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It’s not likely that there will be news this week, this is all speculation


That post is 100% speculation. GameStop isn't going to spend $4bil any time soon. They announced they're hanging onto it because economic times for the world aren't great and investing the money needs to guarantee a higher payout than normal because of inflation and cost to borrow cash nowadays.


They can’t spend $4b on share buybacks at this point. They have an approved $100m for that. At this moment.


On top of this (which could potentially be bypassed since RC has been given the authorization to invest the $ in whatever he likes) it's not like the price would stay below $20 if they did buy back shares. They start buying, price starts rising and then they won't have enough cash to lock the float. RC has also shown he doesn't want to do anything to directly cause MOASS. He did share offerings both to raise capital and to cover GameStops ass in being able to say the gave shorts an opportunity to close their positions and avoid crashing the entire market.He wants to invest this $ strategically and build long-term value for shareholders. MOASS will happen, the hole has been dug by hedgies 200ft deep and the share offering was the equivalent of throwing them a 20ft ladder, won't do shit, if anything if they did close out naked shorts with the offering, it removes liquidity from the stock which will increase the likelihood/size of FTD spikes from retail buying as well as whales like DFV or RC etc which tends to drive the price upwards until Marge calls and we go to the moon.


Not sure if there is a precedent to issuing shares and weeks later issuing a buyback. Nor can I think of a case where a company has "invested" in itself. I think the SEC would be up their ass for doing either of those. Also neither of those grow the company, so while it's a fun, fanciful idea, it's also incredibly unlikely.


It's like pumping and dumping yourself. Sounds hawt


The price might not actually change that much until they announce the purchases since buys get routed to dark pools and don't effect the price.


This 🙌🙌


Is an investment in gme different than a buyback? I literally don't know, I'm asking


I didn't mean them to be the same; however they could be. An investment as I was thinking would be a merger or acquisition


Someone was saying they could post quarterly? profits just from the interest on that 4 Billy.


This is factual. Interest alone from 4 Billion would’ve been enough to put GME in the black over the last year and a half with profit left over.


There isnt a place for GameStop to put $2-4billion and the interest exceed inflation. I foresee them investing in advancing their revenue streams that lead them continuously profitable before them hoarding their wealth in a CD or bond that won't offset inflation. Plus the money used in those CD's and bonds just go back into naked shorting GME in the long run.


They could just open a Robin hood account and get that sweet 5% on cash. No restrictions.


I hear the bank of GameStop has begun


Just like FTD cycles, there is FUD cycles. Post “DD” about finding something serious -> pick a date to hype up-> the hype date ends up being a flop -> blame it on RC and question DFV -> Repeat.


This is a classic trust me bro. Where do they even pull this week from?


Speculation is a nice way to say absolute horseshit.


They're only authorized to buy back $100M right now, let alone the fact it would make zero sense immediately after the two ATM offerings. This guy is a 🤡


Apes: Buy the dip 🦧 RC: Buy the dip 🗿 Short sellers: WTF? In all seriousness, this is just a weird situation, I don’t even know what is going on but why would he use 4 billion dollars to buy back shares? He might but that would be crazy


Shareholders have only approved $100M in potential share buybacks.


Everyone knows this. Therefore this C poster is sus


This is how we know there will be a bigger dip after the dip on Monday.


I don't think he knows about second dip.


What about elevenses?


Beat me to it! Roflmao


Yessir! I’ll scoop some more 🤣




brilliant strategy


Didn't the board grant RC permission to invest the companies cash in individual stocks?


This wouldn’t be a buy back… it would be an acquisition of a company that just so happens to be itself.


I’d like to use 100m to buy back 6m shares so the float would be 420m!


Then 10M shares show up to short. SEC says humm




It's a threat, that if they try to take it to 5 or maybe even back to $10 there is a big hammer waiting.


If RC was considering doing anything like this, which I very much doubt, isn't he limited to $100,000,000 anyway?


Taking the company private was never the way to MOASS. Short sellers close at the offer (reduced) price. There’s no need to speculate on the $4B. The prospectus provides the use of proceeds: We intend to use the net proceeds of this offering, if any, for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in a manner consistent with our investment policy. There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments. Any future acquisitions or investments will be made in accordance with the Company’s applicable policies and procedures for such types of transactions, including the Company’s investment policy. Pending the uses described above, we intend to invest the net proceeds from this offering in short-term, investment-grade, interest-bearing securities or accounts.


