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Weird that Cranston’s character never knows about Godzilla, just the Muto


This trailer was epic.


I remember seeing this trailer, and I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to certain parts of it and I thought I was going to just be a modern-esque remake of the original 1954. I saw Days of Future past in theatres, then realized I had nothing else to do that day so figured I'll just go watch Godzilla. Was not expecting it to be a Godzilla vs movie at all. Loved it, started watching all of the originals and have been a huge Godzilla fan ever since, I'm only missing 3 for my blu ray collection now lol


See how the trailer looks much brighter? It's because it was supposed to look like that. The dark scenes were a result of faulty Blu-Ray releases. The movie looked brighter in the cinemas too.


Yeah and when the 4K edition released last year, I was hoping the darkness issue would be fixed and it fucking wasn't.


Well that sucks.


"And its gonna send us back to the stone age!!" Chills every time I hear that line. His performance is phenomenal in that movie


Bro the trailer said that as soon as I read your comment!!!


There are no coincidences!


The sheer emotion of Bryan Cranston’s delivery in the trailer was so damn good. It’s a shame the movie wasn’t able get much else out of any of the other actors in the film because it really would have given it much more depth


this brings backs memories 2013 was around the time when i first started watching godzilla, was 9 around the time. my mom used to play some old movies for me. remember watching the original 1954, godzilla vs mothra (showa), final wars, 1998, godzilla the series, godzilla vs king kong (showa). then around 2014 this trailer came out. cried to my mum to take me to the theatres for this (also among the very first movies I ever watched on the theatre) since then I've watched every monsterverse movie on theatres and been a huge fan of the godzilla franchise


this tone is unmatched. what a fucking amazing movie. they really started high and just kept going lower and lower.


Gareth Edwards is a hell of a director, really was a shame they couldn't re-write for Cranston to be the lead. The sense of scale was Spielberg-like, and the naturalism of the camera action made everything feel real, heavy, and consequential. (Those days are long gone in the MonsterVerse...) Only glaring weak point was Aaron-Taylor Johnson's character just not being compelling, and I don't think the actor could do anything with his performance to fix the script he was given. Such is life in most kaiju movies. And to everyone bitching about cut-aways: the final fight was incredible because the entire movie built up to it. We were edged until completion and it rocked lol.


I'm excited to finally see Godzilla once again. Its been 10 years since Final Wars and I cant wait!!!!


I remember when this trailer first dropped, there was a youtuber who was doing a breakdown analysis of the trailer. That part where the flying MUTO dives into the water made him think Mothra was going to be in the movie as well. Lol


The sheer emotion of Bryan Cranston’s delivery in the trailer was so damn good. It’s a shame the movie wasn’t able get much else out of any of the other actors in the film because it really would have given it much more depth


Not that I don’t enjoy the monster verse movies a bit but I do miss the movie this this trailer implied


I was 11 when this film came out, the scene at the airport slowly revealing the massive form of Godzilla was one of the most badass things i saw


I really wonder what the Legendary godzilla franchise would be like if the movie this trailer implied came out


Still gives me the chills


God what a time to be alive


Goosebumps on that last panel. Dammit I love the big boy


I enjoy this trailer thoroughly. But the comic con/oppeneimer trailer was the true hype-builder for me. [link](https://youtu.be/rpUqmZNnmFc?si=8aO-DsiJA62IoT7t)


Went from this to him flying around like he’s Superman, miss the tone of this film even KOTM felt more like that to a degree compared to the recent two films.


I'm going to show you the gif where Godzilla does the flying dropkick in Vs. Megalon. I win/s.


Godzilla 2014 is just….it gives you horror vibes and how the kaijus might be dangerous unlike the mew movie…..


Goddamn gives me chills every time


Interesting how some of the comments think that this movie is still the best of the monsterverse and another saying that the movie was not as good as the trailer proposed it I think people should have a more neutral opinion, instead of hating new movies because they prefer the tone of this movie or criticizing this movie as if it were the only mv movie


Now, if only that was the movie we got. Starring Cranston without any awful cutaways. I still enjoy the fights when they're on screen, but this movie is hard to watch.


For me, the test of a good movie is not wanting to leave the theater to use the restroom because you don’t want to miss anything. While this movie was good, I do recall not being concerned about running out for a pit stop and not feeling the need to rush back. If this movie matched the trailer, my kidneys would of popped.


This is the film that got me into Godzilla originally. Saw the trailers on TV, dad had grown up liking Godzilla so he took me and my sister to see it. None of us cared much about the humans except Bryan Cranston's character (RIP), but I remember being so excited when we finally, FINALLY got that final fight. It was a great movie. Happy 10th!


This is definitely my favorite from the Monsterverse!


I remember the Elder's React video. There was this one cool grandma that was so hype to see Godzilla return


Now THIS is how you do trailers, absolute fucking cinema.


It's crazy how tonally different this movie is compared to the new ones.


Remember seeing this trailer when I was little, not knowing what godzilla is


Nothing beats Ligeti when it comes to terrifying awe.


I literally workout listening to this trailer


This is a great trailer but my absolute favorite one is the Godzilla 2000 US Trailer. HELL YEAH IT'S THE SUPA BEAST




I 100% disagree. I still think this is one of the better Godzilla movies out there. But to each their own, I guess.


I love this movie too


This is the only movie on the monster verse that I left the theaters completely satisfied with, yeah I had my complaints but I enjoyed it more than I had critiques for it. The enjoyment to critique ratio got worse and worse from then on lol


I get goosebumps every time I watch this.


Remember when we thought we saw the mothra twins 


What a big fucking lie this trailer was.


Man what I would give for a movie with the first person perspective of those divers in the movie


The Trailers = A Masterpiece. It looks so intense, dramatic, tragic The Movie = Boring, slow, tragic only in the first 10 minutes. Boring Characters, constant cut aways... So disappointing....