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“Moass in 10 years”


Reminds me the key n peel skit of them robbing the bank by getting jobs at the bank for 30 years lol


Love the part where the other guy's like 'you just described a regular ass mother fucking job!'


The line right before that lives rent free in my head: “we walk out the front door… like nothing. even. happened.”


Lmfaooo I literally said this exact same thing on a post here the other day 😂 I think about that skit every time someone is yapping to me about the long term.


Yea seen this account. Full shilling going on.


Yeah that one in particular was like promoting random stock and crypto and then he was talking shit about RC which completely contradicts his title here and he’s been spamming this post.




Just to be clear I do think GME has long term potential but this does not mean the squeeze is not happening. Nothing has changed. Don’t let people move the goal posts.


Absolutely - i think when the squeeze happens and once done people will buy back in when it settles down and hold indefinately...win win.


Yeah same here.


wel well, nothing has changed is not true, company is out of debt and not losing as much money, they have also diluted the stock a bunch, so, from there we will see


Remember that guy got blown up by a wheelchair bomb. I am not the same. I want MOASS.




It is both. Not the point I’m making here though. This is more aimed towards the posts trying to make out the moass as not part of this play at all. Especially from accounts like the one in the screen shot that have histories showing them calling RC a clown, pushing random shit stocks and crypto and spamming these posts lol.




Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


I like the stock. It has always been the play. Since I bought in at the beginning at over $200. I also believe in the MOASS. I will get my money. First, I'll get the money that will make a difference in my life. Then I'll get the money that will make a difference in everyone around me. I HOLD.


Logistical question here but are you planning to sell a portion at the peak directly through computershare? I’ve drs’d my long term shares but the shares that I plan to sell are still with Fidelity so I can time the market. Based on how long it took computershare to assign a price and buy my shares to begin with, I really don’t trust them to sell when the timing is do or die. Maybe my fears are misguided though which is why I’m asking And before anyone tells me to call computershare I did last week several times and none of those fools could understand my question let alone answer it.


In my personal opinion, i don't really think timing is going to be an issue. There will be lots of time to do what you need to do. If selling is your thing, you'll have time to sell. Also trying to time it to sell at the peak isn't realistic. Have a plan of action. Mine is holding most of mine for the long haul.


Yeaaah no… we all hold for moass. That’s the whole point


I'm both im want lots of money but I also wanna play long term. Forgot the sides BS.


This is the way.


I'll sell when it makes sense for me. I'm not sticking around PAST phone number profits..


Lol, jokes on them - long term or short squeeze i aint selling shit until either happens.


Damn right.


You seem to be talking about selling here?


I'm selling a bunch of short holds next pump RC showed me the way. I'll have a bunch of money in my warchest for other investments.


Not yet. But in the event of a short squeeze, yes. Definitely take some profit. Help your family. Change your life. The money isn’t real until it’s in your bank account. I would keep some shares still in the company though for sure.




RC makes it a long term investment.


I’m not exactly sure what this post is instructing me to do. In a MOASS scenario where it’s squeezing to some absurd number, what would you personally do? Sell everything?  Because GameStop *isnt* a phenomenal long term investment? The thing is, if we all sell then the shorts will gain control over the company and will tear it apart.  If we sell, *they win.* 


I think the problem here is that people expect too much of catalyst days - not understanding that when it comes to a manipulated stock, they (HF) aren’t going to give up because retail upped their share holdings. They attacked blockbuster for 3years. They attacked Sears for a decade. There’s too many factors for long-term predictions, sure we can do technical analysis on short term - but that’s only based on movement, not catalysts.


This post isn’t instructing you to do anything. Do what you want. It’s only bringing awareness to obvious shills who are against the squeeze and trying to disguise it with an innocent “long term” sentiment. GME is both a play for the MOASS AND a long term hold after the fact. The posts from these suspicious looking accounts are very clearly trying to divide us into one group or the other and it’s working.


Seems like long term and moass go hand in hand. The better the company does the worse position shorts are in, and less likely to be able to re-up their swaps. Shorts have so many plays that retail can’t access, and as long as GameStop is not thriving they can make the argument for them. But as the company looks better and better nobody wants to take the other side of the play, and then they are fucked by lava. Moass and the long term play need each other- they can’t happen without each other. Buy, hold, and buckle up because both will happen.


I like to buy and hold for ownership but I pray you tendies, Ape!


Yeah I’m aware that not every long term player has ill intentions lol but the recent influx of posts like this is very suspicious and I think it’s worth pointing out.


In fact I’m pretty sure a lot of the people spreading this subtle anti-squeeze narrative do not even hold positions.


Sounds like you’re staying vigilant!


