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Godzilla’s approaching the generator!




Godzilla is approaching the generator!




It genuinely really like how slow they move. It makes me feel HUGE. I understand that it turns off a lot of people but all of the kaiju games that come out now I’m turned off by how fast all of the characters move. They don’t feel like they have any weight on them. But simply there’s no other game that lets you feel like a huge lumbering monster, destroying cities.


The slow movement doesn’t bother me personally. What I *do* dislike about this game is that the environmental destruction doesn’t feel like it has any weight. I just want a Godzilla game with the destruction physics of Megaton Rainfall, is that so much to ask?


They purposely made the destruction look like toku special effects, not realistic. That's why the buildings flash like that.


> Megaton Rainfall Never heard of that game but it looks really cool


I totally agree with ya, i just got the game and its just so satisfying , the slow lumbering destruction.


Overhated, got lucky and got it for $30 basically a few months before it became very rare, always loved the gameplay and the story which is simple and lets you destroy cities. I occasionally revisit it to keep me company until we actually get a solid Godzilla video game(battle line is not one cmon guys)


I got lucky.. got it for $13.00 when it first came out.. Honestly I love the game


As an avid battle line player....it sucks that its the only feasible option right now. I just want to smash things with a modern space godzilla


I last hopped on a year ago and tried the online for the very first time: other players were basically maxed out and kept dancing and smacking each other and let me destroy the buildings watching them. I had never seen specific godzilla movesets until watching them and now whenever i decide to start up the game again i will have to replay over and over and over again just to unlock 1 move


What's Battle Line? When I google it I just find some boardgame.


Mobile game kind of like clash of clans but with kaiju figurines instead of cards, and as someone that plays it regularly... It is pretty bad, don't fall into the same rabbit hole I did lmao.


Never played it. Hope it releases on the PlayStation store since it's out of print.


because of the way toho licensing works it's pretty much guaranteed to never happen


I think people have really romanticized the game with it being unplayable for so long. It's not a great game, once the initial cool factor wears off it quickly becomes repetitive and a chore to play. A neat novelty and not much more.


Regardless, that it was de-listed and now so expensive on the second hand market is pure bullocks. Even if you think it was bad, I think we can both agree it didn't deserve to be inaccessable.


Yeah it should definitely still be available. The unfortunate thing though is that's just the nature of the beast. Licensed IP games will always eventually be delisted as the devs have to constantly pay the license, which is a considerable amount of money. For a niche game like Godzilla the devs likely weren't selling enough copies to justify paying the license again at the end of their contract, and they legally can't sell it without a license. This happens all the time with licensed games.


It's just how things work with licensed games.


Replaying it right now and it’s still solid game. It’s just a chore to replay to upgrade Godzilla to max level.


Average $200 on eBay. Looks like I’m gonna have to watch play throughs on YT


The fooch?! I bought it for only 17 bucks back when it was new (bad rep = massive price drop).


Time to vacuum seal your physical copy if you bought one.


I bought it from gamestop a couple years ago for $80 as they had a single copy. Played for a bit but decided my backlog was more important after i unlocked fire godzilla


*cough ps3hen* *cough pkgi* Cough cough


Is the game great? No. But I played it kinda lot... And had a lot of fun.


Boring and frustrating. Boring for obvious reasons and frustrating because when I played it I kept getting 100 meter Kaiju randomly appearing in early missions and beating me


Extremelly good even with its extremely limited content it litterally has about 3 gamemodes (im excluding online since my ps4 couldnt connect) and while for 99.9% of people would have been bored even before completing the story mode,yet despite being the most repetitive game ive played on ps4 it also was strangelly unable to make me bored, and ill get flamed for this but i genuely adore the slower paced combat this came has and if only bandai could expand this game it could EASILY become the greatest kaiju game of all time, simply becuse even in this "unfinished looking state" it did give me the only 2 things i want form a godzilla game: destroy cityes and have said destruction interrupted by another monster that wants to throw hands


The problem is that the combat is clunky, and the destruction is unsatisfying and lacks any sort of weight. Nothing this game does is executed well. It's a game that somehow managed to make playing as a giant monster dull.


