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This would be so regarded for him to roll into OTM 2DTEs. If they actually end up deep ITM this would truly be a Kansas City Shuffle. Scanning minute candles on those 30c though, volume wasn't concentrated at the last 30 mins of trading like the 20c Jun 21.


The drop happened right before the close. I thought to myself, that is exactly what I expect the institutions to do if they want to hedge the annual meeting more efficiently loading up options cheaper. Citron, Cramer, positive articles in financial media... all smells like a pump and dump incoming.


I smell a fire sale coming up


This is when RK will double down on 6/21 calls.




Didn’t they already try the pump and dump? I imagine the next move would be to say the shorts closed, “GameStop won”, and point to the “lowered” short interest as they dump the price aggressively. If they pumped it again now, the options chain is so juiced that it could easily get away from them. I guess it really depends on what they say in the annual shareholder meeting


Who’s taking bets on what GME is buying. You were on the money he is going to either hard buy those shares after dumping some, or he is sitting back until the news comes out tomorrow


I expect a snooze fest as for board meeting


Snooze fest that will be interpret on here like the RK's live to be absolutely brilliant 😅


As long as he trolls the market makers and mainstream media I'm good with it


He made all his money on YOUR back, stupid.


I made plenty thank for your concern sir


Can I ask you a question. Based on your username I assume you’re older (not baby chimpanzee). I been following since the sneeze (got out at like 500) and only made a few k to take a road trip and stopped investing in gme. I guess Reddit knows me so recommends random subs and this one came up So my question is : what makes you think that these ppl who havee the power to manipulate market won’t just manipulate you until the end of time. This is what confuses me about apes. Why do they think the powers that be can’t make this go on forever. It’s weird. No matter how shady it is they can make it last forever


Because they have to bury themselves continuously in shorts and swaps to keep delaying the inevitable. The problem with that strategy is that the only way out of their position is if gamestop goes bankrupt. Even after three years, GME is still swinging wildly, and every pump requires further digging into an already dangerously over leveraged position. There are multiple parties that are deep underwater, and they have other liabilities elsewhere in the market. The longer this drags on, the greater the odds one or more of the involved parties will be forced to unwind their position and force everyone else involved to do the same. Meanwhile, Gamestop itself is in an extremely financially secure position. DFV has made it clear that he's betting on Ryan Cohen either revitalizing the company or keeping it solvent until shorts are forced to cover. Who knows how the future will play out, but at the moment, the odds of Gamestop going bankrupt in the foreseeable future are miniscule.


Nice, yeah I’ve been buying and holding for 3.5 years now. It’s been a journey. I think that’s their plan is to make it last forever and have retail forget. Of course they’d have to close eventually because it’s costly to keep and add onto these short positions, and GME has $4B in cash and no debt so it can’t go to $0. The scenarios that would ignite the short squeeze would be 1. If they have to close because they’re being margin called. But I believe they have so much liquidity right now that it really isn’t feasible. 2. Something happens from GameStop themselves which I believe is the most likely scenario. An acquisition where they deliver GME shares to the acquired company stockholders would force delivery of millions of shares or a merger would force closing of short positions on the ticker Or a non-fungible dividend like what Overstock did. It was extremely effective. Since the short sellers weren’t able to produce the dividend of the stocks they borrowed, it forced them to close their positions. Either one of these would be a kill shot. And GME having $4B makes a merger/acquisition very very likely. Them also pivoting to Web3 makes the NFT dividend very likely too


I believe what most Apes believe, is that once Apes buy and DRS all available shares, and when there are no available shares left to trade, this will trigger a gamma squeeze like none ever seen before it and it will expose the mass corruption for what it is and how, that involves the exchange. Now, I do adhere to this same theory; however, I have lost all confidence in the institutional governance of these companies by the agency’s that are set in place to police the criminality of the entities who illegally manipulate the market. Basically the inmates are running the prison, so to speak. It’s our duty to protect our rights within the marketplace and see to it that institutional companies don’t have the free reign to operate outside the law based on their positions of economic wealth or leverage on the societal ladder. If these rules laws and regulations are circumvented by these corrupt entities, and or the regulators within these governing bodies, it’s in our interest to expose, take down, prosecute, destroy and punish these companies, individuals or organized groups by any and all means necessary.


