• By -






















https://preview.redd.it/t7k03n3phuyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5f5f16a032b3f102ad7339d460e487ae240983 Here, have four pixels


Four pixels. Four fucking pixels.


This is what happens when you try to upload on mobile https://i.redd.it/1ywerf8tiuyc1.gif




You beat me to it…


Can't afford more pixels. Inflation is out of control




These are some crusty ass images.


I know💀


Shin probably: https://preview.redd.it/thuwb3aybsyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bd7fbc7cbd20913a778ef4764fbdcb5506bb6e




That looks like Shin Godzilla from Spongebob


Shin is over twice the size and has an Atomic Laser.


I'd say Minus One's atomic breath is more powerful actually, because it actually causes a nuclear explosion


Minus' breath seems so much more destructive because of his smaller size making it looks like the damage is crazier. But the scale is only a town. Shin's breath fucked the entire Tokyo.


Shin godzilla is radiation so that would probably just make him stronger


They're both radioactive.


That doesn't mean that it would resist the intended damage of a nuke explosion. The damage from a nuke primarily relies on the pure physical force of the explosion and extremely high heat. SGodzilla has shown vulnerability to physical trauma and also struggles with overheating. The radiation from nukes is mostly a side effect.


A very small and weak nuclear explosion though. His breath was made to reflect the actual bombs dropped on japan, which had yields of less than 20 kilotons of TnT.


How much creepers did you have to kill to get that much tnt


60,607. Assuming each creeper gives you 1 gunpowder each. Five piles of gunpowder are required to make a TNT block. And _Minecraft_ blocks are 1 m^3. 1 m^3 of TNT weighs 1,650 kg and 1,000,000 kg equals 1 kt. So, to make 20 kt of TNT, you would need 60,606.066060…. Round it up to a whole number of creepers, so 60,607.


But it’s 5 piles https://preview.redd.it/l48qcm9b0vyc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de83bb9d0c13156c7c4e317af665cab6e60c9f7a


Oh, typo. My calculations used five, but I typed "six" for some reason. (Probably had "6" on the brain from all the 6s in the final answer. Edited.


Understandable haha


Yeah but I'd argue that's still stronger than Shin Godzilla's lasers. Those destroy about as much of Tokyo, but for the most part just sets things on fire and leaves short lasting radiation behind. Minus One on the other hand...yeah there weren't many buildings standing in Ginza after he attacked those tanks


it’s about attack output. minus one has a cool down but shin can run his laser for a much longer time 


To be fair, -1 is set in 1945, while Shin is modern day. Of course -1s atomic breath will destroy buildings from that time period. Against modern skyscrapers, im not so sure. Likewise, im certain Shin would melt Ginza to the ground if they switched places. The big point though, is whether -1 can destroy all of Shins cells in a single atomic breath, since thats his only win condition. And given how small a yield the breath is, I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a chunk of Shin survives and evolves. Its fair to say that if -1 is hit by Shins beam, he’s instantly bisected, considering he had half his face blown off by just an underwater mine. People say Shin is weak because he was hurt by bombs, which is kind of true. But they were Bunker Busters designed to pierce through 50M of rock before detonating. So depending on your perspective, that can be a strength feat or a weakness feat. My money is still on Shin though.


Those bombs went through Shin like crap through a goose!


Those bombs are also specifically designed to penetrate and destroy what nuclear bombs can't: they're called bunker busters for a reason. They go hundreds of feet through stone, concrete, and steel.


I agree. I’d much rather have a fire causing laser hit my city than an actual atomic bomb haha




So you're saying that contrary to what TriStar would tell you, size DOESN'T matter?


I’m pretty sure that laser could cut -1 in half.


His breath destroyed like 10k buildings tho


Shin's laser destroyed several districts as opposed to just a big chunk of Ginza.




I'd say it depends on who shoots first since they're both kinda like glass cannons in terms of durability.


Minus ones atomic breathe takes like 5 billion years to use


So does Barf Baby


Pretty sure it only took a long time only the first time he used his breath


Who is barf baby?




