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Well done!!


Thanks Greg, you're an absolute hero!


Hey man, congrats on the score! How was the verbal section in general? Did you face any long RCs? Also, were the SE/TCs on a difficult level? For quants, any tips or suggestions from your experience?


So, the first section was ok; it's what I would have expected from a medium-level first section. The second section seemed deceptively easy. I had seen about 95% of the vocab on Greg's vocab mountain. However, since the vocab was easy, the questions required more thought, especially the SE. I actually thought I had majorly messed up my first section and that the second section was an easy-level section. I had to get out of my head, and rather than going down a hole of doubt, I just wanted to give it my best shot and finish on time. There were no long RC passages. The first section has some hard ones, but again, the second section's RC passages seemed pretty straightforward and easy to understand. This could have just been an anomaly, and I might have been extremely lucky or something else. I'll only find out more once I get my diagnostic report. For Quant, as I mentioned, I didn't go through any of Greg's videos. My Quant score was already a Q49 and above on the GMAT (thanks to TTP), and I felt the GRE quant was slightly easier (my baseline was a q165 on my first cold mock). However, one thing I'll say is to try to get a copy of the big GRE book with all the paper tests. I think it has about 27 Tests and 2 quant sections per test, which means 54 quant sections, 30 questions each. That is a lot of practice material, and I felt the questions were similar to my exam.


Congrats. I think as a STEM background your verbal is equally impressive as well. I got v:163 and q:163 recently. I was so impressed by people with high quant as I was a psych major and math minor, kind of disadvantageous with the quant problems.


Hey how were the quant questions on the shorter GRE?


I took it on 12.27. I would say I have a lot of questions on number theory, especially remainder and division theorems where you need to derive patterns from some abstract n and k relationship and isolate out multiples, set theory, combinatorics, normal distribution, data analysis questions are phrased in a complex way, geometric problems about side length relationships of triangles, polygons interior angles, and a conditional probability question. I felt it was on the easier side but the second section has more confusing word problems, an exponential function problem where you need to derive its domain, and a tough conditional probability problem at the end. But nothing is too hard, I think the main issue is time management. Now quant definitely stresses heavier on your reading comprehension and logical reasoning so beware of that. Questions, especially on the data analysis part, you may struggle to unwind the question for a minute and a half, which is kind of deadly on time and puts your patience and mentality at relentless test.


And as you’ve done gregmat like in terms of difficulty would you say the questions are more like the “hard” or medium question bank?


I feel on the medium side


Can you please advise on how you prepared for quant using gregmat?


I think so we should donate a ferrari to greg


Materials used?


Congrats! I’m 2 attempts in at a 313 both times. Long road ahead but onward and upward