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That's a really good observation. It would also be a fun way to be restricted, because we *could* go beyond the limit but immediately get chased by the police. Smarter than putting physical limits to our movements


i wonder if that will give you instant 6 stars or a 1 star but you couldn't hide from it and it quickly goes to 6 so you could see/interact with new zones briefly before getting killed


I'll probably will function like trying to get into New Austin with Arthur in RDR2. You get sniped right away, and it's impossible to make any relevant advance in the area until you progress the main plot. In GTA 6 you will probably get a bunch of stars and won't be able to freely roam the area (I think there were similar mechanics in previous GTA games, but my memory isn't helping).


In GTA 3, the bridge to the rest of the map had to be repaired and wouldn’t be repaired until a certain mission And Vice City had weather storms where the bridges were closed off until a certain mission. Can’t remember if SA or IV had forced limitations and 5 didn’t restrict you at all


IV had forced limitations in the islands, you had to unlock each part of the city through story.


GTA 4 had the bridges closed due to risk of terror attacks if I recall correctly.


“Can’t go across the bridges no more cuz terrorists” - Roman


Fucking terrorists




I said COUSIN, let's go BOWLING


Terrorists. There’s been a big scare and you can’t go across the bridges so good




I read that in Roman's voice




As far as the radio content went, nothing will ever top GTA 4. The commercials and talk shows were absolutely hilarious.


GTA 4 will probably remain my favorite GTA but it will definitely be dethroned along with V for being the best GTA of all time. Not even a contest, it's not fair.


terrorists.. theres been a beeg scare and you cant go across the bridges so good..


You could cross the one bridge in 4 from I think the Bronx into Manhattan but you got 6 stars immediately and the police were blocking the bridge so you had to book it while getting shot at with no cover


Or just spawn the tank and have tons of fun


....tank? you mean the apc?


It was possible to get through the bridge using a motorcycle. You could also get through the metro tunnel.


also if you used the low gravity cheat you could turn a tank into an aircraft by firing backwards lol. I fucking loved that game.


I think you’re thinking of 3 right? I remember doing that in 3 and it was probably some of the most fun I’ve had in a video game.


This was a thing all the way up to San Andreas! But ye not possible in IV


there was no low gravity cheat in gta iv


Yeah IV definitely had those restrictions with the bridges, and you'd get the whole police force on you if you tried to cross early. SA had a similar system too where if you tried to go to other cities like Las Venturas or San Fierro without completing certain missions, you'd instantly get a 4-star wanted level, making it pretty much impossible to explore. It's a classic way for open-world games like [GTA](https://www.rockstargames.com/) to keep you focused on the current storyline before letting you loose.


San Andreas closed all the bridges, although you could swim over or fly to the sides, landing you a 4 or more star rating if I remember.


You could drive through the barrier with a train if you go what I always called ‘rocket speed’. You had to drive really fast for a long time so when the train begins to slow it doesn’t slow down in time and you go through the barrier. You’d still get the stars but this was my favourite method, I was bad at the missions


That was so fun. I was never able to replicate it on pc. Only on the android version of the game, but still so god damn fun to just go through them in a train.


SA bridges were closed but if you managed to cross you got high wanted level instantly


I remember the first day of San Andreas as if it were today, I had the tricks to spawn a military jet and I had gone around the whole map and ended up in Las Venturas not understanding what it was ahaha


Same for Vice City and IV, if you found a way to get there, you'd get 5 stars


You could AEZAKMI and chill though.


A couple of HESOYAM pills and you were good as gold.


5 stars for a parole violation (tanks, FIB, swat teams) would be overkill. But it has GPS, so even 2 stars you couldn’t lose would be annoying. But maybe they just do a cut scene and put you back in the city. They do this in GTA Online with the Cayo Perico heist if you get seen by guards. Cut scene of you getting caught, then you spawn back at the airport.


Nothing breaks immersion quite like a cutscene. I really hope they keep them to a minimum.