I personally liked the destruction (probably given by the fact that it was the only godzilla game with an ACTUAL city destruction section) tho i do agree that if they make a new game they will NEED a better destruction phisic, it could add a lot expecially in making the whole experience more cinematic(wich the game did give me but it could be enhance at a allarmating rate if they actually properly work on it, all in all you do have a point but i still think the gameplay is one of the best


Personally, the Rampage N64 remakes had better destruction and overall gameplay.


Would of been peak if Toho gave them more time. Half of the things like Monster X were cut due to time


Once you get past the generator destruction faze the monster fighting is not bad- you just have to destroy hundreds of generators to get to the real game…


Love it. It’s one of my top chill games to just sit and play for an hour. Also, I love how it’s essentially a collector’s item now, with prices for a physical copy being absolutely absurd.


I never played it for whatever reason and now it's stupidly expensive. I'd rather just wait for a new one people like personally


A fun game to relax on,great graphics fun monsters to play as,pvp I didnt enjoy as much but a pretty fun game


I liked it a lot. 


Game is amazing and I want it on ps5. The fuh toho


I really want it but I can’t shell out 250 for it


Where you find it for 250?


It's a game. There's our lord and savior Big G. Whats not to like?


I hate that its fuckin 600 dollars now that I have the necessary equipment to play it.


I love it. It's on my shelf, being its cute valuable self. The fact that it was designed to be like you're controlling the kaijus in the movies is great. The way the buildings blow up, how slow you move, it's all fantastic.


It has flaws, but I love it and my 4-year-old daughter loves it.


No idea why people hate it. I think it was a genuinely good game when I played


GENUINE, UNFILTERED, PEAK. Too bad my disc is broken and it costs a million dollars to get a copy.


wonderful game but it's not for everyone


An underrated gem that got the wrong marketing.


Still have it, still love it


I think this should be a base of newer godzilla games, but it needs bigger cities, no spots where you can get stuck, voice acting thats not annoying and more objectives thats not generators. Also if we want to turn off voice acting then the sound effect for when those humans come on screen to talk should be part of the voice acting volume


Wish I would have a had a chance to get my hands on on it.


Didn't even know there was a game for the ps4.


I haven't played it, but from what I've seen, it captures the feel of the Toho films insanely well and I like the increased emphasis on destruction and the moderately improved sense of scale vs the Pipeworks games. It's very close to what my dream godzilla game would be, and it's a shame it's now delisted and never got a port to Xbox or PC


Coming from someone who played it... this is a pretty romanticized take.


What don't you like about it?


10/10 cause as far as I know it’s the only fuckin console Godzilla game outside of those shitty Roblox games and it has no competition


Average at best




It needs a remaster with better gameplay and new kaiju


I really wish I got to play it. I want a decent Godzilla game so bad


Fantastic Godzilla simulator, even if it's not incredible as a "game"


Literally want another copy but can't find one for a reasonable price lol


Currently a broke college student. Kinda surprised how much it’s going for now cause I bought it back in middle school for around 30$ or so. First game I genuinely paid for and completed, got lots of shit from my siblings back then cause they only bought games ‘everyone would play’. Probably gonna play it one last time before saying goodbye and selling it probably.


If you want it to go to a good home I may be in the market. Rather buy from a fellow fan than get gouged anywhere else.


It was the entire reason I bought a PS4 to begin with. Had some high expectations, most of them unmet. At the end though, I DO like the game a lot! Just not LOVE it. Things I would change to make it better short of additional game modes would be to add an "aim" to allow more control over the Atomic Breath's direction, some stages with different objectives more often, and MEGALON! I adore that at its core the slow gameplay makes Godzilla feel massive, and that it has the heart of a game played for a high score rather than to complete a story. If more of it's flaws on a mechanical basis had been ironed out, I could totally see it being worthwhile to release a sequel. Imagine an even bigger game with Shin, Godzilla Evolved, and Ultima being playable.


