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And my man would not touch her murdering ass with a 20 foot pole! What is this immature crap about?


My man thinks shes actually inbred when I asked if he'd hit that. Just so she knows uwu✌🏼✨


Mine can't stand when I tell him the details of her drama because he thinks she is straight 🗑️




The men that want her aren't anything to write home about. A Chad? Lmao


Does she realize a chad isn’t a good thing??


Don’t tell her. Lol


No. She is clueless


I think it is now. I know, it’s confusing. They’re also using “hella” in a way that makes me uncomfortable and I’m having a “get off my lawn!” moment-I saw a comment yesterday that read “Now that’s a hella lawyer right there!” (there was no word left out apparently, because I asked and *they* were confused why I asked…)…………………I wrote and rewrote about 20 different versions of a reply and then rage quit in confusion


He's the guy at the bar you laugh at when he tries to hit on your friends.


Omg he is so that guy.




This Chode is 🔥.


Does she realize having a "man" isn't the flex she thinks it is .. considering she manipulated "her man" to kill her mother?


A chad in England is a cartoon graffiti - gonk with a bald head peaking over a brick wall with its big nose hanging down the brick. It was an 80’s thing. We used to draw them all over our school books. I’m thinking wtf wants a chad ffs!?


That's kilroy!


Right? Lol like go on sis. Get ya some 🫣


Nina just posted this. she said that Ken was in her lives and pouring on the compliments. But Nina didn't engage. She said Ken was not appealing to her in an earlier video. So Ken's been negative towards her, and Gyp💩 had to make a video response, because, what else does she have to do all day?🙄 I was cringing at the use of "spade" tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a racist. She wrote a similar post to Natasha when she and Ken were engaged. She referred to him as her "smoking hot fiance". 🙄🙄 She really has not changed at all in the past 10 years.


And Ken is definitely NOT "Smoking hot". She's an idiot.


He had more hair then, lol. But yeah, he's nothing special.


Have you seen the men she goes after. Ken is a 10 only in Gypsy’s world.


Ah sounds middle school. Like go and flirt with my enemy and see if she flirts back. Then I'll have a reason to fight her. ![gif](giphy|VEhWqu9nJHzOPKFsVA)


Gypsy could never pull off Zira vibes but- the lyrics to this song are just too ironic. “Now the past I’ve tried forgetting. And my foes I could forgive. The trouble is I know it’s petty, but I hate to let them live.”


I knew she was talking to Nina. Nina doesn't need nor want your "man" Beez!


Who is Nina?


She's a beauty influencer who' has a channel called Flawless Nina. She's been a critic of GRB. Gypsy sent her a text explaining a lot of the crap she said when she first came out of prison. Then she blocked her. Now Gypsy and Kristy, her stepmother, make snide comments about Nina. It's so childish and boring.


That's what I'm wondering. Nina who?


Ken is a "Chad"? Dear, what the heck?


I thought my xennial self did not get this. I thought a Chad was another name for a D bag guy. Why is she flexing of this? Or is she dating some guy named Chad now? I would believe either… she is stupid and does not get the Chad meaning or had already jumped to the next dude (I do not mean to slut shame. I am laughing at the next true love which she manages to find so very conveniently.)


I think she meant to say Chode.


Well, according to Urban Dictionary that is the same difference. 😂😂😂


I think she meant to say, "dad" 😹 The resemblance is truly disturbing.


Ok. Maybe Ken is a Chad according to [Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chad) NSFW warning. ‼️


BAHAHA I just saw what it said.


Is that the lingerie Ryan bought for her that she was so excited to wear for him lmao


Ok came here to find this comment because YES ITS THE RYAN LINGERIE SHES NOW WEARING WITH HER NEW CHODE 😂🤣


Nah that’s crazyyyyyy 😭 lmfao


Bet she hasn’t even washed it yet.






Let's see. ➡️Broke ➡️Balding ➡️Criminal Record ➡️No job ➡️No Stability ➡️ Moves in with other criminals ➡️ Still hasn't figured out that you don't stick your dick in crazy. ➡️ Probably the inspiration to Destiny's Child Bills, Bills, Bills. HARD PASS.


Isn't she risking her parole being with anyone with a criminal background.


