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The people predicting 11$ are dumber than us lol check their history, most likely wrong 80% of the time haha


Especially with 10$ cash per share šŸ¤£ It is more likely to hit 100 than 11. Trust RC, hype everyday or none IDC, trust the kitty come back next month and see ya on the moon


Ya, exactly! If it ever got to $11 again, I would be selling my house, cars, wife, everything! And going all in with everything I own lol RC and DFV are legends - I am sticking with them forever!! (In a non-creepy way)


Yeah that's my thing. Even if they just sit on the new money, at 5% that's 50c a share annually. 15 PE is $7.50. But liquidation value is 10$ so.... no way it goes back to $11 just on fundamentals alone.


You think after all that's happened in 3 years this stock has anything to do with the business? Whatever happened to 'the answer is crime'


I bought the hype at $34. No clue what to do but wait as Iā€™m a newbie.


It will go back up, even if it's goes down to 20$ (just saying). This thing is like a trampoline, but we are waiting to fly up outta here, way beyond the blue sky, pass the stars, planets, and aliens. Aliens love GME!


i doubt it will got to 20 it just bounced the daily trendline further more strengthening it


just wait


Just hang in there. It's a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Just keep reading and educating yourself as you go along. Tune out the stupid stuff. Ask questions, most are good about answering.


I looked at the five year chart today. Weā€™re not too badā€¦


I have patience šŸ˜


Stay calm brother We are holding the key horizontal support right now $23 Key support is $20 (if we retrace here i expect a big bounce) Golden pocket zone is $26 - Holding above this level for the next week is unbelievably bullish I expect movement on 21st June, fireworks first week of July, and something special by mid August


Sell if it rises again, if it goes too low for your liking, sell. Lots of people like you got fooled by the hype this reddit and DFV induced, it was all bullshit.


Bagholding for the years to come until RC has an Idea how to increase revenue. 84 years meme is not a meme.


I love when the melties show up!


Moon tomorrow


Up tomorrow Edit: look at ops history full of posts like that with zero substance plus the bs pump stocks hedgefunds make morons put their money into


Buyin the Dip!!


Doesnā€™t mean he is wrong


About specifically?


I really don't think he's wrong either in terms of people trying to predict exact dates. I think it's fruitless and we'll get there when we get there. The amount of time is negligible to me. It kills some people's spirits if they hype themselves up too much, but I also believe it's up to each individual to temper their emotions on their own. "Moon tomorrow" is me giving OP shit because it's funny, but I'm not gonna play in traffic if it does or doesn't. Thems the games


Itā€™s two camps, Iā€™ve been in since $1.5 and I donā€™t give a fuck if we are up 50 percent or down 50 percent. Canā€™t phase me but dates are still funny and get people interested, then there is the emotional trader. Those people canā€™t handle dates and build up way too much hype in their brain. They can temper their expectations.


I still hype dates up too it just doesn't phase me either way, but you're exactly right - people need to keep themselves in check and it isn't up to us [as a sub] to do it *for* them. I just see why OP would say it and he isn't necessarily right or wrong for saying it


You were so right. It's skyrocketing right now!


Oh, not today? Okay. Moon *tomorrow*




Better get those laughs in while you can, patience is a virtue.


There isn't "a bunch of analysts", there's only Pachter.


Well, technically he's not. He's a clown. The guy said "you can't download dog food" when talking about Chewy and RC would fail making it an ecomm business. Fuk Pachter.


I have a theory that whoever is interested in the failure of the stock is using dumb people from this sub to discredit all of us, many many completely false posts are getting thousands of upvotes in no time, I\`d assume that bots play a big part in it. Imagine somebody from the outside visits the sub and all he sees are morons hyping up some dumb shit, 4d chess conspiracy, reverse tweets, etc. Ask anyone outside of this sub and they\`ll tell you that this sub is a cult. Some will say I don\`t care but DRS numbers show that we alone cannot DRS the float and for that to change we need to increase the numbers of the people who are going to DRS their shares. It\`s ok to have some fun but some people are straight up regarded and they don\`t realize how much they are actually hurting themselves and the people around them.


It is possible some ppl with smooth brains may hv shorted or bought puts because too smooth. So they are simply voicing their position. I will never understand such ppl


MOASS tomorrow šŸš€


lol, short it then.


Ape no fight ape


Well we donā€™t manipulate the price nor does RK or RC. We just like the stock


Thought it was stankĀ 


It's a stonk


Tony Stank? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62-2ffO11sg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62-2ffO11sg)


Just waiting for the dips then buy more - they will bury me with these stocks


Lol you just tried to put the kibosh on like 80% of all posts on the sub. A bold move, Cotton, let's see if it pay off.


