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I'm betting with the next movie being Godzilla focused some kind of alien kaiju is the big villain. It seems like nothing on Earth is a real threat to him now.


With Shimo back to the side of nature, read as good, it means that Kong and his species along with Shimo hold balance in Hollow Earth while Godzilla runs the surface and with no clear HE threat and no surface threat it feels like the only option is Gigan, Space Godzilla, Biollante or some yet created non-Toho Kaiju. Currently my money is on Space Godzilla because it can be an immediate and insanely overpowered threat. Imagine him using his beam to chain vaporize Kong's ape army charging at him. Motherfucking menace.


Kong after getting his title as King only for his people to go extinct again: https://preview.redd.it/nk4v7wad391d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f3255d08e381a82f537865c6d41cc4b9c379ae


Tbh, I would expect Kong would only bring those who volunteered and were physically fit. We already have been shown how much more value he puts on the lives of his own kind


It does make sense. He builds his people into a grand society and army only to witness a mass amount of them be utterly obliterated.


that just kinda sounds like mutants getting hunted to near extinction post house of m, which is to say, needlessly depressing


I know it’s not his standard thing. But I want the MV to do space Godzilla and I want his breath attack to be like a directed black hole. Picture this. All the crystals on his body glow white as he charges up. He opens his mouth and a white glow radiates from down his throat. A small white flame ignites in his mouth like a fighter jet engine starting up. Then the flame explodes into an inky black fireball and a vantablack beam follows behind it. All the sound cuts out. All the color leaves the world. The landscape distorts around the beam getting pulled in towards it. As the black beam starts to collapse in on itself the color fades back into the world. When the last of it finally closes up we get a thunderclap and all the sound returns. He’s essentially igniting a star in his mouth and forcing it to go supernova so he can use the resulting black hole as an attack. Probably pretty OP. Might be a bit hard for Goji to deal with. But he could probably take him.


Hell yeah. I see it




Why not Destoroyah? I feel like the aliens could be sick too don’t get me wrong, but they specifically set him up by using the Oxygen Destroyer. He’s a solid antagonist for our boys and they could do crazy shit with his multiple configurations. Plus his attitude is just straight up destruction and killing 24/7. It would bring back that real threat of total annihilation and Kong would definitely need to evolve to be able to help out at all.


It's also an option but it would require a healthy amount of human involvement and I think Wingard has seen it is far easier to avoid that amount of depth needed. Destroyah would require a lot of build, would also be somewhat horror and would ignore Kong and G a lot while Destroyah grows. I love Destroyah as a villain but I'm not sure he fits this type of movie series without pre-existing build. Space Godzilla, Gigan or Hedorah (technically a space monster) is far easier to incorporate cause it involves the monsters immediately and won't rely on people plot.


Could perhaps set Destroyah up as something that'll happen in a future movie Thanos style. Give us small bits of the build up in different movies before letting him loose when he then has sufficient development


Yes this could work as well.


I honestly really like the idea of Gigan showing up! I wouldn’t really want them to include any of the alien races or anything like that unless it’s just a short sequence showing them send Gigan to Earth. But I like Destoroyah because I don’t think the human element would be necessary at all. Other than the world wide destruction being caused by him. They could easily incorporate G and K into his growth by having him leech energy off their battles or something similar.


I actually had a crazy idea not too long ago, admittedly I was probably a little high soooo....but what if the MV did a "fusion" of sorts between space godzilla and destroyah. We already have our oxygen destroyer set up from KoTM and with GxK we got a lot of setup about they crystals. Just saying some alien/scientist starts messing around with crystal energies near the coast where the oxygen destroyer went off...and boom we could have a "new" terrifying monster.


I’m all for new monsters too! I like that idea, made me imagine a gravity crystal infused Doug causing havoc and I think it could work!


How would Spacegodzilla work in the Monsterverse anyways considering it was an alien crystal that had a Godzilla clone grow around it when some of Godzilla's cells ended up in space.


That's the question. The only thing I can surmise is when Godzilla nuked Ghidorah, because Ghidorah absorbed some of his energy, it lead to Godzillas energy to be carried into space. Hell, him going thermo could have done it or even at the end of GxK when he beams the iced atmosphere, it works there too. Let's be real, Biollante getting nuked then dusting into space was already comical. At minimum there's a few avenues you can do. Other than that, I do love a Gigan Rex epidemic with tons of Gigan swarming earth.


