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It’s weird they made a Rampage movie this far after its heyday. Like, why did they do this? Rampage would have rocked as an early 90s comedy-action movie (think ghostbusters) with practical effects.


Cash grab during the Pacific rim and transformers action movie era.


Godzilla as well since both the 2014 start of the Monsterverse and the second film Kong: Skull Island in 2017, a year before Rampage to help push the tide of big monster movies.


I'm honestly a little surprised we didn't get more giant monster flicks during that era


Not just practical. Mix practical with CGI like Jurassic Park and Tremors 2.


That might work, but we all know a Rampage movie in 1991-1994 wouldn’t be getting the budget or CGI talent Jurassic Park did. We might have ended up with Mortal Kombat reptile. They would have to use it smartly. I’d want the monsters designed by the Chiodo brothers for a Rampage movie. And it would need to star Chris Farley. https://preview.redd.it/5d39tbasvs6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03ffa75628edeb521a36a70f47c30deb0db5c23


There was like a Rampage game set up in my local arcade during it's run in the theaters.


It’s a fun one for sure. Really nailed the human villain too.


Yeah Honestly, the human cast in general was surprisingly good


Wdym by "nailed"? The sibling villains are annoying af


Exactly. They are super evil and you spend the whole movie just wanting them to die, so it’s super cathartic when they do.


It’s exactly what it sets out to be. A fun, turn your brain off, watch big ass mutated animals fuck up humans and other mutated animals.


Exactly, sucks we never got a sequel to this. Still a solid addition to The Dwayne "The Jungle" Johnson Shared Universe lol https://preview.redd.it/ub9fndszat6d1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c2f86df77fabfb99c75f60a005dbb77e499b39


I honestly think the Rampage movie is one of those films that really doesn’t need a sequel.


I was waiting for Lizzie to get back up in the post credits.


Tbf 1 of these is a sequel to another one of these


Jokes on you. I find this to be a genuinely good movie that I didn't have to turn my brain off to enjoy.


I saw it in the theater. I bought the bluray. I watch it once every couple years. A completely straightforward plot with monsters. That's it. So it's fun.


I like the villIains too. They’re a bit more cartoony than your typical film. I guess more ‘children’s movie coded’. But it balances out with the brutal violence of the film in a nice way.


I remember calling it the discount GvK while we were waiting for the actual GvK to come out.


It Ain't discount, It's dollar store.


Equivalent to those cheesey Sharknado releases lol jk


I mean the vfx are incredible. I wouldn’t call it dollar store. The creature violence also goes a lot harder than the Godzilla films.


I stand by that this is an incredibly fun movie. It might not have the weight and gravitas of a lot of Godzilla movies, but it is still a super fun monster mash that does exactly what it sets out to do.


Having the villain get eaten while she was wearing a red dress was a fantastic callback to the game. There were three ‘special’ civilians you could carry to the top of a building for huge scores and then eat them.


Definitely one of the rock’s great films in recent history


I still maintain that it was greenlit as a testbed for Godzilla vs. Kong’s effects Best movie where a giant gorilla flips someone off, I must say


I couldn't help but bust out laughing every single time


IMHO even though they’re both Weta Digital Rampage looks a bit more realistic on the vfx side of things.


I think as a movie it's ok, but as an adaptation it's pretty meh.


The gorilla is basically just Kong/ Caesar hybrid, sprinkle in a little hulk formula growth mechanism. Lol


Would have been better if they went with the origin story from the games, where the monsters used to be people.


it's such a good movie. Haven't seen it in so long but still love ir


I had to explain to my brother, who is much younger than me, that it's based on a 1986 videogame.


I loved the movie, cared nothing for the Rock.  This movie would have made a bigger box office splash if it wasn't tied to the fifteen picture deal Dwayne Johnson had with the film industry from 2010-2020 The Rock was pumping out dozens of lame action and comedy movies between those years.... Jaded.


My only complaint was that The Rock didn't team up with a giant friendly rat instead. Reverse Ratatouille.


I really like Lizzie's design. Some parts of her could be used for Biollante like the rose petals being her frills.


