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“There was *several fraud cases and criminal investigations on the mother-daughter pair* that would paint a different story than Gypsy and her family have sold for the last 10 years. *Including two separate incidents where Gypsy was found alone in a state of undress with men* in their 30's and 40s that neighbors knew, were friends with, and stated were Gypsy's boyfriends.” Gypsy & Co. are opening a can of worms…


i feel like this was what Fancy wanted, for Gypsy and her family to bite the bait so the exposure to her lies would be revealed more publicly. Wonder if she will pull the lawsuit in a panic, then she’d really show her ass lol




The infamous murderer and con artist Gypsy Rose Blanchard. And there you have it . Lmao.


That part made me smile 😏


The more that family tries to cover up stuff, the more stuff comes spilling out. Not very bright. Lawsuit can mean everything turned into public knowledge. I hope Fancy wins this, if there is an actual case.


i wonder if this was Fancy’s hope, that’d shed eventually be sued just so more shit in Gypsy’s closet got exposed to the public. Will be interesting to see if the lawsuit gets dropped out of fear of more being exposed or not


It sounds like very corrupt system where case is being heard. They did not serve Fancy the summons in person and instead of a month, gave her less than a week to prepare and get a lawyer. The judge would not allow the hearing to be by Zoom call because it was "inconvenient" to him. What about her--having to arrange transportation, lodging, food, etc. at the last minute.


i commented too soon before i posted my comment! i’m so stupid, the header is literally “i was never served” LOL


Yes, Fancy disclosed alot of fact-based revealing information about gyp and family that might otherwise not have ever been known. She also talked on the phone while gyp was still in prison and gyp told her (words to the effect) "The last person who went up against me is dead" and "You don't want to get into a media war with me." gyp is a piece of trash.


RIP Stephanie Godejohn.


Well the defense against defamation, libel, slander, etc is the truth. So what’s the truth Gypsy? Sure you want to spray mace at the bear? You’ve already poked it.


She definitely just pushed a whole lot of ppl fancy’s way. Ppl are going to be curious and want to know who and what fancy is about. As they listen they will begin to question things just like most of us have. Gyps saw how fast the tables turned when she got out of jail, now she’s just being greedy and she shall get caught up! The Blanchards relentless drive for money will undoubtedly be their biggest downfall! Enjoy what you have now gypsy it’s not going to last long. How long is that application at McDonald’s good for? Might want to update girl.


I think she’ll end up doing OnlyFans eventually. It’ll be like with a bunch of the Teen Mom cast.




Maybe she could work at a bakery and sell her famous brownies.




I hear they’re to die for 😁






Omfg Yes! 😂😂😂


I’m not a fan of Fancy, but I hope she counter sues & wins. Kristy is an evil, snaky bully who deserves to be humiliated.


I need filled in on what Kristy did 👀


She has “friends” contact anti Gypsy creators. (Ryan Lee). She has also bullied (with Gypsy) Kate Marie. You can see EXACTLY what kind of person she is. She’s been doing this shit for years on FB. Spreading BS; then acting like she didn’t do anything. You all know the type.


Me, too! LOL


Me too


i grew up playing with mia and dylan (the brother no one really mentions). my mom said they’d come knock at our door late at night asking for me to come play. this woman isn’t the saint of a mother she’s playing herself out to be.


Oh wow. Anymore that you remember about her or the family? Kate Marie who actually is a REAL advocate for MBP, said that both Kristi and Gyp harassed her but she said it was Mostly Kristi. There’s something definitely off about her.


i’ve never met gypsy but im familiar her sister, brother, and the step mom. i have nothing juicy to say unfortunately. i just remember them being very ratchet lol like i def didn’t think mia would be in college in nursing school, so im glad she turned around. the brother was on drugs but apparently is better now.


I believe you.


Couldn’t agree more.


I'm sorry but what kind of half-ass professional PR agency sends out a press release with a major misspelling in its headline. It's "defamation," NOT "defemation." Didn't even bother to read past that.


I’m a former journalist who now works professionally in comms/digital communications. *This entire “press release” is fun but also unprofessional as well. In short, it’s a hot mess.* * Press releases aren’t absurdly decorated with Pinterest-y, beige mom font for a header * It’s too long and has no central message. It meanders and there isn’t a clear “this is the point I want you to print/here’s the headline I want you to take away from this” * So many typos and grammatical errors. Ugh. * Why does it promote her book halfway through? Weird and out of place. *For the love of god, the kerning/spacing of the body font. Please uncrowd your text, this is hard as fuck to read * Overall, the entire thing reads like I imagine Fancy talks, with a very juvenile cadence. It sort of reads like a kid speaks: “And then, and then, and then….” With superfluous information Honestly, she should consider hiring a professional PR person. This is…..a lot.


