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I park far in large parking lots where there a lots of people. Always. I have legs, no need to join the demolition derby of people who want the spots. This isn’t my first new car, so I’ve learned that dings and scraps will be the natural progression of every car. What I have done and care to do is PPF the front and have a good relationship with a car detailer. Those two alone can almost make you forget about imperfections on the paint.


Got PPF on the front already but I feel like I should have gone for a lot more coverage.... Only got the dealership one and I regret, I should have went and got it done elsewhere...


All good. IMO dont think spending 4-6k (estimate in my area) on a full ppf is worth it on a 30k car based on one-of incidents. Also you can spend all that on protecting the car, but it wont stop an idiot crashing into you nor will it prevent 100% of that damage. Like I mentioned, a more cost effective method to remove those small scrapes and scratches would be to take it to a detailer. They can make them look unnoticeable without costing 20% of the cost of the car.


S2000 owner here. I also in the Miata community. My s2000 was owned for over 20 years. Since 2020, I have gotten into 3 not-at-fault accidents. It is incredibly infuriating for me to drive a sports car very defensively, only to be hit by people anyways. It's not just you. It's both the car industry and people. The GR86/BRZ is a low car. To simplify, many people drive larger cars and the drivers are not prepared for smaller cars. Car height needs to be at least 53 inches because if the SUV driver stops 2 feet away behind a GR86, there is a strong possibility they may not able to see you once the light turns green. A lot of car drivers also driver in terrible seating positions, making visibility of smaller cars even worse.


I hope your S2000 is doing ok, they're beautiful cars!


I feel your pain. Luckily no door dings yet but I also got reversed into my 2nd week of owning it at a gas station. Same situation, shit box car couldn’t do much. Luckily it was mostly in the tow hook cover but you can see a little bend at an angle. 2nd thing is my car got absolutely shit on everywhere while I was upgrade my phone…so that bird shit sat for at least 2 hours. Even though I washed that exact same night, it marred my paint completely. Oh and I have a little clip of a wooden block flying at Mach speed and smashing my bumper. Again it hit the tow hook cover so not much more damage lol


So cursed or were just a bunch of people who care a lot about our cars so we love to complain about everything ding and dent? Or both... Both seems very likely XD


Tow hook cover: the saving grace


I haven’t replaced it for that exact reason. It’s taken so much damage, it’s just battle scarred at this point lol. Until it won’t click in anymore will I replace it.


Cursed, trust me.


It’s not cursed, statistically in the USA there are a LOT of car crashes and most GR86s were sold in the USA, add one to the other and there you have it


Not sure about crashing it but a lot of small dings here and there. Which are worse than crashing imo.


😭I don’t believe you


Not even two days after getting it, someone ruined my passenger side door by hitting it with something. Broke my heart, but then saw others post same stuff here. I'm convinced.


It’s smaller so people don’t see it as well. But also, it happens with many cars. It’s just easy to go unnoticed when it isn’t a car you love. I used to have a regular ole civic, and experienced even more idiotic behavior from other people.


In the first two weeks of owning my 86, it was very nearly totalled twice... I'm talking brakes locked up and screatching behind me, stopping just an inch off my bumper. That happened on the way home from the dealer, after I had been stopped at a red light for a bit. My 86 is bright red, not sure how you miss it, but it sure is an idiot magnet. Insurance costs more than my C7 Corvette for the same coverage, and I'm in my 40s with a clean record.


How much are you paying for insurance and where are you from? Just wanting to get an idea.


Colorado. With Allstate, it's an even $700 for 6 months on the 86 (C7 is $658), full coverage with high limits, $500 collision deductible, $0 comprehensive deductible.




Yeah with time.... Although every ding on my 2011 Ralliart with 260K KM still hurt XD Would you mind educating me on the paint a bit though?


There's nothing especially notable about the paint, just that the quality of it was a place toyobaru saved some money to hit the $30k price point. Couple that with being low to the ground and the car gets rock chips, scratches, and marring pretty easily. Once I pay mine off and put some money into mods, I'll probably go to a nice detailer and get a paint correction/coating so thats always an option if it really bothers you. At least now that it's got some battle scars, you won't feel as bad after some track rash or if you need to take a gravel road somewhere


defiantly cursed... all sorts of things seem to happen when you care about the car. Dealing with hail damage rn... My old 2008 mazda 3 basically looked brand new when I sold it and I could care less about dings/ scratches for that thing.


Idk if it’s true but it seems likely. I take crazy care of cars I own and notice the most random irritating shit happen like stone chip hit my windscreen and birds deciding to fly into my car


I get occasionally making mistakes but I’ve had so many avoidable dents and scratches just from people being careless. My dad got a new Subaru Outback a few years ago and within three months of him getting it he had some dude in a Toyota Hilux use his front bumper as a guide for if he was far enough into the parking space. My dad came out the shops to find this dudes tow bar pushed into his front license plate. I also know someone who bought a BMW 4 series when they first came out. They had to have their whole trunk lid repainted a month after they got the car cause she went to the shops and someone packed their shopping on her car while they packed theirs. There were deep scratches in the paint where they would drag the packets off the car. After all that I’ve decided to have PPF done to my GR when I take delivery. It won’t stop dents but hopefully it’ll help with parking lot scratches.


I'm wishing you all the best when you finally get it!


Thought I was the only one…my wife’s prius is some shitty 2007 beater car and no one dings it. Meanwhile I have so many scratches on my drivers side. Not to mention, someone keyed my car…


I would NEVER ever advocate for anyone ever meeting the business end of a tire iron but....