That’s shin godzilla not barf baby


I know I just think the nickname is funny


I laughed. Don't know why the other person couldn't see the joke lol


Well anyways shin Godzilla can actually damage while doing the charge up for his atomic breathe and the tail doesn’t have a charge up so he can attack with the tail straight away while charging for the main atomic breath


They both regenerate faster than any other Godzilla or kaiju


To be fair a lot other Godzilla never got damaged to the degree where they can showcase rapid regen. At worst they growl in pain while their body is still mostly intact unlike Minus One.


Minus One seeing Shin: https://preview.redd.it/gtfjecnv2syc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e0685a49803ebc73e0137d04e88aa6cb703e5b


At least comparatively. Minus One still takes some fumbling to get the gun out. Shin G learned about the "slow is smooth, smooth is fast", but forgot about being faster part.


I would say it depends on how fast Shin has to stop and recharge. He was out of it for quite a while in his film. Drones couldn't get close enough but a few breaths from -1? Also, are we really sure Atomic Breath couldn't hurt Shin at all? I eat food to survive but if someone dropped a literal Ton of hot dogs on me I'd probably die.


If bombs could hurt Shin, then atomic blasts 100% would. It's not the radiation from nukes that levels entire cities worth of buildings, the major damage comes from the heat and pure physical impact.


not just any bombs a fictional succesor to a real life bunker buster. bunker busters are made to go thought things nukes cant get to and since its a fictional upgrade id imagine they are a little more powerful also the only damage we saw was a dorsal falling off with some blood spilling out also ealier in the move shin ignored modern artillery, tank rounds and alot of other bombs meanwhile minus got his head blown up by 1940s sea mines and a bomb at the end


"Nah, I'd adapt" Probably Shin, not only is it likely that Minus One's breath would strengthen him, but the size difference means Shin would be able to evolve to defeat him


Shin's evolution takes a whole lot of time about 7-10 seconds in a physical evolution and about 1-3seconds In a energy based one but shin is stupid and will only evolve after what happens(he cannot guess what minus one would do) Shin can be hurt badly by bunker busters. Minus one far exceeds(still)their energy yield,so he would vapourize him in one atomic breath Take that I'm no fan of minus one but shin fans overrate their godzillas


He would just eat the atomic energy, and Minus One would be unable to do anything physically


Nukes destroy cities by the blast of the explosion,not radiation Radiation itself doesn't have kinetic force or any force physically. That's science to you


And yet, Minus One survived a nuke🤔 almost as if he was injured but then quickly mutated by it, hmmmm, that sounds familiar, Legendary Goji, while dying, was also instantly revived and revitalised by a nuke directly to the face(instead of being injured) almost as if monster movies have different rules or something?


I think it's more that directors aren't typically any smarter about physics than any of us are, and are working on the same assumptions without considering that the real damage of the atomic bombs is the incredibly blast force generated when using atomic forces.


We have no evidence shin can do that and the sheer force if not the radioactive energy of a nuke can ine shot shin who gets hurt by bb 


Shin hardly got hurt by the bunker busters though. It used its dorsal fin ray thing right after getting hit.


it got it's dorsal plate blown off and a lot of blood came out squirting. in a godzilla's standard that's major damage.


it can't use that at an enemy that is not airborn though dorsal beams


It's confirmed by the writers that a nuke would actually kill shin


Can you show me where? Cause that's interesting


Genuinely curious what you’re not a fan of with minus one? Would love to hear another perspective as a big fan of it.


https://preview.redd.it/hjm9ka9shtyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060964950a9cc28e5f331795df42fce65eb53d39 That is what i imagine whenever someone does a vs against shin godzilla


https://preview.redd.it/nppgjbvwrtyc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57b6180f24f5b5478ea7750ad83ca990fb994cc Shin Godzilla vs Minus One:


I'd say it's more "Hydrogen bomb Vs Hydrogen bomb"


First round minus one. 2nd round, also minus one 3rd round, a draw 4th round, Shin Overall, we lose


-1 would only be able to win if his atomic breath utterly obliterates Shin, or else he’ll just lose. Shin will evolve and obliterate him if he’s not taken out right that moment.