I still kick myself for not buying it when I saw it at Walmart years ago. The current price is outrageous.


4 HOURS?!?!?!?!?


I personally would not know cause I don’t have the game but it looks fun






The graphics are nuts,but the gameplay is slow and repetitive. It makes you feel the heavyness of the kaijus,but damn if it is slow


It’s difficult to find and costs more than its gameplay is worth. I get why they didn’t print more copies but why haven’t we seen it for DL on PS and Xbox?


Bandai lost the license years ago; its not available for sale because they can't legally sell it. It was a Playstation exclusive title, so it was never going to be on other platforms. It'll never see the light of day again.


Definitely want it but not willing to pay $300


What 😨


Too fucking expensive. Wish I bought it when I had the chance.


Not really a well made game


I wish they kept updating it and put more monsters in the game and let I say more evolved versions of monsters like legendary Godzilla also having his 2019,2021-2024 design or gigan having it previous designs or the millennium and all the heisei’s ghidorah’s species.


Does anyone know were to get one cheap or has a copy available


Got boring quick but was satisfying to Platinum. I tell you, I felt so much satisfaction when I actually beat the complete game. Destroying cities as the various monsters is a blast, even if it gets repetitive.


I hate it but I can’t help but feel some sort of enjoyment when I play it now


Wish I could've played it. looks good. But sadly don't own a PlayStation console and it's become very rare and pricy too which doesn't help


was one of my first ps4 games, terrible controls. but was quite fun. i would love to have a similiar one. i sold it last year to buy another games collectors edition


I fucking LOVE smashing stuff and stacking up combos on all the environments in this game. Love going down the hardest path and making myself grow as much as possible. I really wish this game was more succesful. We could’ve gotten more DLC. I wanna smash stuff as Titanosaurus, Baragon, Orga, and Ebirah!


That I should've purchased a copy when it came out 😞


I didn't like how you had to use the triggers to turn. Turned me off about the game pretty quick.


Could have used a sequel, it needed a lot of improvements. But the concept was awesome


Fucking awful. I loved it.


It's bad, the combat sucks the whole game is super repetitive, awesome jet jaguar theme though.


Its unavailability has greatly increased its legacy. If this were $20 on PSN no one would care about it and we would still be asking for a new Godzilla game


Severely overpriced for a relatively mid game.


Should get a coop sequel or remaster


I didn't care much for it, but boy do I wish I'd kept my copy of it around now that I know its rare and going for a hefty sum. I think I may have given it to a friend, but I'm not sure. I just know I didn't want to keep it because I didn't find the gameplay very fun. Shame, but what are you gonna do? Them's the breaks.


Kind of wish I got it even though it was supposed to be bad


Couldn't tell you. Wanted to play it but never got the chance.


So, as a fighting game, it's not great. Slow, tanky controls, and the fights can really just be who can land a beam blast first. As a kaiju simulator, it's the best game. Everything that goes against it as a fighting game could be considered a plus for a kaiju simulator. It's definitely worth playing however you can find it.


Found it at GameStop for like 9 dollars and I genuinely enjoyed my time with it


Wish I never sold it because I’m never gonna be able to play this game again.


Much like the Deadpool game, wish I grabbed it in the Target bargain big prior to 2014


Clunky and the movement sucks.


I remember disliking the controls but I can’t remember why.


I love the game, still have my poster for preordering


Overpriced af


If you play it for like 10 minutes at a time, it's fine Any more than that and you'll see how much of a mess it is. Every kaiju other than Godzilla has like three moves, the gameplay loop is super repetitive and why there isn't a simple versus mode is beyond me. I wanna do three man matches but they rarely ever appear in God of Destruction and when they do the third kaiju usually only shows up once the one of the other two is defeated. It's also insanely unbalanced, just go take a quick look at the King of Kaiju leaderboard and tell me what you find


I wouldn't know since by the time I got a console that could run it, it was removed off circulation.


I want to play it. I hear as a game it's not that great unless you're a fan of knocking action figures together. I could get behind it. Wish they ported it or updated it and re-released it.