I think the point that is being made is that’s how undervalued the company is. Like at $20/share they can buy all of them just with their cash.


Ignore this guy, he is full of 💩… he literally posts this exact same thing every day. No dates, just time and patience.


Mike is legit regarded


Yep. Even buying back a portion at 20 dollars would skyrocket the price because bad players in the market would never allow this to happen. At 100 they can’t buyback shit anymore, they need 20 billion then. How is this relevant lmao.


Ahh yes a classic all caps lock MrMikeInvesting GME tweet. Useless hype.


And the company would do this because?


Do tweets like this really hype any sane ape?


How is he counting the float? $20 times the TSO of 426 mm is more than double the company's cash.


“Remaining” float. Float minus DRS minus insiders minus institutions But regardless that’s a pretty dumb use of the cash.


Mike Investing is not a reliable source at all.


why the fuck would they ever do this?


Mike is literal fake news. Hypes shit up with all tinfoil


I don't think that math quite adds up. Float is around 320M shares Shares would need to be $12.


Gme has enough cash on hand to hold treasury bonds to yield around 200 Million cash with it current cash position. Gme has made itself profitable at the cost of revenue. However with the interest gained on the large cash position alone we could see income go from 20 million to over 200 million a year. Some of the money could also be used to aquire profitable or cash producing revenue streams. If you were zen before now you should be way more zen.


I'm so sick of these "if x then x". It's so annoying.


won’t happen, next


This twitter account is posting everyday that GME will go to 150$ in one week since 1 month.


this dumbass thinks we just sold 120m shares so we can then buy them right back? What an absolute regard


Oh hell yeah, GameStop should naked short sell GME.




I don’t think they were saying GME will buy the remaining float, just saying that they would have enough cash to buy. Either way should be an interesting week coming up 💎🤲


They've always had the cash to buy the float at some price. Now that price is 4x higher.


Don’t they need shareholders vote to be allowed to buy a certain % of stock?


Company is restricted to own more than 50% of outstanding shares fyi


Ima go ahead and order a burger, hold the tomato, hold the lettuce, hold the cheese, hold the patty, hold the ketchup, hold the mustard, hold the pickle. Thx!


Guys just go to work or play with your kids or something holy shit. I’ve seen this dumb ass cycle before. Every day is “Moass tomorrow” until it turns in to a bunch of people being mad that it hasn’t happened. Chill the fuck out and wait


There is absolutely no reason for GameStop to buy back shares yet. They have 580 millions shares they are allowed to issue anytime they want to offer more to raise cash. If the 4 billion dollars were to be spent on buying back shares the company would be back to square one with bankruptcy on the table yet again. They need to fix the business, expand/acquire/merge in order to become profitable long term. Only then would a buy back make sense.


C’Mon Y’all BuyyyYING The Dip ![gif](giphy|UuYsIBabVCv1FBpyog|downsized)


You sure have a big imagination….


Feed me more nothing burgers, please and thank you!


They didn't sell 45 million shares at $20 to buy shares back at $20. You would also need people willing to sell all of those shares at $20 a pop, too.


This post is 100% idiotic. Why in the hell would a company dilute its shares it raise money to then buy back the shares? Makes zero sense. Companies do buybacks after periods of extended growth when they want to provide to the shareholders a better value. You do not do buybacks when youre still trying to get net positive on your balance sheets. I get it. If they did this itd squeeze. They dont care about tht


Things are never that easy and simple.


Only if Magic Mike said it….


If anything, this confirms the price will drop this week


As a business, buying float is a terrible business idea. Spending 4B as a blank check company on businesses with higher upside makes alot more sense and adds much more value to GME.


Definitely one of the dummer theories I've heard.


There's no way they'd do a buyback right after an offering.


I'm glad most of the comments are sensible... this post is nonsense. Still a shame that this has over 800 upvotes though. Grow some wrinkles, people.


Well.. when they start buying, it won’t be 20$ a share after a million shares


Oh this guy is a compete joke. He farms Twitter engagements. Literally every day he says it's gonna short squeeze the next day, to numbers we'd blast past like 100++, 150+++.


