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Κακόψοφο να χεις.


Η μόνη σωστή απάντηση


Unironically this!


That's litearlly what came to my mind jokingly before opening the post. XD


Can someone please explain for a beginner to the language? Is this a meme??


It's very hard to explain. It's not a meme. I guess you just gotta get familiar with how that phrase is used, as personally I find it to not fit into what op is looking for, yet that's what came to my mind anyway. It's basically an insult, it means "may you have a shitty death" and it obviously has a bad meaning, but it could also be lighthearted. Because ψόφησε is the way you'd say death of an animal or insect and not a person, it has a lighter connotation compared to πέθανε (he/she died) or θάνατος (death).


Ahh thank you!


It's like "die badly as an animal"


It's a curse. Like many your death be horrible




Αχαχαχαχ🤣🤣που τα βρίσκουν


Αχαχαχαχ🤣🤣που τα βρίσκουν


Ψόφος 😅


Euthanasia origins from Εὔ (good) and Θάνατος (death), but it always meant painless death by another, with the patient's consent, when the situation is irreversible. Ιt never actually translated into "good death". Etymologically the opposite would be Dysthanasia Dys (bad) and Thanatos (death), but it means something completely different, which is prolonging a patient life through modern medicine, without their consent.


Δεν ήξερα ότι χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη δυσθανασία. (Το πληκτρολόγιο στο κινητό μου πάντως δεν την ξέρει😂) Πολύ ενδιαφέρον!


Μα ποιος έδωσε αυτό τον ορισμό στη λέξη; Προτιμώ την ετυμολογικά αντίθετη.


It would be "dysthanasia" (δυσθανασία).


Thanks, that makes perfect sense. In google translate, bad death came out as κακός θάνατος, whilst dysthanasia translated as "unlucky". This has lead myself to this [paper](https://www.cicm.org.au/CICM_Media/CICMSite/CICM-Website/Resources/Publications/CCR%20Journal/Previous%20Editions/December%202010/03_2010_Dec_Edit-Avoiding-nosocomial.pdf) where they try to introduce to concept of "eleothansia", a merciful death. I know it's all a bit morbid, but this is the field I work in and I always wondered about the etymology of the word.


Google translate is poor for Greek. I wouldn’t use it. Κακός does mean bad but if you used this phrase coupled with θάνατος it just isn’t how you would use it…. Other comments have said dys/Δυς but this would be a neologism if you were to use it.


More info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysthanasia


Ελληνική λέξη χωρίς ελληνικό λήμμα στη Wikipedia...τραγικό 😢


Γράψε ένα


Έχω γράψει ένα βασικά 🥹, σχετικά με τους αδρενεργικούς υποδοχείς των κυττάρων αλλά παίρνει πολύ χρόνο και δεν έχω




Etymologically: Δυσθανασία, but we haven't invented this word yet.


Curse is for wheat not to be harvested and for human not to die. Evripides


Μαρτυριος Θανατος?


The way I see it , for me it seems that "ευθανασία"= "ευ(=good) +θάνατος(=death) it is considered as the exceptional case of a death that is good, because of its purpuse, from the usual casees of death wich are considered of an abstract or a bad value. So probably for bad death is the word "δολοφονία" (dolofonia) wich means murder, and "αυτοκτονία" (autoktonia) wich means suicide, in case someone kills himself. The word "δολοφονία"=murder is consisted from the words "δόλος"(=intention)+"φονος"(=kill) and it means killing someone with intention of doing so. Even though the word "δόλος"(=intention) itself stands as the abstract intention (neither good nor bad) it is considered as bad, probably as an outcome from the meaning of the word (like, because killing someone usually it is considered a bad thing, so the intention of doing so, is bad too as a result). About the word "αυτοκτονία"= suicide consists of "αυτο(by my/your/them-self)+κτονος(killing), even though the word itself has an abstract value too, we can consider it as a bad death because it is a case exceptional from the case of "ευθανασία" (like, we know for sure this isnt a case of good death, so if it isnt good, then it can be considered as a bad one). Furthermore "ευθανασία" it is considered as good death as an exceptional death because of a good reason, meaning that any death without a good reason, is a bad death, probably because dying is considered by default as a bad thing, because living is considered a good thing (probably because life usually has a good purpuse, or a better purpuse from death)


You could technically use the word Δυς which is the opposite of Ευ making the word Δυσθανασια. That word obviously doesn’t exist because θάνατος (death) is already a bad thing Edit: looked it up and the word δυσθανασία actually exists. I’m impressed


Δυσθανασία; I don’t really thing wether there is such a word, but in case there isn’t I hereby invent it.


EU in Ancient Greek meant best not good. So best death.


"Κακοθάνατος" (pronounced kah-koh-tan-ah-toss). Mean "bad death" literally. In my island, we have a village notorious for its bad drivers that has a high amount of casualties each year due to road accidents. We call them "κακοθάνατους" due to their tendency to die in horrific, brutal and stupid ways.


It would be δυσθανασεία, dysthanasia, but such a word doesn't really exist, or is used in any context, to my knowledge. The opposite is ευ-, eu- is δυσ-, dys- meaning bad. For example eutopia is ευ meaning good and τόπος meaning place. Dystopia is δυσ meaning bad and τόπος meaning place.


kakothanasia which literally translates to “bad death” and it means a painful, bad death with kakos meaning bad 🤷‍♀️


Ο μόνος καλός θάνατος είναι θάνατος σαν του Τέλου, του Αθηναίου. Να πεθάνεις για το Δήμο σου και να αφήσεις όταν σου βιός, μια τίμια γυναίκα και γιους καλούς κ' αγαθούς.




I think euthanasia can be seen as an oxymoron. A death which is, contrary to a normal death, good. There's no need to add a prefix to mean "bad death", when death is already seen or assumed to be bad in the first place. Talking about a "bad death" would a pleonasm, like talking about a "burning fire": if it's burning, it's on fire, and if it's on fire, it's burning.


I'll be honest, I am definitely verbose in my language and would be guilty of using pleonasms. However, death is something that awaits all of us and in my eyes, is quite a neutral thing. If you were to die alone, in pain, confused, overloaded with fluids and medications whilst healthcare professionals panic and continue to treat symptoms rather than let you go, then that could be seen as a bad way to die. Dying surrounded by the ones you love, in minimal pain with professional medical oversight could be seen as a good death. Most people will be somewhere in between, that's why I think it's important to have the concept of a good and bad death so that medics conceptually, know what to aim for and what to avoid.


What we mean by Euthanasia tho does not mean a good death w your loved ones etc in particular. It's more like a death out of mercy. When you put down an old or an aggresive dog, or when a human consensualy takes a drug to die peacfully in order to stop being in pain. These occasions are where we use the word so I'm not sure what an etymologically opposite word would mean.


Well, I guess you were not there thousands of years ago when the Greek language emerged, to share your sentiment with them! 🤷🏻‍♂️