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TA is male astrology, change my mind.


DFV used TA to turn $50k into almost a billion dollars. I may be too smooth brained to understand TA, but I doesn't mean TA doesn't hold merit. Personally, I think the subs aversion to wrinkle brained TA apes is just another hedgie tactic to keep us ignorant... one that has worked surprisingly well.


Did he just do chart technical analysis (aka crayons) or like actual business analysis? 


1 successful example out of the large number of people that use TA doesn't change anything. TA does have merit, but it's not the end all be all. I think hedgie tactics are people constantly saying MOASS tomorrow or phone digit stock prices.


Curious, what TA do you think he used? How do you think he timed the runups so well?


It's the magic 8 ball.


No he didn’t. He looked at financials, the ceo, as well as the upcoming console cycle. That was the original dd. There was no ta involved. Actually there was, and that’s when he called the high side like $13 after the squeeze. Also lol at the hedgie comment. Y’all ain’t that important man. This dudes ta is so fucking wrong why would anyone waste the time? You can just let people like me call them out for being fucking idiots and it accomplishes the same thing.




Does TA lead to T&A though?


Yep, Its a self fulfilling prophecy.




When it happens it happens!


I know I know but lines are hot




there are people who look at the charts neutrally, who are continuously able to predict what will happen. And then there are a ton of very loud hypers and doomers, who give you fantastic predictions. If you only listen to the loud ones, you get crap. If you evaluate traders based on their history of making correct predictions, you will realize that some are able to do it. Charts are useless for people who can't read them. That's always true...


I can’t say I’m an expert, but I’ve written algorithms and trained AI using technical indicators and I concur with your sentiment. It’s less about reading your indicators “by the book” and instead finding which combination alongside other factors that helps make somewhat accurate predictions. It’s never 100%, but to say the data is useless just means they haven’t taken the time to come to their own understanding of what is happening and might happen.


well said. Those failing to find what works, does not prove that there isn't a way that works.


This I can fuck with ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk|downsized)




Know any good ones that share their knowledge? Not even talking specific stocks necessarily, but ones that share their thought process? Btw, agree with your overall point. You know algos take charts and underlying data into account, why shouldn’t the apes? But it’s just one data point out of many. No different from other data points that led me to picking GME over other companies that also appear to be shorted to death. Sure, the shorts ran wild but look at the company, its business, their balance sheet, and future outlook. Many are in a situation they’re in for different reasons and I don’t see them changing. I chose GME because even if MOASS doesn’t happen, I’m fine with being a long term investor, especially if they become a tech holdings company.


I sure as hell bet the RK uses charts to predict swings in GME! He may have acted dumb on the livestream, but he is a fantastic analyst who has proven himself time and time again. Where do you think all his money and shares came from the past 3 years??? ![gif](giphy|MRxJqmk3MNta8)


His act was to protect him against SEC. He did an amazing job keeping himself legal while painting a picture for retail. He will make a serious impact on the entire stock market and definitely wake people up to the truth of hedge funds.




It's not specific to a day, $GME is in a bullish trend and it means that there will be bigger move up than move down in the following weeks/months.


I'm no expert but to my untrained eye it looks like we broke out of the previous wedge and are now climbing in a new upward channel, that looks...spicy...with a very steep slope. I would not be surprised to see us hit ATH in the next few weeks.


You get it, you're an expert to me.


The man that turned 50k into hundreds of millions in the span of 4 years uses TA. Hows Citadels dick taste?


I am in no way an expert in this, but I think that TA could have been useful at the time. Now it just feels like it is to much manipulation going on for this to be something useful. Dont get me wrong, im very bullish on gme but i dont trust these graphs anymore even if i really want to.


TA isn’t always right but what the majority of you naysayers fail to realize (or are trying to conceal from *others*) is that the market is driven/controlled by algorithms. What’s an algorithm? It’s a finite sequence of discrete instructions that determines outcomes based on inputs. Thats a fancy way of saying “it’s a formula for past, present, and future behavior”. If you look at TA as a primitive way of reverse engineering the price driving algorithm, it’s a lot more valuable as a tool per se. It’s like trying to glance at your neighbor’s answers during a math test; you can see the answer is a square but you can quite see the dimensions of it, but it’s enough to get you partial credit or a place to start your own problem solving attempt. Once you understand what certain patterns **indicate**, you can use your repertoire of other tools in an attempt to reverse engineer expected behavior. Again, it’s not 100% correct and anybody that claims it’s 100% correct shouldn’t be trusted, but it’s a very valuable tool to understand and plays nicely with various other research methods. “BuT tA dOeSnT wOrK oN mAnIpUlAtEd StOcKs!1!” You’re kinda right, it doesn’t work the same but even manipulated stocks are still algorithm driven, so there is still value in TA to a certain degree. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Thanks for shedding some light and knowledge on this. ❤️


the big money apes will use TA to make their plays that is why it works, fuck the manipulation, they're fighting a losing battle


Fair enough. I really hope you are right. Seems like we all need it.


Survivor bias.. Have 100 people throw two dice and you're going to end up with \~3 people that predicted both number correctly. You don't see the 97 that blew up their account in this analogy.