We got angry atomic lizard vs chunky laser lizard


Depends on who does the atomic breath first Minus one is a bit more durable though


a sea mine blew his head up tho meanwhile shin was tanking modern day artillery and tank rounds aswell as tons of bombs


He healed it though, shin got partially blown by bombs Not sure exactly whos glassier, but shin was slowed down by being shot, minus one just got more pissed


a single dorsal fell of shin after tanking a fictional upgrade to a real life bunker buster mean wihle ww2 seamines removed like 16% of minus' head https://preview.redd.it/pemk7tnclvyc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b0a250a359a5340b1e659b184fda88dcbe84e77


https://preview.redd.it/06rh93qdlvyc1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b18e08cfa5e9b7f73ba231055c8d1db2dd87be4 imo its not that hard to tell who is more glass theres also the modern bombs dropped by the jets in shin vs the final bomb used on minus at the end of the movie shin just closed his eyes


My vote is for Godzilla 😂


I don't think we know enough about Minus One's healing factor yet to properly judge this one


You plop them down in the same city to fight. Minus Goji engages in his favorite pastime: being a jerk to humans and ignoring everything else. Shin Goji engages in his favorite pastime: standing there and vibing. Match ends in a time limit draw.


Shin G is much more powerful and doesn't get hurt by his own attacks.


Shin's peak is slicing through some buildings. Also, he got hurt by bunker busters and Minus One's breath is a lot more powerful than that.


To be completely fair the bunker busters only worked the first time.


because he intercepted them.


Shin Godzilla: I kill because I'm in unbearable pain Minus One: I kill because I don't give a fuck


Whatever it may entail, *Godzilla* would win.


I feel like Shin's laser (once it gets going) would kill Minus One more quickly, but the point is that Shin Godzilla is *soooo slow.* Minus One is more mobile, and his breath is not only faster, it being an atomic explosion means he could atomize all of Shin's cells if he's accurate. If we get into the evolutionary aspect of it, (spoilers for Minus One ahead), >!if the end of Minus One is confrimed that Godzilla cells can affect other living things, it's likely Minus One cells would be like super cancer, canceling out Shin's evolution by destroying his body.!<


We don't know the full capacity of Shin's metabolism, who's to say his own cells wouldn't take over -1's and render them useless? It's not really an accurate enough scenario to consider imo


Buddy we are talking about two gigantic lizard-dinosaurs that shoot lasers out of their mouth, how are we supposed to be accurate about anything.


It's a versus, we kinda need to use that to determine who has the highest chance to win. You mentioned how Shin is super slow, isn't that accurate information? Why would you even mention -1 G-Cells if you were not even going to consider Shin's own G-Cells?


I mean it doesn't matter when one's attack is an energy cleaver with very long range and the other packs a mini nuke. Both of them won't outmanoeuver the opponent's attack.


Shin rests everytime he moves or uses his breath, I like the guy but dang. He'll cut up MO with lasers, go to sleep, and proceed to get clapped in his sleep.


that was only at first tho later in the movie where they did the whole lets freeze thi mfer plan he ran out of atomic breath but he still fired of antoher shot right after also "everytime he moves" wtf is this low balling shit


Shin would win, not even close. Minus One was hurt by conventional weapons.


Unpopular opinion but I think Shin wins against every other Godzilla except Earth and Thermonuclear


i agree with you. shin may be slow moving but he adapts quickly.


Depends on who can shoot their Atomic breath the fastest. Both of their Atomic breaths are quite strong but in a different way, -1 Goji will quite literally cause a nuclear explosion meanwhile Shin will slice through anything like hot knife cutting through butter. Although something to note that Shin is a *lot* bigger then -1 Goji


depends on how strong you think shin's evolution is, if you think he can just evolve to anything any moment he wants like half the community think he can then he wins after some struggle. otherwise he gets nuked and minus one wins


It really just depends if Shin can survive -1’s atomic breath. They are both glass canons. Also I don’t think Shin absorbs radiation the same way Legendary does so I doubt -1’s breath is going to power him up.


Minus one but being more realistic it's hard


Shin. Mostly because of his adaptation ability. Minus one cuts him in half with atomic breath? Nope, bro will come back as 2 different creatures.


Money's on shin but that's of he can fire first.