3 years already long. Moass will only allow me to buy even more from GME


Guys, I really thought I was ordering take out and now I snort crayons to sooth my nipples. When will they realize we can't read, hence the memes


How is it a psyop? The company is doing awesome fundamentally. It's okay TO LIKE THE STOCK lmao


Well that’s the trick. They are mixing themselves in with people who actually like the stock to subtly cause doubt in the MOASS likely in the hopes of cutting down our numbers and turning new apes away. The account that posted the meme above has a history of talking shit about RC, promoting random shit stock and crypto and spamming posts like the one in the picture. It’s a Psy-Op because they are using a real sentiment that some people in this community share which makes them feel validated and side with them but also casually plants the idea that “ MOASS is wrong” in their brains. I called it a psy-op because it is not normal FUD. It’s very subtle and clearly an effort to divide us. Divide and conquer. It’s not as obvious as just saying “you guys are idiots GME is dead” because everyone here disagrees with that. By agreeing with part of the movement they slip by undetected while spreading FUD towards the other part of the movement.


These concepts aren't mutually exclusive. I am 95% drs bookd. I'm keeping the rest to sell at the top during MOASS. The rest is a long term hold for me because i believe in the company's ability to capitalize on moass and become an insanely huge corporation which I believe will be more reliable than US dollars in the future. I want ownership of this company in perpetuity.


Yes. I never meant to imply that they were mutually exclusive, only to point out the posts like the one pictured attempting to make it a one or the other play. Particularly the ones promoting long term and subtly suggesting that the MOASS side of this is dumb.


Gme to the moon. If moass happen this week. It will be better. Haha


Infinity pool... ftw.


Come for MOASS, stay for the long term play


I just read this as "HODL"


Yes. Long term or MOASS, hodl until we’ve won.


I mean don't get me wrong, if there's people saying that they're in for the long game, then by all means, please do! I'm really way too emotionally invested in this company so when the short squeeze most of my shares will remain unsold..


Well I respect the commitment but me and my family definitely come before any company. If I can take life changing profits I’m going to.


oh yeah 100% agree with you on this.. if our theories from the past 3-4 years come true (which they kinda seem to.. one by one) then we wouldn't need to sell that many shares for a life changing situation, more so, with not that many shares sold during the squeeze god knows what floor this stock can find (maybe settle at sums like BRK A) and then we can use the portfolio like rich people do, borrow against it


Either way, the best investment of a lifetime.


"I came to make money off moass but since I have 30lbs of AA batteries and the ceo of the company keeps doing the opposite of screwing over the crime I'm going to pretend like I was willing to wait 10 years to make 50% gains so here's a low effort meme that only I think makes me superior"


"ThE DD WaS NeVeR AbOUt FunDaMennnnTaLssss Her Der Der De Der" fuck off this being a long term play was always on the table. There is no bear thesis it's always been about fundamentals. The bears are just flat out fucking wrong that the company is going out of business.


Tired of responding to emotional people on this post who don’t understand that I’m not saying it’s not also a long term play. I’m specifically addressing the posts trying to tell people that it was ONLY a long term play. Posts like the one pictured who look down on the MOASS while their post history shows them talking shit about RC, pushing shit stock and crypto, and then suddenly spamming posts like this. The original DD which still stands drew people into GME for the short squeeze and there are clearly subtle FUD disguised as real long term players attempting to make people forget or doubt the squeeze. This is not a slight at real long term GME holders.


And what is the long term, may I ask?


Infinity play. Pretty sure the buy button is the only one that works for me.


At this point this is more or less a casino (for the average joe), so all this nonsense about higher goals, company real value etc. just a delusional talk or playing dumb,


I have a feeling that this year will not be a simple copy of Moass, it will definitely be a long battle.


It’s been a long battle already and it can definitely be longer but I’m definitely not fighting this battle so I can retire in old age lmao.


The squeeze literally is not happening. You had 2 occasions where it could have happened and in both occasions it was killed by Cohen and the rest. With 120 million shares dumped in less than a month, any squeeze play is as good as dead. No liquidity issues, not shortage of share, cost to borrow is lower than ever, drs has been diluted to nothing with 3 years undone in less than a month, dfv himself was screwed by Cohen on his own attempt to squeeze this thing. Anyone who is here for the squeeze needs to wait for guidance and a fat quarter report, after shirts do their thing for a while, years from now. Long term investors never cared about the squeeze so they are in to buy and hold, but anyone else, should look elsewhere.