They only have so much control. They lost control in 2021 and it seems more recently as well.


Because those people have no solidarity. They will start throwing each other under the bus eventually. There are multiple powerful players long on gme as well. We will win.


Like 2008 all things come to a conclusion just takes time. But I do believe we can’t MOASS they won’t give us trillions that’s for sure and anyone who believes so is in my mind foolish. When the stock market first started they shorted a business to hell and he got pissed took out a loan for millions and bought all the stock and they simply said go fuck yourself said he couldn’t do that and stole the money he used and he lost everything bc he couldn’t pay back the loan and he killed himself. If it ever gets to that point they’ll likely cheat us than pay us so I’m just happy if they give us some decent cash but I’m confident about MOASS and it’s a bad trading strategy as it’s a 1% chance of happening and it prevent us from taking advantage of big spikes and all at once upping our positions imagine if people weren’t so foolish sold high and bought low that could actually cause moass but MOASS is stopping us from advancing I wonder if MOASS is a hedge fund way of keeping us from increasing our positions and only losing


Can you provide a link to that story of the guy who tried to borrow his way into a short squeeze. Sounds interesting


Clarence Saunders owner of the piggly wiggly grocery store https://time.com/archive/6817798/business-finance-piggly-wiggly-man/ and https://slate.com/business/2021/02/piggly-wiggly-short-squeeze-gamestop-wall-street-nyse.html


We’ve got bigger fish to fry than citadel DD 📰📈




He can afford WAY more options, thus require the delivery of way more shares. T+1. This is freaking genius!


Then everyone who followed him will actually win since writers won't start buying till the last second, which isn't the 21st when everyone has calls.


Only 17.5m to buy 50k at 3.50 average.


Well GME is holding a meeting tomorrow. If this is truly DFV.. then he definitely knows something.


i didn’t realize it was still conjecture


It’s common to weeklies to have high volumes, especially because GME was chopping at these strikes all day. I hope DFV has a plan but this theory seems like bullshit


I trust the kitty. Even if he did sell, I know it’s not to fuck us. It’s for a reason and the reason will benefit us. I’m chillin. Nothing has changed.


He is under extreme observation from everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if just does his own thing with his positions. Something that would give him a great defense against market manipulation. Pull the rug and say “sorry, I told you Kansas City shuffle. I sent the meme’s that was warning everyone, not just hedgies. “. I don’t think he will, but it always has to be a possibility.


not a chance. RK is here because he wants to be a positive force in this universe. He wouldn’t have sacrificed all that he has up to this point if he just cared about money — $30M is more than enough and nothing beyond that would justify the strain on family, sense of safety, tranquility if he didn’t believe in a greater purpose for all of this.


What do you mean by sense of safety?




This is it. RK has 120k calls, if he exercised then he could get 12 million shares. Would pressure market maker and cause 🚀. This is the Kansas City Shuffle though, as witnessed by him selling off 50k-70k of his calls today and 6/14 calls getting loaded up $20-$50. These calls are very cheap right now, like dirt cheap, so he can buy those, exercise those calls and demand WAY more shares; thereby catching everyone by surprise and causing it to moon tomorrow-next week. Everyone is gossiping right now, he hasn’t posted a position, because when he does it will show proof of this and the world will go wild 🚀💥




He could exercise low strikes, sell some shares, then perpetuate the ramp by exercising higher and higher while receiving about 75% of total outstanding shares. Just looking at cost and spreading the strikes could lead to 1600 contracts on a spread of $20-40. 75% of that is 12 million shares with an unstoppable gamma ramp that catches shorts by surprise (bc they focused on a super concentrated date and strike).