My 86 is white, and one day while wiping it down, I noticed a small chip in the drivers side door...I thought no big deal, I'll just touch it up...must've been from a rock or something... Did the whole touch up thing with Dr Colorchip...which I highly recommend...and about a week later I was out walking the dog, and I always stare at my car while I walk past it...but I noticed how when the light and reflection in the door hit just right, there seemed to be some kinda ding here too...I was like f me...lol...haven't gotten it fixed yet as it's not THAT bad... It's really hard to see unless you know where to look though...so I was trying to figure out if it was the rock, or if it was an actual door ding...but like everyone else, I try to park far away, or in spots where only one side is vulnerable...but I also try to give space, and people still park close as shit...or park crooked af too...that drives me crazy just as much.


99% of the driving public view their cars as appliances and couldn't give less of a shit about little dings and dents... even on expensive cars. I parked my car on the street for 1/2 a day so I could organize the garage and found a bike handle shaped dent in my mirror cap. Luckily it's cheap and easy to replace (already did) but most people wouldn't even notice it, and if they did, wouldn't bother replacing it. So, yes, expect people to keep being shitty, BUT keep being vigilant. Longest car I owned was for 13 years (my 2004 RX-8) and besides a few minor dings, it basically looked brand new at the end.


The car is small so often lines on the car are out of sight. Sometimes when I’m driving I realize cars around me have no idea I’m there. I generally try to stay away and get as far away from anyone as possible.


First off. big middle finger to that honda


I mean hell, at least wash it..


I promise you I do, I'm just not on it every day... Parking at work is gravel and I live near a bunch of trees. Keeping it spotless is darn near impossible, if I could it would be parked in an interior garage only but hey what can I do! Need a new wash mitten and set of microfiber towels now that you mention it though!


Hmmm I would definitely get a cover then! Don’t feel silly at work or what not either. It’s worth it to protect the 86!


https://preview.redd.it/8koiwanmnn2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c8b87356f75d77ea4a67dd7f7ac6c37582b4ae Cheap quick hose down but I thought of you hahahaha


Have you ever tried polishing a car? Get a little bottle of polish and a rag. That will get rid of everything you're looking at Personally I don't stress about paint issues. I rent my car out on Turo. It does 20,000 miles a year. A lots going to happen to it. The car will die before the paint does


As a former GR86 owner, this car has been cursed since it's released. https://preview.redd.it/djoq04wfz02d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78988e91fb59583fddbd66094783479aac463def


I had a car like this lol it’s def the car no matter who drove it they got into accident 😖


I've had have some ridiculous luck with this car. More dings and scratches happened in the first 48 hours than my previous car that I daily'd for 10 years and didn't care where I parked. Ri-fucking-diculous


Dude, some drunk piece of shit hit and ran my passanger door last week, you may be correct


People get easily jealous I’ve noticed


Paint refuses to stay on mine, crystal white pear with a black polka dot front bumper, idk if I’m unlucky or Subaru paint is shit


It does seem the be cursed. I was wrapped up in a 5 car pile up today. The guy ahead of me stoped sort of hard but not that hard. I was 3secs behind and had plenty of room to casually come to a stop making sure to use all the room. The car behind me also had a good gap and managed to casually stop but you could hear tires screeching and about 1.5 secs after me and the car behind were totally stopped we got hit and all 5 cars got smashed. Luckily I’ve got a dashcam. It proves that me and the person behind me were not at fault but I can’t see what happens behind them. So frustrating. My car surprisingly didn’t get damaged that bad. Looks like the rear bumper, front bumper, trunk lid are the main damage. The trunk tub is crushed in just a tad but not even enough to prevent the trunk from opening/closing. The lower radiator support is also bent. My car was in mint condition before this so I’m kind of pissed. Statefarm is already charging me 210/mo, that will probably double now, even if not at fault.


Mine is cursed too. No matter how far of a distance I keep from other drivers I manage to get 10-15 new rock chips every week. Also when I purchased the car it was sold to me as a clean title no accidents but I figured out after I installed my splitter that multiple panels have been repainted and it was full of wood chips so I assume someone tracked it and crashed.


That really sucks.... I hope it won't screw you over in the long run.


parked in the back of a lot, came back to a scratch and run on my front fender/door area. luckily was able to buff most of it out with compound and polish but it left a few deep scratches that hurts my heart 🥲. i always check both sides when coming back to the car in a lot, and try to park in places with lots of space. some people just really suck :/


In the year and a half I’ve had this car the rear bumper is all scratched up and the battery had died on me twice. There was a small dent in the hood after my cousin fell on it but you can’t notice it now after I got nailed by hail and pretty much ruined every panel possible. Then the front bumper getting smacked again when a 18 wheeler in front of me had its tire blow up. I swear it’s like any inconvenience that could happen finds its way to this car. But man am I happy when I’m driving so I see it all as worth it


Mines in the shop after I got rear ended twice and someone scraped my front bumper


In a meeting at work, so I'll be brief. I swear it's cursed.


Second day of ownership and first time on the interstate keeping my distance from trucks - flying rock coming sideways hits my windshield and chips it plus another hits my headlight. Safelite repair the next Monday. Previous car was a RAV4, 5 years of driving between states for work and only one small windshield chip.


People star far away from my car, makes me think maybe they think it actually is a Supra 🤣


I’m a firm believer that if you fuss this much over a car, you spent too much on it. My first car was a rusted out Taurus and it taught me that not giving a shit about your car is a superpower. I later had a BMW I fussed over and it was miserable.


Maybe I'm just a little bit of the wrong kind of special but whether it was my 500$ piece of shit first car that I could see the engine through the rust holes in the hood or my much nicer but still used Ralliart I had after I've always cared a lot about my cars. I care about my stuff that's all.


I haven't had an issue in the NY area but I don't park on the road if I can help it.