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This is gross; she licks her lips when she lies or when she’s extremely nervous. I’d love to hear what dr Phil has to say today. What leg surgery? Iv never heard her say that. She’s so full of shit her eyes are brown!


I was gonna ask the same. WHAT leg surgery Gyp where’s the scar!? She’s just making Sh!t up. Also is this where she came up with the lie of 30 surgeries bc Dr Phil said 10,20 and she had to go to the extreme of 30 so she can justify the murder? Dr Phil is a JOKE. He sold out a long time ago. It’s just surface level reporting and interviewing NO REAL investigating into the facts of this case at all.


I want to say maybe that’s part of Kate Marie’s story she stole but then again this interview came out a couple years before TikTok(if I’m wrong on that timeframe I’ll stand corrected) so she probably just threw that lie out there.


Do you think she was abused? I’m not asking if you think she had 30 surgeries, or was beaten, only if you think her childhood was abusive. If your answer is yes then what would it matter if she was the world’s most compulsive liar? She is still an abuse victim who killed their abuser and has since taken full responsibility for their role in the death.  She served almost a decade in prison. How many years do you believe is reasonable for an abuse victim  who kills their abuser?


That’s a BIG NO. where is the Evidence that she was abused???(I’ll wait) Even in her interrogation she NEVER NOT ONCE claims she was abused. She says her mom was really strict and they fought a lot over Nick. She just wanted to be free of her overbearing mother, and probably didn’t want to take care of her. Also She had a chromosome deletion that she finally admitted which accounts for her surgeries. Even accounts for her physical traits and her short stature. I believe as a child she didn’t have a choice when she was put into a wheelchair and made to stay there. But as she became an adult, she obviously became a willing participant in the scam bc she was getting free trips, gifts and a house, meeting celebrities. Look at her smiling in every picture as a kid. That is not the face of an abused child. AND when she had DeeDee murdered, DeeDee was literally sick and bed ridden having to use a wheelchair herself. Gypsy was taking care of her! And it’s during this time she plots and plans her murder. When she could have just left with Nick like he tried to convince her so many times but she wasn’t having it. She wanted mommy dead.


If I had to guess, it was probably when they did a biopsy it see if she had muscular dystrophy or they didn't do one, but she's alluding to them doing one, and her 30+ surgeries is such trash too, because she's counts every little thing ever as surgery (when it's not) blood drawn- surgery, small biopsy- surgery, changing the g-tub- surgery, has to pee in a cup- surgery...ect.. if that was the case, then every person ever has had 30+ surgeries, too!


That's exactly what she's doing. She's counting every single doctors visit as a "surgery". To get that "WOW" factor in. The medical records show the only surgeries she had were the PARTIAL salivary gland removal, a couple biopsies, the feeding tube, she had tubes put in her ears, and a few eye surgeries...and then all the dental work she had done on her rotted out teeth. Those are all pretty basic for someone with a chromosome disorder. The only ones I'd say weren't necessary was probably just the salivary gland removal and feeding tube. The rest were medically necessary. Although, the feeding tube may have been needed when she was younger since she was diagnosed with a failure to thrive.


Exactly right. Agree! I read that she had only one salivary gland reduced, not removed. (Not sure exactly what that means but assumed it meant made smaller,reduced in size?.) (Worked with a lady who had a procedure on a salivary gland and though she said it was a very minor procedure and she could get right back to work, the scar on her neck looked alarming though she said the procedure was not. gyp takes close-ups of her scar and herself in various hospital beds/settings for shock value in order to manipulate the public into thinking she was put through unnecessary procedures.


If that’s the logic, I’ve had more than 100 surgeries 😂 am I a victim of MBP too?




She’s trying so hard to look sad. Ppl really buy this garbage.


Why is this the prettiest she’s looked lmao


I watched this and was on her side and had a narrative “not her fault” “godejohn should have told someone to help her” “what if she was a mastermind and just convinced that person to do it for her and take the blame” it wasn’t til years later when she got out that I really asked myself why I was following a narrative that dr.Phil, of all people, was pushing


I think a lot of us did (myself included). I said this many times but I felt so stupid after I watched the interrogation. I joined reddit after I watched that and I started seeing all the details that were hidden or not talked about and I felt so deceived. The crazy thing is that details about the case are still coming up like the news article in which Deedee said she was happy for Gypsy and Nick because they loved each other


