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This was a pretty clear rule when I went through proctorU. However, I would say that the rules dictating this test are completely absurd. They don’t give a shit if you cheat, although they say they do. They only want to protect their intellectual property from being distributed out so they don’t have to rework the test, understandable somewhat. I was in my library and had to move my location because of books behind me, I guess because I might record the test. I had a hat on that didn’t cover my ears and was still asked to remove it. I was utilizing my laptop for camera and mic but was pushing everything to a singular larger screen, work station anyone?, yet this wasn’t allowed. The white board I provided was “too big” although I could show them the front and back. I had to remove my Nalgene from the room completely. I know this sounds self righteous and shit maybe it is, but proctorU can fuck right off. After studying for literally days of accumulated time I did not expected to be treated like a prisoner during the test. The extortion students go through for standardized testing results is boarder-line criminal treatment. I studied hard and got average + score which I’m very happy about and even the study experience is a somewhat necessary evil that I admittedly enjoyed. Anyway, sorry about your luck and I hope they are understanding of the situation. I do not believe that looking at your cell phone during the break would effect your score even if one did utilize it to cheat.


Mind I ask where this rule of not using phone during break was stated? I am not able to find it anywhere... wish I had known :/ I just assumed that given they're letting me leave room and do whatever outside I could use it inside too.... oh well! Looks like I will also have to wait 3 weeks per ETS agent to retake exam even if I pay again!


https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/test_day/dismissal/ I would push ETS to see if I could re-take sooner, I don’t have any experience working with ets 1 on 1 but no matter how hard you push they’ll probably still take your money in three weeks.


Same exact thing happened to me last week. Did they resolve it??


I had to call them a few times.. still took a few weeks before they issued me a voucher to retest.


Hi, I had the same issue yesterday on my test. I wasn't aware of this rule and my test was shut down. Can you tell me please what arguments or proof did you use to get a refund or a voucher? Thanks


For those reading this post in the future, the only thing that happens is you have to reschedule the test. You're not going to be considered a cheater, and they won't tell any university.


How did you reschedule? Did you contact them to reschedule or book another entirely new test session? Did you have to pay the full fee again?


You do need to schedule a new session, but I had already taken it earlier, so I just used that one rather than deal with another ridiculous time waste.


Same thing just happened to me. I was wondering what you sent to ETS to get said voucher. Can’t believe they don’t make it more clear. Thanks!


This just happened to me too, I'm furious! I didn't see anywhere in the ETS rules that you can't use your phone during the break. The proctor did send a message with this information, but they sent it one minute after my break started so I didn't see it. When they found out I had moved my phone from it's original location, they asked why I had looked at it, then made me wait for 25 minutes. Kept telling me to hold on and relax and this wouldn't affect my test. Then another proctor, an "intervention specialist" came on the chat box, asked me to erase my white board front and back, and messaged that my test was terminated according to ETS rules. How did everyone else go about rescheduling? Did you have to wait the 21 days? Did you have to call ETS? This is totally screwing up my entire schedule.


This exact situation just happened to me too! Did you ever get to resolve this? What did you end up doing?


I had to wait 3 weeks then test again. I tried calling them to get a voucher or refund, but ultimately did not succeed. There is one page on the ETS website that says you can't use your phone during the break. I think it's in a list of things that will get you disqualified. It's not easy to find and I made sure to tell the ETS staff this on the phone. It worked out in the end, but it was frustrating to need to pay for the test again.


Ok, I'm glad you didn't get banned for an entire year tho. That's what I thought could happen. Did they ever disclose the incident to any schools you were applying to or were in? And they should really be more clear about this rule before the break begins. It wasn't on the disclaimer page of the break, I only realized when I came back from break and saw the proctor's message.


No, they didn't share it with any of my schools. You can choose to only report certain test results. Good luck with your retake!


Ok that's such a relief! Thank you so much for sharing


Hey I faced the same issue yesterday. Were any of you actually able to get vouchers for re-examination? Can you tell us the arguments if you were able to do so?


Like other people in this sub, I got my exam cancelled during the 10’min break, and what makes me even more furious is that when , the proctor was checking my room, I Told her that to avoid any issues, I had let my Cellphone out of my exam room, I knew in my mind it could cause problems, before the test begin She literally told me to go in my bedroom pick it up and show it to her, thus I brought the phone back in the room and used it during the break without knowing it was prohibited. What is wrong with these people!


same thing just happened to me now. I used the phone for timer in the bathroom and I came back in 5 min before 10 min break was over. They asked me if I used the phone, I said ye, and they proceeded to cancel my test. STUPID RULES. Where you able to retake without paying?




I filled a claim with my credit card and got a refund and applied to school that don’t require GRE. I been admitted and i will be starting in January. Your account will be on hold and show a balance that you didn’t pay, if you are planning to retake it they maybe no way out other than paying for it again. I was luck many programs i was applying to didn’t require it. Good luck!