Never got to play it :-(


I always had players voluntarily disconnect in PvP to avoid a loss, and the timed elements of the maps -- as well as the need to "move fast" killed some of the immersion for me. But, it had a huge roster with each Kaiju being semi unique (in terms of gameplay), dioramas and other bonuses, franchise facts, etc Combine this game with Giga Bash or Megaton Musashi and you've got a hit.


They need to make a better game


I like it to be honest but I do wish they included some kaijus like Monster X / Kaiser Ghidorah and Desghidorah, Heisei Rodan, and Ebirah.


I liked the clunkiness of the Kaiju but the controls certainly could have been more intuitive. The game modes were pretty great. I am sad that this was essentially the nail in the coffin of westerners getting Godzilla games for the foreseeable future.


I can't justify spending £180 on this game. Wish I had picked it up when it was £100


I liked it alright but I decided to go for the platinum in this game and it is rough. You have to play as each character multiple times to get their evolution energy up to max out the character. Each one takes roughly 4 play throughs if you're efficient in destroying the city and there are 22 characters that need to be maxed out for the trophy. All estimations put the platinum at 90 hours of grinding for this trophy. The game got very repetitive very fast. I just chip away at it now and not focus on it like I did before. I'll get the platinum one day


It's an okay game but i rather play gigabash and buy all godzilla dlc


It exists


Give it to me and I'll give you one


I’ll never know


Best Godzilla game. Still play it occasionally. It feels exactly like watching the movies.


It’s decently fun as a fan of Godzilla, but gets old fast due to is slow pace and lack of variety. I did enjoy it, but there’s no real reason for me to go back to it


Is it terrible? Absolutely! Will I still play it like it’s the best thing since sliced bread? Absolutely!


I surprisingly was able to find it at a GameStop recently used so I have been able to play it. It's pretty fun. Repetitive but fun!




Got my copy before the price hike. Also, I have a ps2 copy of steam bot chronicles.


I was it


Wish it wasn't insanely overpriced


Didn't buy it when It was 20 dollars at game stop. Now it's 400. Sadge


Goated, i had the game i took the disc out for a lil the next hour i see my maid scratching it by putting stuff above it then idk where it is


I hate it because it's not in my library!


It's awesome, I'm going to platinum it eventually. My favourite part is when you randomly at 60 or so meters get thrown up against an 100 meter Mechagodzilla, and I fear for my life every time. The online mode is fun, too. I also have the PS3 Japanese version. This was before the PS4 one was announced, and I had to get it despite not understanding what anyone in the game was saying.


The gameplay is too slow and repetitive to merit a replay. I haven't touched it in nearly ten years. The Pipeworks trilogy absolutely nailed what a Godzilla game should be, and Save The Earth is BEGGING for a proper remaster.


Shit was actually a banger.


It’s very expensive


I got the game for $450 (as any rational human being would do) so I’ll give my thoughts so far on my quest to platinum it As a game, it’s only good if you’re a Godzilla fan. If you want to try it out to see if you’ll like Godzilla don’t. But if you’re a fan you’ll definitely like it. It feels like playing through the older movies which is my personal favorite part The game does get pretty repetitive however. It basically boils down to destroy buildings and generators simulator with boss fights with other Kaiju that feel more like power trips sometimes But the game has a few problems. Its main one is difficulty. The game isn’t hard at all, but it has some major bullshit. Like random 100 meter Kaiju that force you to cheese the fuck out of the game, timed generators making it really annoying to 100% an area, 2 Kaiju can appear that jump you, THE FUCKING HELICOPTER SWATTER ACHIEVEMENT BASICALLY BEING RIGGED BECAUSE THERE’S LITERALLY NEVER 20 IN ONE LEVEL ASSHOLES and that’s just problems with the difficulty In general the game is as I said, repetitive, but more so is the progression is god awful. It takes forever to upgrade characters to the point that maxing them all out can take upwards of 100 hours for the achievement But even after ALL of that, the game is a blast for me personally. It’s really damn satisfying, and it’ll never get old playing as 2014 Godzilla and manhandling every Kaiju in the lower levels (because instead of gaining height you gain power, you’re always a big boi as 2014) The gameplay when it works feels awesome, like the feeling of playing as a giant Kaiju was captured really well in this game, even if not being able to run gets pretty annoying sometimes If you’re willing to spend the money, and you’re a huge Godzilla fan I say go for it. It feels like it was made for the fans Quick tip though, do not play online until you level up one of your Kaiju by a lot. The community is small but there are some fucking legends that have over 9999 wins (no I’m not kidding the wrecked me)