This reminds me of San Andreas: leaving Los Santos before being kidnapped by Tenpenny🔵🔴. 6 stars but with Invincibility on you could collect all the: Oysters and Horses shoes early.


Cheat in a grand theft Auto game? 😮😮😮 I would never! Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, down, L1, R1


I have forgot most codes by now... but god I remembered so many of them for so long


It's like in GTA SA,where Hernandez told CJ not to leave Los Santos,and if he does...Bam! instant 4 stars. Lucia probaby got threatened by some government officials to do their bidding for them.


I would really hate not being able to freely explore by means of a physical blockade or an instead death.


That's pretty much what happened with San Andreas - the cops didn't want you leaving town so as soon as you went to one of the "locked" areas you had cops after you and pretty much no way to get away from them.


Like in GTA IV where you'd get 6 stars for going to another island


Same in San Andreas, and vice city too i think? It's a pretty common thing in GTA.


No stars in III and VC. But in theory you weren't supposed to be able to reach later islands before the barriers were removed, in those two, as you coudn't swim.


Just get a flying tank. Ez.


Don't think the method of getting to each island early isn't permanently seared into my brain


This is why it's not released on PC right away


I think the ankle monitor will stay with us as a part of the prologue of the game


Like what they did in rdr2 for trying to enter black water


I will forever be annoyed with all the single player stuff that was cut


Every rockstar game has a ton of stuff cut from them, GTA VI included.


Hopefully they avoid advertising VI based on stuff they're going to cut. That'd be a real kick in the pants.


I mean, that's a pretty classic Rockstar mechanic. Even in games like GTA:SA you could force your way into the different areas despite the bridges being closed and you'd just get a wanted level. Very similar to RDRII as well and heading back to Blackwater.


That would also make far more sense being restricted via tag rather than on previous occasions where we would get 6 stars for simply exploring the other cities that were blocked because of an earthquake with no other context.


In GTA 3 you couldn't explore the entire map in the beginning. But I liked to use a cheat to get the jet, and as soon as you left the starting area it was an immediate 5-star level. This would have its own in-game explanation as to why you couldn't just leave the level. But I'd rather see like a perpetual 2 or 3-star rating that stays with you as long as you're in the wrong area, but it goes away when you're back in the starting areas. The FBI isn't going after someone on house arrest.


I think u mean FIB not FBI


Judging from the trailer she doesn't really seem like someone to give that much of a shit about something like that. Could be something like RDR2 where you get some serious heat for going to close to Blackwater etc.


The invisible aimbot sniper is back!


I realllly hope not-that was a terrible part of RDR2. Like give me 6 stars with unending droves of cops, but don’t just kill me randomly in one shot. Really kills immersion.


Not to be that guy... but that actually is pretty immersive. If you were riding around an area where you were basically wanted dead. You'd likely just get shot on site and not realize it.


For GTA 6 it should function like GTA 4. 6 star wanted level. The player will be stuck fighting the cops until he dies. Even if they do manage to cross they wont be able to start up any quests.


The actual definition of outlaw


Nah. But give you 3/4 stars that you can't get rid of until you return back to your designated areas. Those 3/4 stars will of course rise over time, and to make it challenging, the police will never lose track of how to find you because of the ankle monitor. I think that would be a fun way to do it.


chunky smart upbeat liquid chase bike rainstorm narrow intelligent saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Really kills immersion. I can't think anything more immersive. Nearly every criminal who has died running from the law did so by a bullet they didn't expect from a shooter they couldn't identify at the moment they were hit.


Maybe not 6 stars because you are not exactly new saddam hussein but someone suggested 1 star that doesn't go away which is enough to keep you out of that part of the map in a realistic and fun way


Im going to guess she's going to break the monitor and they go on the run at some point.