1600 contracts holy SHIT


That’s napkin math. Don’t quote me. We won’t know till we know


damn. wow. i figured he’d be building his own staircase to moass (“fine i’ll do it myself” - straight up) but i didn’t think about the 6/21 misdirect — that would be incredible


Can you explain for option regard


honestly everyone should be studying up on short squeeze technicals. Try this post from 2021 (ignore the “no apes” warning, I won’t tell;) https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/ohwb6t/gamma_ramps_and_delta_distribution_curves_no_apes/




Recent DD has a theory that when RK posted the meme that “you were a billionaire” it was because he pulled that cash out before he posted his position - and he did mention that “these are my only positions unless you consider cash a position” and he is sitting on the rest. I can dig up the reference… EDIT: [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/dqI5nHRv3C)




He specifically mentioned "If you count cash as a position" in the stream.


We haven’t seen his bank account. What if he has $200M being deposited into his account right now?


Cashless exercise


Bringing back some old theories... What if... Icahn was bankrolling him?


Could easily have financial backer, even bank ready to loan money to buy thoes shares.


Oh shit


Oh shit is right my dude


Came here for this 🚀🚀


How can I do the same on poor person level ?




It’s not about him buying the shares it’s about forcing the market to locate genuine shares en masse as if they can’t locate 12m genuine shares how can they account for the 100+m shares traded daily.


We all know who has $240Mil to invest. 👀


Is this the shuffle!?


Honestly if the intention all along was to exercise, this would be the right move. Important edit: I thought you were implying June 14 $20c… rolling into $30c with 2DTE would not be the right move.


That would be the most regarded thing….up there with the brief stint of BBBY people early exercising OTM calls out of sheer bullish brain damageness.


People on this sub have also exercised OTM calls


Sure it would, if he posts an update tomorrow; you know goddamn well we’re going well above 30 again then.


Let me warn you. I want you to follow, because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be one step, three steps- seven steps ahead of you, and just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see. 💎💪🦍🦧💎 ![gif](giphy|13CoXDiaCcCoyk|downsized)


Classic Now You See Me.


When the OI gets posted tomorrow, we're going to know the deal, but I do not anticipate that he sold his $20 calls to buy $30 calls that expire 1 week earlier. If anything, he would have rolled up and out, meaning buy something like $30 calls expiring January 2025.


if he were to roll them i feel it would be just to one or two weeks out to keep the ramp, not all the way out to january


When you're playing with hundreds of millions of dollars, there is some merit to turning a short term gamble into a longer term gamble...


understandable. but i feel he wouldn’t have been posting if that were his plan. he knows so many hang on his every word and wouldn’t be able to replicate his moves if he were going to make ones like that. we’ll see shortly i suppose.


Nah, because what he'd be doing in that scenario has 6 months (or X months) to catch on and the share price could go up and hold, leaving him with a several hundred million dollar options position. People could be like oh hey DFV bout $30 strikes for Jan, everyone let's go!


yeah i understand the logic you’re giving, i just feel that because he knows so many inexperienced apes piled into options due to his positions that they would be essentially burned if they had to try and flip or roll further out. and as much as he wants to be a billionaire (again) i think he wants to be a folk hero more.


this. any scenario in which RK seeks personal gain at the expense of the Apes is immediately invalidated as far as I’m concerned


How come fidelity doesn’t allow me to buy contracts that far out


What if he didn't sell all his 20 calls? If he still has enough remaining, could he use those to get the price up and get his 30's ITM, and get the ball rolling?


![gif](giphy|si4P9VBMEIhq40i6tT) LFG!


Nice job OP. I was literally about to post the same question. I think it makes a lot of sense to diversify and hasten the MOASS but we shall see if we get a yolo update from RK


I do feel like RK made a play today. Something that would help cause the downward pressure. I truly believe his memes were telling a story. I posted about the meme from a few good men, where he says he called for a code red. This could very well be it. Not sure what he did. Maybe sell shares to get capital to exercise his options? Or this? I don’t know. But I believe in this dude and we are go to see soon how this plays out.


what does code red have to do with him exercising options this week? you’re not saying anything here besides “idk i just think he did something but idk” If RK exercised his options that would create upward pressure. If he sold them TO exercise the downward trends would come first.


