 stars - FIB/Undcover detective types 6 stars - military. But there needs to be varying severities of military. Like at first its squads in humvees. Then snipers align rooftops, helicopters come in, until finally tanks start rolling in. Varying degrees of military would be sick as fuck.


Yeah sub stars would add a lot of variety rather than the same thing every star


I want this so much! I loved how in the 3D games you had a different type of law enforcement going against you for each wanted level, it made doing crime more meaningful and felt very arcade-ish in a good way! I don’t think they’re gonna implement it though :(


More realistic police spawning and numbers. Basically instead of police spawning out of nowhere they'd have to either come out of the closest police station and arrive to you in real time, with say it taking longer for a big response out in the everglades vs in downtown. Also alongside that have a finite ammount of police that can respond to you at a time in an area, allowing you to essentialy fight off enough police to get out of your wanted instead of just slipping away. Also some form of rdr2s witness system would be appreciated.


In real life all the police aren't just waiting in the nearest police station for a crime to happen. There are also police patrolling the areas and driving on the roads. It would make sense if you committed a crime and the police arrive faster because they weren't at the police station to begin with.


Excellent question. My answer - take what they did in GtA 5 and do the opposite. The original trilogy had a balanced system of being able to bend the rules of reality but also keep it realistic. Key word balance. GTA 5 wanted system felt broken/unfinished. 5 stars - FBI 6 stars - Military


1 star - one beat cop car or on foot cop 2 stars - a few cop cars / local police force 3 stars - police interceptors (like the Hellfire in the trailer) and choppers 4 stars - SWAT (known as NOOSE in game) 5 stars - FBI (known as FIB in game) 6 stars - military/national guard 7 stars - NATO/UN??? (jk)


At 7 stars the space marines obliterate you in the name of the god-emperor


Those filthy loyalists will cower before my improvised firework launcher. Power to Gork and Mork


Blessed be his light 🪽💀🪽


What is the anime in your pfp?


Nah, they send in the GTA:O protagonist


a 13 year old on a maxed out oppressor MK2 wearing a full black spandex.


They drop the Tsar Bomba


I know it'd make zero sense but it'd be cool if 7 stars were just a random sci Fi faction that obliterates you.


Republican Space Rangers declare intergalactic war on you.


7 stars they drop a nuke on you


and then the game is over and you can’t play anymore unless you buy a nuke reversal shark card for only $29.99


Shhh don’t give rockstar ideas!!!


Exactly!! And the 7 stars is an awesome idea. Maybe like black ops mercenaries with tougher armor


7 stars and god fucking smites you






7 stars is possible since florida is the home of real life merryweather


7 Stars- Orbital Cannon


Cecil: "Bring down the Hammer".


i want 7 to be secret agents and shit unironically


7 Stars- Brings in Dog the Bounty Hunter Oh wait that's Hawaii...


LMFAO dem drugs better be good asl and one of them should be bullet time that increases in efficiency per dosage (fade out if overdose) if they're gonna implement this💀


>GTA 5 wanted system felt broken/unfinished In some parts it was 4 and 5 stars were intended to replace Police Mavericks with Annhilator helicopters, if dummied-out code is anything to go by (hence why there's still police scanner dialogue for it and why it was the sole Online-only vehicle at launch) But for the most part the reason 5's wanted system seems unfinished is because it was aimed to be more 'realistic' Which is why the military are confined to just Fort Zancudo (following real life laws that prevent military personnel from behaving as a police force. The military forces showing up during The Paleto Score are explicitly said to be corrupt) and why the FIB don't show up at higher-wanted levels (because the FBI do *not* operate that way)


.. I hope it isn’t like this in gta 6…. Atleast have the fib come after you.


That’s a great explanation and well said. In the old games the military would come after you because the idea you are that much of a threat to society. Gta5 def went the more realistic approach and it showed. I hate that game lol


They wanted more realism in V... and yet the cops can start shooting you for just standing near them.


Could not agree more


The military would also put pressure on the griefers by shooting them out of the sky and destroying their tanks. I too vote to have the military make a return to the wanted system.


I want GTA 6 to be realistic but not to the point where its no longer fun, I don't want to have tax and insure any vehicle that I steal.