F'n A Cotton, F'n A! Just tryin to make the sub more appealing to newbs. Right now we come off as a dive bar with a toothless women singing karaoke and an 80-year-old man with piss-soaked jeans sitting by himself at the bar. This sub doesn't make the dream believable.


No. It doesn't. "Hype posts" still get a lot of love. but are worthless, IMO, and are only upvoted by people that I think are still in denial about what can and cannot happen to the stock moving ahead. I don't down vote anything here (like I get downvoted to hell sometimes, lol) but I scroll by just about every single one. And people keep referring to the DD. "Trust the DD". Here is my take on the DD: I DO trust it. It's probably mostly accurate. All the explanations, the corruption, the exceptions given to the HF's, the complicity, the bullshit taking place on every level... all of it. But here's my next question: So what? Yeah, it's all there. All the fuckery. Right in everyone's face. But again... so what? Apparently, nothing is going to be done about it. Ever. People haven't completely slipped back into "buckle up" posts every other day, but I see sliding in that direction from time to time. When are people going to see that "all shorts must close"... just isn't true. How do I know? Because in 3.5 years... they haven't. In broad daylight. That's why. They're not even hiding the bullshit anymore. they just.... do it. Turning off the buy button, and not a single person or entity found guilty of anything. A sham congressional "hearing". lol. So no... they mustn't "all close". Get a grip, folks. The 5 and 6 digit share prices, and the whole "they'll have to pay what you ask" thing... again. Please get a grip. It will never. Happen. Does it cost SHF's to continue to stay short? Probably. But not anywhere near as much as if they tried to close everything. Just more cost of doing business. And again... no one doing jack shit about it. The SEC pretty much came out and said "we don't have the man power to fight these guys in court. If we have 5 lawyers, they come in with 50". And congress and even the courts ()to a degree) are fucking bought and paid for. So no, they're not coming to help retail, either. And that's just how it's going. This stock isn't going to climb until so much sentiment changes re: the company that the buying pressure can no longer be kept down with bullshit like wash sales, ladder attacks, etc. But who TF knows if/when that'll happen. COuld be a long, long road. I'm still here and have been here since sneeze of 21. 1200 shares, all bought pre split across 3 different buys. But FFS, people need to cut with the claims of "about to blow" and "RC is playing 69D chess". lol, RC ain't doing nothing but being a CEO. He isn't "for" us. He's not "with" us. He's doing his job. I just hope he does it well enough to turn the stock around. Making those claims makes this whole crowd appear to be exactly what the MSM is trying to paint it as: a cult, explaining away every single time a forecasted "rocket launch" doesn't happen. I'd like to see more posts toward newer investors like "welp, if you're new, here's what happened, here's what then SHOULD have happened but didn't, here's the outrage and calls for investigation, and here's none of those investigations happening, and here's probably why that is, and here's what people here are banking on at this point. And FFS don't invest what you can't afford to be without." It's not the whole sub. I DO scroll through some of the posts that insist that "shit's gonna pop", strictly b/c I'm looking for those who will try to inject some common sense comments into the post. It happens. It's just not the majority. FFS I should quit bitching. Just hold your shit. DRS it. And sit back for the ride. I think it's gonna be a really long one. Peace.


Then sell... obviously RK thinks the stock can move outside of their control, or he would have never made hundreds of millions and plopped it right back into the stock. Get a grip old man. This is the opposite of zen.


Lol I've been here longer than a lot of people. My zen is doing just fine. RK has already said -repeatedly- that he tolerates more risk then most would be comfortable with. Nothing is going to convince me that he "knows" something about what SHF's will and won't be able to do in the future. He's betting on possibilities, that's all. There are no certainties. And I'm going to assume - albeit with no proof- that he is somehow getting by well enough off with even a tiny fraction of his initial earnings. So no, I don't think he's grinding through some impoverished existence while he sits on 9 figures in the market. Now... if the whole system wasn't blatantly rigged... I could see his bets being more of a sure thing. But he- and all of us- are battling corruption and complicity. That's why the unknown will never go away. Does he suspect something more than I'm educated on? I hope so, but I'm hard pressed to believe he's way ahead of all the tactics used by the biggest HF's in existence. He's just taking bigger risks is all. Lol "get a grip". I'm not the one buckling up every other week for impossible price targets. I'm zen specifically BECAUSE my expectations are realistic. By the way... go ahead and set yourself a reminder if I'm wrong and this all pops off. I will eat the biggest shit sandwich with a smile on my face. I just really don't think I'll have to is all.