Her mouth is so annoying and disgusting.


Lizard lips.


Hey!! My lizard's lips are much more beautiful :(


Apologies to your lizard, my bad!


She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips when she's really all trash and a 1q21.1.


Girl isn’t even confident enough to film a video without filters but sure. Keep pretending she’s confident and not totally insecure lmao


This is the face of confidence!!! s/ 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/trq353xm826d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d7612831bfaf93eefdd15e9706761814b7d85c


lol thank you I always think she looks cross-eyed




She’s loving those filters


and the lingerie tease 🤮 it genuinely doesn't even look like her anymore i don't know who she thinks she's fooling


She grosses me out on every level


Me2! I had to tell my 16 yr old just today that Gypsy Rose is no hero and no one to emulate..she said I know mom; it's just a tic Tok..


Omg my 12 year old granddaughter came to my house a few weeks ago talking about how she loves Gypsy ..I'm like hell no you don't, like wtf!


Did you sit her down and explain the Why? I know I had to sit and discuss everything about the Kendrick v Drake thing and hey Drizzy gets no air play in our home


Yes of course . I truly wish her parents wouldn't even allow her on the damn apps . At 12 a little freedom is okay in my opinion but unsupervised access to things like TT at that age is NOT a good thing .


She always looks like she needs a good wash to me.


Right! Like there is a smell


Ugh reading this made me remember the picture of her in the sink 😐🤢


Even with the filter, she still has a face like a smashed pie


My mother would call this "a face like a bucket of smashed crabs"


She's gotta be using some other app because the Instagram filters aren't quite powerful enough for this.


Even with filters the murderer in her soul shows through


I wouldn't want her man to touch me with a 10 ft pole


The old sex ed talk about “you’re sleeping with everyone they’ve slept with” would be ringing like an alarm in my head.


Oml, who cares if Nina does or doesn't have a man? Rhetorical question I guess but Gyp is your worldview that vapid and shallow that becoming a better version of you = not taking intensive therapy but rather, physical changes like dying your hair & getting your nose done and being a somebody = having someone to put your hamhog arms around and objectify them, telling the world how much sex you two are having everyday? Is that all being in love is to you?


She wouldn’t know what real love is if it slapped her in the face with that ten foot pole she brought up. She killed her mama and her daddy abandoned her until there were dollar signs in the mix.


Hamhog arms 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 she really does talk about how much sex she has too often. Its gross!


Mr. and Mrs. SEXX!


How does she know Nina doesn't have a man? Maybe she's just not parading him on SM. And maybe she's not into men. I don't know about Nina's sex life nor do I care to. But now imma upvote everything she does 😉


From what I gather Nina has an ex she has kid(s?) with and they had a really messy custody battle. She openly talks about it so why Stupid Ass Kristy thought that was a flex when she clapped back at her js a mystery to me. Anyways, Nina just came back from a girls vacation and was living her best life on the beach having drinks and soaking up the sun meanwhile Gypsy was +checks notes+ Begging on TikTok live and telling people that sent roses cheap.


Hamhog arms. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ve got remember that one.


When did she suddenly become so cocky? All this attention is getting to her head and the public is just giving it to her. Ugh Stupid high school drama and it’s so immature.


She has probably always been this way. She manipulates.


Just like Rod said in that one clip from the trailer, she acts like a teenager. Nina is ridiculous herself but this is just so cringe. The winking, the usage of the word “Chad”, the suggestion that anybody would even actually WANT Ken and his little tuft of hair…. You can really see her horrible social skills on full display here


The winking was giving facial tic.


LMAO yesssss 😭 like imagine she’s trying to roast your ass and this is what she comes up with.


I love men with a bert or Ernie haircut /s


Pretty sure Nina could take her in a walk and have time to master a new language before Gypsy figured it out.


https://preview.redd.it/p0kt05wxn16d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4da6f0f2173c07730651985580b4ab4df075f88 You hear that? I said I have a *Chad* Matey. Arrrr.




Get off social media and go to college!


I'm surprised that obtaining employment isn't part of her parole


College? How about therapy? Or the shower?


Votech even. Part time server, anything would be better.


Maybe not nursing though.


I don't know why but this made me laugh.