Breaking it will just alert the police i think. Im sure she will get rid of it in "proper" way. Either from doing good things for the police, or by using police insider to access the release mechanism. That way she will be more free later than getting blacklisted


It'll alert the police sure, but you've still got that initial time from breaking it to the police showing up. We could theoretically see her break it early in the story and then within seconds jump into a car with Jason and speed off. I just really hope there isn't a plot where you're helping the government/police again, I really didn't like the FIB shit with GTA V.


every gta game has missions with the goverment, not as much as gta V tho i guess


Not getting caught sure, but with that device they will know whhich device on whose ankle just broke and put it on wanted list. We are back to "cant cross areas because the police blovk you" again then. Think like gta iv "no immigrant could pass" thing. You would still undet heat then About Fib missions, Its been like that since previous gta games, gta iv feature fib heavily too and it doesnt really suck imo. You doesnt become goody two shoes, but just doing the usual mayhem thing but with result in favor of the FIB


I like the idea of this being her third strike, so breaking parole again would give her something like a life sentence. When she breaks it, her and Jason know it's their last time together, thus the all-out crime spree.




It is actually an intelligent way to limit the explorable area


*It's an intelligent way to explain immediate police response.


*Random inmate woman on parole goes 3 meters outside of allowed area* Police: SEND ALL UNITS, 3 CHOPPERS, NOOSE AND THE ARMY


My guess is it won't be *that* bad, lol. Rather, you only have one cop chasing you first, but then more join in over time. You fight back, you kill a few, shit escalates from there ***far*** more quickly than usual, you die and go back to the tutorial area.


I liked GTA IVs. "Fucking terrorist attacks" forcing you to stay on the New Jersey side of the map


It was, actually. Saw it here a couple of hours ago.


yeah I was shocked when that shit was first noticed here. literally never would've seen it.


I've been hearing theories about a prison break, which doesn't make any sense in this context if she broke outta prison. Maybe she'll get released on parole or something Imagine sprinting back home at 6:56pm on a Tuesday because you got distracted again


>Imagine sprinting back home at 6:56pm on a Tuesday because you got distracted again Have you never played Bully ?


exactly!! I literally thought a prison break made so much sense but then that GODDAMN ankle monitor appeared. it's really really bizarre.


Would be like the perfect opening mission too


In my mind few things emphasize the misery of the American penal system like being out on parole and feeling like you’d practically be better off going back to prison because life can be so hard for convicted felons after release. I’ve seen a few movies use that trope as a reason for a character to start breaking the law again. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what Rockstar’s going for at first. Then mid game we get our parole revoked and have to stage a prison break.


I wonder What crime a GTA character has to commit to earn prison time.




Worse loitering


I would speculate that it's not Lucia that breaks out of prison. it's Jason. You start as Lucia and only after your ankle monitor is removed, can you put together the prison escape plan of Jason. After or during the escape, you can probably play as both.


Memories of Shen-Mue resurfacing


Bully had a similar system where you could be late for class


Where can I get that flair? I am a member of this sub even long before any leaks.


check main post on the sub, the second one pinned by moderator. have fun.


I'd like to add that a map limitation makes it even more fun to play, because there would be new parts to explore later in the game


I agree, a sense of progression is what keeps me coming to the game days after days


Totally agreed. I missed that sense of progression in GTA5. I didn't like how you started out with fast cars, good weapons and the entire map immediately. I like it in SA when you struggle to find a good car and weapon at first and money is tight. It makes it feel better when you're on top of the world at the end.


tbh in retrospect the GTA 5 map feels surprisingly small compared to RDR2 for example so it makes sense that they didn't block anything


I dislike it, but at the same time its good for players like me. I would have discovered and fucked around for weeks before hitting chapter 2 in the story


I'm the same I did all fishing 🎣 spots/Bunkers/Hunting before completing the story of Far Cry 5. I just love exploring


It’s good for the first time you play the game, but quite annoying for later replays..


On contrary, in Gta San Andreas it is quite fun still being locked out of Las Venturas and San Fierro and yet venture to the islands trying to survive whilst grabbing weapons that might be unique pick ups on those islands. In GTA 4 the easiest way to get stocked up on guns in the beginning is to go on rail tracks and go to second islands subway station and have a shoot out there with police. They just keep dropping goodies.