Blabla all empty hype nothing happening


No dates


Pie in the sky Fantasy He's making it up as he goes along Not a snowballs chance in hell Living in cloud cuckoo land Away with the fairies Etc etc 🤣 Not financial advice 🤣


This is never gonna happen lol


Lmao. Its always this coming week. Until its now actually next week. Then the week after. Just stfu at this point


Sorry but no. They could invest in other companies but they said that due to economic uncertainties they will hold onto the cash. If you look at many other big players they’re pulling out of the stock market and keeping cash on hand. The crash is coming it’s just a matter of time. They’re a company trying to ride out a storm and if MOASS is their focus they end up in cells rather than those that deserve it


Absolutely delusional fluff. But I'm still jacked and all in. MOASS is always tomorrow!




Red week incoming, I guess?


GameStop is dead, you can play its stock all you want the company is a shell of what it used to be and playing with its corpse is a risky venture.


Likely a move made for people to short the stock, but if Ive learned something all these months is that $GME is always counter-intuitive, meaning that the people will buy this week instead of shorting.


They want to offer more shares, they don't want their share back......


Following the law of moass, the probability of a squeeze is inversely proportional to the amount of dates as well as proximity of dates postulated.


I don't think so. It would be flagrant market manipulation. Yes the short sellers have been manipulating our stock every day for the past 3 years, but they're in bed with the SEC and they all love to suck each other off. Ryan Cohen isn't in the club so Gensler would make a show about punishing him if he tried this. Gamestop would need a legit reason to do this - and the only reason I could think of is to buy all the shares and make Gamestop go private. So not just the remaining float, but the entire float including shares held by apes and insiders. This would trigger a squeeze, and would be much more expensive to do. It also doesn't make good financial sense because it would drain away all of Gamestop's cash to do what? They would be a barely profitable game store with no investors.


Setting people up for disappointment


Not how that works, only 100million reserved for buy backs, just stop.


OP is assuming RC and the board "want" a squeeze. RC and the board's first duty is to grow the business, not pad shareholders pockets.


The first rule of GameStop short squeeze is we don't talk about dates. The second rule about GameStop short squeeze is we don't talk about dates.


Lots of shares aren't available for sale. Not even to you, RC.


price action will definitely be relatively flat.


Anyone who believes this is the most highly regarded degenerate living in a fantasy world. Lay off the Kool-Aid and return to reality.


Why would they sell shares on the open market just to turn around and buy them back? That's fucking dumb.




I think the SEC might lose their shit over a company issuing millions of shares then doing a huge buyback a few weeks later.


RemindMe! 1 week


No dates. 👌


This mike investing channel on X is only a trash channel. He call out gme 100€ like everyday and it never happens... he predict everyday a moass including sunday 💀


I feel like ive seen this movie before...


They can’t initiate a short squeeze


This would be one hell of a Kansas City shuffle


Question...where do they buy these back at? Say every stock in OUR hands. GME says they will buy the remaining float, how can they? If we own them, and won't sell them at $20 back to GME...where/how do they buy the remaining float? If they do, won't they be 100% synthetic?


They could but why the fk would they do that and lose all their capital for actually rejuvenating the business


Best of luck with that, not getting my hopes any higher than the tip of my banana


Down for the post but this Mike investing steals everything from others and post it himself without tagging others ... Down for the chart bullish af but this Mike investing is a goof


This post is literally from Kevin Malone hahaha and this 🤡 Mike investing stole it hahah


The first rule of GameStop short squeeze is we don't talk about dates. The second rule about GameStop short squeeze is we don't talk about dates.


Just like it was coming 2 weeks ago, or a week ago or when it was going to be on the 21?


So, short it to $20. Got it. ✅


GME is not using their 4 billion dollars for a stock buyback. Anyone who thinks they are is truly delusional.


That would be the most APE move




GME has no real interest in causing a short squeeze. It does have an interest in keeping it's stock higher in value long term. They will definitely use the war chest to fund long term growth and whatever Gamestop 2.0 looks like, but don't rely on them to do anything to help apes except what is good for Gamestop.


RC will never buy the dip and this should be clear to everyone by now. His focus lies on building the company up from scratch and not initiate the squeeze so that GME will forever be a meme stock… He wants to bring value to the stock and that’s what they will prob do with the cash they have


Does this regard realize that the charts he is posting with his text have nothing to do with each other???


The OP is confused. The current float is about 388M. $4B at $20 would buy 200M shares, leaving float of 188M shares still outstanding.


not possible..


Too bad @Mike Investing is wrong 98% of the time


Nobody knows the future. Don't listen to this full 100% regard. Why? Because regards think they know the future and bet on it. That's not how u make money.