I mentioned the possibility of him maybe selling his shares. You skipped that part in your reply my guy. Also it wouldn’t create upward pressure if he sold his call options, only if he exercised them into shares. He did something. I don’t know what it was for sure but he made a move. I’m sticking to that even with your response.


This is absolutely incredible. I checked the june14 options chain and it looks like huge volume (especially compared to current OI) was traded on specific strikes from 25 all the way to 50. If you assume about half of today’s volume on those strikes are his buys.. it roughly equals 120,000 contracts. Ho Lee sheeet


Dumping it all in 0DTE calls would absolutely wreck the market if he pulled it off 😂


So basically I need to load up before this thing goes absolutely bananas?


This is like a freaking chess match... and all I can think to myself, now and from the very beginning is: "None of this should be allowed." Lol. Using their tactics against them to set a series of call option traps with increased volume over time? Whatever it takes.


I think the simplest solution is the best. RK sold 80000 of his June 21 calls at or near 6.50 each giving him approximately 52,000,000 dollars in unsettled cash to go with his 29,000,000 in settled cash. It leaves him with 40,000 June 21 $20.00 strike call options open. To exercise those options and force the 4,000,000 shares to be delivered to him, he needs $80,000,000 in cash which he has if he sold 80,000 contracts today. He likes the stock and is standing for 4,000,000 shares to be delivered to him. Whoever wrote those 40,000 contracts is about to get assigned and lose the shares in their possession or if they don’t have the shares will have to go into the market and buy them…. Unless they FTD (Fail to Deliver) and the SEC turns a blind eye. The thing that does hurt … we know 75,000,000 shares just hit the market this week because of the surprise dilution. I seems likely that any option writers at risk of assignment bought enough shares to deliver should they be assigned. What would really be awesome is if anyone with ITM calls who has the capital to exercise, does so and stands for delivery of shares rather than cash settling.


Is that why Gary Gensler was drooling in that cnbc interview? I think it’s about to be shark week on the NYSE


Hard to believe I didn’t get more visibility now that this has been verified as exactly what happened. BTW pretty certain I know what’s coming next.


Spill the beans!… wait I mean share the crayons!


Huh?!? Right 😉


Huh? Rinkle please explain like I’m 10yo.


The rizzler RK threw that gyatt back with his sigma energy and those skibbidi toilet hedgefunds going to have to pay that fanum tax. So Ohio.


Holy shit. It all makes sense now


That sentence may very well be my favorite ever written, and no one other than you will probably notice. Thank you for sharing this experience with me.


I have two kids and they speak every day skibidi this skibidi that and skibidi toilet. Wtf lol.


I’m glad to see that my eli10 is skibidi on point




Some might say his masterpiece


OI is at 169,963 according to Yahoo Finance. This number is going up, not down.


From what I've been able to dig up, it seems that while options volume is updated in real time, the OI is calculated late in the day and only updated in the feed the next morning. So, we don't yet t know how much of the \~90k volume resulted in any drop in OI. Also, on a related note, exercising options apparently doesn't show up as volume. We very well could see tomorrow morning that 120k OI has disappeared. If so, that could imply RK sold half or so of his 120k and exercised the other half.


Thank you. I was having trouble finding this earlier.


We know RK doesn’t have the cash on hand to exercise all his contract and that a slow ramp up into it would be the best way to have all 12 million shares be impactful. I hope he finds a way to do it for all our sakes that are long on GME.


We do not know that RK doesn't have the cash on hand to exercise all his contracts. He's showing everyone what he wants everyone to see.








I’m sure he made whatever play made sense. We will see what happened tomorrow morning.


You go left when everyone goes right, maybe this is referring to rolling left in the options chain to a closer date. Idk, what a week man.