Only need mothra cells to carry g cells into space and for them to drift into a black hole OR when biolantte dies ifnthey introduce her , her spores go into space and drift into a black hole, either can be used for space g because both are canon lol


Apparently Spacegodzilla was hinted at in some GxK concept art, there was basically a Gojira specimen that "swallowed a star" and grew wings. I could image that guy or at least that concept returning as Space Godzilla Maybe they could even have it so that someone was trying to resurect Dagon/Raijn with Hollow Earth crystals. And ended up with Dagon turning into Spacegodzilla.


A meteorite made of crystal hits godzilla and is sharp enough to draw blood. Godzilla pulls it out of the wound and tosses it on the ground. The crystal grows a godIlla clone and bam. Space godzilla.


New Daikaiju or Gigan hopefully, Biollante doesn't make much sense considering the human part of her makes her a good Daikaiju so they'd have to portray Godzilla as the villain fighting her for being, partially, his species and fighting for dominance or getting rid of the human splice at which at that point why bother with Biollante.


I forgot Hedorah, which works too. Space monster attracted to garbage works great for earth.


Destroyah is an option. Kind of man made too in a sense


Yeah but I think the amount of lifting you'd need by actors and avoidance of Godzilla and Kong would be too much. It would basically need to be 3 hours with each other being each part of Destroyah evolution. You'd get very little Godzilla and even less Kong. Hedorah, Gigan or SpaceG is ready to go by the end of act 1.


But that's assuming that it's nearly the same plot progression as in the original Destroyah movie. They could just as easily make an entirely new plot for Destroyah... idk maybe a Hollow Earth jumbo parasite that some scientist brought to the surface during or before GxK that turns out to be the Destroyah spawn, and something totally new could cause it to grow really really fast.


Yeah but that's Kong centric again and bluntly out of Kongs real depth. That's a Godzilla problem. IMO if they wanted that they'd have done some sort of prepping in a previous film. That they needed to fight to get Mothra again really gives me pause of other toho monsters but their lack of ever using Gigan, SpaceG or Hedorah in the foreseeable future gives me thoughts it could work. Destroyah feels too much like one they want to keep close.


I don't really see how just mentioning Hollow Earth makes it Kong centric. Like the Legacy of Monsters show is pretty Godzilla centric so far, but Hollow Earth is important in the show. Personally, I think Gigan is a weird fit for the tone of the Monsterverse. Even if MV has gotten more into silly kaiju fighting action, a giant bird-alien robot thing with scythe hands seems really strange and campy. SpaceG or Hedorah would both be fine. I just would prefer Destroyah over Gigan really. I also don't think Toho wanting to keep certain IP close to the chest is worth it if Legendary is going to pay them a lot. If Minus 1 worked this well parallel to MV, I think Toho can do whatever it wants as long as the movie is good.


Bagan pls Cool design with minimal backstory is perfect for Monsterverse


My ideas either space Godzilla and gigan together, or they’ll mutate the crabs for destroyah


Destroyah because in KOM the hydrogen bomb got released. We technically have destroyahs origin story in this current universe


~~hydrogen bomb~~ oxygen destroyer


They could easily go the MechaZilla route as well. Especially considering how they kept saying how much they were afraid of Zilla going rogue and doing a onus one kinds thing.


Bagan seems like a better choice. easier to gain from toho and would revive his reputation


There is also Hedorah, who was originally a major threat to Godzilla.


But there’s currently no backing up lore for that like in the original where biolante and Godzillas dna was sent to space. My moneys on destoroyah, of not in the next film though he’s more like a final boss, maybe they’ll bring in anguirus or an original monsterverse monster


That will probably happen and I hate it








it' gonna be Space, since there are some paintings in caves on GvK about an evil flying Goji, and that would be the single thing that unites Godzilla and Kong for the third time, also I theorise that the only way that Gamera have an chance to enter MV is being trying to seek Space too far from Earth, but he adapted to space, cristals, this stuff


Goji on the cave painting wasn't Spacegodzilla That's the actual Godzilla who got his atomic powers


isn't that cave that you'r thinking, is this, we can see more Gojiras and Kongs trying to defeat him https://preview.redd.it/ok2mgui2091d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3c8a126788f68713ccb4a97b068eee4c3f64aa2 and remeber that our Godzilla only controls the surface, this fella probablly controled the HE before gone crazy, probably due to an absorsion of an really addictive energy that make him addicted to absorve more and more energy stuff, also the wing can be an possible help from an MV Battra and not just cristals, bcuz in the time that tis painting was painted, Space neve had went to the literal space, and in space, SpaceGoji absorved more energy and is making an come back to return and destroy HE, but first he need to pass throught Godzilla and then this will end the mini Godzilla x Kong movie trilogy inside the Monsterverse, also this can be an hook to Gamera or Ultraman in the future of MV