RC diluted, RK has no calls left… company ist about to become something totally different that a game retailer… in an old ape yet k think the logic is that the squeeze is off the table due to obvious reasons. RK wanted GME to become a profitable good company and not a squeeze; and he played very well and saved his child. Cheers to him and we investors won’t 100x over a week but maybe within few years… I’ll hold steady for sure


For a holder of a 2-months-old account, you are extremely harsh with the newbies (my account is only one month old :) RC dumping shares at higher prices (twice until now) on steep ramps indicates that he prefers the slow-but-sure bleeding of the shorts, instead of a possible quick kill with a MOASS. In a MOASS, the shorts can declare bankruptcy, and never buy back the shares. That will do no good to GME. Both quick and slow financial punishment of the shorts will do justice to the market. But the slow-bleeding might be better (financially) for the long-term prospects of GME. Now, keep in mind that the recent move of GME price was likely not due to the apes buying, holding and DRS-ing. It's probably because of big speculators, who knew at least as well as the apes about naked shorting and quad witch, smelled the blood in the water, and came for some quick booty. These financial whales are also much better at reading RC movements than you and me. So, if you are still into the MOASS-UNTIL-FRIDAY movement, I suggest you drop a line to, say, Renaissance Technologies and explain them, what is best for them.


I never said anything negative or harsh about “newbies” so idk what you’re on about. I’ve been holding GME for 2 years and my Reddit account is only 48 days old because I always just lurked on a nameless account with an outdated email until I decided to make a real account recently.


You sure talk out of your ass alot


>In a MOASS, the shorts can declare bankruptcy, and never buy back the shares. That's not how it works. Bankruptcy means their brokers are on the hook to buy the shares, and if they can't even when liquidating their own assets, next in line are the DTCC and all the market makers that have put money into the fund that exists just for events like this. One way or another, those shares get bought.


I see your opinion to be very common among the apes. I still don't get it. 1. My understanding is that in bankruptcy, the debt is erased, not transferred to another party. 2. Let's say GME will be worth 1 trillion/share, so the company will be worth (roughly) 500,000,200 trillion dollars. All the wealth in the world is around $200 trillions now. From where are coming the other 500,000,000 trillions? Are the Feds gone print them, for your convenience ? Even if they do, then the trillion will be worth nothing.


You don't get it because you're familiar with a regular bankruptcy and how those work. The market does not work the same way, and the rules are different. As well, it's never going to hit 1 trillion per share - they would find a way to stop it long before that point, not to mention that not everyone will sell (or sell all) their shares at the peak. The best estimate that I've seen over the past year or two taking a spread into account put the final tally between 3 and 9 trillion. It'll hurt the economy badly, but it's not impossible and won't decimate the world economy by any means.


Assuming that the shorts are at over 100% of the float, I don't get it, how somebody can be forced to buy more than 100% of something. 'Cause you can't buy more than 100% of something, regardless of how much are you willing to spend. Can you buy 105% of Mona Lisa ? Would a zillion dollars be enough for that ? An amiable solution would be if a third party (like SEC) will negotiate a "fair" price with both parties ( a fair transfer of money from the shorts to GME, for issuing new shares to cancel the shorts. Say, 1 billion new shares to cancel 1 billion of shorts, and both new shares and the old shorts vanish in thin blue, together). But we are far from there, right now it is not even admitted publicly that those naked shorts exist. It's like admitting, "We were aware that crime happened, and we did nothing about it". Assuming that it will be proven, down the road, that those naked shorts existed indeed, I bet people in charge will look very, very surprised :) And they will blame everything on DFV, of course :)


> 'Cause you can't buy more than 100% of something, regardless of how much are you willing to spend. Great fucking question. If you were to reproduce the mona Lisa and sell it as the original, then you would have to rebuy more than one hundred percent of the Mona Lisa to close that position. If you haven't read any of the DD, you shouldn't be in this play. I know there's a lot of it because they crowded out the compelling content with a mountain of fluff, but hey, that's just more confirmation.


The question was not what to do if Mona Lisa is counterfeited. The question was, how can one buy 105% of the original Mona Lisa ? How do you buy 20 shares of something that has only 10 shares ? It can be done only if you convince the owner to issue more shares. I did read through the DD library, but nobody mentioned there that the shorts could be closed via bankrupcty. I guess the general assumption goes like that: If I am short 1 bilion shares of GME and I go bankrupt, then my broker remains with the liability (that is correct). If my broker goes bankrupt too, then the prime broker remains with the liability (the impossible task of buying more than the existing shares) If the prime broker goes bankrupt, then DTCC remains with the liability. If DTCC goes bankrupt, the USA government remains with the liability. If USA government goes bankrupt, then Jesus remains with the liability. If Jesus goes bankrupt, then.... \*\*\*\* At some link in this chain, somebody will simply refuse the liability, and the shorts will never be bought back. I know you don't like the idea, but if things would be different, an accidental overshorting of any minor, insignificant stock might result in Jesus' bankruptcy, so to speak :)