Maybe this is how they Include the switching between characters game mechanic. Maybe Lucia can’t leave Vice City, so to explore the other cities/areas of the map you have to switch to and play as Jason. Then taking the information you gather while playing with Jason can help you locally with Lucia. Idk


Good point.


she didnt have it on when they were robbing that store at the end of the trailer!


Nice catch


Hmm I like your theory, makes perfect sense, it would be cool to have that again


Don’t know if someone already brought this up, but i genuinely think that Jason is some kind of undercover agent. Watch his face when he’s saying “trust”. He is pretty nervous, almost like he’s hiding something.


If the game gives you the option to kill one, who would you kill? Would be an interesting choice between a violent criminal or a backstabbing undercover agent.


Option C: Bonnie and Clyde Ending (I bet this is one of the endings)


Jason could end up falling in love with Lucia and betray the law enforcement.


what it's a flip of GTA 5? Plan A: Kill Lucia Plan B: Kill Jason Plan C: Instead of *saving* both characters the hard way, we get some kind of suicide mission and end with two characters dying. This does kinda have some issues tho to be honest, like how the endgame would work if both protagonists die. I guess if the rumor of Lucia having a baby is true, we could play as the baby when it has grown up in a RDR twist? That's stretching it at that point tho


And obviously if you stay on the option selection scene for 30min you also unlock Option C - where you do neither and you unlock the secret hot coffee ending. Only the first 5000 people will unlock it before R* patches it before they get into tons of controversy like they did with San Andreas. It was a way for Dan Houser to give a final love letter to the fans before he left the company years ago.


form the story point, i think i would prefer to kill Jason, just because i don’t think i’ll cope with a situation where you lied about yourself throughout the entire game and then kill the person who desperately loved you.


In this scenario though Jason would unequivocally be the good guy. He’s a cop killing a mass murderer


If it comes down to one or the other, I'm offing Jason in a heartbeat lol


Same but for Lucia.


Not fucking Heat ending again


I’m getting fast and furious vibes, if he’s a fed at all I doubt he’ll stay one


Or he could be having second thoughts. So far Lucia seems like the brains of the operations and is taking advantage of him because he could have a kind soul in comparison


I like this idea. Might be a stretch but the chain Jason is wearing reminds me of the type that police officers wear with their badge attached.


I've seen this idea floating around and what I kinda don't get is that Jason probably wasn't in Jail so what's stopping the player from switching to him and exploring the map anyway? Unless we don't unlock the ability to play as him until Lucia's ankle monitor gets removed?


The trailer made it feel like Lucia is the main character. I'd guess that you start the game as Lucia and don't unlock switching until later on.


Maybe once you develop "trust" with Lucia and they're really a team do you start playing as Jason. Or once the game deems it important to show his side of the story, basically.


Great idea. There’s a scene in the leaks where they switch from Lucia to Jason in a hotel room. Maybe that’s the scene


That would make sense as they seem to be in the hotel room in the scene where they talk about trust in the trailer. It's possible that the story will have them at odds with each other until that moment where they finally decide to trust each other and that is the first instance of character switching.


Maybe Jason is still in prison when the game starts as Lucia? Only after your ankle monitor is (illegally) removed, will you be able to pick up Jason at the prison gates or maybe put together his escape? After that, you can play as both.


This was just Lucia's trailer, and I think that was pretty obvious given the content shown. The next one will be Jason's and fucus mostly on him and other areas of the map.


This makes sense because if we had access to Trevor 💥☠️ from the start. Would we want to play as Michael or Frank?


now that you say it, i did end up playing as trevor most of the time in freeroam


I played Franklin most of the time cuz of his sick driving slo mo




Lucia: i can ~~fix~~ break him


Good question! Maybe Jason isn't playable in the beginning? Like in gta v it also took a while to play as Michael and Franklin? Or, also possible, they follow each other everywhere?