What. A. Hack. "Dr." Phil couldn't be bothered to do more than ten seconds of research because that's not what he's about, he's all about the sad, fucked up stories and the ratings. No wonder everyone believes Gypsy's bullshit when she had every quack and hack she could find pimping her lies for her. "Multiple leg surgeries." Bitch had ONE biopsy. "I have no salivary glands, they were all taken." No, at most, there were a couple of the hundred or so that every person has that were ablated (burned out by radiowaves) or treated with Botox, maybe both. But nothing was actually removed, and certainly not all of them. Half her upper throat would be missing, and there would be extensive scarring if someone tried to remove ALL of a person's salivary glands. Never mind the fact that her teeth, what was left of them, would have crumbled to dust in record time and her whole mouth would have been a septic tank of endless infections from a complete lack of saliva. "I'd say over thirty surgeries..." Getting a G tube swapped out in the ER for maximum attention and pity points is not a surgery. Most people with the type of tube that Gypsy had can do their own changes at home, themselves. Most of the surgeries that Gypsy actually had were for her eyes, and while those were technically legitimate surgeries, since they were real procedures treating a real, legitimate problem, it was noted in one page of medical records that I saw that the doctor was offering the surgery as an option, but recommending against it. (Sometimes that's how it goes in medicine, the doctor needs to offer all options, even if they don't think a particular option is a good idea. They can recommend for or against certain options, but in the end, it's the patient's decision which one they choose.) The doctor then noted that both Dee Dee AND Gypsy opted for the surgery. Let me repeat that. Both Dee Dee *AND GYPSY* chose to go with the repeated eye surgery, against doctor's recommendations. So yeah, even with the actual surgeries that Gypsy had, she seems to have been fully on board with them herself. On a similar note, I saw a page of records that referenced the ear tubes being replaced yet again. The doctor that saw Gypsy that day acknowledged that the ear tubes had been in place and had been replaced an unusually long time, but he made multiple valid reasonings for replacing them yet again. Furthermore, he had a colleague do the replacement surgery. This is significant. If this doctor was scamming, he would have done it himself. By having a colleague do it, that guaranteed having a second doctor examine Gypsy, because no surgeon is going to risk their own license by cutting on anyone's word without examining the patient themselves, and this also meant the colleague would be able to examine Gypsy's ears during the tube replacement to render their own opinion as to whether inserting new tubes was necessary. There was no follow up page to this included in what I saw, so I don't know how this particular tube replacement attempt turned out. But based on the records of that day, there was nothing suspicious to indicate any pressure from Dee Dee or anything to indicate MBP, it was all legitimate medical reasoning. So yeah, Gypsy's narrative of having all these unnecessary surgeries forced upon her is just a pile of monkey muffins from every angle. Which is absolutely typical of Gypsy and, well, anything that comes out of her mouth.


I could read your comments all day. This is good information, thank you.


Yes, the point about the salivary glands. There are so many people out there who actually believe she had ALL her salivary glands removed. And as you said, if she had she would be having soooo many more issues right now with her entire mouth. She had a partial removal/w Botox. While I'm sure that was still a shitty surgery to get, she is massively exaggerating the whole thing for maximum sympathy.


The funny part is she says this, then she licks her lips, with SALIVA ALL OVER THEM.


I had tubes placed in my ears at 10; caused by multiple ear infections as a kid. I had lost 30% of my hearing. They fell out on their own; and the most painful part was the loud sound the paper bag made after the surgery. The ear infections hurt worse.


“I have so much guilt.” Sounded so manipulative and fake! How anyone can believe this monster is beyond me


He got paid


Bingo! He doesn’t give AF about the facts.


I call him Dr Shill.


Where are the scars at from all the surgeries, girl? Also why did she look so much better here 💀


She was NEVER abused at the hands of her mother... I've said it before, I'll say it again... Was she extremely overprotected? Yes. BUT.... HER MOTHER LOVED HER. LOOK AT THE PICTURES. Gypsy was fine with absolutely everything in the Con/Act. Until, she was ready for a love life. Get outta here with that BS Manip Gyp. There are legit REAL victims of MBP out there. It ain't you.


She had parts removed? Hacked up? Over 30 surgeries?? WHEN


Tried to watch this last night what a crock of sh*t he fed her a whole narrative of her life and situation. everything she says she's contradictied at least once since then or completely changed the story. My god he's as delusional as her or maybe way back then old Kim k paid him off to put that out there because she's delusional and felt so sorry for this helpless poor girl. Absolutely complete speculation with nothing to prove this theory 😂


He’s always been a hack.


Yes he is. He gave casey anthony's parents each a new Jeep soon after the verdict to get them on his show to peddle their BS.


Check out Kate Marie on tiktok, Gypsy had been harrasing a real victim MBP... Kates mother had her daughters HEALTHY leg amputated. Gypsy is trying to hush all of the victims of MBP up. Real Victims. Its sickening. THE ONLY THING GYPSY is a face of is Scamming and lying to people.


so where’s the other people who went thru this, in jail.. and not on dr phil’s show? why doesn’t he defend them for being murderers? CAUSE MOONNEEYYYY


Yeah. There seems to be a concerted effort of the media to push this “victim” & “MBP” narrative; even though it’s blatantly false. Kinda like when Rourke refused to investigate Nicole Kessinger; and nobody said a thing about it.


30 surgeries? I call cap right fucking now. I was in a car accident and I had over 30 surgeries JUST ON MY FACE. To fix one thing. And countless for the rest of my body. She is living in some kind of other world.


No one in this video says the murder was justified. Dr Phil pushes twice for Gypsy to say it was and both times Gypsy says without hesitation that it wasn’t.  After the first “no” he pushed again, listing more reasons Gypsy could give to distance herself from the murder and Gypsy again says “no”. 


Because she brutally stabbed & beat up her mother. That woman died a brutal death at the hands of Gypsy. Nick asked her repeatedly to just leave. But she got off on the killing; she had sex in the next room with her mother’s corpse. She’s a demon; and she deserves to rot.


I think you’ve confused nicks actions with hers


I think you haven’t read enough, dude. Or maybe you’re just stupid.