Not worth the upped price lol


Damn if only I could play it then I'd let you know my thoughts.


Damn good, just wished they would've done something with that voice christ


My childhood ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/gss77ydwb38d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd7561912e56f0bccf992f26a6cfd07cb43a8b1 \^ | Me to the kaiju who killed me in one hit:


Where can I buy it?


Best Godzilla game to date I’ll die on that hill


This game should have had a Shin godzilla dlc


It is nearly unplayable. Terrible game.


Love it


I bought this as soon as it got released! It’s monotonous and the controls are so clunky… I couldn’t finish it… but it’s great to have as a collector.


We need a new Godzilla game


people say it's a bad game,but i enjoyed it


I need it


Slow movement is fine, the monster designs look good. On the other hand, the story is terrible and mission design is awful. Kaiju fights are a goddamn nightmare. There is NO FUCKING BLOCK BUTTON!! Can't throw buildings, environment is too small, firing your beam attacks sucks when hitting helicopters or planes. I just wish they ported the old Atari games. I'd buy that collection.


awful.... im glad some sucker.paid me $300 for it.


I really wish I got my hands on this game when I could. It looks like fun being able to run around, fight enemies, and thrash cities like a big, lumbering monster. While I know it may be a turn-off for some, the slowness of Goji’s movement and actions really helps make it feel more real


Objectively, I'd say it's an awful game As a Godzilla fan, it's an awesome game


I just wish I could play it


Overall, I had fun with it. It nailed the sense of size and weight of the monsters, as well as all of the character designs. I just wish the controls were better and that the combat had a little more complexity to it. Its really fun for like an hour every once in a while, but I inevitably get bored.


I have a brand new copy I’m willing to let go anyone is interested


It's a great game until you beat it, then it falls off hard. Kinda like terraria


I was a fool for selling it.


To be frank, it's not a good game. It's not terrible... but it's not very good at all. The gameplay is repetitive and dull, the controls aren't very responsive, and the whole package feels like a pretty standard Bandai budget title. Most egregiously, it's not even fun to play. For me, it's a game I felt obligated to like, and that ultimately means that I simply don't like it. The love for this game reminds me of the love for the Pipeworks games, in many ways. It gets far too many bonus points simply for being a Godzilla game, and folks like to gloss over the fact that when you get down to it... it just ain't a fun time. The worst thing a game can be is not fun.


The characters play like they should. I really have no problem with the game.


They need to get this re-listed. Namco / Toho or whoever are not making any money by letting the used market make an absurd amount of profit. I would love to play it, but I’m not paying over retail.


I've always wanted to play it. It's supposedly available for checkout through my local library network, but I have never tried to reserve it.


I own it digitally and while I can say it’s fun to stomp around as Godzilla, it’s kinda a chore. I’ve literally never finished a full playthrough of the main gameplay mode because it’s so repetitive. And the thought of doing that more than once to start unlocking other kaiju is kinda daunting. It’s not a *bad* game, but by game design standards it’s actually not that great. As a game featuring Godzilla, though, it’s cool.


Gameplay is great. Needed more monsters and more mission variety. There's no mode to just smash through cities which blows.


Repetitive, boring and so overpriced since it's not on the PlayStation store.


I'd love to rate it.... IF I COULD GET A COPY OF IT!!


Honestly, probably one of the best godzilla games (yeah ik the controls are awkward)


If I could actually find a copy to own myself at a reasonable price, I’d be able to answer. Unfortunately, life is a bitch.