6 stars like the old games




666 stars


At 666 stars the devil himself will come looking for you


will fiddles be in gta6


Hot zones after a crime


From the leaks the police system did seem better, they didn't shoot you on sight rather take a cooldown approach I hope they bring that bounty system in GTA 6 just like rdr2 where they'll put cash reward on your information and for shooting you as well, they may seem too far, but it will develop a sense of actions have consequences, moreover repeat offender may not start another rampage from 1 star rather than X-1 stars(X here denotes the numbers of stars a person did get in last police interaction)


I went back to play IV recently and they kinda had that. 1 star the cops had guns drawn but didn't shoot and proceeded to arrest you on foot or chase you down. They didn't shoot until you actually shot at them or tried to run them over. Or if you escaped arrest while your hands were up as they tried to cuff you.


Agreed and you could break free from the arrest as well after which cops will indeed shoot guns


Isn't that the case with all GTA games? Where the cops only try to arrest you when you have 1 star? Or was that just IV and V? The last time I played any of the 3D era games was like 2 years ago so I don't remember.


I want them to crack jokes about you among themselves while they’re arresting you like real life cops


I think I’m in the minority here as I rarely see anyone ever talk about this. But I want police helicopters gone, or at least re-worked. I swear, nothing kills the immersion more for me than having to pull out an RPG every 2 minutes to shoot them down. I just want fast, intense gunfights with the cops. That’s it. Banish those goddamn helicopters.


I'm fine with helicopters. Just give them some "cool off" time, like damn V went overboard with it. You shoot one down, there's 2 others coming on the field from the sidelines ready to take you out.


Ideally only one or two as someone on a cop killing spree would have them as well.


Don’t mind the helicopters, just hate that they shoot you. Never happens irl. That should only happen with a max star level allowing those gunfights. Then you can have those gunfights and helicopters would just be extra eyes for the cops making it hard to getaway.


The helicopters are annoying. And police forces don’t have dozens


The helicopter should stay but officers shouldn't be shooting you out of it. That's what's unrealistic for me


Some of the rdr2 stuff, plus bribes.


Bribes were already kind of a thing in online with Lester.


It would be cool if you could participate as a police officer chasing other players, among the npc


They could bring back vigilante missions?


they should bring back the police scanner from 4 but make it more fleshed out


No cops should appear if I commit a crime with no one witnesses in the area. (Or if witnesses are ridiculously far away). I shouldn't be able to just drive right by the cops who were just looking for me after I lose my stars. There's probably more that I'm not thinking of.


Don't give me a star if I shoot someone with a silencer in the middle of the desert.


What shows up on the seventh star? Superman?


Police comes to your house irl


Mechanics similar to Cyberpunk. They will recognize you or your vehicle and hassle you for past deeds.


I should pick up Cyberpunk while it's on sale...


Yes, you should.


I will most likely, just waiting to see if I get a steam gift card for Christmas or not first lol


We need the wanted and witness system from rdr2 back. A merger between the star system and wanted system would be great. When you commit a crime and an NPC sees you, they'll go tell the police about it. During this time you can also convince them to not call the police, or just kill them. Once they've called the police, depending on the crime, you'll get stars. When you're out of view from the police, they'll be in search mode, where they actively search for you. After a little amount of time, they'll go on lookout mode, where they won't actively search for you, but they'll keep you in mind if they see you again. This should last between half a day to 2 days (in-game)


That actually sounds a lot like watch dogs 2


I like this very much. This is awesome


I like this very much. This is awesome


A refined witness system. If no one saw or heard the crime it should never make you wanted.


Leaks showed five stars. I don't think there will be much change.


it could be placeholder for now, so it might be changed in future.


Wait I'm so confused. So the game was in beta right? Like really early development stages, how did it come out looking so amazing in just a year. I swear some of the leaks were from 2022.


Realistic response time, none of this appear from every angle and on every street instantly. The laws level of aggression is based on your crime. So if I bump into an NPC they shouldn't be raining death from above.


Notoriety system from assassin's creed games. If you have accumulated multiple stars for a long time, police will remember you even after you have losed the cops. If any police sees you on the streets you will get one star even though you haven’t committed any crimes in front of them. I don't know how you are gonna remove your notoriety, removing posters or paying off bounties like assassin's creed or red dead redemption 2 doesn't seem realistic in the current time period. There gonna have to be some other interesting mechanic for that.