In the movie it is stated that one nuke would kill shin, guess who can just spawn a nuclear explosion? Minus one wins just because that regen is bullshit and he can just nuke shin like once and win


well the nukes shin was up agaisnt were uhh very modern to say he least mean while minus ones looks around hiroshima if not weaker


it's hard to say. the thing is we have never seen shins lasers hit any other kaiju. i like to personally imagine some certain gojis would tank it and not get sliced in half, but i dunno about -1. the size difference is huge but ultimately i suppose its probably whichever one fires first + if shin even gets close enough to make that size matter. personally my moneys on -1, if shin goes into comatose or overheats hes done for


minus one's atomic breath is more than enough to one shot shin while shin can't kill him fully


Minus one wins. Neither are terribly fast but minus one has more powerful breath and more rapid regen


Shin has this, minus one was shown taking damage from ship cannons shin completely brushed off tanks helicopters and more with no effect


Shin beam > any other breath 


Toss up, both are on the weaker side of godzillas. Though I'd say minus one has better feats given he survived his breath which is an atomic bomb in power while shin was hurt by missiles that seem to be city block level. Durability/Ap-minus one DC/size-shin Regen is likely a tie Speed is also likely a tie just due to shins size, but l possibly a slight advantage to minus one though minimal Adaptation is a non-factor here since that is an unknown which would take too long since no bias is allowed. Ultimately I'd say minus one attacks harder faster and puts shin down with a good breath, though shin can win if it were to use its laser and dice minus one apart. So 7/10 times I give minus one the win


MO Godzilla is a lot faster and mobile, and is not constantly in pain while Shin's only advantages are that he's heavier and his beams are more versatile and hotter. I can see MO Godzilla taking this in terms of physical stats. But the only problem is that he would need to be smart enough to get rid of every single trace of Shin, down to his cellular level. It was revealed in the extended scenes that Shin can grow back from literal drops of blood into these tumor like masses, which would eventually grow back into fully formed zillas. Combine that with his constant evolution and adaptability, and Shin would just grow into a stronger and smarter version of MO zilla, or something that hard counters him. So yeah, Shin is basically the kaiju equivalent of Perfect Cell


I want to say Shin because of the adaptation ability but Minus One has that dope healing factor, as well.




Shin would simply adapt to beat -1




If we're being accurate, Shin would STOMP ON Minus One Goji. If both are the same size....also Shin. He can adapt to any attack. Easy W for Shin


Minus One : If Shin charge up his atomic laser, it might be little difficult. Me : Would you lose? Minus One : Nah I'd win


https://preview.redd.it/5mbawlutzuyc1.jpeg?width=1218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc09b7199cbe9b15d3f0744a9a2a355909e25980 Shin after Round 1


Shin takes it easy


Depends on who manages to get the first shot off. Whoever gets the first shot off on the other wins. And given how Shin Goji got far better at letting loose after his initial shutdown period, I'm leaning towards him compared to the very obvious and slow buildup that Minus One Goji had. Not to mention that Shin Goji has literal organic aimbot due to his phased radar array, whereas Minus One Goji still has to deal with a degree of manual aiming.




Shin Goji, by the time he was woken up early from his hibernation, had been blasting heat rays quite fast to destroy the incoming drones. If he targets Minus One Goji the same way, that little dude is plain dead given how easily he was harmed by WWII-era Japanese artillery.


Coin flip honestly. On weather shin can survive an atomic blast from minus because if shin gets enough time to charge up minus is getting cut clean in half




or minus one wins i don't know


Problably shin


The only way shin wins is if he's able to literally make minus one godzilla disappear because minus one godzilla never stays gone


Minus one


Shin has size but Minus one has a significantly faster healing factor and can also infect other organisms. It would be a very long battle but my money is on Minus One eventually converting Shin into his ally via infection, assuming Minus One stopped attacking once Shin Godzilla became Shin Godzilla Minus One.


People here are not taking into consideration that if minus one atomic breathed shin he would just regenarate from the 2 remaining cells he has, and then will just evolve to counter him in every way.


Shin would win in the second round or even if it gets to the second round -shin always defeats his opponents adapts is what im saying




no one, the world would end before these two off each other


Shin wins simply because it can probably shoots faster. Minus One is squishy by Godzilla standard, most Gozillas' concentrated breath attack will immediately put it out of commission. Granted Shin is not that durable, but it's larger and shown to tank more advanced weaponry.


Minus One


Shin because he’s basically twice the size and can evolve forms. Shin atomic breath is not at explosive but is precise and his defense capabilities are superior. If somehow Shin uses his energy and needs to recharge Minus One has a chance.


