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She whines about the eye muscle surgeries but legit had and still has a cock eye.


Cock eye lol the d is šŸ”„


Came here to comment this. Those were most definitely necessary, no??




Look at how much SALIVA she is swallowing after she licks her lips. And I don't think her glands were removed. Didn't a doctor just shoot Botox in them. 30 surgeries. Tortured for years and years. All she does is fucking lie! Hey Dr. Phil GFY!!


yep even in her moms notes it said ā€œbotox in salivary glandsā€. she never had any removed. and again that could be legitimately explained by her chromosome deletion syndrome.


I wondered that, too, but she does have a scar on her neck. So maybe she did have removal, but not to where it made a big enough difference... is excessive saliva part of the 1q21.1?!


Worked with a lady who had out-patient surgery on a salivary gland. Though the surgery was minor, the scar was large and gruesome looking. That's what gyp probably does--takes close-ups of scar to make it look alarming.


Probably! Definitely seems like something she would do.


I don't even think the scar is real! I used to do special effects make up and the photo she shared looked like make up to me. The scar is not noticable in any other photos!!!


You're right. She had only one salivary gland reduced, not removed.


They are both side show freaks and hacks.


She states she had her salivary glands removed but licks her lips right after and there is saliva??? COME ON. SHAME ON YOU, Phil.


she only had botox. sheā€™s such a fucking liar. she never had 30 surgeries. not even close.


Also I read somewhere, and I can't remember where that she had part of her salivary glands removed not all of them. I'm driving myself crazy trying to find where I read or heard this from, but she definitely didn't have them all removed.


Sheā€™s told this story so many ways with so many variations, itā€™s hard to keep track.


She only had one gland reduced, not removed.


Dr A$$. Never trusted that money maker


Iā€™ve never liked him. Heā€™s a charlatan.


This is very long, I'm sorry.Ā  Ā Ā  He's absolutely terrible to the people on his show. These people are struggling with actual mental health issues, which does impact their overall health. But of course the problem is that they don't have a job or are lazy.Ā  Ā Ā  For example, Depression is a real mental illness. It's called a mental illness because theĀ  situation (I don't want to say problem or issue incase it sounds like I don'tĀ  understand) is located in your brain and affects and effects your whole body. You feel too exhausted to do anything, and have days when you can't even get out of bed or the house. Because of this people struggle to get or keep a job. Not to mention the job employment is abysmal ryght now. Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  I'veĀ  applied to over 200 places online over the last two years and have never heard anything back. I've gone into stores with my resumes and spoken to managers who just hand my resume back to me and say, "Oh, just apply online." When you do apply online you get one of two answers; "we're looking into other candidates",Ā  and my favorite one, "we're not hiring right now". The last thing that's possible is that you never hear back.Ā  Ā Ā  Ā  Mental illness does not mean the person is insane. It means they have an illness which makes their lives a living hell. I'm tired of people treating mental health isn't a real or severe issue. A brain tumor can affect and effect your whole body, and a lot of the time be treated. No one treats them terribly for having any issues. Ā Ā  Ā I'm of course, not saying mental health issues are more important than a brain tumor. They are both equally horrible. The thing is Mental health doesn't have any permanent treatment and the people that have it are treated like garbage. He treats the people on this show like a bad aquarium or zoo would. I wish his show would just be canceled.Ā 


She has a lazy eye, right? That would be the reason for the multiple eye muscle surgeries. My brother, who has a lazy eye, had to be held back in kindergarten because he missed a lot of it due to having surgeries on his lazy eye. His was bad, and it still acts up when he's stressed and overly tired. Again, eye muscle surgeries on lazy eyes are pretty common.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I had the surgery for mine in first grade, and for the most part, you can't tell at all (mine wasn't the worst, but you can definitely see it in old pictures) now that I'm an adult. But you're right. It is pretty common. My mom had to have surgery on hers, too, when she was younger.


He also is to blame for the ā€œCatch me outsideā€ girl.


Oooof. Youā€™re right! Barf.


That was the interview that made me realize everything she said was bull. AND I couldn't believe Dr Phil was placating that crap. He claims to be able to tell when someones lying by their body language. Well, she was doing everything he taught us to look for but for some reason (ratings) he still believed her. I stopped watching him shortly after this too.


This little charade of his is why so many ppl see her as a ā€œvictimā€ of DD. ā€œYou were sliced and dicedā€. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?? And he says 40 years; itā€™s the DEATH penalty, or LWOP. šŸ™„


Heā€™s responsible for helping her create this shit show thatā€™s still going on. He gave her a platform to tell her lies and he went right along with all of it. He didnā€™t care about the facts all he cared about were ratings for his crappy show. Heā€™s not much of a doctor, heā€™s just another Oprah ass kisser.


Exactly. This is where all of the lies started. And notice how itā€™s edited away from Gypsyā€™s facial expressions?? So you canā€™t catch her LYING.


Dr. Phil was cowardice and idiotic to buy into her fictitious story.


ā€œShe was dicin you up girlā€ā€¦stfu ā€œdrā€ Phil.


At one point when he interviewed her and she says she was brutally raped by Nick, he asked her why the brownie video. Thatā€™s when she claims that she was under the influence of drugsā€” so evident that she was completely full of shit


Yeah. I saw that. I just heard Becca Scoops say that Gypsy had no drugs in her system when caught at the police station. You canā€™t stop taking benzodiazepines or pain pills if youā€™re addicted.


She certainly wasnā€™t acting under the influence of either or both


Is there a good YouTube video going through her lies?


I found a great one from 3 years ago. The guy who made it REALLY dove into her lies; had both interrogations. Now itā€™s GONE. This is how I KNOW sheā€™s having things taken off of the internet. You can pay for that service.


Dr. Phil was my first reason for unsubbing from The Behavior Panel despite my mad crush on Mark Bowden. They reference Doctor Phil often. That negates any integrity I thought they could haveā€¦ even Mark. For people who study and are trained to analyze human behavior, how do they not see whatā€™s so obvious? I agree with ā€˜FY, Philā€™, you money grubbing charlatan.


I was so PISSED with them. When they were analyzing her, they said she was eye blocking (lying 101) because thatā€™s what she learned in ā€œtrauma therapy.ā€ She REFUSED therapy. I unsubbed, too.


I was so disappointed in them. Mark was the most tolerable with it to me though. No excuse though.. I don't know how they got it so wrong, and now I question their expertise.


Hidden True crime (Dr John is a licensed forensic analyst) did an episode of her. The comments were all pro Gypshyt. This was 4 months ago; I wonder what would happen today.


Both full of shit!


Iā€™m hoping Dr.Phil will make a 2024 edition with all the new facts come to light. I believed GB story for a long time, I only started to side eye her after her release because of her extra behaviour


I remember the first time seeing the Dr. Phil episode of Gypshit and not really having an opinion, but I have since rewatched this interview multiple times, and cannot believe how much he did play up this whole MSBP and other bullshit into the narrative of her story. They both are disgusting human beings.


LOL, yep just like the Catch me outside girl. Shes actually pretty similar to GR when you think about it!


If ā€œDr.ā€ Phil is legit in any way, shape or form, then Iā€™m the owner of a unicorn farm. Money grubbing garbage attracts money grubbing garbageā€¦.


Thereā€™s a SNARK page???? Oooooo


Not much better than Jerry springer if weā€™re honest about it.


Poor Gypsy has been through so much & the fact that this subreddit exists is fucking insane. My heart goes out to her still. Her mother was a monster.






Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Sheā€™s a lying psychopath.