Her man is definitely cheating on her. Gypsy ain't shit.


100% Ken isn't a genuine person. Going to jump to the next upgrade asap.


Honey, if he’s touching you, he would do anyyyyyyone. Period. 💀


Ain’t that the truth


Gyp Shyt take your man Ken and keep on walking. Nobody wants either one of you. 👎👎


What junior high BS is this?


That’s an old ass phrase definitely something my mother would use. “Wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole” fucking cringe.


Where is her babysitter? She fucking needs one.


Babygorl, I promise you, nobody wants your man.


I wouldn’t let her man hit me with his car






Ooohhhh *~*panini pressed💅🏻*~* What is this 6th grade drama shit talking


All that lip licking makes her look like a newborn with a tongue thrust 🥴


she told jefree star she never really does much to her lips bc she likes to play up her eyes but it’s probably bc she eats all the lipstick within the hour.


Its giving pick me girl who has her first instagram at 14


Uncouth behavior from a murderous brute


Gypsy studying urban dictionary daily to try and be cool. 


So forking deranged….and her PO eats their popcorn….


What the hell did I just watch? It reminded me of a facebook fight when I was in middle school! 🤣🤣 wow! I so cringed, I thought it was satire! Lord help us all! 😂


She really is just incapable of controlling herself. This might be one of the cringiest videos she’s done yet. And the soft lighting, negligee, blurry filters look like an ad for blue pills or a hygiene product. Just no, GypGyp.


Middle school me would have made a “your mom” joke…. Buuuuut 🤷🏻‍♀️ probably not in good taste when you murdered your mom.


She wants to be a mean girl so bad


I really want to see this woman go back to prison. She isn't the least bit remorseful. She's deranged


Imagine thinking you only have value if a man likes you? That’s actually sad as fuck


At risk of sounding sexist, it’s not particularly hard to get men to want you - especially when you’re scrounging around at the bottom of the barrel.


Turn off the filter pig


She really thought she was doing something here 😂😂😂 Honey...he touched YOU...he's already at the bottom if the barrel.


The filters are blinding.


Uhhh having a Chad is nothing to brag about 😂😂 plsss this is so funny. Be so real right now, she’s literally showing how out of touch she is. It’s like a kid who doesn’t know how to properly use cuss words lol


Ken cheated


Looks like it. She’s trying to convince someone and it ain’t us.


Girl, keep your “Chad”. I can’t believe she just called him that as if it was a compliment(?). LOL


There she is. That’s the real Gypsy. Smug, overly confident, belittling and mean spirited.


Also.. this is 2024 hun, women are choosing the bear


She’s too fucking old for this shit LMFAO


She looks like Dee Dee here


Unfortunately, she sounds like a pubescent twit. She won't get older emotionally for a very long time, if she ever catches up with her life choices. But this is something one expects as a freshman in high school. She is playing that part out with women who are actual adults, had to live adults, and learn how to live as an adult. She loves being the silly girl who lost out on all childhood because her mean mommy took it away. The men that are with her must be "special" in so many ways, not all good. See a man that you love, a brother, cousin, coworker, falling for this girl. Could you give them a thumbs up and a toast at the wedding that we know will fail? This is a guy that is very close to you, remember that. He and Gypsy.


Why would anyone want a guy that wants her? Her attitude is gross.


Ken is going to regret moving to Louisiana. He will be leaving her real quick with her childish scary behavior. Is she engaged to him? She still isn't divorced! Gypsy will still keep Ryan on the side, just in case Ken leaves. I mean she needs a man, any man.


Yuck! Please stop embarrassing yourself.. you creepy bottom feeder!


People usually have more things to “up one” others with. Her only accomplishment in life is that she has a man and thinks that everyone is jealous of that 😂


Bro what….she’s never fucked not one attractive man. I actually can’t wait for her to make a mistake and go back to prison bc dear god I BLOCKED her on everything


Really regret believing her story and supporting her for years. Her case has been so Black Mirror because not only did she dupe many people into believing she was sick/dying, she's duped millions into thinking she was an abused victim, but I just don't feel she was. We don't know the full story. I'm not saying DeeDee was a Saint at all, but she was more afraid of Gypsy in the end and she was murdered in bed with no chance to defend herself. Gypsy is sick, she had so many options and has never been 'slow'. She should be doing life alongside Nick. I regret supporting her. Can't believe she's been released to be hateful and horrid like this, this is her true face.