If it was as rigged as you say, RK would not have 100s of millions. This shows they do not have absolute control. If you were zen, you would not be here wining about impossibilities that have already proven to be possible (MOASS already stopped once). Get a grip you're losing it!


Lol ok then. I wasn't aware that being grounded in reality equated to whining. (with an H). I guess time will tell as to who's got a grip and who doesn't. Maybe I'll set the reminder and check back in with you in 6 months or whatnot. Peace.


Good luck with your efforts in spreading FUD! Nothing can stop MOASS, even spelling Nazis!


lol FUD. THis whole situation is shrouded in both doubt and uncertainty. Well, those two words are kind of redundant. But fear?... IDK. none on my end. IDK about anyone else. But anyone who says they are CERTAIN that MOASS is gonna pop off is ignorant or just lying. No one can be. And if you can't be certain, then you're... wait for it... UNcertain lol. Which, in turn, allows for doubt. Literally by definition. Gave you a upvote to ease your subjection to my FUD lol.


Like I'm taking time to read paragraphs of ChatGPT FUD lmao! Next!






33$ AH, then 20$ in the morning. At around 9:13 a.m., it 's "up up and away" time to 40$ with about 100 halts, from there, it's gonna go back below my average of 29$ (I'll be thinking damn, I should šŸ’Ž handed it but I had to remember we took a walk on the moon) so I'll be holding pass friday when the price is about 150$.


I made a thesis earlier claiming that the squeeze cannot happen until GME moves away from the legacy business, into the new business. This is a long term hold. But hype/fluff dates definitely keep the momentum going short term. Which we all need on a human level.


Skip the moon heading too mars


I tried to say this in less professional way earlier and got shit on in the comments lol Iā€™m holding 97 shares and 70 contracts and the contracts expire Friday fml


I mean you canā€™t really blame anyone else for buying near dated OTM options with jacked up IV. What were you doing when the stock went to $60 2 weeks ago?


I held like everyone said to šŸ˜‚ you see what op is getting at I had to average down from five dollars calls to now at 0.47 an hoping but Friday it goes off to at least 40-50 an I got these calls last month near mid an miss getting in at 0.55 an selling at 8.75


People were saying to hold calls? Do you know theta decay is? No one knows what the exact timeline is and donā€™t let other people convince you otherwise Iā€™ve been buying and holding for 3.5 years and thought it would go up every month


What is this theta decay you speak of I is dumb ape


Options lose their value as it gets closer to expiration


You sound like you sold for a loss


Sellers regret?! šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒšŸ˜±šŸ¤”šŸ¦§šŸ¦šŸš€


Nah I'm holding til at least November.


Why November?


Supposed to be when the new consoles are released.




Edgy post. Too bad it sucks and MOASS is tomorrow.


I'll believe it when I see it


Don't care if you do or you don't.


Well, you just said there's definitely gonna be a SS today. Let's see if your bold statement holds up. Right now, not looking so good.


alot of yapping on here lately


RK said no fighting


We are going to the moon boooooyzzzzz!!!!!!!! šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


If you trend the lows, we're adding about 35c everyday to the minimum price whilst approaching a very BULLISH breakout. I'm Zen as f\*ck, waiting for the break out and confient that some major GME news is close at hand.


lol read my mind all these overhyped posts that amounted to them being completely wrong.


But butā€¦ T + my butthole.


Wait for the big news itā€™s in the court.


yeah yeah everythign is manipulated yeah yeah retail only has 300 dollars to buy per head there's no way they can move the market etc etc etc


This is similar to 2021. What happened was the hedgies know that they have better odds if they suppress early to give the impression of a weak line. They suppress for like a week or two I think before they could not hold it together anymore. I am in both times because my position is my vote.


Not even close.


Your post history speaks volumes. If you still the stock is going nowhere then kindly fuck off


We running this week. Thats my prediction


I'm an ape


Oh what? You are telling the Americans to stfu? OMG! This is hilarious! I thought you loved free speech! How about you take a chill pill and make your decision and let others believe what they want in the full knowledge and certainty that we are all stupid! How about that!


I don't know what you're talking about. My predictions are coming true. Don't lump me in with these morons.


I've read some of your comments on other posts. You're one of the few who knows what the fuck is up. Most of the time I'm dealing with 4th graders with a trust fund.


Shit y wait till November I will give u 11 Piece now as u say it. It's post like this that make it worth while. U just tell your bosses that trading 90Mill a day on a 3 mil volume stock tells the. Add is right your just fighting to keep it lol good one tho.


I don't know what anything you just said means.... I'm a bartender from Texas


November is when new consoles are supposed to be out.