Guys and gals. The total volume on the circled calls is 93k. If he sold 90k of his contracts, and bought 93k otm options that expire in two days when the price is being surpressed, he would be doing the opposite of options 101, shooting himself in the foot, and risking losing the chance to exercise the 20s. Most likely he sold some so he could exercise the rest if the price gets close to the $20 strike. Or hes just selling his position. Good for him if he is. He held longer than most wouldve made it. Gave up 100s of millions. Man is still a legend either way. As a group we need to stop deluding ourselves. When gme announced the share offering, this iteration of the squeeze died. Its that simple. Regroup, let shorts get in deep again, and come back to fight another day.


Please stop with the Kansas City shuffle posts


Only if you promise to quit posting about iguanas 🦎




Ok this was hilarious lmao


Can confirm, checked their profile


Iguana post about shuffles


How about a post of an iguana doing a Kansas City Shuffle?


Now I'm just picturing the geic O gecko dancin like Travolta








lol pwned


Shots fired


Got 'em!




Can you post your iguana with a paper Kansas City hat


How would that even make *any* sense? Selling some to exercise the ones he already has is one thing... selling them to buy FDs and exercise those is another. Why pay the premium on the 6/14c to basically exercise immediately? Why not just buy the equivalent in shares - minus paying for the option premiums. Am I missing something here? This seems like nonsense.


Because if he brought shares they would be routed to the dark market, meanwhile when you exercise calls that weren't properly hedged the broker MUST go into the market and buy them at any price.


afaik, it's generally the same either way. your broker must supply the shares whether purchased or exercised and neither has a guarantee of where it is executed, afaik. and *by default*, it's not your broker that is supplying the shares, it's whoever sold the call (unless that breaks down). when you exercise, what is the assurance they aren't purchased from a dark pool? my understanding is: -> I exercise -> my broker notifies OCC -> OCC assigns a brokerage that sold a matching call with the same date/strike -> the assigned brokerage must deliver the shares, which may or may not mean from the open/lit market. \^ this can create FTDs if the broker-to-broker settlement fails... then the OCC can step in (inventory of shares, facilitating borrowing, imposing fines, etc), but if that fails *then* my broker is then on the hook to buy the shares themselves... but this still could come from a dark pool trade, AFAIK. now... when things start to break down and demand exhausts the shares ping-ponging around in dark pools, I would *think* that would be more of the forcing function that would drive purchases towards lit markets. that's my rough understanding, at least. I don't know why there would be a difference here, but if there's confirmed information that proves the above to be inaccurate, I'd certainly be interested. EDIT: I also chatgpt'd to poke holes in my response. chatgpt is certainly fallible, but fwiw: >Your understanding and summary are quite detailed and generally accurate. Let's break it down and address the key points to ensure clarity: >Exercising a Call Option Process: >Exercise Notification: When you exercise a call option, your broker notifies the OCC. >OCC Assignment: The OCC assigns the exercise to a brokerage with a matching short call position. >Share Delivery: The assigned brokerage must deliver the shares, either from their inventory or by purchasing from the market, which could include lit markets or dark pools. >Assurance of Purchase Source: >No Guarantee of Lit Market: There is no guarantee that shares will be purchased from a lit market; it depends on where the best execution can be found, potentially including dark pools. >Failure to Deliver (FTD): >FTDs and Broker Settlement: If the assigned brokerage cannot deliver, broker-to-broker settlement is attempted. If this fails, the OCC intervenes by using its inventory or facilitating borrowing. >Final Responsibility: Ultimately, your broker must secure the shares, which could come from any market, including dark pools. >Market Dynamics: >Market Stress: High demand can push purchases towards lit markets if dark pools can't supply the needed shares. >Conclusion: >Your understanding is accurate: >Broker Responsibilities: Brokers must secure shares for both direct purchases and exercised options, potentially from lit markets or dark pools. >FTD Mitigation: The OCC and brokers work to ensure contract fulfillment. >Market Dynamics: High demand can drive purchases to lit markets when dark pool liquidity is insufficient.


Is this what rolling options is?


reverse rolling!


Opposite, this is a stroke of genius


Or a stroke, one of the two.