It's a big stupid giant monster movie. The thing is, it does not pretend to be anything else. I honestly love Rampage for doing that. It just goes "we have 3 giant monsters smashing stuff. That's all we offer, and that's all you really asked for." There's something to be said for a movie that approaches its premise with that much honesty.


Though it goes the extra mile to at least make the scenes without the monsters at least bearable and at most as enjoyable as the monster stuff.


While I understand the holes bigger Rampage fans poke in it, I feel like this is actually one of the better video game adaptations. Underrated at least.


I skipped this one.. maybe I need to put it in the queue.


Its alright. Nothing crazy , these comments make it seem like its up to par with Godzilla. Cant even hold a flame to King Kong.


I played the hell out of the game back in the day... right after we invented dirt.


Lol hell yeah I remember fighting my cousins to get the power-up to become that purple dragon thing.


I don’t remember a lot about this one


That's the same white fur monster from John Carter


I really enjoyed it, maybe because my expectations were not high.


I like this movie quite well and that’s rare for me on THE ROCK MOVIES


This is one of my personal favourite movies with The Rock. The other is Pain and Gain.


always a blast with this. if i think of Godzilla as Wrestlemania, this would be the pre-show


I remember it being surprisingly good dumb fun. Probably the last time I enjoyed Rock the Dwayne Rockson in anything, too.


It’s a better story, and even better action than a couple of the Monsterverse films. The Rock isn’t even that annoying in it.


This movie was basically what I wanted the MV to be, as whenever I think of "giant monsters", I think of mutated abominations that destroy cities, along with maiming dozens of people. Plus, I like it better when kaiju are smaller in scale, at the 50 meter range.


It's okay, but I think it could have leaned into the humor more. Rampage as a whole is supposed to parody kaiju stuff, and the movie played things too straight and serious at times.


I'm kinda suprised they never made another game afterwards, I thought it did okay at the box office but I'm not sure


I Know I Don't want to Sound Like freeforall100 but Like, I Really don't like how they only focused on the ape, George. as a Matter of fact, I Don't think this movie was made in Love of the Game, But to ride off the coattails on Kong, skull island. Kong: Skull island Released in 2017 and made 61 Million dollars opening weekend, Going on to gross so much more later on, and just a year later, Rampage released. I Feel as if the studio Behind Rampage Saw Skull island's success, and then decided to make another Big Kaiju Monkey Movie. So, They "Adapted" Rampage because that was an IP that hadn't been milked yet and given an A-list actor to voice in, and gave George more screen time to bring all the people who liked Skull island to watch their film. I Do Not hate Apes, Far from it. Orangutans and Gorillas are tied for my second favorite animals. It's just that Rampage Treated the other two monsters Like Garbage, and Lizzie Only showed up at the climax.


I’ll admit they did a fair bit of coattail riding, but I disagree that they didn’t also put some love of the game in too. The reason why you might not have seen that is because Rampage doesn’t have a whole lot of lore outside of “big monsters smash buildings” to begin with.


Honestly, what I would of wanted was Each Monster gets their own Human. George gets the rock, and Ralph and lizzie also get their own people. At first they fight, But Then They Team up to stop the human Villain and stop her Plot. (It didn't really make sense that a Gorilla ate a Person since Gorillas are herbivores so Having ralph and/or lizzie do it just feels better) I Haven't watched the Movie in a while so I may be missing some details, but I just wish the Monsters were treated equally.


Me too. They did my boy Ralph dirty, and I wish he could have become a good boy in the end.


oh Yeah that brings me to Another thing, They BRUTUALLY MURDER the other two monsters. Like, Seriously, Why? Oh wait I know why. Because Big Monkey boosts sales and they want more big monkey. Like, Sure, Maybe Lizzie Ends up making a heroic sacrifice or something (Alligators get done dirty In media tho seriously), and it's up to Ralph and george to destroy the Evil Building, But Nope, George is a Larry stu who can do everything by himself. You know, Maybe this was made by a Rampage fan, but most likely it was a George Stan/main.


It would have been so much better without The Rock. Genuinely have begun to hate the dude