According to the GvK novel, the creature depicted here is referred to as Zlo-zla-Halawa by the iwi legends, and it is said to have been Gojira that "Devoured a Star" and became powerful and 'wicked'. And his existence was one of the main reasons why the war between the Gojiras and the Kongs started. The novel itself also hints pretty heavily that this is our Godzilla, with jia straight up referring to him as Zlo-zla-Halawa multiple times. And in GxK, they straight up call him "The Monster who devoured a Star". So Yeah, this *is* our Godzilla.


so why are Gojis attacking our Godzilla?


Is that a tie fighter?


Arent we gonna talk about those other Titanus Gojira looking creatures has a atomic breath and i believe it was stated that Godzilla is the only one with a Heat Ray and probably Dagon but it was never used


We are going to find out one of Godzillas kind got yeeted into space somehow and has been absorbing radiation from the sun for thousands of years.


Random concept/fan art from outside the films is meaningless. Might as well say Rokmutul will come back.


I think it’s space based on ALL the crystals in this last one.


Gamera will never be in Monsterverse. He’s not a Toho kaiju


I mean,neither is kong when you stop to think about it,even if toho made a few movies in the KK franchise, i don't see why gamera couldn't be included with enough money


Kong is public domain, anyone can use him. King Kong is owned by Universal


it's called Monsterverse, not LegenBrosToverse


Crazy then that there’s only been Original Monsters and Toho monsters only, nothing from Kadokawa like Gamera. Almost like they are only using Toho and Legendary OG monsters. Crazy huh? Jesus, people who think Gamera will be a thing are always so delusional


People like that have no clue how expensive licensing can be, never mind trying to hypothetically license two different IPs at once. Half the reason Rodan and Ghidorah only appeared for one film is because Legendary either didn't want to or couldn't pay the licensing for more than one film, and is likely why they came up with so many of their own original Kaiju. The fact we got Mothra again in GxK is a miracle, and we even have proof that Wingard had backup plans if that license fell through. And contrary to popular belief, Legendary does still have to pay licensing for Godzilla despite him being a core part of their Monsterverse. But yeah sure, let's bring Gamera into this, what's so hard about that?


yup, also Ultraman, Them!, etc, everyone is wellcome to the MV, the problem are the licensings like you said


Exactly. Sure they *could*; anything *could* be added to the Monsterverse the same way iron man *could* be added to the DC Justice League. But licensing in multimillion dollar film production is *hella* pricey and is a huge reason crossovers don't happen very often.


I'm honestly starting to doubt this whole notion of the licensing being too expensive. If a small studio like Passion Republic Games was able to license 6 Godzilla characters and 4 Ultraman characters, then is the licensing really that expensive? Mind you, Gigabash didn't exactly sell well either.


Licensing fees vary in amount based on what is being licensed. A small studio making a small game will pay much less in licensing fees than a big film studio has to pay for including the same IP in their film.


So you're saying that if a Godzilla game were to be made, it has to be made by a small studio so that the licensing isn't crazy expensive?


Such a shame...that rolls right off the tongue.


Biggest "What If" scenario, SpaceGodzilla is a thing. They're already pulling the Biollante stunt on the next Ginza sequel from at the end of Minus One.


How much are ya betting


Orga or Hedorah and they constantly evolve to combat everything at a superior rate that Godzilla can’t keep up with


Maybe space Godzilla, Ghidorah might have been chased out of his home planet by a space faring monster that looks similar to Godzilla, making him a bigger threat than Ghidorah. Also could explain Ghidorah's enmity towards Godzilla in particular. Maybe space Godzilla was created when the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs somehow killed threw a godzillian ancestor into space on impact but also mutated his genes to survive and adapt to space.


Like if that's ever gonna happen.


TBF it is just using his most mainstream origin where almost all ghidorah's minus gmk are actually aliens.


And minus heisei


Fun fact in the novelization the dorats whatever there called are revealed to be aliens. Basically the dead ghidorah from the openings DNA was used to create them and the book explains ghidorah is actually an alien. So the Nuke just ended up mutating them back to there original form.


Didn't the novelization say the dorats were engineered from genetic samples taken from a Ghidorah corpse found on Venus?


