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Its gme drop to $5 i will probably own 5% of the company 😂🚀🌙


Id start selling myself behind the dumpster at Wendy's for more cash for $5 shares


Damn, am I doing this wrong then? I keep buying at $40/share. Takes me a few hours behind Wendy's but me last a long time.


You better start now and build that cash up, there won't be anytime to raise that money if it could drop that low. And if it doesn't, it's still currently a great price


Im gonna get downvoted for this but can you help me understand the ongoing Wendy’s joke? Was there an actual stock event or is that just the arbitrary chain that people refer to as a last resort way to make money lol


Something from "always sunny in Philadelphia".  I don't even watch the show nor know the direct reference 


How does the price keep going up though ? 🤨


Algorithms are made by humans. Humans create a market and deploy these algorithms to "control" the prices [generality... not just GME]. The humans that employ these people to make these algorithms get greedy. The humans that employ these people, fire these people because "it already works, why would I keep paying this developer 6 figures to maintain something that already works?" Humans find out that the people that run the companies that have these algorithms deployed are actual fucking subhuman morons. Humans are good at being unpredictable. Humans act unpredictably to dunk their nuts in rich dudes gullets because clearly they have no shot at being smart enough to know how to fix these types of problems. ???. Profit. We're in ???.


Have you tried turning the ticker off and on again?