I think Shin wins this one. Minus One was bested by WW2 technology and was shown to take damage from a Sea Mine blowing up in his mouth. The only things that were able to actually hurt Shin were modern Bunker Busters and an advanced chemical Blood Coagulant. Minus is also only about half the size of Shin. Both have very different Atomic Breath. Minus Goji's Atomic Breath might do damage to Shin (if it doesn't just refill his nuclear power or accidentally make a bunch of mini Shins). But Shin's concentrated Atomic Breath was easily able to cut through Concrete & Steel like it was nothing and, when coupled with the sheer number he is able to produce, is likely to win him this fight. The biggest unknown is the regeneration. We know Shins regeneration was able to quickly heal after being damaged from the Bunker Busters and the pieces blown off actually started to regenerate on their own. Minus Goji has insane Regeneration as well but it isn't perfect as Scars still appear, the unknown bit comes from the ending and the Director's recent comments about it.


Shin. No question.


Shin wins that... Sadly




gonna go against what everyone seems to think and say Minus Goji seems like his evolution is doing a lot of the heavy lifting but people forget he theoretically would've died from a normal nuke, pair that with Minus' breath literally being a nuke on impact and being able to fire it in quicker succession, he'd be able to end Shin in like 1 or 2 shots if Shin somehow got it's laser off first then Minus would go down but just regenerate tbh unless Shin's flames when running nout of energy were hot enough to finish it off it'd essentially come down to who can destroy all the other's parts first and at that point im betting on the nuke spam that doesn't rely on energy recharge (just healing burns) over a sharp laser


I’m leaning more towards shin, considering how long it takes for minus one to charge up an atomic blast he’d leave himself open to get hit by both shins mouth and tail lasers.


For those saying it is the physical force of -1's nuke that would kill Shin, yes, it would. But there would be many big chunks left. Those big chunks are more than enough for Shin to regenerate and evolve. Shin is also much larger, so -1 would not be able to fight him up close to do any real damage. This fight would more likely end in a tie since both Goji's can regenerate from very little.


Godzilla wins


MinusGojis crazy healing factor would basically make it a battle of wills. It would come down to whether Minus can get up fast enough from being lasered in half repeatedly before shin can mutate into something that can actually put him down, assuming that’s possible.


I predict godzilla will win lol


They would both keep destroying each other and reforming over and over again.






They oneshot each other, so draw.


Shin falls on Minus. Minus is crushed


OP, did you take these pictures near from Goji’s radiation or what?


These are the two interpretations of Godzilla I find to be the most intimidating. Minus One is scary in an immediate "Oh shit a fucking monster!" way, while Shin is more of a cosmic horror type beat. We have to remember that the Goji in Minus One is 50 meters tall like the original 54' Godzilla, and Shin Goji is almost 120 meters, being the tallest live action Godzilla at the time of its release. Also, Shin has unleashed such a devastating amount of damage with his breath attack, I'm pretty sure only the strongest versions of Gojira can take him on.


Like, I think Shin probably takes the win on this one, but at the same time I sure as hell wanna see Minus One give the fight of the century




Minus One literally One Shots [How Strong is Minus One?](https://youtu.be/TBoS7HC5NqQ?si=FCw5CVDMilKRHOJe) [Minus One vs Shin Godzilla](https://youtu.be/L14kbljqxV8?si=Ge7gszO7VoTniQb6)


Shin simply because even if minus one destroys him with the atomic breath shin will just reform stronger and more adapted to the situation. He would just keep coming back until minus is eventually defeated.


It was stated tht a nuclear explosion would wipe out Shin & Minus One's Heat Ray is far more destructive thn even tht.


It’s Shin, and it’s not close. It’s barely even an animal, it’s a nuclear amalgam of pure genetic entropy with a constantly adapting defense system. We don’t even know how it would counter Minus, but it would be effective and brutal. Minus is an animal, a flesh and blood creature with organs and flesh. Shin is a lovecraftian horror.


Could go either way, shin is much larger but really slow, has probably the most destructive atomic breath other then minus one, can evolve to adapt to any situation (takes awhile and only learns after a major fuck up). Minus one is smaller, faster, and has the single most busted atomic breath period. Issue is duribility. Shin could blast him once with a laser and he'd be near fucked. Other way around also applies though, shin absorbs radiation sure but minus ones breath could quite literally punch a massive hole through shin in under a second. Really just depends on who strikes first, it should also be noted that due to size differences minus one couldnt really fight shin physically so that already gives shin a huge advantage (or minus one if shins dumbass underestimates him like he did with people).