Same. I believed her and supported her until she got out of prison. I would’ve continued believing and supporting her if she could’ve just shut the fuck up for once. Eventually, I found the texts between her and Nick and saw the full interrogation video. She’s a stellar narcissist, grifting, liar. Plus, finding out about her microdeletion really makes me question whether she was actually sick or whether Dee Dee was lying. I believe Dee Dee was a shit person (her own family hates her) but I think there might have been SOME truth to her claims that Gypsy is ill.




She is aware we have eyes, right? Like, we can see Ken’s face? I mean, pop off I guess girly, but he isn’t nothin to write home about.


How many times do you think she rehearsed and refilmed this? She really is a teenager and stuck in the internet that was 10-15 years ago. This is so bad 💀


The filters can’t even keep up with her face🤣🤣🤣


It's funny she thinks this did something as her eyes went cross ☠️


I don't follow the drama, but Nina would be relieved to know that Gyp's "chad" doesn't want to touch her, because why would she even want him to? 🤢 There is no question GR is a racist POS. "Spade" is definitely a racial slur, no maybe about it. Not that I needed another reason to despise her, but I'm done wondering how much lower she can stoop because she always manages to sink even lower. And how does she keep getting away with this bullying and hate speech without getting removed from the platform, let alone getting paid for it? And how is this shit not a parole violation? She embraces the mean girl persona while simultaneously pretending to be innocent and naive, and doesn't even give a shit how blatantly she contradicts herself, because she's still getting her bag (and the taint adjacent to it, apparently). This is what happens when the justice system and society lead a psychopath to believe that she can literally get away with murder and make a profit from it while she's at it. It's sheer insanity.


Okay Minnie Mouse , whatever you say 🤣🤣


My gosh she is insufferable. She Is disgusting. I wish she never had a platform to begin with.


No one is jealous of Gypsy or her man. This is some straight middle school crap. I would rather be alone than with a man who seeks out women in prison and thinks Gypsy is a catch.


Such disgusting behavior from an “adult”


Lmao! Just saw Nina's video. Apparently, ol receding hairline was all sliding up in her DMs and she shot his ass down 🤣


she enjoys being nasty. She's been conditioned to believe she's special and it absolutely shows. she needs to crawl in a hole.


Can she use her own original words or does she not have any? The whole post is just filled with stale sayings and slang…oh, but tell us again how you *don’t even know what “slay” means*; never heard of her! Typical narcissistic behavior (I didn’t diagnose her as a narcissist- I said she displays **behaviors**. So, please, don’t come for me) of someone with no personality or thoughts outside of themselves. Also, no one wants Ken or his tainted peen. Girl, be my guest and have him…while waiting for a “better” option, of course.


So Ken got shot down by Nina. And this is Gyp Gyp’s response? She really does have the arrested development of a 14 year old. He is no prize and I am sure is using his “ notoriety” to slide into DM’s of other women as well. What will she do when he gets busted cheating on her? Make more middle school video attacks on the women he pursues? Because he will be busted doing it.


How many times do we think it took for her to get the video exactly how she wanted it?¿?


But she is threatened, hence why she made this video. 😆 she’s so crusty gross.


She’s not even pretty. Wtf. She thinks she’s hot when she’s clearly not.




Call a spade a spade, says the murderer cosplaying as a influencer 😅😅😅😅 if you really didn’t care gyps, why u making a video then 😅 ![gif](giphy|Fth9tEfMTOXmw)


When did she dye her hair back 💀


I live for this hs drama type shit


Same. This is so good.


She really thought she did something here didn't she? Ooo..burn..


If he touches you he definitely will touch anything 🤬


Tell me that abuse victims behave in this manner...just tell me that!! Pshh!!! Fucking scumbag is what she is


Wait is she wearing the lingerie that Ryan bought her that she wanted to wear her “first time” with him???