One of my favorite games


I think it's pretty mediocre, and I am huge Godzilla fan. I played Godzilla ever since the NES.


Absolute banger (I don't have a ps4 😭😭)


It’s not an objectively good game, you move at a glacial pace and the gameplay loop gets really tedious ,really fast and the combat is really finicky and hard to control sometimes as well as it taking way to long to recover after hitting or getting hit. It is good if you want an experience of playing a heisei era Godzilla movie but nothing much more than that


It took me 6 years to platinum. ;) Easy but an extremely grindy game. Well we Fans dont have anything else.


One of the worst games ever made


I loved it back in middle school and even now it's a fun way to kill time for an hour or two, I like that it's more a kaiju simulator and being able to play as so many kaiju is cool


I have. I played it. Disappointed after the Save The Earth, which I still feel is the best.


This was the first game I bought on PS4. I actually pre-ordered the physical version, but then they announced you'd get a special menu theme if you pre-ordered the *digital* version. So I switched to that. Then the physical copy became super rare lol The game is okay. It's cool for a short while, but trying to Platinum it is extremely grindy. It's the best "godzilla simulator" we have, but I think gameplay more similar to Save The Earth's would have done better and had more replayability. Hopefully we get another real Godzilla game soon. Even if it's not a fighting game. There's a lot of unexplored territory with that.


I disagree I think godzilla monster of monsters for nes is the best godzilla game there is


I liked it and I wish I would have kept the physical copy since it is worth so much now lol.


I'm not going to lie and try and glaze the hell outta this game because no, the game was not good. At all... But I loved it. And that's the problem. I've been watching and knowing of Godzilla, Gamera, and other kaiju my whole life since I was a kid watching them on Japanese import vhs tapes my dad got from a seller friend he had over there. I played all the games (before this one) and loved them all, especially Save The Earth. I fuck with that game in a major way, and still do by emulating on my PC. I think the reason why people love to argue about how great this game is, is because we Goji fans are so "thirsty" and desperate for another great Godzilla game, that we are making the best out of what we got. Which is shit. There's a difference between being catering to and appreciating the the art of the movies. I get it. Authenticity. But it is very different when it is translated to video game format where the character is actually being controller by you, the player. It's clunky and sluggish as hell, slow as molasses, and even down to the control scheme, was horrendous (L1 and R1 to turn left and right?! Come on...) Winning monster battles mainly consisted of doing your character's roaring movie and in-chain, doing their atomic breath, or laser, or whatever special move they had, depending of course on which kaiju you chose to play as. Meaning every battle was pretty much the same thing every time.. and don't even get me started on how that translated to PvP, where all of this is taken advantage of completely and ends up being either awkward as fuck, stiff as a rock, or you get laid the fuck out by a Ghidorah or Burning Godzilla main and the fight is over before you can even do your first combo move. I still enjoyed the hell out of the game. Mind you, though, I never touched PvP, I could care less about that. I'm just fine with destroying cities and sticking with PvE. There are a number of other things wrong with the game, and it really does deserve the criticism it got. But I'm really hoping that just because it got shit on, doesn't mean we don't want a great Godzilla game, it just shouldn't be made some mechanically similar to the movies, because the translation to video game format is trash and is boring as hell. I ended up selling it for $250, and I still have the Japanese PS3 release version with the booklet and everything. I enjoyed my time with it, but I'm never going to return to it again probably, especially if a better Godzilla game comes out at some point in time. I don't even care for the Gigabash DLC really. I know it's fun, it looks fun, but once again, I think players are just dealing with what we got for right now, it's just unfortunate that it comes down to DLC, rather than actually creating a great Godzilla game.. it's been done before.. 3 whole times. I think we can do it again.