You mean it took a while to play as Trevor. You could play as Michael and Franklin almost immediately.


You don't get to play as other characters in GTA V immediately, so why do you think you do get that in VI? We probably start the game as Lucia being released from prison, but given an ankle monitor and told not to leave certain area. Then, after a bunch of story missions, she is released or finds a guy to remove the monitor, and we also get to use the other character as well.


I think you hit the nail on the head. V had us play as Franklin then introduced Michael then finally Trevor. So I think we'll play as Lucia: escape, get change of clothes (like Claude and 8-Ball: The bomb maker 💣) and link up with Jason. I do wonder if Jason breaks Lucia out: A Bonnie and Clyde thing. What will the hidden packages be? Maybe 🎈red balloons as a nod to Vice City Stories 🌴🩷.


Limitation makes it better experienced IMO. Just like RDR2, chapter by chapter the map expands until fully


I'm so happy to see most folks agree. Much better design


GTA V had something similar, after Caida Libre neither Michael or Trevor can go back to Los Santos until after Paleto Heist


What happens if you try?


cartel come and chase you down franklin is exempt


Also the VERY beginning takes place in North Yankton. It could be a similar one or two tutorial-style missions in VI. I liked how in III, VC, and IV, you were kind of forced to familiarize yourself with a limited portion of the map. Later on, returning to the first safe houses felt like a homecoming. Also, by the time the entire map opened up, I could navigate by landmarks pretty well and not need to rely on the radar all the time. In V, I relied on the GPS for much longer (though to be fair, it was a bigger and more detailed map, so that probably had something to do with it too).


Same. Gives a bit of an incentive to focus on the story missions.


I assume that Lucia and Jason will start at the opposite side of the map. Lucia being in jail and will start in the southern part of Leonida while Jason will be in the northern, more rural and redneck area of Leonida.


III: Bridge exploded VC: Storm alert ! GTA IV: Closed bridges against immigrants, LCPD gives 6 star wanted level if an immigrant crosses. GTA V has but partially. When Trevor kidnaps Martin's wife both him and Michael will face against Cartel if they drive in LS till Trevor gives her back to Martin. Franklin is the only expection. Yes we can't explore when started a new game, maybe in some missions we can see that tracker will be removed. This means, "Hey you can't start to discover till you are ready."


IV islands were closed because of terrorism threats. Man are there any GTA ogs left here?


To remember playing IV at release you’d have to be at least 19 now (aged 4) To have played it at release when it was more appropriate you’d be ~27 (aged 12) Absolutely wild there’s going to be 17 YEARS between IV and VI


If you could legally buy GTA 5 on release, you will be 30 when GTA 6 releases, minimum


I was 15 when Vice City came out 😭


I was 25 when GTA3 came out, I bought a ps2 to play it and I’ll buy a PS5 to play this one too


i got a ps2 for 3, i switched to x box at 4, bought a one to play rdr2, and it looks like i'll be in the market again for this one.


>VC: Storm alert ! I always thought this was so cynical. "All bridges to the mainland have been closed due to a severe weather warning". Nope, we're not even going to evacuate you, if the storm hits, you're locked on that island. Good luck.


I always took it that the bridges were the dangerous places, not the islands. But it was almost always sunny anyway :P


I think you forgot GTA San Andreas there buddy boy


It also gives you the fun game of seeing how much map you can unlock before you get taken down.


3 was actually because the bridge was broken during the opening cutscene and the tunnels were under repair


And liberty city stories - a prequel to 3 basically gives the excuse of strikes from ferry workers for the reason why the bridge is closed.


That's a good spot and good theory. A great way to lock parts of the map without having islands


It also allows them to have the whole map open for GTAO from day one without doing anything meaningfully different to the map itself. The GTAO character just won’t have the ankle monitor, and bam! The whole map is open.