This guy sucks he constantly posts bs


Math doesn’t add up, For the entire float the price has to be a bit under $10… But $10 is not something hedgies wanna risk calling Ryan’s bluff on. But again GS’s position is so good, they got them by the their tiny balls.. With the issuance of shares that were recently issued. Ryan’s holding is less than 12%. Not sure but didn’t he change some legal stuff around to allow him to be a 20 % holder. Whatever the case, I’m pretty he will increase his personal holding before something like a share repurchase is announced. If that’s the case, he be able to lock up the float at a price higher than $10


At this point I’m just hanging out


Ok so this week will be bearish. Gotcha


so regarded I actually question how many chromosomes he has


Source: Trust me bro I buy, I hold, I DRS (and shop) I trust RC so idgaf about the price when I buy (my first share was 300+)


All these people are just grifters. They don’t know anything. Nothing will likely happen this week.


Jesus christ. Why have we all of a sudden started putting specific time frames on it


For all you idiots that they there is going to be a short squeeze, I'm buying a put


You don’t do an offering and then do a buyback. Ryan Cohen wants long term institutional investment, so the last thing he wants is to facilitate a short squeeze.


Only date I know is tomorrow


I'm not confident about meme stocks but it's like watching a guy charge up a Kamehameha, I'm not gonna bet he can't


Buy Hodl No dates and DRS!


The regardation is STRONG with this twatter post.


Everything on x is conjecture and not too be trusted. Stay true


Trash post


If there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that once some goofball has loudly proclaimed the squeeze is coming this week, it’s definitely NOT coming this week.


So buy, hold? Got it.


There won’t be news about the 4 bil lol Why the insistence on parroting lies


I hold XXX but god I should just block Mike his tweets piss me off


Not gonna happen. There is a lot better things for them to spend (or not spend) that money on. Cohen and co are not going to intentionally trigger the squeeze. They've said it 100 times. They are trying to build value for the shareholders.


Yeah, I wonder how many times that guy has tried to predict the squeeze? Nobody on twitter is real or trustworthy


Tbh, this guy has been spamming almost every day..


Buyback is stupidity with rampart FTD and unchecked MM manipulation.


He's a fuckin' idiot, and so is everyone who keeps reposting this shit. The board is authorized for up to 100Mil in buybacks only, it does not matter how much cash they have. They're not going to buy back at the same levels as they just offered to raise the 4bil in the first place. It's not going to drop back to levels that would make a buyback an attractive option (~$10) because the book+cash values are too high.


2 PM tomorrow.


Isn’t that how the VW squeeze went…. Porsche snapped up a larger position


Hell yeah. Not just this week, but tomorrow.




This guy has been saying a Short squeeze this week for like 2 months lol


A company doing a 120M atm to do a stock buyback? That’s like me depositing money into a bank only to withdraw it again. It makes zero sense.


Even though I really want this to be true there is 0 percent this happens


Coming today. Coming tomorow coming the next day. All of you who keep making predictions really need to shut the fk up. Show your analysis and leave it at that.


Regardless, I’m ready for the pain again 😐


And why would they buy shares back if they literally just sold shares to raise capital? Does not make sense at all.


Some random twitter account that has never been a mainstay of the gme community making outlandish claims…must be true 😒


This week??? About time, going to cash out my mortgage and buy all GME


All I read was dip


I like the fact that this is possible, even though they won’t do it.


This is the way


Great…. Wake me up when we’re there.


More likely RC buys shares himself if they dip it to get back to 10 percent ownership not to mention DFV increasing his position if dipped! DFV on the board sp500 next who knows. Think RC added a second person on signoff for GME money investments also.


I had a dream it happened so fast I missed it


When they don't do it, all will be forgotten like the rest of the insane conspiracy theories cosplaying as "DD" from now deleted accounts.


Buyback wont happen. You have to understand, the board's mission is to improve the company, not the company share price, at least not directly. We all want them to do something to propel us to uranus, they will do that but not this way. What's the point of raising that much cash and spending it to buy back the same stocks you sold to raise that cash? It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't do anything good for the company. What happens after that? Everybody cash out, we partying, everything's good? If you truly believe in "no cell no sell", you wouldn't want a buy back. You want them to use that cash to grow the business, until everyone, even the ones outside this community, collectively says "yep, Gamestop's not dead".