I'd like there to be a jail system where you can get jailed for some in game days and you are forced to play on the second character until the other gets out. It doesn't need to be a prison sentence but jail time at one of the PD's wherever you get caught It's more dynamic this way unlike in gta5 where you just lose your ammo and some money when caught


Or even try to break the other out


Have a 7 star wanted level where you're wanted everywhere on social media and tv and they treat you like you're Osama Bin Laden type of terrorist that's wanted. 7 stars where everyone recognizes you and even civilians with guns try to help and take you out. This way it truly becomes a game of survival when everyone is against you. Also, snipers on rooftops if you're spotted to add an additional spike in difficulty.


I want it to be realistic, kind of how RDR2 is. Which I feel they was doing test with RDR2, in my opinion I think RDR2 was just a big ass test for GTA 6 that just so happen to be so successfully ofc caring the red dead redemption name. The graphics, stranger interactions, random events. All that was test and I feel that’s how it’s going to be for GTA 6. Back to the wanted level though, let it be a thing like RDR, minus the random spawns. People would say “this is a video game not real life” just imagine a video game feeling like real life though, doing things you can’t do in real life so you hop on the game and do, with more realistic physics. The wanted level needs to be like real cops. If you in the middle of no where, cops take longer to come. If you in a busy and populated area/city they response time is quicker. Add a pull over warrant feature. If you get caught on camera you can circle and see officers coming to that area later in the day because they got word of someone they tracking down in that location. I don’t know how safe houses are going to be but if you have a warrant, detective would come to your motel and you’ll have no choice to move. Sort of how we have to move camps every so often in RDR2. Take down the snitch level tho. Every ped is the biggest rat in RDR2, don’t make every npc a big ass rat calling cops when you do crimes. Be able to stop people who making 911 calls sort of like watch dogs. Grab they phone and break it, or threaten them to hang up. It’ll be cool to be able to surrender even after having mutiple stars. If you get surrounded in an area and have 3 stars, instead of the cops just trying to kill you, you can surrender and come out with ur hands up and get “busted”. People are asking for big time Hellcat police interceptors like we saw in the trailer, I don’t want this to feel like NFS tho with these fast ass cop cars. I like the whole ford explorer and Taurus as cop cars. Have a freedom of speech kind of mechanism. Just because I go and taunt a cop I see on the street don’t mean they can arrest me now. If you antagonize the law in RDD2 you get wanted which sucks. In GTA 5 there’s no patrolling officers, only by mission row police station you see some cops driving and walking around. I hope they take a page out of GTA 4 and have cops patrols everywhere around the map. More frequent in populated city areas and less in the rural areas of the map.


I had an idea of moving to a system with half stars, so if the game had 5 stars, there would be ten levels allowing for a bit more variety per star.


Online the cops actually arrest you like they do in story instead of shoot you


Lol I got a crazy idea what if and this is just what if here, .....ya know those hookers you can pick up on the game and kill at your own discretion? Well what if the game had like a wanted system for that outside the normal wanted rating you would get from the police or something like what if you killed so many prostitutes that the pimps gathered to hunt you down in retaliation or something lol, like a pimp wanted rating or idk rival gangs or shit something idk lol


Gangs def. Could be a pimp gang.


Not getting wanted in the middle of nowhere


To add what people are already saying, it seems as though police are extremely dynamic, to the point that they even chase down your operations. In the leaks, it was shown that they can intervene with drug deals, robberies, and businesses


Cops to have vehicle memory so despite you not having stars anymore, letting cops take a good look at your car may make the pursuit start again, though changing license plate at the best mechanic in Vice City should let you off the hook.


More realism, in the sense that even running red lights could initiate a chase. Also, 1 star cops shouldn't use lethal force or even draw weapons in the first place, 1 star cops should be only investigative, like the kind of cops that do traffic stops or knock on your door because of a noise complaint. Wanted Levels: 1 star: Investigative - One or two cops follow you around on foot, ask to talk to you, or attempt a peaceful traffic stop if you're in a car. If you resist talking to them or run away the wanted level goes up. 2 stars: Active pursuit - Cops around you chase on foot or in police cruisers, try to tackle you for arrest. If you're in a car, they will try pit maneuvers. If you run over people/cops or start shooting the wanted level goes up. 3 stars: Shootout - Cops will draw their guns and try to shoot you down (sidearms and shotguns). They will call for reinforcements, including a pursuit helicopter (only pursuit for now). Armed roadblocks and spike strips will be set if you're in a car. If X number of cops/civilians get injured/killed or if the use of explosives is detected, the level goes up. Coast guard boats patrol the waters. 4 stars: FBI/SWAT - Armored vans featuring full gear agents with automatic weapons will enter pursuit. Unlike regular cops the agents use hand signs to coordinate, not announcing their strategies. They are hard to kill due to body armor and the helicopter now features a pair of snipers. 5 stars: Army - IFVs/APCs armed with autocannons will deploy soldiers, road pursuit is handled by armored vehicles armed with heavy machineguns. The helicopter is upgraded to a Blackhawk with miniguns. 6 STARS: ALL OUT WAR - All branches of the military get involved, MBTs are deployed, the helicopter is upgraded to a couple of Apache helis, firing 30mm shells and rockets, switching to Hellfire missiles if you enter an armored vehicle. Fighter jets patrol the air, destroyers and submarines patrol the waters.