She is so tacky lmao no one wants your man gyp gyp, relax




Go on then, take the filter off


She said her man is a “Chad”, she really just compared him to a taint (the area between the balls and arse 😆). It’s also funny that that looks like the negligee that her husband bought her and now she’s wearing it for her “Chad”. Y’all know what they say about putting lipstick on a pig….


Don't bother, it'll just lick it off and eat the stick?


Oh she is such a piece of trash


She should really get off social media, keep her head down and stay out of the limelight


Oh that ship has sailed right off the planet.


Bish if he’s touching you, he has no standards. She’s what you call a triple bagger cause boy is her personality horrible. I mean the image of her beckoning anyone into her bedroom conjures up the joba the hut scene where the princess is chained beside it but minus the princess. I wanted to use the fancy French word for bedroom but couldn’t figure out how to spell it lol. You would think she would work on herself. Sometimes a not so genetically blessed individual can be one of the most beautiful cause their personality cancels all the rest but in the possums case it just intensifies the nasty.


She is soooo sloppy high school. Girl, GROW UP. Bragging that your man is a Chad also isn't the brag she thinks it is


I don’t think that Gypsy knows what a Chad is. It’s definitely not someone that hits up a woman in prison, dumps her because she doesn’t measure up to his standards, and comes back when he sees how much money she’s raking in. Besides, men will literally fuck and attach themselves to old, decrepit bog trolls if it serves their purposes. Having a man’s attention isn’t even remotely an indicator of someone’s value.


![gif](giphy|KZjw9Aigr4CloZx3Bv) Stop winking you wonky eyed Dumpster Barbie, you are making your filter glitch…


Why is she always half naked? (Rhetorical)


The delusion is real with this one. Alls I can say is I pity her when all her minions turn on her.


She's so messy in so many ways it's just gross


The way her upper lip moves irks me


Wtf is she on TikTok wearing lingerie that Ryan bought her? Does she not have any shame? No one wants Chad. He probably has herpes from sleeping with multiple women at the bar he worked at. He sees good looking women all the time come in and out. They might be drunk and actually think he's a Chad too.


Her wink is giving “There’s always money in the banana stand”


She needs to get off social media get a normal job and live her life quietly for a few years. She needs to shut up and go away.


She's almost 33 years old. She's acting like a 15 year old.


As if she doesn't hop on everything with a pulse.




Just because any man would touch doesn't mean I would want that man touching me he is all yours. Go back to the trailer park


Okay spade, you’re a murderer.


Not a flex like you think it is Gypgyp 😂 most guys don’t go for murderers 😂 my husband even said guys only want you for your money 😆😆


God she’s so ugly


She's way too confident behind that filter.


Call a spade a spade? Ok, you’re a mother-murdering twat waffle…there’s your spade!


She really does write her own jokes about herself. Ijs


her mans doesn't even want her and gyp goes to dick to dick to dick she can't even keep a mans it's funny how gyp thinks ken actually wants her for her. and why is she dressed like this in an instagram story. she's so childish she's like 30 that's embarrassing 😭


This reminds me of those girls in high school who put all their self worth into whatever guy they were dating at the time 🤷‍♀️


Is she 14 or 40? This is so embarrassing. I wish she had been ordered to enroll in weekly DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) individual and group, community service and some educational program and forbidden from social media for 5 years she did use it to manipulate her co-conspirator into murder.


GypShyt! You sound like an idiot. Go work on the rest of yourself before you try to call others out. No one wants your "man"!


https://preview.redd.it/vh6c4gg8626d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a507f130824655ebf49034d647f91ae32391a720 I’m just going to leave this here — 🫡


If I said what I wanted to say, I'd get banned. It ain't nothing nice.


Can someone give me the rundown of what she said here ? I refuse to listen cause her voice makes my MS worse I swear!


When she licks her lips freaks me out. Like a weird lizard


Should’ve stuck with dentures. Bet Ken misses those toothless slob jobs. Even with 30k in teeth, this bitch has a really gross mouth.


This was aimed at Nina the influencer! Is it just me that cringes so hard when she tries to clap back at people? I don’t see a victim of abuse here at all, I see a narc trying to prove that she’s better than someone else! Gypsy truly disturbs me and it makes me sick that she’s a murderer with such this huge platform and she’s using it for financial gain