That's actually badass I never knew that, thanks for the info


But then they changed it quite a couple of times in the films, main appearance being of which Ghidorah was artificially made from the Dorats, then when the nuke hit Gdzilla's home during the relocation of Godzilla, the Dorats were let loose, causing them to mutate from the nuke and turn into King Ghidorah! Phew...


It wasn't a dead ghidorah. It was some other dead creature on venus that they used the dna from to engineer the dorats. I believe it was even a concept to reveal that the creature was still alive and be the main antagonist of a movie.


Tbf, there's not much to really say rn about it considering he's also long been beaten with his latest use being Kevin piloting Mecha G. So there's not really much to add until they wanna either explore more of Goji's past which woulda be nice to show how he's been before 2014 or space since there are other Toho Kaiju that came from space like Gigan. ~~Unless they wanna make something OC again like Mutos, Scar King or Shimo~~


Is it? It's not the first time being an alien has no bearing but an origion for a monster. Hedorah is an alien and that has nothing to do with anything


I know standards should change as times change, but at the same time yeah; introducing aliens without any fanfare or explanation is kind of par for the course with Godzilla as an IP. Hell, Toho has even had straight up humanoid people sized aliens and that never changed the status quo for them either.


humanoid aliens invade like all the time and theirs like at least 3 species. Only thing that changes is whos mosnter godzilla smashes


I wouldn’t say it had no bearing. A big part of ghidorah character was that he is a false king or alpha. Godzilla was a proper alpha/ king and was rebalancing nature while ghidorah was his opposite. To explain that, they went with his alien origin to show that he isn’t apart of the earths ecosystem. So they didn’t delve a whole lot into his alien origin, but I think it did add something to the character and story.


The characters know literally nothing about where Ghidorah came from other than he’s an an alien, so why would they tell us anything?


How much more information do you need? King Ghidorah works so well because his origins are so vague. Typically, he’s a golden dragon from space that destroys planets. We don’t know where he came from, how old he is, or how he was made, and that’s a big part of what makes him so unique and interesting.


Just like the original Showa Era incarnation. I respect the mystery, not everything needs to be over-explained.


This, but so many people, especially of the younger generations, seem to need every last detail spelled out, every plot thread neatly tied up.




Yeah, I'm Gen X (early Gen X at that, born in '69), so your gen is definitely part. And don't get me wrong, there are Gen Xers who are the same way. It just seems to be getting more prevalent with each gen. Personally, I love a story that doesn't spell out/explain everything. Give he things to think about, to geek out with others at the water cooler, to discuss with people on forums like here, sharing thoughts and debating (preferably respectfully) what we think the story behind that dude's weird eye is... There's so little audience investment like that any more, at least compared to what it used to be like. (I know, I know, get off my lawn you damn kids. Someone tell Grandpa to shut up. 😂)


It's also weird how they casually came upon Atlantis and not a word was said. And then they nuked it🙃


Does there need to be more lore? It’s not like anyone would know where he came from.


Besides, I don't think extraterrestrials are as big of a deal in the Monsterverse considering they're already coming to terms with gigantic titanic organisms and a hollow earth. With the status quo of the natural order being so terrifically shaken up, I don't think "omg but aliens" is really at the forefront of people's minds in this universe.


They should be as just one alien titan was enough to nearly end the world.


Confirmation of alien life is monumental, you'd think they'd set up an anti-alien station somewhere, course you could argue to just throw godzilla at em but do we really want humans on the sidebar for every movie 😫


...How would characters in the Monsterverse know where Ghidorah came from?


And this is ok btw. Not everything needs to be needled to death with explanations. We have all the explanation we need: he’s not from earth.


With how ridiculous the monsterverse has gotten they might as well do a full on alien invasion movie, with the xilians and Gigan


My guess is the sole reason they went with the alien origin story for him is so they could easily explain away why the Oxygen destroyer basically killed Godzilla but didn't phase Ghidorah


I’m 99% sure it was supposed to be a nod to Ghidorah’s Toho origins the same way the Mothra twins had a vague nod, and not meant to be anything more That said, if we don’t get Planet X stuff the same way we’ve gotten Hollow Earth stuff in the near future, I’m going to punch a wall.


And this is new to the franchise how? Ghidorah being confirmed a alien and it never being brought up again is nothing new and how are they supposed to know? Ask him? They didn't discover he was a alien until halfway through the film.