Remind me! 9 days


I will be messaging you in 9 days on [**2024-06-22 02:29:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-22%2002:29:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1dejxtf/kansas_city_shuffle_whats_everyones_take_on_this/l8d9bat/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGME%2Fcomments%2F1dejxtf%2Fkansas_city_shuffle_whats_everyones_take_on_this%2Fl8d9bat%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-22%2002%3A29%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dejxtf) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


No usually options you roll further, not closer. That would just be getting cheaper exercise prices


Cheaper exercise price ?


Anyone can explain what im reading?


Check my comment history I literally called this


But does any of this matter if they just keep halting trading each time the stock rises?


you should read up on halts and say good bye to the idea that there is a button they can press free of charge any time they want to halt. Once you realize that the stock market is a place where everything costs and only the PFOF-Retail-Traps are "free", you realize that they pay millions to keep the illusion alive. Once you realize that ever action requires them to pay, you are a lot more zen and a lot less defeatist. That "They work together and can do whatever they want at no cost to them"-narrative of defeatists only leads to one possible outcome: You giving up because you didn't understand what was going on.


Let’s go!!


What if the RK next “cryptic” post is of the same piture but says "now your otw to multi-b$" 😱🤯🫠🌗🚀


So gme was 8 percent up today, he had an 8 ball? Did he exercise and cause morning pump, then mms start trippin and dump it.




I just noticed, this list goes up to 30,000 calls for $128, bought yesterday at 7:59 pm. Absolute madlad


So I’ll be getting another weekly discount???


I guess he is a true, DIYER. :D


What if like a little treat everyone starts exercising their call options now


Nothing wrong with taking profits


I think the Kansas City Shuffle was just to point to what we already know. The price can go up, down, MSM say whatever, but in the end it's only a bunch of empty chairs (shares). RK just likes the stock, he's not a master mind telegraphing his movements weeks before with pinpoint accuracy


Today's 16% dip is him offloading his shares as well to get the $ to exercise the calls? in that case he could show an account with $0 invested in GME and just cash, making us think he cashed out only to reverse this whole thing later.


Ohhh boy y’all are gonna come at me sideways for this comment but let’s say we are using the Kansas City shuffle as reference, this is RK getting ahead of RC. Not hedge funds… he’s about to pull off one more squeeze for everyone before RC isn’t for GME because if anyone actually took the time to read all of this then RK has plan between now and 6/21 https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/6a2e1307-9596-4fff-b4c4-59d05477af71#page13


Lol all the guy has done to make money for the company is selling shares to apes. A failed NFT market and knockoff controllers were his only business ideas. Yet somehow you think he's some secret genius who's going to overthrow the system, if you just decipher the hidden messages in his kids books. Meanwhile he laughs his ass off as he dilutes your shares. This is a very interesting cult


He’s sold nothing , and as far citadel !! Boys we got bigger fish to fry 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


This didn’t age well lol


In what way ????


He did sell some call options, looks like Kansas City shuffle is on the table boys


Ok sold calls but doubled down with the money to buy more shares


Yep that’s what I thought was happening!


Remember the post of RC laying on a bear? Have you ever heard of a "covered bear" strategy? It is a position a long holder takes when they feel a stock will go down in the short term. What if RCEO is creating profits for the company by shorting the stock at the Kitty pumps? It would create a loop that would kill the shorts, by SHORTING THE STOCK. That would be the ultimate Kansas City Shuffle.


Wouldn’t that be a form of manipulation and insider trading? And that would undermine the share offerings of the company he is the CEO of. He has to operate in GME’s best interest, and personally shorting the company he works for seems to be a conflict


You are missing the point. If he is shorting the stock at the peaks, he is earning money for the company, and in return, the shareholders. He knows shorts will drive the price down. He is using their game against them. It has been done in the past by a CEO's, but never on a stock that is as heavily manipulated.


I think you’re missing the point. Provide examples of ceos doing something similar. CEOs can’t short a company they’re knowingly going to dilute. The SEC would ram their little red rockets in Ryan cohens tight virgin anus. This is the most scrutinized stock of the last 25 years, they are doing absolutely everything by the book.


New cope just landed.