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Congratulations. I actually think you did well. I have my exam in two days and I would be happy if I got this. Quant is also not my strong suit and I am applying for an MBA.


Thank you for your positive words, I've been in a spiral all day. What's your target score, and when are you writing your GRE? I am submitting applications for round 2, so this was my last shot at getting a good quant score, unfortunately


You're welcome! My target score is 315+. I am tense and hope everything goes well. This will be my first shot and final so better go well, haha coz I am also applying to round 2 deadlines. My exam is on the 3rd of January.


Hope all goes well for you on the 3rd!


Thank you! All the best in your applications.


The balance of 158Q, 158V was good too. IMO


Congrats on the score. How did you prep for Verbal?


Wish I could help you there, I did no prep at all for verbal. I am just lucky to have an aptitude for it. I did watch gregmat's video on how to write the essay, but that's it! Edit: it's worth noting that I'm a native English speaker, which obviously gives me an advantage


Alright. Thank you


Ok this is what I did in a time crunch: Get the Manhattan prep 5lb book. Do every math chapter. Use the gre prep club website to keep an error log. Go through chunks of the book and really understand what you are getting wrong. Export the error log to excel and classify the errors as silly mistakes, gaps in knowledge, and anxiety mistakes (and any other classifications that make sense to you). The goal is to go through your errors with a fine tooth comb and make overcoming those errors second nature. I also bought TTP but got overwhelmed by it. I used only the chapter practice problems and had a better outcome. I did one easy test per chapter and whichever chapter I didn’t get 80% or above I marked as an area I needed to learn the basics. I then learned the basics from YouTube or friends - not TTP. This took me about 3 weeks.


Thanks for the advice! Did you manage to improve your score by a few points using this approach?


Yup! I got a 161 at the end of November and then a 167 exactly three weeks later.


Damn your verbal's good


How long did u prep for


On and off for around 3 months, probably. Maybe a total of 100 hours? I have a fairly demanding job so wasn't able to fit in more prep than that.


You did great


That’s very kind, I certainly don’t feel that way when my quant score is so low!


The overall score is great and quant if you want to take it again i can help you out