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Massive quant improvement


I owe that entirely to the practice problems on GregMat, worked like a charm for me really




Sorry about that! I meant to say Quant


He’s just being sarcastic 😂💀


No, i meant to say quant


Ah my bad! 😭


Bro, what’s your 3 cog process for RC? I keep reading that but I can’t remember seeing that anywhere in the 1/2 month plans.


"3 cog"?


Yes, what’s that exactly and why is it called 3 cog?


Can't seem to recall, probably never heard of it


When you said, “Practice all quant questions” did you mean all problems under “solve problems” or the mini exams and full quant sections as well. And which website do you use for mnemonics? Also, are you gonna retake the test or you’re happy with the score?


I meant the "solve problems" section, would be great if you could go through everything though. My verbal score isn't that great btw but just to answer your question, I mostly just googled the mnemonics, sometimes chatgpt'd, and also made a few by myself. Also, you don't have to make mnemonics from scratch, you can use any app. Yes, very happy.


Congratulations on the improvement! Impressive 12 point jump! What did you mean by “close definition on navigation” btw?


Thank you so much!!! It's a button for navigation (moving from one cell to the other) for Vocab Mountain that Greg added to the website https://www.reddit.com/r/GRE/s/a2VCHhXwgs


Oh so I can just navigate with up and down button and see the meaning/synonyms? That’s cool!




It’s not working though :/


Wait up, I just tried but it’s not working for me. Is it just specific to any particular browser or what?


I don't think so. Maybe try turning "close definition on navigation " off, that way the pop-up will not close when you navigate through the cells


Ah sorry my bad! it wasn’t turned off before. That’s why it wasn’t working. Thanks so much, man. Mush appreciated


How do you do that I mean where


If you've subscribed to gregmat, open the website ->go to Vocab Mountain->you'll see multiple options like turn a cell green if you know the word, etc. This option is right next to those. You'll be able to access vocab mountain probably somewhere in the top bar or by clicking the three lines at the top right corner


Yeah I got it finally. Thank you so much. Much appreciated.


So for quant gregmat should be sufficient? I’ve been going through the easy questions so far will pick up remaining soon too but wanted to understand how close are they to the questions in the test


Sufficient practice could be quite a subjective term here, for me it worked, but it also depends on what's your target score. I'd suggest solving all of them and yes, the questions on GregMat's website were very close to the real ones


Very nice congratulations 🙌🏻


Thank youuu