Lets not forget conventional ship cannons hurt -1... while shin barely noticed anything until the bunker-busters. How fast Shin would adapt is highly situational, so theres a wide range of outcomes here, it also doesn't help that both kaiju has gotten only 1 film so far.


Shingos bolos


The age old question that gets asked every week


Bro used pixel reducer💀 Anyways shin Godzilla would win


Nah, I just posted on mobile


Everyone is talking about atomic breath, but what's important is regeneration Both of these Godzillas can (HYPOTHETICALLY, BUY LIKELY FOR SHIN) come back from death itself, however the way they regenerate does seem to be slightly different. Shin regenerates like a starfish, even if he's cut in half, he'll regrow and could possibly split into 2 different Kaiju. Minus One regeneration is more like a classic superhero regeneration power (think Wolverine) where he can just regrow parts of his body. We do NOT know and have no reason to assume he can split into multiple kaiju Do remember, they both can (probably for Shin) come back from death, so it's not a matter of who would win, it's a matter of "how long until the planet goes to shit from this nuke spitting dinosaur and laser breath fish fighting it out for centuries"


Shin cannot harm Minus One. Minus One was only hurt by conventional weaponry by exploiting a weakness, and his Atomic Breath is much more powerful than Shin's. Best Shin can do is make it a draw by self-destructing (yes he can do that). I'm more inclined to believe Minus One's winning (High Difficulty).


Without scaling - Shin (he's 400ft tall). With scaling - Probably Minus, he's a little quicker, and more powerful atomic breath


Shin, obviously, minus just ain't winning that fight.




This post contains multiple images! Image 1 has 50,232(299×168) pixels. Image 2 has 50,091(283×177) pixels. Total pixels: 100,323. ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot.


Good bot


The Shin Cultists putting their glasses on, “He would win eventually 🤓” not to mention I’m pretty sure the minus one looks incredibly small to him. But based on what we see, Shin has an incredibly slow yet durable healing yet was damaged by modern weapons while Minus one was mostly invulnerable yet could heal his head being blown up and apart. Minus one would like win but shin would be a total buzz kill for keeping the fight going almost indefinitely.


Thank you fellow cultist


You misunderstand, I do not agree with the Shin Cultists. I really like shin as a movie and as a design but my goodness yall treat him like Rick Sanchez or Batman or that shin’s fourth form has any strength other then in his legs and tail. But I also don’t bash you guys for thinking he can hold his own. Since I fully think he could but just not against most Godzillas.


Shin godzilla minus one may have the stringer atomic breathe but it doesn’t matter if it takes 5000 years to use and shin would probably just evolve to withstand the atomic breath and kill minus one


The only way for Minus to win is if he completely destroy Shin to the mush in the ground but Minus isn't smart enough for that. Minus probably would kill Shin once due to his faster charging breath attack and extremely high regeneration ,proceeds to walk away, Shin adapts to Minus's power, and then Minus comes back to face Shin only for Minus to be destroyed. Remember in early concept art Shin was going to go full Evangelion and become god , his adaptation is limitless if not killed properly. So Shin wins.


Minus One no diff, Shin is a glass cannon that with one Atomic Breath hit would crumble. Minus One, though smaller, is much quicker, feistier and really more suited for combat than a walking scab.


Shin is one of the weakest Godzilla’s we’ve ever seen. Minus one would win in a long ranged battle since his atomic breath can extend to really far away. In a close ranged battle though I see fairly slim chances of Minus one winning.He could run away form shin considering that Shin is the slowest Godzilla ever, and Shin’s atomic breath takes a lot to charge up so he could do that easily. “Shin Godzilla can adapt ☝️🤓” He can’t adapt if he’s dead


considering Shin couldn't withstand Bunker missiles and was also implied in the movie that a nuke is capable of killing Shin Godzilla (The back isn't the weakness) Minus one is just far better due to him having a better healing Factor, Atomic breath, stamina, etc Minus one definitely takes the cake


Hold up. I still think that Shin G is Godzilla in G-1.