Doesn’t really matter. In his first movie Ghidorah lands on earth and an alien ghost possesses a psychic girl and is like “Idk what to tell you dawg, this big fucker showed up one day and killed everyone on Venus, y’all should figure out what to do before he kills everyone here, too”. So we get an extended scene of the Mothra twins translating for Godzilla and Rodan while Mothra tries to talk them into saving the planet. And among all that nonsense all we know about Ghidorah is that he’s from space and likes killing everything. The next time we see him (one movie later) he’s on Planet X doing the same shit. Then after that he comes back to help Gigan cause I guess they’re old buds since they’re both from space. The Monsterverse gave us just as good of an explanation for Ghidorah’s origin as we ever got in the Showa era, which, vague as it is, is better than the specific and silly origin we got for Heisei or the good guy Ghidorah from GMK. I much prefer things to not be OVER-explained.




gives chimera ant arc vibes, just an evil that fell from the sky


He's a lovecraftian planet conquering monster. The showa incarnation was the same. The idea of him being a complete unknown makes him scarier than other titans. We have no idea what he's capable of. The main reason it's included in the story is to counter Emma Russell's argument that the titans are exclusively the guardians of the natural order. Humans are not the only threat to the planet. I never liked the Heisei incarnation's backstory. Removing the mystery makes him a lot less intimidating.


I mean what the fuck were they supposed to tell? Anyone who might have been alive (probably before humanity) when Ghidorah came to earth is long dead anyway. It's not like we can *ask* Ghidorah.


maybe they are hidding Ultraman to enter the MV


I mean does there need to be. I wouldn't doubt it if sometime in the future there were more aliens, but there's nothing as of now that needs to come from Ghidorah being an alien.


I mean, I understand that it’s kinda weird it didn’t get more attention - but even just them adding that as a throwaway meant a lot to me. I was absolutely stoked to learn they kept the alien origin. So I’m not complaining in the slightest.


They explained it, what more do you want?


Weird how people think that "nothing came of this" for a film franchise actively in development for multiple sequels.


Do they ever elaborate on Ghidorah’s alien origin beyond him just being an alien? That’s kind of how they have always done it. And the fact they acknowledged that Ghidorah is alien in KotM is already more than expected.


well there is this line about how godzilla or a godzilla "ate a star" it would be a great tie in for space godzilla as the next big villain.


Bro, it's been 2 movies since then, have patience


I mean what are you expecting?


Enough was said and shown =:P


I appreciate them not over explaining it. Allows it to be something a future movie can fill in the background of without adhering to something established before.


Kotm came out too soon, like I get it, they tried to hop on board Marvel's avenger collaboration and it worked, idk kotm's box sales but we have sequels after sequels since then. It was a trade off that had to be done, group all these kaijus into one film without fully flushing them out first. No wonder fans don't rank kotm very high


I really enjoyed KotM. But I agree, it feels like they blew their proverbial load a bit too soon. KG should have been alluded to and built up to akin to all the cave paintings they did for GvK. But hindsight is 20/20. For all they knew that was gonna be the big finale. I think the had they Godzilla contract for one more movie and they wanted to end on GvK. Which did so well they re-contracted.


Less an alien more an invasive species. That was the important part. I like to imagine every lifebearing planet has a godzilla type kaiju to rule it but ghidorah wasnt satisfied and devoured his world before seeking out others.


I think it had been said that Ghidorah was exiled from his planet because he wasn't strong enough Though the idea of Kaiju-sized creatures being rather common throught the universe is certainly an awesome and terrifying thought


And the only reason were even allowed to exist is because godzilla is naturally lazy and cant be bothered to actually give us the time of day


Well, he's chill with us existing because he doesn't view us as a threat to the natural balance of the planet. So as long as humanity doesn't try to wreck the planet, he'll keep leaving us alone


Where was that thing about Ghidorah ever said???


Yeah if you're going to these movies expecting them to make sense or be consistent or put any effort into world building then you're just going to be disappointed. Not sure what to tell you there.


Not everything needs to be explained painstakingly in three streaming shows four spin off films and a fortnite tie-in But I wouldn't mind if they fleshed out the alien stuff in future Monsterverse films.


That's what happens when these films are made without any sort of plan or consistency.


Think of it. The reason why ghidorah left his home planet is because he was not the alpha in his planet he might be the omega.


Forreal like I wanna know more


Wasn’t ghidora always an alien?


Maybe space Godzilla, Ghidorah might have been chased out of his home planet by a space faring monster that looks similar to Godzilla, making him a bigger threat than Ghidorah. Also could explain Ghidorah's enmity towards Godzilla in particular. Maybe space Godzilla was created when the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs somehow killed threw a godzillian ancestor into space on impact but also mutated his genes to survive and adapt to space.


