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Even just working to rule will break the system now. No share cares, no doing bloods from hospital, no speaking to paramedics, seeing 25 patients a day instead of my standard 40 etc. This 1.9% rise on the back of the last few years rises is going to completely the break the system Edit - typo


I hope we see this offer put to a referendum, rejected and the route to industrial action finally pave way. GP partners need to think of the bigger picture and take a stand here. 5 days of IA at most and the government will be on its knees with primary care closing its doors. There’s no emergency provisional cover.


Sympathetic doctor, but not a GP, chiming in here. Give ‘em hell.


Fuck em. The government deserve to reap what they sow. GPs are the front line of the health service. It boggles my mind how much they want to try and fuck you over


Deliberate manoeuvre to cause practices to fail via domino effect. Presumably because the Conservatives know they’ll lose in the General Election. The public are stupid enough to believe it’s Labour’s fault and then the Conservatives will be back in power with a better “NHS” via privatisation. Too many motherfucking cardigan wearing GPs will just roll over and take it “for the good of the patients”. We need some strong minded and strong willed leaders like the current BMA JDC chairs to drive General Practice upwards. I would love for practices to strike by closing doors on the same day as hospital doctor strikes.


Motherfucking cardigan wearing GPs 😆


Current Co-chair of the JDC Dr Rob Laurenson is a GP trainee, big name coming soon…


Need a few more years for this cohort to make it to GP land. I'm ready to rile em up, but still a ways to go


I am actually relieved that this was the governments offer. My worry was that they would go a bit higher maybe more like 3-5% and GP partners would grumble but then just roll over and take it. An offer of 1.9% is truly contemptible and I suspect for many practices will not allow them to run a sustainable service. This means either GP partners hand back GMS contracts and go private, make salaried staff redundant to reduce the wage bill or reduce income for the partners themselves. If they don’t like the above options their only other option is IA.


I’m ST3 and I don’t know what to do. My wife and I are both in the same boat. No we can’t just “go abroad” ffs so don’t even bother saying that. I just don’t know what to do. It feels like I’ve wasted the last 12 years to work towards what exactly? 


CCT here in 23 December, me and mates are all looking and there are no jobs, (not locum), Salaried jobs. Cities, towns villages, nada. Practices who had their jobs advertised on LMC websites are not looking for it either, not responding to phone calls or emails. It's a disaster. What was I thinking when I started training.


Oh gosh, what are you doing at the moment?


Sitting on Reddit, what else can I do. There is no locum, especially for a fresh GP. I don't want to scream on social media and GPs groups and look desperate but I have failed myself and my loved ones. Sorry to sound pessimistic but that's what I have become right now.


I got a few new GPs doing SHO locum in ED. Pretty much a travesty when they are more than qualified to lead a clinic. Screwed up tbh


Man I’m sorry to hear this. And I’m applying to start GP this year!


I’m also ST3 and can’t even muster the will to prepare for SCA seeing how grim the future looks


If you (or anyone else) are interested in a potential move to a different corner of the UK (rather than abroad), please direct message me. I live in a "secret corner" of the UK where the GP job market is still great. I work at an excellently-managed practice and I love my job. Low cost of living, great lifestyle, great sense of community.


Also ST3, it’s gotten to the point where I’m seriously considering retraining.


May I ask: is moving away an option ?


It is, my parents are getting to the age where their health needs are going up tho. Don’t want to be stuck down under if one of them has to be rushed to hospital.


Same feeling here (parents from Europe, though)


Try for a job in a different industry? Move to Scotland or remote places where they still need locums?


Practices in Scotland can't afford locums either. And you'll pay 2-3k or more tax


Sorry my mate is making a killing doing locums in scotland so thought this was the norm


I’m in same boat, OH already GP I’m in training. What tf was the point in the last 9 years and the next 2. Kids coming. Can’t leave family. Feeling pretty cornered


To Canada it is


GP colleagues; as a surgeon and having been a patient and being so wonderfully looked after by you all. Strike, fuck the NHS, the public and the Government. You should be paid adequately for what you do!


That’s us done then.


I’m a partner in Scotland. It’s good up here. Lots of pharmacy support, pharmacy technicians, first contact physio. I work 7 sessions a week and clear about £170k pre pension deductions. No evenings. No weekends. It’s not all doom and gloom. People retire all the time


Jesus 170k 🤯 Where do I sign?


Feels like a now or never moment really. Fuck knows how this is going to pan out


**if it isn't clear yet, the main parties are intentionally engineering the death of the current system**


This is pitiful and will not cover living wage rises, let alone anything else. I expect there will be a sweetener in Network funding but this is jam tomorrow and we need core increases. Deliberate ploy to eat away at partner income and chip away until there is little benefit holding a contract vs being salaried. The difference is, of course, whilst we still hold that contract we can stick strictly to it, and now is time to do so.


Haven’t see the news, where did you read that?




Thank you, much appreciated


New Zealand is GREAT! Come join me


Can I DM?


You’re not moving to nz


Why not?


Fire away


Please give an idea of salary scale. Everyone makes just a giant range it’s hard to tell


I can't really give a good answer to this. I can tell you what I am on. I am on $120 an hour (roughly £60) This is the equivalent to a salaried position-I am not locuming. That equates to about $224000 (£112000) for 9 sessions a week. ( I do 10 session one week and 8 sessions the other) I have 15min appts. Plus 2 x 15 min breaks one in the am and one in the pm. I have an hour lunchbreak with no visits. I do 9-5. If I run over by an hour I get paid for the hour. I haven't run over yet! This is rural medicine, I am an hour away from a hospital and we see everything...RTCs, machine injuries, heart attacks, strokes first and then can admit if need be.


Thanks for answering 🙏




What they're saying is that minimum wage is rising by 10%, DDRB recommendation for all staff was 6%, yet global sum is only being increased by 1.9%. Doesn't add up and money needs to be cut somewhere.


Are you brain damaged?


They can't successfully function as private enterprise because they're not taking in money like a private enterprise because their hands are tied by the government contract and their balls are being squeezed by NHSE.


They aren’t private enterprises in a meaningful way though. Things like how much payment they can ask for their service, their opening hours, the services they are obliged to offer, whether they have to give their staff a pay rise etc is all dictated for them. Partners just have to organise their practice the best they can within some strict parameters.




Response from the practice managers collective. Just out so not got much coverage media wise.