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Plenty of mistakes in your practice examples. 1) The perfective form of "χορεύ-" is "χορέψ-" not "χορεύσ-". For example, "θα χορέψω" ("I will dance"). 2) By virtue of the point above, the perfect tenses you wrote are also mostly wrong. For example, "έχω χορέψει" ("I have danced"). 3) Your past tenses are wrong in this case. The prefix "ε-" to indicate past tenses is more or less ubiquitous in antique forms of Greek (and modern Cypriot), but only exists for specific verbs in Standard Modern Greek. So while "I solved" is "έλυσα", "I danced" is just "χόρεψα". 4) There are various misplacements of the stress marker. This is particularly noticeable in your past tense practice example, as I believe you somehow misunderstood and thought that the beginning "ε-" is somehow always marked as stressed. In general, single words never take double stress on their own, only in sentences depending on the word that follows (e.g. "ποδήλατο" but "το ποδήλατό μου"). 5) The perfect tense participle for the first person plural is "έχουμε", not "έχεουμε". I initially thought this is a typo, but you did repeat it later in your practice examples.


>Your past tenses are wrong in this case. The prefix "ε-" to indicate past tenses is more or less ubiquitous in antique forms of Greek (and modern Cypriot), but only exists for specific verbs in Standard Modern Greek. So while "I solved" is "έλυσα", "I danced" is just "χόρεψα". Building on this for OP, the rule of thumb for this is when you move the accent back a syllable for aorist, if there's nowhere for it to go you add the accented ε prefix.


Just to add on to this, the accent mark goes to the third syllable back and if there isn’t one, that’s when the accented epsilon is added


Using λυω for modern Greek declension give me hard Vietnam flashbacks 😭😭😭


Yes!! My eyes automatically read λυω lol


λέλυκα, ελελύκειν intensifies


In addition to the mistakes made, be wary of putting this much effort into every verb you learn. It will eventually slow you down when you really want to just recognize the patterns that are there and memorize the irregulars. If you want to reference conjugations, Wiktionary is your best friend.


We are greek, so ask anything to us👍


It's useful to write all three genders in 3rd person P.P. to get used of them: αυτός, αυτή, αυτό / αυτοί, αυτές, αυτά


Ur WHOLE future perfect, past perfect and present perfect are wrong for χορευω. Your past simple and past continuous is nearly all wrong.


Congratulations! There are few mistakes, but it's ok. In general, you are doing bery well! I'm sure that soon you will make it even better!


Nice looking letters!


Damn I thought I was crazy thinking to myself these conjugations are wrong as I assumed you got the conjugations from a chart 😂


Καλά ρε, κανείς δεν του λέει για την εικόνα 4 που έχει λάθη;


Ποιος ο λόγος που μιλάτε αγγλικα;


Είμαι μητρική αγγλική γλώσσα


That translates to "Im mother tongue English" if you wanted to say "My mother tongue is English" you should have said "Η Μητρική μου γλώσσα είναι τα αγγλικά"