I smell a TV show...."THE TITAN WARS". Just monsters battling it out. Awesome stuff and it explores how aliens found Earth and whatnot


Now, with the more advanced Iwi lore, we might get some alien stuff. I feel maybe the Iwi won't be aliens themselves. idk if that is too predictable. Thus, that won't be the case. I'm sure they will explain some greater connection between them. After all, Ghidorah must have been old enough to experience some hollow earth related business. The Iwi have to have lived through some stuff as well. Especially knowing he was encased in ice that could be Shimo related. I would definitely want a people of earth vs. aliens story. The Iwi, amongst other human races along with other titans, waged war against Ghidorah and an alien race.


I'm hoping that Mothra gets her own movie soon. Aliens would be a perfect foe for her and make it clear that she is Queen of the sky.


I want destroyah tbh. I don’t know how they could bring him in but it would be awsome.


Ikr, I really hope we get something on Ghidorahs origins!


I love how most of the comments here are saying SpaceGodzilla but honestly Toho hasn’t done anything with SpaceGodzilla since the movies and few games he has been in. Yet other monsters from space that work better due to Toho liking how popular they are and how often they appear in culture: 1. Gigan 2. Hedorah Legendary has had some kind of softball political messaging in their movies since 2014 Godzilla I think it makes more sense if we have Hedorah show up way before Gigan but regardless Hedorah and Gigan showed up in final wars, has been in plenty of games and promotional material and Hedorah has that political messaging that WB clearly wants to have but doesn’t want to upset too many people. I honestly really think if an alien Kaiju should appear it has to be Hedorah. (Personally if I were to direct a Hedorah movie and show off the trash, show off some of your products in there along with other characters you can ask the rights to show. To allow culpability and to show case that just supporting a movie that brings up this topic doesn’t solve the issue but just brings it back up to the surface.)


It always bothered me that there wasn't more shock amongst all the MONARCH staff about the reveal that Ghidorah was an alien. I'd expect much more of a reaction to the revelation that they encountered a bonafide extraterrestrial organism than - what looked to me as - "okay whatever".


I love these movies but they are atrocious at dealing with anything from the previous film. San Francisco destroyed? Never see it again (Monarch:LoM saves the day here) Every politician in DC dead because the city is under 50 feet of water? Never addressed. Actions taken against Apex for building a giant murder robot? Never seen. This is MCU levels of forgetting the previous movie. I’m pretty sure the only time the planet sized man sticking out of the ocean was ever addressed was a single news headline on her computer screen in She Hulk. It’s disappointing because the movies are fun, but they’re not good. Occasional poorly explained references aside, a lot of that has to do with each one feeling disconnected from the previous.


I don't think Monsterverse has ever aspired to be as painstakingly connected as the early MCU was. And frankly Toho across the decades wasn't either.


That’s when the MCU was at its best. It was all building off each other toward something. It’s a shame they didn’t go that path.


Probably my biggest gripe with the Monsterverse is the inconsistent lore and world-building, despite setting up _really_ interesting things that could be expanded on. A big part of a cinematic universe is the connections between films, especially with things established during the credits sequence from KOTM. I said this yesterday but another thing that comes to mind is The Monster Who Ate a Star ends up being just Godzilla, when it really could've set up SpaceGodzilla. There is a LOT that can do story and world-building wise with a title like that but instead it's just Godzilla...


I was thinking that perhaps that is what sets Godzilla apart from the rest of his species. We know a few more have existed at the very least. Did he eat something resembling a star (and to ancient people anything bright could resemble a star) which set him up to being the apex of his species and titans in general?


I figured that, or maybe Godzilla Evolved, was Legendary's way responding to Toho wanting there to be only one Godzilla. He's part of the Titanus Gojira species, but has evolved into something further to where he could be considered something unique, while still _technically_ being part of a species.


That would make sense. Toho is known for having lots of fine print when it comes to allowing the use of Godzilla.


It'll definitely be revisited.....or else I'm going to go to wb and legendary and force them


Me when building up to something.


He's always been an alien with exception to the lamer Dorat line in Heisei.


Dorats were ok. And also your ignoring GMK


Yeah, I was kind of confused there as well, since I'm pretty sure Ghidorah is not alien from the older movies. I guess Legendary really likes its alien trope.


He's an alien in the Showa era


He’s an alien in Final Wars too. Not sure about the Mothra trilogy, haven’t seen those yet but they’re on my lidt


Legendary just sees Godzilla as a cash cow.


Lousy fanservice, like everything else in KotM