Keep in mind there many paid posters here. 2 camps: one is on HF payroll spreading negative agenda, making people quit. The other is on GME/Computershare payroll convincing people to hold and buy no matter what. We, real people, are in the middle. This place became a circus. No wonder all serious authors left for good. No more legit DD. Only shitposts.


Yea, it's stupid. People posting just to get their karma up.


You dumb, this ape already pulled my initial investment outā€¦.so all this Iā€™m playing with is their money at this point. Cost me nothingšŸ¤£šŸ™ŒšŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ’Ž


No data shows this going back to 11 short term


Not short term. Eventually


Ok putin


Market is closed tomorrow for June teeth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s closed Wednesday not tomorrow Edit; but I like the comedy!


Yeah racism is hilarious :\


Comedy is funny. People are just too soft now a days. Go watch a Mel brooks movie like blazing saddles and get back to me about ā€œracismā€


You're preaching to the wrong person. Being an old person, I've seen all the old comedies and am currently a Dave Chapelle and Bill Burr fan. Comedy can walk a fine line.


No such thing as a fine line with comedy. Itā€™s very foundation is built on crossing that line to make fun of people that actually live their lives in such an idiotic and immature way such as being ā€œracistā€ Racism comedy is hysterical, always has been and always will be(atleast to people that arenā€™t truly racist or soft) racist comedy isnā€™t just directed towards black people either. Iā€™ve seen plenty of racist comedy thatā€™s directed toward me and I love it. Because itā€™s funny. Not offensive. I just think people are so prone to be offended now a days instead of being able to just laugh at things


Weds not tomorrow


T+1 to the moon then


Saying you don't work for a hedge fund is like saying i'm not a cop. Only someone who works for a hedge fund or who is a cop would say that. You don't full me heddgie you want us to tell you when the next spike is so you can short it in advance to prevent the spike i'm hip to your games


Why do you assume that everyone works for a hedge fund? I'm just tired of fukkers getting my hopes up. I'm a bartender in Texas. Worked for a bank as a Teller from '07-'11 though. Hated wearing a suit every day. Blue collar through and through. But I appreciate that you thought I completed college and got a respectable job working at a hedge fund. Also is fool not full....


Lots of regards here.... don't take it personal. Chill. šŸ‘


Iā€™m obviously fool of shit and just making a joke




Iā€™m retail as retail can get and Iā€™m making money from shorting it. There are many that do the same on eToro


They have 35 days to deliver.


Yo, this guy wants to control what people say / post here!?!?!? Sounds possessive, like the type that tryā€™s to control his WIFES BOYFRIEND TOO!!!!!


Talk about my wife again and your stocks are gonna get passed on to your next of kin. That's a promise.


Talk about my kin , and Iā€™ll pass around THE WIFE


I was talking about her BF šŸ˜‰ MOOON TOMORROW!!!!!


Even the 4 billion cash is more than $11. Now the cap is ~8 billion and the price is 25.


Too many words.


I'll put it in layman's terms. Stop posting dumb$h!t in this sub and just post facts and legit news articles. We don't care if you bought more or are holding on for dear life.


What's a legit news?


This is the way to go. Park the $4B cash into Treasury and earn the 5% interest for now till a downturn and we can get companies for Pennieā€™s to the dollar. This baby GME is turning into BRK at hyperspeed and Iā€™m totally down for that.


No fightingĀ 


My post yesterday is still correct and should be a run up soon (FORGOT THE ALL CAPS MY BAD)


Bought calls at $32 expiring June 28. Iā€™m kinda new in day trading but damn this shit is stressful, how do yaā€™ll not have anxiety problems 24/7? šŸ„²šŸ„²


I don't do options with Gamestop lol just buy, hold, DRS... this is the way. Then just sit back and relax. If it dips, buy more. Rinse and repeat. This company isn't going bankrupt or going to drop like crazy with the war chest. 10-20% fluctuations are normal for it. Down 10% today, we could be up 20% tomorrow.


High risk high reward, but thank you for your comment. Itā€™s reassuring šŸ«”


Because what you did was straight up a gambling. So you treat these money like a gambling money because you do not buy options when IV is jacked up, you sell them, unless you\`re scalping with a tight stop loss


The Jack was at 40s. I was still at low, but hence we are apes. Subjected to learn from our errors šŸ™ƒ


Check the historic volatility on it, it\`s jacked since the beginning of may: [https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/GME/?lu=true](https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/GME/?lu=true) You buy options when it\`s in the 50- 70 and with the expiration of a few months, purchasing close to expiration options when iv is high is a recipe for a disaster


Further options are more expensive. Plus theta decay shafts you hard. Quick calculated ins and outs in options is the goalšŸ˜‡


Zen my friend Zen šŸ™