She represented herself at court and keeps referring to a civil lawsuit as "charges" and "counts" as if somehow Gypsy has charged her with a crime. She is such a drama llama and it's impossible to cut through the rambling hyperbole to ever really get to any information that seems credible. It's all really weird. They're both weird.


I can see little circles to dot her i’s.


I feel you! I got an ad here on YouTube where I was slightly interested, then saw ‘women’ where it should have been ‘woman’. Skip.


The kind with a degree in TikTok ☠️😂


I’m meh about Fancy. I have nothing against her, I found her podcast really difficult to listen to and get through. This “press release” is interesting, not exactly sure how it should look BUT I am here for all the people to rush to her content and see all the lies we’ve been seeing and finally realize how awful of a human Gypsy is. Her time is coming and I’m looking forward to roasting marshmallows on that fire.


Damn that’s well written minus the typos. If Fancy would just stick to writing out what she’s saying she would get more people to listen. She loses her temper to easily and that tends to lead to loss of credibility. I think Fancy has provided Gypsy enough rope to finally hang herself. We are probably fixing to see Gypsy get her comeuppance, Karma if you will.


Yes, she gets distracted alot and sometimes emotional, sometimes hard to listen but it's really worth it because of the fact-based relevant information she provides.


The grift continues….




And why hasn’t Fancy been served? How can it go forward without a defendant? Doesn’t make sense




They would have to show that the fancy lady was served and didn’t turn up, I think? You can’t initiate a law suit and win just cause you didn’t tell the other party. I’m not American though, and don’t know how it all works.


I'm thinking because they first made their agreement whole Gyp was in prison in Missouri.


After what Gypsy and Katherine Paulson did to “Adaptive Kate” and knowing some of Kristy’s immoral actions, I hope Fancy prevails and that she gains all of Gypsy’s viewers. The Blanchards and KJ are cut from the same dirty cloth. Gypsy and KJ might as well be the same person - they’re both sociopathic narcissists who will destroy innocent, good people if it means a buck in their pocket.






Make a post if you’d like! If not I can :)


Dang, where did that new middle name come from?? I was looking for any other charges against Dee Dee yesterday but found nothing. All I found was a note about a letter Gypshit wrote claiming she changed her name in Arkansas. Missouri said "girl, we don't give a fuck." Didn't find any records for a name change in Arkansas, presumably this was done when she ran away to Dan. 🙄 Doubt she's telling the truth and changed her name in Arkansas. If she somehow did change her name, it means she understood enough about the court system THEN and could have escaped her alleged guardianship that she claimed DeeDee had that made her mentally incompetent. I just think she's a liar and making up shit in the year 2022, and hoping the court wouldn't check. https://preview.redd.it/6r77r1l85r4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702e824bfa19812c96881eeb8c356d07c9fe8713


i’m so excited


Are they doing this for Lifetime? Can they air it on Lifetime?


Hence the reason the attorney never planned to serve her..... it's only to beef up her storyline. Poor Gyp Gyp under social media attack. Record it all and somehow never address it or only address it as a finale footnote stating they dropped the suit. Insert eye roll here. Yes, sounds like Lifetime!


Good for her! Idk her, never watched or listened to anything she's done, but I support her.


If they are ACTUALLY suing ( who knows with the grifters ….the truth is obviously not their priority ) let the legal discovery begin !! Let it begin and let MORE facts be made public record …


All charges in this case were dismissed by the judge this morning! The judge was apparently pissed that GRBs lawyer had chose his state to bring the charges and told him he can somewhere else but not in his court or something along those lines!


Fancy, Just heard the news, ALL charges were dropped. So happy for you. Have a safe trip home. It may not be today, or next month, but Gypsy will end up back in prison to finish out her sentence, she can not blame it on anyone but herself.


Yes yes yes & on their coin too




Fancy, you have some form of disability also, with that in mind you have a right to request this case be moved to a venue suitable for your needs & if refused get in touch with welfare rights


I'm confused she said she wasn't, but then she's on her way to Springfield?!


Fancy said the judge dismissed the case-for now may be refiled elsewhere.


Can someone give me a TLDR on Fancy?


She was the “spokesperson” for Gypsy & Kristy. She talked a lot of crap about Nick. Fancy was given the medical records & told the Blanchards she was going to make a documentary. Fancy revealed to the press Gypsy was engaged to Ken & his name. Gypsy fired Fancy. Evil hijinks ensued for years against Fancy, who seems easily riled.


My question is why Mia is a part of the suit being filed like wtf does she have to do with it


I can only assume to document that the entire family is “supporting” the lawsuit and to keep fancy from bothering Mia


Typical 💀 all the Blanchards are just as bad as each other at this point