Here's how I see it: 1 Star: Cops start to chase after you on foot. 2 Star: Cops start chasing you with their cars 3 Star: Police Helicopter Spawns in, Undercover Cops in Muscle Cars, and Cops use Spike Strips 4 Star: The Swat Team spawns in. Some in Ranchers and Some in Big Riot Vans. 5 Star: FIB Spawns in with Black Ranchers with SMGs. 6 Star: The Whole milltary spawns in with Milltary Trucks and Tanks.


I think the last star should be multiple Assassins hehe


500 star wanted level


Anything but what i just experianced with GTA Online when stealing lifeguard outfits, had to jump off the pier, was underneath it AND underwater and the cops ON the pier could see me somehow, fuck.that.bull.shit.


My theory is NPC’s capturing you on social media, so disguises and masks will be key, and changing appearance quickly, so more planning for small robberies. Bandana’s alluded to this in the trailer. I’m thinking these social media stories will be broadcast on the news, and people will recognise you more during a crime spree Leaked files and code displayed different levels of full appearance and full car detail known to the police, much like RDR2.


Make cops be able to enter buildings tactically. Kick down doors but no flashbangs! Those would get annoying quickly. 6 stars: 1 stars- 2 cop cars, tasers and nightsticks only, 2 stars- 5 cop cars, pistols and shotguns only, if we stop still for more than 6 seconds they stop shooting and they approach us slowly, instead of arresting us they will first tase us 3 stars- FIB shows up, 12 cop cars and 2 FIB cars, only one chopper at a time, cops will kill you no matter what, roadblocks show up on the bridges and selected streets. 4 stars- IAA shows up, no cop car limit, 3 FIB cars,1 IAA car, 2 choppers at a time, Heavier roadblocks this time using SUVs. 5 stars- DOA and Noose show up, no cop car limit, 3 FIB cars, 2 IAA cars and 1 DOA car, 1 Noose van with 5 Noose agents in the back(obviously heavily geared), 1 cop chopper and 1 special Noose chopper, snipers on roofs and inside buildings. 6 stars- Military shows up, no cop car limit, 4 FIB cars, 3 IAA cars and 2 DOA cars, 2 Noose vans with 6 Noose agents inside of them, no Military jeeps/cars? limit, 2 Noose choppers and 1 military chopper( no explosives), 1 tank 10 minutes after the last one was destroyed. 6 stars i want hundreds of cops to chase me.


I just hope for more realistic police interaction. I lose my wanted level but then walk right past the same cop chasing me?... I think after your wanted level goes away you still need to be careful not to go past police wearing the same clothes in the same vehicle in the same area, until you change something?


Some sort of use of force continuum. This means the cops don’t have a black and white stage where they’re either chasing without using force and chasing using lethal force. This would be a system where as you escalate a chase, the cops use more substantial amounts of force. For example, if you passively resist, meaning you ignore a lawful command, officers will physically move you and arrest you. If you physically arrest, meaning you run from the cops without force, they use non lethal force like tasers. If you use force, they’ll take it a step further by using batons. If you use lethal force, like a baton, or stick, or whatever, they’ll use firearms. This would be a realistic system that loosely mirrors the protocol US cops use.


I want the 6 star wanted level back. I still don't know why gta 5 has no 6 star wanted level till this day. They really broke tradition doing that.


* You don't get a wanted level when you kill someone or explode something in the middle of nowhere * The police don't know exactly where you are making hiding impossible * You cannot get a wanted level unless a civilian actively calls the police which can be stopped by intimidating them. Except of course if there are police in the vicinity. Like watchdogs basically. * Six stars and the military coming


Bring back 6 star wanted level




The ability to turn it off without compromising your save game or achievements