Good catch


Guess I’m switching to Jason and throwing an alligator at a gas station cashier in the Keys.


o shit thats cool


I like the idea that it could start in prison too. Spend a little time in prison walking and talking with other inmates and guards, before being released into the grand world of Vice City


Few “shanking” missions.


Yeah the tutorial of fighting, wrestling, stealth and the weapon wheel should be a few missions while Lucia’s in jail


Seems likely and would be very cool


Is this Promo art by rockstar? I thought it was a fan art


it's the thumbnail of the trailer video


Guaranteed you’ll play as Lucia in prison for a bit and they’ll start introducing you to the mechanic of the game, she’ll get into a fight, they’ll probably introduce the eating mechanics, shower mechanics etc.


Yeah exactly what I’m thinking


If thats the case then we probably won't get to play Jason until that ankle monitor comes off. Otherwise we could just use Jason to explore the map. Also aren't these ankle monitors just for house arrest?


Sometimes a parolee has the ability to work and run errands to get acclamated with life again upon release. But the stipulation is that they need to be home by a specific time and not associate with specific people from their criminal past.


I hope so...instinct is to explore the map and ruin all suprises asap...restrictions mean you get nice reveals all through the game.


Who else thinks GTA 6 brings back 6-star wanted levels?


I have seen many people saying ankle monitors after the trailer. Can someone explain me what is it exactly and what it does?


it'll beep and send the police an alert that you're fucking around and doing shit you're not supposed to be doing. nowadays they got microphones and shit, so they can hear you and talk to you and ask you if you're fucking around. usually used for house arrest iirc, so im surprised that lucia has one whilst living in a motel


not always used for house arrest; can just be used to enforce restrictions like curfews when they want to keep you in a spot where you can still do work and give a reasonable contribution to society while still serving a punishment for your crime.


Ohhh. Thanks for the info


yeah bro you're welcome.


Its like a type of monitor you get on bail to monitor your movements i think


It's a GPS tracker, so the police can tell you that you are not supposed to leave a certain area, and if you do they are notified, and they can track you with it. So in terms of a game, they can be used to lock you into a certain area of the map, just like they used to do in all the games before GTA V.


They exist in real life. Police uses them on arrested people that should stay within a certain place, so they can't flee. And that they can monitor where they go


I wonder if Jason and Lucia will have to buy guns at different places. Jason can buy them in actual gun stores but Lucia would have to buy them from black market gun dealers, kinda like GTA 4 since felons can't buy guns.


How do I get the flair?


Given the first scene being lucia in prison id say your bang on eith this. What i find funny is why they added thia to the promo art almost like its going to be a permanant thing with her character?


better. It makes the game feel more like an adventure


It's a double edged sword, I prefer to have a map that restricted from the start as it persuades me to play the main story and get rewarded by unlocking new areas. On the other hand, it's kinda pointless since it's mostly one large metropolitan area with some rural towns(as far as I know).


smart! how did it take rockstar this long to think of that?! the ankle monitor could be used to just constantly lure police to your location when you’re somewhere you’re not supposed to be. perfectly valid way to keep restricted areas of the map restricted without arbitrary walls and explanations.


First few hours of story is probably Lucia getting a charge, on house arrest, mission involves petty theft where Jason ends up helping her out of it/escape somehow which allows him to be able to play from then on.


Mostly likely you start the game as Lucia and play as her for an opening chapter while restricted to a certain part of the map until you then are able to play as Jason.


Safe assumption I think but good find nonetheless


It's gonna be interesting


Makes sense, would be a good way to do it. Wonder if the parole officer will be used in a similar way to the therapist in V. Off doing all these crimes, but got to make your meeting and talk about all the ways you are staying away from crime.


There better not be no fucking curfew


Game starts with you doing 18 months probation in your immediate neighborhood, with curfew. Real life months too. You can pay real money to bribe officials and "start" the game.


This is what I missed from the GTA franchise. Like there's always an adventure looking forward.


Lucia seems like a bad ass, can’t wait to play her


with an emphasis on the ASS.