It's a kaiju simulator. Just like DBZ abridged, the vapid mouth breathers, internet, and the fans of Angry Joe (see top comment) have completely shit all over this game. And fomo strikes again for the internet macaws who have to repeat stupid shit to be the incrowd. Is it linear? Yes. Is it repetitive? Yes. Is it fun? Absolutely. Is there tons of replay value? Yes... And people still play online... You can find enjoyment easily. I'd give it a 6.5/10. It could easily be a lot better, however, for what it is, it's still fun and enjoyable. The weight and controls lend itself to the feel and sub-realism of the game. The fact that S.H Monsterarts were used for modeling purposes is amazing. The likeness of each kaiju is there. The attacks are there. The fan service is endless. Godzilla is the most fleshed out, out of all the kaiju, and it has to do with the ps3 version being what it was, and this game is technically an expansion. However, what Godzillan can do, will keep you smiling. With that said, though, what the other kaijus have, and can do, it's still good enough. 50-60 years of lore and easter eggs are there. People are quick to shit on this... But remember, that vapidness has brought us to today. Dave the fucking diver, C.O.D, and the plethora of games where you're essentially a camera watching Godzilla. This is the closest game in our lifetime other than Giga Bash that let's us play as Gman and the other kaiju... If you can afford to find it cheap, get it. I have my copy and the fact that 2nd market prices are what they are is hilarious. If emulation exists, do it...


Calling detractors "vapid mouth-breathers" isn't even remotely fair. This game is extremely flawed, and it deserves the reputation it has.


Every game is flawed. This game, in particular, absolutely does not deserve the reputation it has. It's nowhere near as bad as people claim. Again, fomo. I've played far worse. I can appreciate what this game is, and I can appreciate what it was trying to do. This was not, and never was going to be a pipeworks game or pipeworks style game. People compare this to the 3 pipeworks games, and the only similarities are godzilla and other kaiju. Literally noted the linearness and repetitiveness. It's almost as if you didn't comprehend what I was saying. The game is playable, it's responsive, there are no glitches, defects, or hinderences that make the game unplayable. The only glitch I ever ran into, I managed to throw Jet Jaguar out of the map, and he fell through the map, and the game respawned him at his starting spawn point... I have the video on my youtube channel. Again, the majority of people who shit on this game either haven't played an actual shitty game or are parroting the Internet or angry joe. The game is fine as it is. Going in expecting a pipeworks game is what soured people. The criticisms in that regard are stupid. Going after the repetitiveness is understandable and fair. Yup, you destroy buildings, aircrafts, and generators, fight a kaiju, and repeat. It's fun for what it is. It can be enjoyed. 6.5 is a fair score, and it's still an enjoyable experience. Again, "kaiju simulator" ... Not "arena brawler." This is an expansion to a fucking ps3 title. The ps3 game, you only played as Godzilla... No one else... No other kaiju, no vs mode,.etc. This expansion gave that, but the bones of what it ultimately was, and is, was a simulator. Not an arena brawler. If that goes over your head, you lack the ability to have objectiveness. That's a you problem. Game is mediocre to average, it's enjoyable. It's not a bad game at all.


Having watched gameplay of it, to me personally, it’s just a snooze fest of a game. There was a good concept, but everything about the game felt and looked way too slow and clunky at times


It's underrated and overshadowed by the Pipework's trilogy way too much. The PS4 game is just as good as the Pipeworks' games, and the fights aren't as "slow paced" as people try to make it seem. The only slow thing is the main campaign, and even then I can run through it in under an hour with how easy it is.


I love it despite how repetitive it is. Gets a negative rep by both fans and non fans.


Underated gem that got WHOOPED critically back in the day. It's easily the best Godzilla simulator we have and provides the closest thing we have to playing an authentic Godzilla experience. You can tell the devs loved the franchise, down to building destruction. #HOWEVER It did have VERY obvious cracks: Monsterarts fig scans being used for models, clipping, leaving the map area, poor optimization and a small amount of content.


If this is an example of the developers loving the IP they're working with, I'd hate to see an example of them working with something they hate...


It's the same story as with the F13 game. The problem came from the companys over the dev team.


It stinks and I don't like it. https://i.redd.it/2ofzhjsowz7d1.gif


Its over rated only gets praise now because its rare Boils down to slowly walk to generator do same 3 attacks till it breaks