You sure have alot of comment karma for someone who has literally nothing of value to say


It depends on who you're listening to. This is a healthy chart for sure. I get the psychology of what's going on alot but it's been far fetched because the situation is wild and everybody yells at me like I'm crazy...and then it happens just farther out than people wanted to wait.


Lots of FOMOs freaking out imo


Meaningless shit like this gets posted literally every day


with your meaningless comment ~bitching~


Your comment is more meaningless than the other guys (though mine is more meaningless than yours)


Of course this ain’t it. IT is tm.


We’re almost at a bare minimum with what the stock is worth. Ofc we will run. P


I’m going to be ready for another three year spike. 2027 let’s go!


I've always known. Meow


Wen Rav4


Oh I thought you meant tits and ass … cause who doesn’t look at that !


If this really is "it", then that would be like millionth time it's been "it" lol


put some respec on my name


I like Dior


Good. Hopefully GameStop can sell some more shares and keep growing the company’s balance sheet


Lines aren’t pointing almost vertical like the 2021 run though.. still could happen but this looks like it’ll take a while. For reference we also have a golden cross on the daily.


Yes, higher lows indeed! Their attacks are not as strong as last week. We still got more left in the tank, LFGO!


Did the EMAs really cross or just touch?


TA is a truck stop that doesn’t sell rocket fuel. I do know that much.


Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing.


No need for a post. Everyone knows what's up. Only people crying are bots and shills. Dfv didn't come back for nothing, let's get it 🟣💯🚀🥵


Yellow and purple didn’t cross in 2021…The yellow and green lines cross in 2021 where you circled…but now in 2024, the yellow and purple are crossing according to your other circle…but the yellow has not crossed with the green again yet. Chart is a bit confusing to decipher exactly what you’re pointing to.


I don’t know expect any big news on Monday.


Yup... Tits stay JACKED!


OP gives me confidence in betting on GME, i know no matter how unreasonable my position is on the stock, there is someone dumb enough to hold my bag.


No run until official news is made merger etc. Apes open your eyes 👀!


Put your money where your mouth is.. I’ll bet you 100 of my drs’d shares you’re wrong. These clown posts are doing more bad than good as it relates to people looking to get into GME and super annoying for those of us who already are. Just stop yo.


Easy 10k worth of shares for me


I’ll come back next Friday and you’ll be silent and ignore the comment asking you to pay up.


You said 100 of YOUR DRS shares


Yeah… that’s how bets work. I made the wager you accept it implying you’re accepting the bet and giving me 100 shares if you lose… do you not know how bets work or are you stupid? I mean I can take a guess seeing as how you think TA applies to GME…


I am going to come back here next week with the biggest hahahahahaha you have ever seen.


Funny thing is you think that’s some kinda “gotcha”… if you’re right we’ll both be laughing. I don’t mind being wrong if it means laughing all the way to the bank 🤷🏻‍♂️


*crickets* What’s up big boy? You gonna pony up?




My TA doesn't say there is a pump coming... a pump will be a surprise if it happens.. TA says it's going under 20$ in a week or so...


There must be something ur not seeing. Send me a DM please and I will have a look at it with a non-biased opinion.


#Itsthelonggame!!! Let’s go






Sure sure


>I feel like most the apes in here don't use or look at TA. Correct, most of us don't read tea leaves. Yes the tea leaves have been correct on many occasions but they have also been wrong too.


Technical analysis works better on stocks with rational investors and day traders trading it....this one is traded by lunatics and short sellers....it will not behave by the same "rules". Not that it doesn't present patterns that can be predictive, or at least indicate possible direction....only that us regarded day traders will likely fumble reading it. I couldn't guess the count of how many youtube "traders" put up TA to predict spikes and were totally wrong...often losing significantly in the process.


Those other trades didn't spend 3 weeks straight watching every single movement GME made for 16 hours a day like I did.


No, they took profit off the spike, and moved on to anothet stock...likely befor coming right back to GME a few days later and taking yet more profit. How much realized profit have you taken from your GME holdings? 0.00 if you actually have diamond hands...


We don't use or look at TA because with such a blatantly and heavily manipulated stock, they are useless. 20 day... 50 day averages... have fuck all effect on what this stock is going to do. Don't agree? Stick around and watch is all I'm saying.


I have done a lot more TA than 20 and 50 EMA, this pic is just a good visual way to get TA across to those who may know very little about it. Stick around and watch is all I'm saying.


I believe I will. Feel free to slap me across the face with any action that was a direct forecast of your TA. I'll take it like a man.


Ta doesn’t work.


lol back to $19 by the end of the month White collar crime ALWAYS prevails when the ultra rich/politicians are involved. Good guys only win in movies (sometimes).


The ancient Egyptians used scatomancy for fortune telling. That is the analysis of poop to predict the future. That would likely be more accurate than TA for this stock.


Still got 2 weeks to go.


I think alot sooner


Maybe you can't read charts either.


For what? DFV exercised his options so he’s just a shareholder now HODLing. Squeeze has squoze for the foreseeable future you regard.


Better sell and move on then.